Night's Beauty (The Valkyrie's Passion Prologue): A Valkyrie/Shifter Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Night's Beauty (The Valkyrie's Passion Prologue): A Valkyrie/Shifter Romance
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“What happened?” I muttered, shaking my head. There had been a figure— “Oh, no.”

I fumbled with my seat belt and climbed out of my car, looking around for the glowing man I hit. I frowned. That couldn't be right. Men didn't glow. I didn't see anything on the highway. My heels clicked on the wet asphalt as I walked down the road.


I frowned and headed back to my car. I examined the front end. I didn't notice any damage to the body or blood spattered on the hood. Did I actually hit anything? Right before I blacked out, I had the strange idea that the man had passed through my car. But that would be impossible.

Not sure what else to do, I walked back to my car and tried to start it. Nothing happened. Not even the dome light came on when I opened my door. My car was completely dead.

“Great,” I muttered. I grabbed my phone off the holder and swiped the screen.

The screen didn't light up.

How was that possible? It was plugged into my car charger. It should have a full battery. I held the on button. The phone didn't turn on. What was happening? I glanced at the watch on my left wrist. The second hand was frozen in place.

Even my watch was dead.

I put my phone in my purse and climbed out of the car. I glanced around at the foggy night and then looked at the bar. A line of motorcycles were parked out front. I didn't want to go in there, but I didn't think I had much choice.

I walked along the side of the highway through the fog, shivering in the cold. I should have brought a jacket. It had been such a nice, April day, I didn't think about how cold it would be at night.

As I puzzled over what had happened, a motorcycle roared behind me. I threw a look over my shoulder as the bike slowed and came to a stop beside me, the engine chugging and roaring. A large man sat upon it, his blond hair falling long and wild about his broad shoulders. His blue eyes flashed in the light from the bar as he looked at me, a slight grin curling his strong lips. He wore a leather vest that left a muscular chest and thick arms bare.

A flush of heat and fear went through me. This man was dangerous. A tattoo of a black, howling wolf's head was on his upper, right arm, and I could just make out what looked like a dragon on his chest. The back of his vest was covered in patches, dominated by another black wolf howling at the moon. His patches declared him to be a member of the Black Wolves Motorcycle Club, a founder and President of the Wolf Council, a hunter, and a 1%. 

Definitely dangerous.

“Car trouble?” he asked, his eyes raking over me.

I didn't like at all how my nipples hardened when he did that.

“I'm fine,” I said, glancing at the bar. It may look like a dive, but at least there would be people in there. A lot of them. His gaze was hungry. I felt so naked in my cocktail dress. “Just need to use the bar's phone.” 

“You can use mine.” He revved his motorcycle. “Or I can give you a lift.”

“Thank you,” I said, trying to keep my teeth from chattering. I drew myself up to my full, nearly six-feet height. I couldn't show fear. “But I'm fine.”

I backed away, my palms clammy as I clutched my purse.

“Yes, you are,” he nodded.

Why was his bold flirting working? Was it his confidence? Many men were intimidated by a taller woman, especially if she was beautiful. But not this biker.

“I wouldn't go in there,” he added as I kept walking away. “They'll eat you up in there.”

“And you won't eat me up if I stay out here, wolf?” I asked.

“When I eat you up, you'll love every second of it.”

“When?” I arched an eyebrow. I reached the bar's parking lot. I turned, walking faster. “That's a little bold. I don't date bikers.”

“I can change your mind. Come for a ride with me.”

I walked faster. I was half-afraid I would. And that would be a terrible mistake. I was a good girl. And a good girl shouldn't get involved with an outlaw biker. I ignored the desire pounding in my veins. That biker was gorgeous. And here I thought Kris was a stud.

I pushed through the doors into the bar. I was assaulted by rock music. Grinding, ear-splitting, headache-inducing metal roared through the bar. It was a biker bar, full of men wearing blue jeans and leather chaps with skanky women hanging on their arms. Some played pool in the back while others sat around tables drinking beer. Each man was dangerous.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

I couldn't show fear. I needed to be strong and confident. Like my mother.

I marched up to the bar where a stout woman nodded at me. She had a ruddy face and her brown hair cut into a butch style. Her arms were thick and muscled, covered in tattoos. A black spike pierced through her lower lip and more piercings studded her eyebrows.

“You look lost, honey,” she smiled at me. Her voice was surprisingly sweet and feminine.

“My car broke down. Can I use your phone to make a call?”

Before the bartender could answer, a man reeking of cigarettes and sour beer put his arm around my shoulders. “Well, well, where did you wander on in from, Sugarbuns?”


The biker had wild, brown hair falling in a tangled mess around his shoulders and a thick beard, spotted with gray, engulfed his face. A white scar ran across half his neck. I shuddered as he leered at me, his arm tightening about my shoulders.

“She's just using the phone, Talon,” the bartender said.

“Yes,” I nodded, shaking my head. I was as tall as Talon, and I fixed him a fierce stare. “So if you'll excuse me.”

“Now, now, Sugarbuns, I'm just trying to be friendly.” His hand wandered down my back to squeeze my rear.

“Hey,” I shouted, pushing him away. “What the hell?”

Talon's smile grew. “I love a feisty woman. Me 'n you are gonna have some fun tonight.” His eyes flicked down to my low-cut top. “Mmm, yes.”

“That's not happening.” I crossed my arms before my breasts. “So just back off.”

My heart thudded in my chest. I really shouldn't have walked into here. The disgusting biker had the same confidence as the wolf, but he wasn't nearly as handsome. The other biker's boldness had been attractive. This guy was just a sleazeball, no matter how confident he sounded.

And I had never been called something so disgusting in my life. Sugarbuns? I wanted to hurl.

“Relax, Sugarbuns, relax. If you're nice to me, I'll take care of you.”

“Stop calling me that,” I hissed. I glanced at the bartender, but she had wandered off.

“How 'bout Sugartits.” Talon's leer grew. “Because you have an amazing pair.”

Talon reached out to grasp me.

I slapped him hard.

His face grew angry. “You fuckin' cunt,” Talon spat. “You think you can wander into this bar dressed like a whore and not expect to be taken for a ride?”


My heart pounded in my chest. I looked around the room, hoping someone would step forward.

Talon seized my hand, pulling me to him. “Bertha, I'm heading up to the club room to teach this mouthy bitch a lesson.”

“This is just gonna cause problems, Talon,” the bartender said. “Just let her go. She—”

Talon rounded on her. On the back of his fringed, leather vest was a screaming, bald eagle with bloody talons. In big letters beneath the patch was a second that read “Bloody Eagles Motorcycle Club, Covington Chapter.”

“You shut your fucking mouth, Bertha,” Talon growled.

The butch woman paled.

I tried to pull away, but his grip was strong. “I'm not going upstairs with you.”

This really couldn't be happening. How did this night go so bad? Most of the bar hadn't even noticed anything going on. And the few that did just smiled, laughed, and continued drinking their beers.

Talon yanked me away from the bar, pulling me towards the stairs that were by the back door. I dug my heels into the floor. That didn't stop the strong man.

“Someone, help me,” I shouted, looking around.

No one moved a muscle.

“No one cares, Sugartits,” Talon laughed. “You wandered into my territory. But don't worry, once you get a taste of what I'm packin', you'll be eager for more.”

I screeched in fury and slapped at his back. He didn't care.

When we were near the back door, about to head upstairs, the wolf biker stepped into the bar. His blue eyes hardened when he saw me, his fist balling up.

“Magnus?” Talon spat. “You fuckin' bastard. What are you doin' in my bar?”

Magnus's fist slammed into Talon's face. The disgusting biker stumbled back, blood pouring from his broken nose. He crashed onto the ground, his eyes rolling up in his head. There was a momentary pause, and then a roar burst out of the other bikers.

“Come on,” Magnus said, grabbing my arm. “Let's go.”

I didn't argue. I let him drag me out of the bar. His bike idled right outside the back door. I didn't hesitate to jump on behind him, wrapping my arms around his broad torso as I hugged him. My heart hammered in my chest as his bike roared and took off down an alley that ran behind the bar.

“You okay?” he asked as the bike burst out onto a foggy street. He took a hard turn.

“Yes,” I screamed, my body buzzing with excitement. “You punched him.”

“Fucker had it coming,” he snarled. “Talon and his assholes are a bunch of pigs.”

“You were right,” I whispered.


“And you came to rescue me?”


I hugged him tighter.

Behind us, motorcycles roared as the rest of the Blood Eagles poured out of the bar. Dogs barked as the peaceful night of the small town of Covington was ruined by the growl of the bikes. The cold air whipped past me as Magnus took a hard turn. He weaved through the streets, turning right and left and going every which way through the fog.

I was completely lost.

I couldn't believe this complete stranger rescued me. I pressed my face into his right shoulder. The rich scent of leather filled my nose, and beneath it was a masculine scent. My nipples hardened in my top and the roar of the bike's engine vibrated through my seat.

I was all too aware of the thin scrap of my panties between me and the vinyl seat. My skirt had ridden up as I straddled the bike. I pressed my legs tight about his as I held him. The foggy, night town roared by us as we raced away from danger.

As we rode, the roar of the Blood Eagles's bikes fading behind us, I realized just how sexy it was to be rescued. Magnus didn't know me. He didn't have to step into a bar where he was outnumbered twenty-to-one by a dangerous motorcycle club to save me.

But he did.

My desires grew hotter inside me. I was almost drunk on the excitement. It was like a movie. And he was so handsome and wild. So strong. He knocked Talon out with a single punch. I shuddered on the back of the bike.

Such naughty thoughts went through my mind.

No man had ever made me so excited before.

I became aware that my fingers were touching his rippling abs as I held him. I traced his muscles as I asked, “Where are you taking me?”

“Depends,” Magnus answered. “On how wild you want to get tonight.”

Another warm flush went through me.

“Are you going to devour me?” I moaned as we slowed to a stop at a streetlight. I had no idea where we were.

“Do you want me to devour you?” He flashed a look over his shoulder, his blue eyes smoldering. He had the strong, chiseled face of a Viking warrior. I could easily picture this man in furs at the prow of a longboat, ready to reeve and pillage. 

“Yes,” I answered before I lost my nerve.

I couldn't believe I said that. I couldn't believe any of this was happening. I wasn't the type of girl that had one night stands. I rarely put out. Only two boyfriends had ever gotten me into bed, and both times had been so disappointing.

But my heart screamed to be wild tonight. I was rescued by a hunky warrior, and it felt right to give myself to him.

Magnus revved his hog and roared through the intersection before the light even changed green.

Despite the cold wind rushing by, I was on fire. My black hair whipped behind me as we roared through the night streets. I clung to Magnus for warmth, my fingers toying with the hard flesh of his stomach while the engine's vibration made me wetter with every passing mile. 

The fog dwindled and then vanished before we pulled into the Maple Valley Best Western. I only had the vaguest idea where Maple Valley was. I believed the town lay farther east on Highway 516 from Covington and Seattle.

I didn't care.

I was almost sad when the engine cut off. My legs shook as I dismounted. Magnus seized me, pulling me to him. He stared into my eyes, studying me. I shivered, holding him tight. I knew this was wrong. I knew I would regret this. But I had to have him tonight. One night of passion.

“What?” I asked.

“Making sure this is what you want.”

“Is it?” I asked, rubbing harder against him.

“You've wanted it since you laid eyes on me...” He arched his eyebrows, inviting me to supply a name.

“I'm Raven.”

“A magnificent bird,” he answered and kissed me.

Everything vanished except Magnus. There was no parking lot. There was no cold wind. There was no seedy motel. There was only the wolfish biker's arms wrapped about my body, holding me tight. His body was so hard against my soft curves. His hand slid down and squeezed my ass. I moaned as he kneaded me, pulling me harder against his bulge.

I never wanted the kiss to end. My heart thudded in my chest. No kiss had ever made the world spin about me. I clung to him. I was afraid if I let go I would drown in our passion. My arms tightened about his neck.

When he broke the kiss, I realized he was taller than me. Over six feet. I liked it. It was nice to look up into a man's strong, passionate face. “You are all mine for the night.”

“Yes,” I moaned.

He leaned down and scooped me up, throwing me over his shoulder. I giggled as my hair fell down around my face. I squirmed, playfully trying to escape. But my biker warrior had captured me and was carrying me off.

“What are you going to do to me?” I moaned.

“Enjoy you.” His hand slid up beneath my skirt to pat my ass through my satin panties.

BOOK: Night's Beauty (The Valkyrie's Passion Prologue): A Valkyrie/Shifter Romance
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