Read Naughty Neighbors Online

Authors: Destiny Blaine

Tags: #erotic romance/bdsm romance

Naughty Neighbors (10 page)

BOOK: Naughty Neighbors
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Her cheeks paled. She didn’t look away. Instead, she made direct eye contact and said, “I never want to lie to you.”

“Then don’t.”

“Would you like to know what my biggest fear is now?” Her voice was soft. Her expression was priceless.

“If you want to tell me...” He hoped his reluctance at that point was a show of strength and confidence. He wanted to give her room to breathe, allow her the opportunity to continue without pressure.

She cupped his cheek and he allowed her to feel his skin. They would discuss his rules about touching another time—or perhaps they wouldn’t. He could bend his own rules for her. He glanced down at his erection. He would bend them. In fact, he’d likely break them.

Clasping her wrist, he brought her fingers to his lips and savored their connection, the way she seemed to touch him in one place and set fire to another. Several sensations zipped up and down his spine and his cock twitched uncontrollably.

He kissed the inside of her palm and pushed her back against the bed. Towering over her, he tossed one condom next to her and ripped open the other. He sheathed himself and buried his tongue inside her mouth, kissing her with fervor.

Breaking their connection, she whispered, “I’m scared to death.”

And he could see that fear residing in her eyes. “Have I frightened you?”

She traced his lips with her fingers and said, “No, Sir.”

“Then what is it, sub?” So much for giving her the space she needed.

“After everything you’ve shown me in such a short time, I’m afraid I’ll be the one who won’t let go.”



Static flooded the aircraft. Kemper groaned and shifted in his seat. “Damn.” He stretched his legs out in front of him and slumped somewhat so he could peer outside. The dark night opened up to a blanket of lights.

“Mr. Kapertone, we’re cleared for landing.” The pilot’s voice filled the intercom. “You’ll be on the ground in ten minutes. There’s a car waiting for you.”

Kemper hit the overhead button. “Thanks, Stan. I really appreciate you flying us out on short notice.”

“Don’t mention it, Mr. Kapertone. Enjoy your stay in Cincinnati.”

He glanced at Carly. Curled up on the nearby sofa, she hadn’t so much as budged. Kemper rose from his recliner and kissed her forehead. “Wake up, sleeping beauty.”

She threw her arm over her head, rolled over, and mumbled, “I’ll make it up to you later.”

“You will?” He sat beside her and curved his arm around her waist. “I think we both have a rain check. We slept through the flight. We’re about to land.”

“Not possible. We just took off.”

“Stan works wonders.” The plane jarred then and the wheels lowered. A whistling noise resounded as the back of the aircraft lowered and the nose seemed to point straight up.

Slow to sit, Carly rubbed her eyes with tightly drawn fists. “I must’ve been beat.”

Kemper helped her adjust her top, tucking away her bra straps. Touching her made him horny but they didn’t have time to fool around. A masculine growl escaped his lips. “You passed out on me, you little vixen.”

“We passed out on each other.” She looked out the window and added, “Looks like Cincinnati to me.” Grabbing her high heels from the floor, she sat on her left hip and slipped on her shoes. “What’s the plan? Do you have one?”

“The car is waiting for us at the gate. Do you want me to rent a room and drop you off downtown? Or do you want to go with me?”

Carly blinked. “I think I should go, too. Don’t you?”

He brushed her hair away from her shoulders. “Do you want to go?”

“She’s my best friend, Kemper. If she’s upset, you know I want to be there to reassure her.”

“All right.” He framed her face. “You know I love you, right?”

“I like to hear it a little more than you like to say it.”

At that moment, he felt a stabbing sensation in his chest. It occurred to him then that he seldom told his favorite women how much he cared for them, how much he cherished and loved them.

He drew Carly close and peppered her lips with soft kisses. “I adore you. I love you.”

She pulled away then and touched his cheek. “Let me ask you something. Do you love one of us more than the other?”

“No. Why? Do I make you feel as if I love you less?”

“No.” Carly shook her head. “But I don’t know if Kara would give you the same answer.”



“May I touch you, Sir?”

“You’re learning.” He laced their fingers together and guided her over his twitching prick. “And yes, please touch me, sub.”

Kara took the nearby lube in hand and doused his cock with the oily substance. They stared into one another’s eyes, but only held the connection for a few seconds before they turned their gazes downward. He released his grip and left her fingers locked around his cock. She pulled him gently at first before increasing her speed.

“Ah yes, baby,” he crooned, throwing his head back. “Just like that.”

She squeezed him when she yanked him forward, eased the tension when she slid her hand back. Her pace changed from one pull to the next.

The chemistry between them continued to build as they gave one another these stormy looks. The bewildering moment quickly became a preamble of sorts, not just to the foreplay unraveling, but to a budding new relationship. There was too much seduction in play from both participants and Zak found her completely irresistible.

He bracketed his arm around her waist and pulled her against him, smothering her lips with his kiss. Their tongues twirled and he deepened the kiss. Then, breaking the connection, he dipped his head and nuzzled her breast, sucking her hard nipple between his teeth and pulling at the taut gem until she whimpered.

Hearing her voice was like finding a blazing fire in the middle of an ice storm. Her words heated his flesh. Her pleasurable cries stripped him of all defenses. She destroyed his self-control and he loved every minute of it.

“I’m going to ask you for a favor,” he whispered, nicking at her ear. “You can tell me no, because I promised to reward you however you want to be intimately compensated, but I need something from you.”

She lowered her eyes then and his cock twitched all over the place. With her show of submissiveness, he grew harder thinking of all the ways he would soon teach her everything he needed her to know.

He wanted her to learn to present herself properly. He needed her to bow her head in submission with her eyes downcast as they were then. He longed to see her kneeling in front of him, her knees slightly apart, her chest forward and her arms bound behind her back.

God help him, he wanted her trained for submission and the training wasn’t going as well as he’d planned because all he could think about, the only thing he had on his mind, was sinking between her soft thighs and fucking her wild, screwing her all night long.

Kara lifted her head. “What did you want to ask me? I’ll try anything once.”

With unwavering commitment then, he reached across the bed and took the padded rope he’d used to secure her before. “I need you bound when I take you for the first time.”

A misty haze washed over her pupils. She glanced at the spreader bar and rubbed her lips together.

Catching her meaning, or imagining he had, he placed the rope next to her knees and said, “That particular bar is for a doggy-style position.”

“Oh.” She studied the box with a more intense stare.

He cupped her breast and pinched her nipple. “Do you think you’d enjoy being bound like that, Kara?”

She picked up the box and flipped it over. A soft gasp fell from her lips. Pulling the contraption from the container, she didn’t meet his gaze then. She pulled the bar and cuffs free without uttering a word.

She fiddled with the contraption for a few minutes. Then, she asked, “Where would you like me, Sir?”

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Have you ever had anal sex before?”

The idea of taking her ass before claiming her pussy appealed to him on a few different levels. While taking her anally was more personal, at least to him, he wasn’t sure he could fuck her sweet pussy, look into her eyes, and then walk away from her at the end of the night. Hell, even taking her with restraints in place would make it difficult enough for him to resist the temptation of staying in her bed until morning.

“This is what I want,” she whispered, dragging her finger up and down his shaft.

His body went rigid. His cock stood proud. Still, he somehow managed to grate out, “On the floor, sub.” He pointed to the space next to the bed. “I want you on all fours.”



“Oh God, Kemper.” Carly pointed at Kara’s upstairs window. “Her light is on.”

Kemper felt uneasy then. What had he been thinking? What had ever possessed him to grope Carly in public? Even though they had some sense of privacy in the restaurant, it was an illusion and he knew that much. He understood his position made him vulnerable and yet he hadn’t tried to control himself. He hadn’t thought about the consequences.

A man in his field couldn’t afford to live so carelessly in the public eye. It wasn’t fair to the women he loved and it wasn’t fair to his team. They had enough to deal with in sideline interviews without each of them covering for the other one when they were asked to speculate on the personal lives of those they called out as teammates and friends.

As his coach had explained again and again, “What you do off this field inevitably affects all of us.”

Point taken. Lesson learned—the hard way.

“Kemper?” Carly snapped her fingers in front of his face. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he replied, realizing the past couldn’t be undone. If Kara was up at four in the morning, he and Carly had destroyed her sense of security. They’d brought her unnecessary pain. Now he needed to find out what he could do to make it up to her. “I have a key to the patio door. We’ll let ourselves in the back.”

~ * ~

Zak was in trouble. He’d consider himself lucky if he made it through the night without coming before he worked his cock deep inside that hot little ass of hers.

Situated on her knees, Kara wore nylon cuffs on her ankles and wrists. They were bound together and secured to a wide leather-wrapped bar. Her back rounded naturally and her chest was forward, those perky nipples pressed against the tops of her legs.

“Holy sweet hell.” Zak swallowed tightly before tossing several lubes and the unopened condom to the floor next to her knees. He might as well prepare for the worst case scenario. One stroke and he might blow!

“Are you comfortable?” He wet his fingers with the lube then moved in behind her.

“Yes, Sir.”

He dragged a lone finger down the seam of her ass. “Are you sure?”

A sharp intake of air led him to believe that regardless of her comfort level, she was experiencing some angst. Pressing his finger against her hole, he leaned forward and whispered, “I asked you a question, sub.”

Her puckered entrance pulsated around the probing digit, sucking at the pad until he had no other choice but to insert his finger and take that first step to stretch and prepare her.

His cock was painfully hard by the time he wiggled a second finger deep inside her ass. “How’s that feel, sub?”

“It burns,” she admitted.

“Has he taken you here?” he asked, very much aware of how much it would bother him if Kara ever allowed Kemper Kapertone back into her bed.

“Yes, Sir.” She shook her head. “But not like this.” Her body trembled. “Never like this.”

“Are you wet, lover?” he asked, reaching around her waist. “Tell me, sub.”

“Yes, Sir. God yes.”

Zak flattened his hand against her mound and splayed his fingers, using his middle finger to tap against her clit. At the same time, he thrust three fingers deep inside her ass, cranking the firm digits inside her hole while flicking her clit with his other fingers.

“Zak,” she crooned.

His name on her lips was like a shot of stout liquor. He removed his fingers from her body and backed away from her then.

Grabbing a paddle from the bed, he knelt in front of her. Tilting her face to his, he showed her the item in his hand. “Do you know why I need to spank you?”

Visible chill bumps marked her chest and arms. Her breasts looked fuller now and her face was flushed.

Her eyes were weaker, proving she had grown tired. Sleepy or not, she still had that lust-filled gaze. True curiosity lingered in her expression.

“Do you want me to fuck you while I spank you?”

Her body lunged forward and her hair fell over her face. When she jerked her head back, she looked like an untamed tigress, too wild to catch, too undomesticated to teach. She was a raging beauty who took his breath away. And in that moment, he saw the answer she refused to give him.


“No, Sir,” she replied. Yet her entire form seemingly suggested otherwise. And she didn’t bother to tell him why she’d called out his name instead of referencing him properly. She wanted her punishment. She needed a small dose of pain as much as she yearned for pleasure.

Zak was more turned on than he had ever been in his life. In fact, he was thoroughly convinced. No other woman had ever made him feel more like a man than his sweet and innocent Kara.



Kara felt sexy. She felt alive!

From the moment he bound her wrists and spread her hips and buttocks, she had embraced the exposure. Now, she felt like a full-fledged seductress, too. Summoning her lover, she challenged him when he stood before her.

She bowed her head and slung her hair back. She watched him, noticing how she had a special effect on him, how his cock seemingly extended to her right at that precise moment.

Kara reminded herself why writing about Domination and submission had previously presented its share of challenges. She lacked experience.

Zak wasn’t just giving her what she required in terms of research. He was allowing her to step into a world to which she was certain she’d always belonged. He was providing instruction. She was eager to practice and learn.

BOOK: Naughty Neighbors
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