My Shameful Secret (Forbidden Stepbrother Billionaire Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: My Shameful Secret (Forbidden Stepbrother Billionaire Romance)
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“I know,” she said gently. “I’ve kept up to date with news about him.” She hadn’t really wanted to, but she hadn’t been able to help it either. And the news she read about Saehan could always be divided into two types. Either it was about him dating another woman, or him being a ruthless shark, reaping billions over the stupidity of other people.

“Do you know if he’s in England?”

Hector shook his head. “He’s not there.”

Her heart fell. Would she be able to find him elsewhere in the world?

“He’s here.”

Misha’s head jerked up. “

“He’s at his place. He called us last night, as soon as his jet landed.”

It shouldn’t have hurt, learning how Saehan had thought to inform their parents about his coming and going. Yet it did, and Misha strove hard not to reveal the pain Hector’s words caused.

“I think I should call him,” Hector started.

Misha quickly shook her head. She could see in Hector’s eyes that what he wanted to do most was stay by Elizabeth’s side and focus on caring for his wife. “It’s okay,” she reassured him. “I can handle this. When all’s said and done, he’s still my…
.” Hector didn’t seem to notice the catch in her voice as she said the last word, and she was thankful for it.

Hector nodded. “If you really think so…” He dug his wallet out of his pocket. “Here…”

Thinking he was offering her money for a cab, she started to protest until she saw what he was offering.

A key?

Her eyes widened.

“So you won’t have to risk being turned away,” Hector said unevenly. “Just say I sent you, and they’ll let you in without question.”


Saehan’s apartment was exactly how she had envisioned it. Stylish and unabashedly masculine at the same time, the 10,000 square foot place boasted of high ceilings, gray brick walls, and floors made of slate gray wood panels.

The lights in the hallway were switched off, but the modern chandelier made of steel and glass cubes was lit up, revealing the figure lying on the couch.


Slowly, she walked towards him, her heart beating madly. A part of her was questioning if this was really happening. She had
thought she would see her brother again. Never.

And yet—

He was lying on his back, one hand over his head, while his other arm had fallen to the floor. The lines of exhaustion on his face, the suit carelessly discarded on the opposite sofa, and the half-empty bottle of whiskey on the table told the rest of the story.

He was drunk.


He still made her heart beat like crazy.

For one long moment, she could only look down at him. She felt like she was drunk, too, his sheer presence responsible for making her intoxicated.

So, so beautiful,
she couldn’t help thinking dizzily. Her work in reputation management allowed Misha to meet a lot of rich and famous individuals, and many of them had been men even more handsome than Saehan was.

But somehow, all of them paled in comparison to him. All of them lacked something in her eyes. But her brother, on the other hand – he was perfect. Always was, always would be.

Swallowing convulsively, she croaked out, “Saehan?” Misha held her breath the moment she spoke his name, preparing herself for the worst. She half-expected him to wake up immediately, take one look at her, and toss her out of his apartment before she could get another word out.

He stirred, but his eyes remained closed.

Bending down, she slowly reached for his shoulder. The feel of his hardness under her fingers made Misha’s entire body tremble. Alarm bells began to ring inside her mind. They screamed at her to get out, now, before she ended up doing something…

“S-Saehan?” She shook him the slightest bit.

Saehan stirred again, his hand falling from his head.

She had seen him drunk before, when he had gone out with his high school friends. When he was
drunk, Misha knew the whole world might as well be dead to him.

A wild, crazy, sinful idea took hold of her mind.

She bit her lip hard.

No, she couldn’t. She shouldn’t. She mustn’t.

But the idea had already taken root, and insidious thoughts started to grow from it.
He wouldn’t ever know. He wouldn’t ever remember. And in exchange
, those nasty perverted thoughts taunted inside Misha’s mind,
what you’ve always imagined will finally come true.

If he woke up
, she thought feverishly,
she could make it seem like she had lost her balance
. As soon as the thought occurred to her, she was already speaking out loud, her voice shaky. “I’m going to try to get you to your room.”

And that was her alibi.

Under her, Saehan remained unconscious, eyes still closed, his chest rising and falling in a regular pattern.

Slowly, she took her two-inch heels off, one by one. The first dropped harmlessly to the rug-covered floor. The second, she took her time with, pretending to struggle with it. When she finally took it off, she began to wobble.

And then she was falling on top of Saehan.

Her body came into contact with his, and her hand landed between them, right where she wanted it.

His cock.

Before she could draw another breath, Misha felt something stir under her hand.

Her eyes widened.

Oh God, was that his cock…becoming

Her eyes flew to his face just as Saehan started to stir. “You want me to fuck you?” His voice was slurred, but his grip was surprisingly firm as he held her by the waist.

Misha whitened. Was he going to wake up now? Oh God, if he did, could she really stick to her excuse without giving herself away?

And yet Saehan’s eyes remained closed.

Relief swamped her, but then Saehan started to move, and Misha froze again. He was shifting under her, his thighs moving apart and causing her body to fall between them.

Oh God, she had to put a stop to this. If something happened, it was only going to become worse between them, and Elizabeth would be heartbroken.

With one hand still trapped between their bodies, she used her other hand to press against his chest, using it to lift herself up. “S-Saehan—”


The fierceness in his voice shocked her. When her gaze flew back to his face, she was even more shocked to see his eyes were open.


He shook his head hard. One arm chained her to him by her waist while another fisted her hair. “No,” he snarled again. “You came to me first, now you’re going to get what you want.”

As he spoke, it became gradually clear to Misha that Saehan wasn’t really conscious and that he was only acting under the influence of liquor.

She pushed harder against his chest, trying to free herself. “Let me go, Saehan—”

“Shut up,” he growled. “If you don’t, I’m going to put your mouth into better use.”

Misha was stunned.

And aroused.

If she spoke now…

She wetted her lips. “Saehan—”

“I warned you.”

Saehan hauled her down, and his mouth captured hers.


Saehan’s lips. Saehan’s kiss. Saehan’s tongue.

Pleasure threatened to drown her.

Her brother was kissing her.


And she couldn’t get enough of it.

The sensible part of her told Misha that she still had to pretend she was unwilling. And so she pretended, trying to wriggle out of his hold. It only made Saehan tighten his grip around her waist and deepen his kiss.

The way his tongue explored her made Misha’s head swim, and when she felt him release her hair to cup her breast, she could barely think at all.



.” He growled the word against her mouth just as he squeezed her breast hard.

She jerked against him with a moan. “No!” The word came out instinctively, a part of her unable to believe what was happening. Oh God, this wasn’t her imagination any longer. This was real, this was really happening, her brother holding her breast tightly.

“Stop saying no,” Saehan commanded. A second later, and she heard a ripping sound. Oh God, he was tearing her dress off her—


“I said stop saying no!” She was naked now, and he took full advantage of it. Releasing her mouth, he lifted her up. When her breast dangled over his face, he raised his head and took one nipple in.

She screamed.

He sucked harder. There was nothing gentle or tender with the way he devoured her nipple. It was pure possession, an exhibition of his dominance over her.


The word seemed to spur Saehan more, making him transfer his attention to her other breast, and his beautiful torture started anew.

She could only cling to his shoulders now, her head thrown back at the intense feelings that swept over her as he continued to suck on her nipple.

When he released her, she shuddered, thinking it was all over.

But it was not.

He was lifting her up again, and she found herself struggling half-heartedly. “No—”

His hands on her hips tightened in a punishing hold. “Shut up!”

Gradually, it became clear to Misha that her refusal only served to arouse him, making Saehan want to possess her even more.

The realization was like being given a key to his heart – or at least his body. It was like having her own kind of power to wield over him, and wield it she did.


“Stop refusing me,” Saehan growled. He hauled her up, and she turned crimson when she found herself half-squatting over his face. Before she could even guess at what his intentions were, Saehan was already rearranging their positions. He shifted himself up, his head leaning against the armrest. He pushed Misha to her knees, and her pussy was right in front of his face.

Her eyes widened. Was he going to—

A second later, and he was eating her.

She screamed. “NO!”

He clasped her by the cheeks of her butt and pulled her closer to his mouth. He ran his tongue over her folds before it slid inside and he began fucking her with his tongue.

Her head fell back. “No, no, no.” She chanted the word over and over, knowing what those words would do to him.

His head lifted up. “You don’t learn your lesson, do you?” he snarled. “I told you, shut up and let me do what I want!”

Her thighs trembled at the desire blazing from her brother’s eyes. Oh God, she wanted him to look at her like that

And so Misha whispered passionately, “

With a growl, he pulled her close again, but this time his mouth closed over her clitoris. She screamed and bucked against him. The pleasure was raw now, so raw it made her grip his hair. This time she wasn’t really pretending, trying to pull his head away. She didn’t think she could survive this to the end.

But he was immovable, his mouth torturing her clitoris as he licked, bit, and sucked on the nub of flesh.

“Nooooooooo….” Pleasure started to build, and she knew she was going to come any moment. “Saehan, stop—”

As if to punish her, he slid one finger inside her the same time his teeth clamped over her clit.

“NOOOOOO!” She screamed the word out as she came. It was nothing like her previous orgasms when she touched herself. The knowledge that it was her brother’s mouth on her pussy made her come so strong it had Saehan working hard to drink it all up.

BOOK: My Shameful Secret (Forbidden Stepbrother Billionaire Romance)
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