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Authors: J. A Melville

Natasha's Awakening (5 page)

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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With his lips still moving hungrily over hers, he cupped her breast with one hand, flicking her nipple until it had formed a hard peak. After he’d given the same attention to her other breast, Eric’s hand continued downwards, over her ribs, down over her flat stomach until he reached the curls at the apex to her thighs. His fingers parted her folds, dipping into her moist entrance, slowly pushing them into her as deep as he could. Natasha's muscles contracted around his fingers and Eric groaned softly, impatiently thrusting against her thigh.

“Please Eric.” Her voice was strained, although she wasn’t even sure what she wanted.

“Patience baby.” He said pulling his fingers out of her and directing his attention to her swollen, sensitive clitoris. He swirled his fingers around and around the swollen bud, dipping into her entrance to lubricate his fingers occasionally before returning to her clitoris.

Eric was unrelenting circling it and brushing over it until Natasha started thrashing her head from side to side as the pressure built within her. She cried out when her orgasm hit, her body bucking off the bed, her hips gyrating against Eric’s hand as he drew the last ripples of pleasure from her.

As she started to come down from her climax, Natasha was aware of her ragged breathing, and the tremors that racked her limbs. She opened her eyes to see Eric watching her, his face strained and passion burning in his eyes and when she put her hand out to cup his cheek, he trembled.

Natasha ran her hands up through his hair until she got to the back of his head, and she dragged him forward, kissing him tenderly. Eric groaned tearing his lips away from hers, “I need you now sweetheart.” He said. “I can’t wait any longer. Are you sore? I don’t want to hurt you but fuck I need you so badly.” He groaned.

Natasha smiled and reached down to curl her fingers around Eric’s engorged penis, grazing her thumb over the head. He jerked in her hand, cursing. “Fuck, don’t touch me baby, please or this is going to be over before it even begins.” He growled.

Sitting up suddenly, he grabbed a condom from the drawer next to the bed, ripped it open with his teeth and quickly sheathed himself. Natasha felt her insides contract when she saw the impressive length of him, hard and ready for her. She reached out and touched him, sliding her fingers down to the base of his penis, but Eric grabbed her hand, “No Natasha, don’t.” He sounded tense. “I want to be inside you when I come.”

He grabbed her hips, “Roll over, get onto your knees.” He said. Natasha rolled over and pulled herself up so she was on all fours. Eric ran his hands over her buttocks, cupping the smooth lines of her cheeks, he reached down between her legs, sliding a finger inside her.

“You’re so hot and god you’re soaking wet.” He gasped. He got up on his knees, positioning himself behind her. Eric grasped her hips firmly, pulling her back towards him and Natasha could feel the tip of his penis pushing against her entrance. He lunged forward, ramming into her hard until his length was buried deep inside her. Natasha cried out from the feel of him suddenly filling her and Eric paused for a moment, his breathing ragged and hot against her back. He pulled out, then thrust hard, into her. He continued with his steady strokes for a few moments before groaning and with his fingers digging into her hips to hold her steady, he started plunging into her, all efforts to control himself gone.

Amazingly, Natasha could feel her orgasm building again, she started to breathe faster, pushing back against Eric as he thrust into her. “Fuck Natasha, I can’t hold back.” He ground out through gritted teeth. He lunged violently slamming into her cervix, reaching around her, to tug on her erect nipple. That was all it took for Natasha. Her body convulsed through another intense orgasm, just as Eric shouted out and plunged hard once more into her. Natasha’s muscles contracted around Eric and she could feel him pulsing and throbbing through his own release. His hips jerked as he continued to spill inside her and she clenched down on his shaft, her feminine grasp milking him of the last of his seed.

Natasha’s body suddenly felt boneless and she started to collapse onto the bed. Eric pulled out of her, sinking down on her back, as she sprawled out on the mattress. She could feel the hard, frantic beat of his heart through her back and the room was filled with the mutual sounds of their laboured breathing, as they struggled to get oxygen into their lungs.

Eric moved off Natasha, rolling onto his back alongside of her. They lay without speaking for a while, as they both slowly came down from the amazing sex they’d just shared.

Suddenly something occurred to Natasha. “Whatever happened to our dinner?” She asked Eric.

He turned to look at her, his breathing still fast. “What?” He gasped. Natasha rolled onto her side so she could look at Eric.

“Our dinner Eric, from last night, what happened to it, I wonder?” She clarified her question to him.

Eric dragged himself upright, swinging his legs to the floor and stood up, removing the condom, tying it off before tossing it into the bin by the bed. Showing absolutely no concern with his nudity in front of Natasha, Eric walked gracefully to the bathroom, the muscles in his back flexing as he moved. With a small sigh Natasha watched him. The man really was sex on legs as far as she was concerned. It wasn’t until he disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind him that Natasha finally broke free of the hold he had on her and collapsed back on the bed with a loud sigh.  

While Eric was in the bathroom, Natasha grabbed the sheet and pulled it up around her before lying back down on the bed. She closed her eyes, images of the time she’d spent with Eric running through her head, making her smile to herself. “What do you look so smug about?” Eric’s voice suddenly sounded in her ear and Natasha jumped. She hadn’t even heard him come out of the bathroom.

When she opened her eyes, Eric was bent over her smiling, a lock of his hair had fallen forward partially covering one eye. Natasha could smell toothpaste and going by his smooth cheek when she raised her hand to his face, he’d also shaved. Her fingers travelled up his cheek until she could push the lock of his hair back, but it only fell forward again as soon as she removed her hand. Eric grabbed it before she could drop it back by her side, and he raised her hand to his lips, pressing them to her soft palm, sending a shiver of awareness through her. Natasha couldn’t help but wonder if it was always going to be like this now. Would just one touch, one look be all it took for her to want him again?

She stared at him, her eyes travelling slowly over him until finally she noticed he now had a towel knotted around his waist. “Come have a shower with me.” He said, his voice husky.

“I need the bathroom first Eric.” She said, rising from the bed. She suddenly felt a little shy in front of him naked, but given she had nothing nearby that she could put on, she simply had to hold her head high and walk off to the bathroom, knowing Eric’s eyes were following her. He slapped her lightly on the buttock as she walked past him, and she squealed, jumping forward, then hastily retreated to the bathroom, closing the door behind her and locking it firmly.

Natasha took care of her suddenly urgent need for the toilet then washed her hands, looking at her image in the mirror as she did. She almost didn’t recognize the woman staring back at her. Her hair tumbled in disarray around her shoulders and cascaded down her back in a tangled riot of curls. Her eyes looked larger than normal, with a softer, slumberous look to them and even her lips looked fuller, almost pouty.

When Natasha looked around on the vast vanity unit that ran the full length of the wall, with two basins and an assortment of complimentary toiletries, toothbrushes, toothpaste and an overwhelming number of pretty soaps and bath salts, she reached for a new toothbrush and the paste so she could brush her teeth. There was no way she was facing Eric again until she’d brushed her teeth and tried to tame her wild hair first. Once her teeth were done, then she picked up a hairbrush and began brushing out her long mane of hair, wincing at every snag she hit, and there were plenty of them due to the activities of the evening and morning. As she brushed her mind kept drifting back to making love with Eric and she felt the tiny pull deep inside at the memory of how wonderful it had been. Ok, she knew she had nothing else to compare it to, but she’d heard the stories from some of her friends who had said their first time was far from memorable and had painted a picture of discomfort and pain, something one did to get past it to the better times, if they got the better times at all.

Once Natasha had tamed her hair as much as it was willing to be tamed, she reached for one of the thick luxurious bathrobes hanging on the back of the door and slid her arms into the sleeves, then wrapped it around her body, tying up the belt to keep it closed. After one more glance at her image in the mirror and deciding she was about as good as she was going to get with no makeup at her disposal, she opened the door and stepped back out into the bedroom.

Eric was nowhere to be seen so she left there and padded her way, barefoot down the hallway, her feet sinking into the plush carpet. She heard his voice just before she got to him, and she saw as he came into view that he was on the phone. Natasha noticed the covered plates near him and raised a questioning brow at him. He gestured to one of the covered plates and Natasha lifted the lid on one and a burst of laughter erupted from her lips, it was their dinner from last night. She raised a questioning eyebrow at Eric and he pointed to the door to their suite. Obviously someone had delivered it to their door last night but they’d been too preoccupied to even notice or remember for that matter.

Natasha wandered over to the window to look out at the views from their suite. As the hotel was so big, they were elevated high above many of the other buildings and the views were stunning. Natasha realised from what she couldn’t help but overhear of Eric’s phone conversation, he was ordering room service. At the thought of something to eat, Natasha’s stomach let out a loud, vocal grumble for food. Suddenly having not had dinner the evening before made her realise just how hungry she was now.

Eric finished on the phone and walked over to her, his approach silent on the plush carpet. Natasha continued to look out the window, and she felt a tiny shiver go through her body when Eric’s arms came around her, pulling her back against him. He nuzzled his lips against her neck, kissing and nibbling his way up to her ear, before taking her lobe gently between his teeth and nipping her lightly. Natasha sighed, catching her breath as a shiver of excitement ran up her spine. God, how this man affected her!

He held her in his arms for quite some time as they both took in the views from the penthouse suite. Natasha wasn’t sure, but it seemed as though Eric had trouble staying away from her. He appeared to need almost constant contact with her if his hands roaming over her body were any indication. Repeatedly his lips touched her hair, her neck and he kept breathing in her scent as though it was a drug for him. It was certainly nice to know she wasn’t the only one feeling this overpowering pull too.

They both jumped when suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. Eric pulled away from Natasha, leaving her to go and open the door. He swung it wide to let the young man in the hotel’s uniform enter, pushing a delicate trolley laden with covered plates.

“Breakfast sir, madam.” He said, pushing the trolley over to the table in the dining area of the living room. Eric strode over to grab his wallet from the kitchen bench, plucking out a couple of notes, and handing them to the young man. “Thank you sir.” He said, taking them from Eric, before retrieving the plates with last night’s uneaten meals, and leaving the suite. Eric followed him to the door, locking it then returned to the trolley with its arrangement of covered plates.

“Hungry sweetheart?” Eric asked her. As if on cue, Natasha’s stomach growled a noisy protest. They both laughed.

“It would seem that way.” Natasha grinned at Eric.

“Come and sit down.” He said, pulling out a chair for her. Natasha sank gracefully into the dining chair, and Eric started arranging the covered plates on the table in front of her. He lifted the lids on poached eggs, sausages, bacon, omelettes, mini quiches, toast, an absolute smorgasbord of things to choose from.

There was also freshly squeezed orange juice, plus tea and coffee. On the bottom shelf of the tray were two more covered containers, which Eric removed and took to the fridge and placed inside. When he saw Natasha’s questioning look, all he had to say was, “for later,” giving her that sexy smile of his. Natasha could tell he was up to something, she just didn’t know what, but as he stomach gave another noisy call for food, she decided to not pursue him for answers, and instead concentrated on the food before her.

Natasha filled up her plate with poached eggs, toast and poured herself a glass of orange juice. She was starving. No dinner and the physical activities of the night had really given her an appetite. As she ate, she looked at Eric, who had also loaded up his plate with everything there was available to eat, and he was eating like a starving man.

Their eyes met and he smiled at her between mouthfuls. “So are you enjoying yourself?” Eric asked. “Do you have any regrets?” He watched her face closely, trying to read her expression.

“No Eric.” She answered him quietly, gazing into his eyes as she answered him, “I’ve had a great time,” she smiled, blushing slightly as memories of their time together filled her head.

“Tell me more about yourself Natasha,” Eric said, “Your parents, siblings, hobbies, anything,” he added.

“Well.” She began. While they ate, they both talked, sharing things about themselves that had never come up during their working relationship. They found they had some common interests, political beliefs, favourite foods, but they clashed on movie and music preferences. It was a comfortable, pleasant conversation during breakfast. They argued and teased one another over things they couldn’t agree on and Natasha couldn’t believe how relaxed she felt with Eric under the circumstances. For someone who could tie her up in knots when he touched her, she enjoyed this time getting to know the playful, nonprofessional Eric. Eventually though, they stopped talking and continued eating, the silence between them a comfortable silence.

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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