NE 1 - Meeting A Neighbor's Needs (3 page)

BOOK: NE 1 - Meeting A Neighbor's Needs
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The second vibrator wasn’t painful, as I’d feared when George first eased it in. He only pressed it in a few inches before leaving it and working my vibrator.

That’s where his magic lay. He thrust, turned, and flexed my new toy in and out of me in tandem with the movements of his cock in my mouth. I sucked, licked, and nibbled on him for all I was worth. His control never broke, even when mine did. The triple sensations sent me over the edge.

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My climax seemed to last forever. Visions of what we must look like, me, belly down on the bed, and George draped over my back, sent me off into a second, stronger orgasm.

Something I’d read years before about a woman’s sexual fantasy swam through my mind as the muscles of my pussy clenched around the vibrator. How she had dreamed of being fucked by three good-looking, well-hung construction workers at once. A “sandwich,”

she’d called herself, with one man beneath her, a second behind her, and the third literally in her face.

The woman’s fantasy now made better sense to me.

George eased his cock from my slack lips, slipped the moist vibrators free, and set them aside. He grabbed a condom from the nightstand and quickly sheathed himself. Lifting my limp body astride his thighs, he slid home, the broad head of his penis sending me into orbit a third time.

“Goddamn, baby,” he growled, working my hips over his length until he’d reached his own climax. “You fuck so good.”

He left my bed with a long, wet kiss near midnight and a promise of more to come.

George was less elusive after that. When passing in the hall, his hands would slide around my waist and pull me close for a soft kiss, his warm lips taking mine with slow, deliberate care. Other times he would follow me into my apartment, shut the door, and strip away my blouse to fondle and suck my breasts or bare my pussy for a long, thorough tongue-fuck.

My job kept me away during the day. I’d gotten a teaching contract just after George’s first night with me, so I no longer worked at the video store. His had him traveling several times during the month, but he made time to greet me. Each time his passion took longer to satisfy, while holding my own at the razor’s edge until he allowed me to tumble into climax.

Even more satisfying for me was his interest in sharing our fantasies. Nothing seemed to unnerve him, not my mention of ménage, bondage play, or sex with a stranger. And when Meeting a Neighbor’s Needs


he whispered about seeing other men fucking me, my body hummed with a heady mixture of fear and anticipation. Accurately reading my arousal, his husky laughter only increased the heat flooding my pussy.

I looked forward to our next encounter, wondering if I would ever be able to best him at his own game.

* * * * *

A few weeks later, my opportunity to test my ability came, but the joke eventually ended up on me.

Late in the evening, I was unable to sleep. My body pulsed from memories of George and visions of the construction workers in the fantasy. Memories of the toys and plugs I’d eyed at the store, as well as the slender wand George had used on my ass, taunted me. I didn’t want to use my vibrator, not when what I really needed was just a few feet away.

Although we hadn’t passed in the hall, I had seen him pull in hours earlier. Peering out the kitchen window, I could see his car still parked in his assigned space.

Donning my burgundy silk robe, I locked my apartment door and moved to the doorway beside mine. Knocking just loud enough to draw attention without waking anyone other than George, I waited in the hall.

No light came on, but my sexy neighbor must have glanced through the peephole.

When the door swung free, George stood in the doorway, naked, legs braced apart, and penis growing thicker as I watched.

I said nothing to him, just slipped the knot on my robe. The crossed panels separated, exposing my nudity. He retreated a few steps as I slipped past him, moving into his apartment enough to allow him to close and latch the door behind us. Remaining silent, he waited until I faced him in the darkened room.

Wanting to maintain control of the situation, I edged closer to George, and grasped his distended arousal in my hand. Dropping to my knees, my mouth whispered over his length 16 Qwillia Rain

to lovingly bathe his velvety shaft. Sucking at the smooth, rounded head and caressing the dangling sac with precise strokes designed to send him hurtling into a climax before he could protest, my focus was on bringing him pleasure.

Again, I was only partially victorious.

As I worked over his arousal, George maintained a firm grip on my head. My tactics were successful, for a time. I’d surprised him with my sneak attack, but he was quick to wrench control away from me. I could feel his climax as it drew nearer. I tried to pull away -- I had never been a swallower -- but he wouldn’t free me, resulting in my first taste of a man’s ejaculate as George spurted and pulsed within my mouth. With one of his hands on my head and the other stroking my throat, I consumed every drop.

Perhaps it was the way he could satisfy me like none of my previous lovers. I think it was his confidence and dominant personality. In any case, I had allowed no other man to do the things George demanded of me.

Unlike Bob, climax didn’t leave George limp. His cock was still firm when he slipped free of my lips and lifted me to my feet. The hand on my throat smoothed the swollen curves of my breasts before slipping to the wet folds of flesh between my thighs. His eyes glittered with what appeared to be approval at my initiative. The juices of my body had overflowed, sending a trickle of dampness down the inside of my legs. Leaning forward, George caressed my lips with his, licking at the residue of his completion while his fingers tangled in the wet curls of my pussy.

Stroking the pouting lips with his fingertips, he whispered against my mouth, “I can smell how hot you are, Gina. Do you still wanna play?”

He rubbed my sensitive tissue with his erection, sending a shiver through my body.

The smell of clean skin and musk filled my head, blanketing my mind with need.

“Oh, yes,” I assured him as his tongue slipped past my lips to taste our mingled flavors.

Meeting a Neighbor’s Needs


The fingers in my hair slipped free of the cage they’d created and eased the robe from my shoulders. Strong arms lifted me, holding me against a chest lightly dusted with grey hair. Buried in the fur, his deep brown nipples were stiff with arousal, and brushed my own rigid peaks.

Never turning on a lamp, George carried me into his bedroom. The bed was larger than mine, draped in black satin, pillows pushed to one side. The tousled sheets attested to a restlessness similar to mine, and I smiled against his teasing lips when I glanced over his shoulder and caught sight of them.

Setting me on my feet, he left my side only long enough to pull aside the sheet, and then lower me onto the still-warm bedding. With my legs dangling over the edge of the bed, George stepped between my relaxed thighs and feathered his fingertips over the apex, teasing the damp curls, but avoiding the moist petals of flesh within them. The path of his fingers up my belly, along my ribs, and around the aroused areolas of my breasts coursed like a stream of fire through my body. My breath was shallow, panting, and my eyelids were weighted, too heavy to remain open. His fingertips skimmed the sensitive undersides of my arms, lifting cumbersome limbs above my head so the tips of my fingers gripped the black satin covers.

I could feel his stiff cock slide over the wet folds between my legs. Over and over, he worked his thick shaft through my curly pubic hair, taunting the swollen flesh, tapping his hot sac against the empty mouth of my pussy.

His lips teased mine, lightly touching, tongue tracing the outside, and then thrusting aggressively inward, sweeping the moist warmth of my mouth with rapacious force. One fist continued to grip my wrists, keeping my body stretched taut beneath him while his free hand roamed over my curves, tracing a breast here, a thigh there.

When my cries and moans had reached a fevered pitch, he stepped away. His gaze held me on the bed when I would have lunged after him.

Perhaps it was my need for more that had me seeing what I wanted.

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Holding my gaze, he waited, chest rising and falling with heavy breaths, as if he searched for the same elusive evidence that our encounters had moved beyond the casual.

That our attraction, animal and intense, was more than two bodies fucking, scratching an itch no other lover could quite reach.

Speculation came to an end as he moved just far enough to retrieve the familiar black packets from his dresser -- a half dozen condoms fell onto the bed beside me. I couldn’t hold back my chuckle as George dropped a seventh one onto my belly.

“Put it on,” he commanded, stepping close, his erection thick and proud before me, creamy drops of precome pooling in the slit. Again, that hint of satisfaction at my response filled his voice, his eyes, fueling a similar sensation deep in my core.

Despite the need wracking my body, my fingers were steady as I ripped the cellophane and lifted the latex tube to his cock. Taking my time, I sheathed his length, squeezing the throbbing flesh as I smoothed the condom into place.

“Very good, Gina. Now…” The wicked grin lifted his lips. “Lay back, baby.”

Returning to my place on the bed, I lifted my arms above my head again, joy zinging through my center at having pleased him with such a simple task.

Leaning over me, he held my wrists with one hand while the other dipped to stroke at my weeping pussy. Gaze locked with his, I could see him savoring every nuance of my reaction as he tested the readiness of my sheath, the sensitive knot of my clit, without providing the friction I so desperately needed to climax.

Finally, finally, after so long I could have sobbed in gratitude, George allowed his dick to penetrate me. He worked his hips in shallow thrusts, coating his length in my juices before he pulled free again. Against his lips, I sobbed, unable to put my pleading into words.

Long, agonizing seconds passed as he buried his face against my neck, breathing deep.

“God,” he growled, teeth nipping at the taut line of my throat, “your smell intoxicates me.”

Meeting a Neighbor’s Needs


His words shivered through me, throwing my heart into a faster rhythm and sending my thoughts tumbling as his body shifted against mine, lying heavily on my chest, making it difficult for me to draw breath. He pulled his hand from my wrists, but I didn’t shift my supplicant pose. The tightening of my breasts and the rasp of coarse chest hair against my nipples heralded more sensation than I’d experienced in any of our previous encounters. His fingers tilted my hips higher, lifting them clear of the black satin. My legs were spread farther and my ankles draped over his shoulders as George lowered his mouth and nipped at my mound.

He licked and suckled the kernel tucked beneath the pouting lips of my pussy. His facile tongue lapped at my channel, dipping inside to caress the nerve-rich walls. George worked his magic on my body, stroking and sucking me to a shattering climax.

Rocking his cock into my clenching pussy, he pulled free, spread the rounded cheeks of my bottom, and tried to penetrate me anally. Caught in the throes of my climax, I did little to protest his attempted entry. My position left me vulnerable to his thrusts, but the muscles in my ass tightened against admitting him.

How could he know about my curiosity? That I’d imagined purchasing one of the conical plugs and inserting it ever since my visit to the adult toy store? Even as the thoughts spun through my aroused mind, he pulled free and held himself propped over me. I watched as he reached over my clenched hands to slide the drawer of the nightstand open. His eyes searched mine, looking for a hint of refusal or hesitation. The rustling of paper and items was loud in the still room as he gathered what he needed, but the heat of his cock, moist against my belly, distracted me. Moving back over me, the stroke of his skin against mine had me arching closer, nipping at his whiskered chin, and drawing a grin at the playful bite, before his expression grew serious again.

Rising over me, he held my gaze for a moment before one warm hand settled on my belly. “Roll over.” He gave the command in a quiet, even tone, but the unspoken request for 20 Qwillia Rain

trust filled both words. This was where I either passed or failed. Give him my trust, or walk away.

Inside, I knew what he intended, knew that following his instructions was tantamount to giving my consent. And I wanted to. I was curious to experience the sensation of his cock sliding into the virgin depths of my ass. Holding his gaze, I tried to silently communicate the conflicting thoughts going through my mind, but nothing in his steady gaze betrayed his emotions; he merely watched.

Turning belly-down on the bed, I kept my arms raised above my head, hands fisted in the silky sheets. Using only his hands to direct me, he positioned my knees under me so my butt was lifted, accessible.

I could hear the cap slip free of whatever he’d taken from the nightstand drawer. From my awkward position, I didn’t bother looking over my shoulder to see what he was doing, but against the spread cheeks of my butt I felt a cold, jellylike substance drizzle onto the tight opening of my anus.

His fingers worked the gel around my back entrance, the cool slick, substance easing any pain his first attempt had created.

“You’ve never done this before, have you, babe?” His finger dipped into the tight channel, opening it further.

Again I felt the thick gel, only this time I could feel it slip inside. His finger worked its way deeper and deeper, spreading the jelly, coating the inside of my ass. His cock sank into my wet pussy, rebuilding the arousal that had dimmed with the sharp sting.

Working his length in and out, making each stroke match the advance and retreat of his finger in my ass, my breath hitched as he added a second, and then a third, digit to his explorations. I couldn’t protest. I could barely think by that time. The bedsprings squeaked in protest at each forceful thrust of his cock and the rocking of my body beneath his attentions. Another climax was welling up from inside. My thighs tingled. The spring in my Meeting a Neighbor’s Needs

BOOK: NE 1 - Meeting A Neighbor's Needs
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