Read Mystique Rogue Online

Authors: Diane Taylor

Mystique Rogue (3 page)

BOOK: Mystique Rogue
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Suddenly, the lights began to flicker and the train rocked violently, then began to move. They were both flung against the far wall with Carmen landing on him with a soft ‘oof’. Seconds later a voice spoke over the intercom, making them jump. “Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize for the sudden stop which delayed our journey. The problem has been taken care of and now we’re we are under way once more. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience. Have a nice night.”

The lights began to grow in illumination, making Carmen blush and covered her face with her hand. “I’m sorry.” she sighed. To her surprise, one of the doors open and shut, leaving her alone in the space. He had moved away silent as a shadow before she could say anything.

Oh great. I get the one man on the train who knows how to kiss a woman senseless and the first time he sees me with the lights up, he runs away.” For some odd reason, it caused a twinge of regret in her heart. Shaking her head, Carmen adjusted her shirt, she made her way back to her room and locked the door. Once in bed, she slowly ran her hands down her body, pinching her aching nipples in an effort to get her lust back under control. 
Come on Carmen, you’ve got more self-control than this.
  Yet, as her hand reached down between her legs, her imagination finished what had been so rudely interrupted.                Closing her eyes she envisioned the mystery man pleasuring her. 
His fingers slowly slid over her clit, rubbing and tormenting, causing Carmen to lean back and arching herself in pleasure.  Slowly, he began to be more demanding with his mouth, forcing her to open hers wider so he could savor the taste of her tongue as it fenced with his.  Not wanting to leave this one sided encounter, she began to unbutton his shirt, revealing a lightly furred chest.  As she ran a hand down his stomach, hard muscles quivered. As she delved deeper, Carmen forced her mystery man to pull back and gasp as she felt, then grasped his hard shaft.

Spinning her, he expertly pinned Carmen against the cold side of the rail car. The chill on her nipples and the savage heat raging through her body only inflamed them both even more. In one brutal tug, he ripped the shirt in half up the back and tossed it into a corner as he continued his oral assault down her back to her trembling ass cheeks. His lips traced fire down the sultry curve of her flesh, nipping gently, then using his fingers to soothe any sting.  As he ran his fingers down her legs, she spread them further apart, giving him have complete access.  Reveling in the touch, she trembled as he ran his hands back up, and over the curve of her ass
cheek.  She almost went through the roof as his tongue began lapping gently between her legs. Slowly, he began kissing and tormenting her. As she began to shake and whimper, his tongue slowly slid inside of her to find her most intimate spot all women have while his thumb pressed gently against her sensitive nub.

Carmen bit into her pillow as the harsh wave of orgasmic bliss rushed through her system.  She thrust three fingers inside of her as she arched upwards, trying to prolong the passion as much as possible. After what seemed an eternity, the trembling of her body abated as she relaxed and her mind slowly faded into sleep. The last image in her mind before sleep claimed her was a pair of luminescent feline eyes staring at her in the dark. 


Chapter Three


A soft beeping aroused Carmen from her slumber.  It was the morning after she arrived at the Red Aurochs on the outskirts of Glasgow. Still suffering from jet lag, she groaned and rolled over under the covers then flipped up the lid on her laptop. After a few commands, Michelle’s face appeared on the screen.

Hey.” Carmen smiled at the other woman’s image. “How goes it over there?”

Fine. Lemme guess, you’re all snug under warm covers and still suffering from jet lag, right?”

Yeah. It’s a bitch when everyone else is up and about and all I can think of is hiding under the blankets until my mind nudges me to get up and head for the bathroom.” Carmen sat up, wrapping a quilt around her shoulders, and stifled a yip of shock as her feet touched the cold hardwood floors. “Other than the aforementioned discomfort, this place is great. So, what have you got for me?  I’m sure this isn’t a courtesy call.”

Michelle grinned impishly. “There’s a package waiting downstairs at the front desk with the full report and a file downloaded to your account online. Its a bit more detailed than the first batch and there may be some repeats because Logan went to different sources, it’s not much, but he tried.”

Carmen reached over for the carafe of coffee which must have been brought sometime while she was asleep. She poured a mug, adding cream and sugar, before looking back at the computer, “Give me the Reader’s Digest version. I have a feeling  not even Logan could get anything really new.”

Michelle nodded. “The moment he started checking things, red flags popped up.  He couldn’t even get near anything remotely concerning
The Rogue
.” Michelle glanced down at her desk. “You know how good Logan is.  Something must be hot about this guy or else there wouldn’t be this many alerts on him. You be careful during this meeting. Okay?”

Taking a drink of coffee, Carmen sighed. “How ‘bout the entertainment side of things. What’s on the rumor list there?”

Michelle held up a thick sheaf of papers and laughed. “What’s there not to know?  He’s a master of illusion and has been working with a white tiger. His shows are always sold out the moment they’re are announced. Each performance has something different to make them unique. As Daria probably told you, no one knows exactly what he looks like underneath his mask. From the taped shows I’ve seen, he’s gorgeous.” Her eyes twinkled. “Getting to and from stage is a hassle because women seem to throw themselves at him at every moment. I wouldn’t mind, but I’m not a bitch in heat. I’d rather talk to him first and get to know him.”

Carmen grinned. “Yeah. It’s going to be the first line of defense, getting all the cats in heat out of the way and one of the reasons I’m here. I told Daria we’re taking the job, but not to tell Mr. Tall Dark and Mysterious. I want to do it myself.”  She winked. “Daria about fell out of her chair laughing when I told her what my plans were.”

A twinkle of mischief glimmered in Michelle’s eyes. “And those plans are?”

Well, he lives a few miles north of here in a castle retreat. According to the newspaper, his tiger arrived a few days ago and his limousine picked the animal up at the airport. I’ve made arrangements to rent a horse and take a small ride.”

Michelle really did fall out of her chair laughing. The sound of her rolling on the floor and the howling glee were enough to set her off. “You’re are too funny.”

“I knew you’d like the idea.” A knock sounded at the door.  “Hang on.”  Carmen told her spluttering accomplice, then reached for her robe and slipped it on. “Who is it?”

`“Breakfast, ma’am.”

Carmen looked out through the peek hole. “I didn’t order anything.”

An old man stood there with a wheeled cart. “Yes, well, the people who booked you into this room ordered it.” He pulled out his jacket, revealing nothing more than a pad of paper. “A Miss Michelle Deveau, a Mr. and Miss Valenti, and a man named Logan. He didn’t have a last name.” He looked up at the door and smiled. “They made sure to insist you eat every bite.”

“Let him in, Carmen. We ordered it for you,” Michelle called out. 

Carmen opened the door. “Sorry for questioning you.” She blushed. “I’m still not used to this country or having unexpected meals show up at the door.” 

“No worries, Miss. It’s a good thing to be a little suspicious. You being a bonny wee lass yourself.” He set a tray on the coffee table and lifted the covers. “I believe steak and eggs are your preference.”

Carmen’s stomach betrayed her by announcing its need to feed. “Oh yeah.” She looked at the laptop, then at the old man. “Michelle, meet Mr.” She looked at the man.

“MacKintyre, lass. Ian MacKintyre.” He turned to the computer. “And a right fine pleasure to meet you as well, lass.” He winked.

Michelle blushed at the compliment directed at her. “You take good care of her, okay? She’s a good person.”  Then she babbled something in what Carmen thought might be Gaelic, causing the old man to laugh out loud.

“If you’ll excuse me. I’ve other people to tend to now.” Ian turned to go.

“Where’s a good place to rent a horse?” Carmen asked before he took a step.

Ian turned back
and chuckled. “Why, you have but to say the word and one will be saddled and ready. It’s already been paid for by your friend.” He disappeared out the door before she could question him further.

Gaping, Carmen turned back to her laptop. “Okay, spill it, Michelle. And don’t leave out anything.”

Michelle had the good grace to blush a bit more. “Well, my maiden name is MacKintyre. Deveau was my husband’s name before he died. Ian is sort of my cousin. I had Louis and Carla get him on the phone the moment you wanted a place to stay which didn’t require announcing your arrival to our client.  Ian’s people also have a stable for horses. The dialect you just heard was me telling him to find you the biggest beast he had to make a commanding presence in front of your victim’s gate.”

Carmen started laughing as she brought her laptop over to the table. “You surprise me, kiddo. One of these days I’m going to have to get you to teach me Gaelic so I know when I’m being insulted and can respond accordingly. In the meantime, what else do you have in the file you’re holding?”

“Not much else except a copy of the most recent eight by ten glossy photo of our client. Which will be in the package I sent along.” Michelle gave her a hard stare. “Hon, if you don’t want your hormones raging, you’d best not look at this picture, he’s absolutely gorgeous! But, if you get me an autograph, I’ll be your devoted slave forever.”

Carmen smiled at her best friend. “Okay. Let me lay down some ground rules to the arrogant idiot.” She finished her excellent breakfast. “You sure he’s home?”

“Oh yeah.” She paused for effect “Logan had Louis call his mansion, impersonating your agent to confirm his residence and make sure he’d be there. Logan monitored the call and confirmed his location.”

Carmen nodded. “You take care and I’ll e-mail you an update when I get back. I have a feeling he and I are going to be going head to head more than once.”

An hour later, the winter’s cold weather bit into her face as she rode through the woods, wiping the last trace of jet lag from her brain. After a mile or two, Carmen paused underneath the shelter of a maple tree, she pulled an apple from her duster pocket and cut it in half with a carbon fiber butterfly knife she always kept on her person.

“Here boy, payment for your troubles.” Carmen leaned forward and held the tidbit out.  The stallion snorted and, smelling the treat, turned his head to lip the fruit from her gloved hand. “I hope you don’t mind the workout. But, I’m about to set this guy back on his ears when I get to his house.”

Carmen gave him time to finish the apple before turning the horse down the well used trail and urged him into a gallop. Ian had told her this trail was safe for a nice run for her mount, advising to keep him under a tight reign as he did have a tendency to act up the moment he had a chance. With one eye on the forest, she was able to keep her mount from being startled by the sudden screech of a bird over head. Before the horse could act up, Carmen reigned him in and held him until he settled down with a resigned snort.  

After another five minutes of hard riding, Carmen paused at the tree line. In front of her were a pair of large stone columns made of black marble. Twisted around the dark surface were ivy vines made of white marble carved with incredible accuracy.  As she looked, similar columns marked the boundary as far as she could see with walls of native stone and mortar which looked to be at least twelve feet high.

An idea formed in her mind as Carmen slowed and stared at the boundary markers. Pulling out a set of binoculars, she began scanning the area to check for any security measures which may already be in place. There were no cameras or wires were visible as far as she could see. Mentally, she shook her head in disgust.
foot walls without any other protection isn’t going to cut it.
Slowly, she rode around the back to examine the masonry and found a large gap in the wall where it had collapsed from neglect, leaving a low enough opening for a horse to jump through.

Carmen rode the horse away from the wall, back to the tree line, then turned him around and urged him into a full run. As they approached the
gap, she shifted her weight just as the horse gathered himself for the leap. She caught a brief image of the walls passing by on either side and then they hit the ground with a sudden jolt. Carmen had ridden a horse before, but not with an English saddle. She was lucky she didn’t smash her face into the beast’s neck when they finished the jump. 

When no alarm sounded, Carmen dismounted, walked the horse inside what appeared to be a barn, tied him to a hitching ring, and tossed an old blanket over him.  Shucking anything which would get caught or attract attention, it was time to teach her client lesson one.  From the new information in the file, she knew this man had no alarm systems on this hunk of stone. Something which would change soon enough.

Carmen checked her watch and grinned. Noon, a nice time for a surprise visit. She peered around into the back yard, checking for movement, and then she headed swiftly for the nearest cover, which happened to be a bush. Her movements were slow, yet sure, until she arrived at the back entrance of the house. Teasing the lock open with a thin stiletto, she slipped inside and took time to remove her boots.
A child could get into this place and be gone again. Arrogant bastard, if his ego is as big as the mansion, then he's about to have it deflated. 

With each step she took, Carmen added another item on her list. Once in the kitchen, she waited patiently in the shadows, listening to the cook mutter about what to fix for dinner. A servant emerged from a nearby hallway and picked up a tray of raw meat and sandwiches. “Master’s being fussy today, Lucy.  He’s got his cat on the floor next to him. I’d best get these back to him in the den or else he’ll probably send the monster down here to get it.”

“Hush now, Heather. You know he’s cared for the creature ever since,” Lucy lowered her voice, “the accident.”

Shuddering, the younger servant left the kitchen and walked down a short corridor. Making use of every shadow and gray spot, Carmen silently followed her until they both arrived at a set of large doors.  Heather knocked once, then entered, leaving Carmen to slip inside and hide in one of the dark corners. All the windows in the room were covered with thick, heavy drapes which created a permanent twilight atmosphere. The young woman delivered the contents of her tray to the coffee table made of some sort of dark, gleaming wood. “Will you be needing anything else, Sir?”

“No, Heather. Thank you. Tell Lucy to take the night off, will you? I have a few things to work on and I do not wish to be disturbed.” The man’s voice was familiar and it took all Carmen’s willpower to remain hidden and not react. This was the voice of the same man who caressed her skin and
kissed her on the train not two days ago.

Once Heather had left, Carmen surveyed the room. Expensive leather furniture decorated the place.  Bookshelves were filled with books, both old and new.  The butter colored marble flooring was covered with expensive Persian rugs
and a huge bearskin lay across the floor before a massive fireplace where large logs were burning slowly, making her think of things best left to the imagination. With iron control, which she was famous for, Carmen emptied her mind of distractions, focusing on the job at hand.  She was determined to test the limits of this man's arrogance as she moved silently towards the chair.

BOOK: Mystique Rogue
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