Read My Love Forgive Online

Authors: Anna Antonia

Tags: #dark romance, #alpha male, #new adult romance, #billionaire dom, #billionaire alpha male, #billionaire bad boy, #billionaire alpha male romance

My Love Forgive (17 page)

BOOK: My Love Forgive
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Damian plundered my mouth, drawing dizzy moans from deep inside me. I writhed against him, whispering how much I wanted and needed him. Now.

Instead of teasing me and dragging out my lust, Damian hurriedly set me down. My legs wobbled. He dropped to one knee and lifted my foot onto his thigh. I watched through a slit gaze as he effortlessly undid my boot laces before repeating it on the other.

Normally he’d set them neatly, side by side, before slowly pulling down my pants and folding them. Damian tossed my boots and then yanked down my jeans. I barely stepped out of them before he roughly pulled my panties off too.

Damian’s feral smile made me quiver as he stared at my mound. His cheeks hollowed with hunger. I shyly widened my stance. He needed no further invitation.

My low moans travelled far in the still air. Damian spread me open with one hand while his tongue licked me long and deep, paying special attention to my clit every few licks. When I would’ve lifted my leg on his shoulder, Damian slapped my thigh hard.

“I didn’t tell you to move, Risa.”

His thuggish growl nearly threw me over the edge. I brought my fisted hands to my mouth and beautifully suffered the teasing strokes and kisses he rained down on my pussy.

“Does this feel good?”

I panted my affirmation.

“Tell me.”

Oh God. I didn’t know if I could put it into words just how good it felt to feel his warm tongue flick over my sensitive flesh, to feel the tender scrape of his stubble cheeks against my inner thighs.

His mouth slowed. Frantic that Damian might stop, I babbled, “It feels so good!”

He pulled back despite my strangled whine. I looked down at him and saw his mouth wet with me. My legs buckled. Reaching for him, I peppered tiny kisses all over his lips and begged him to “Please don’t stop!”

Damian chuckled, obviously pleased at my enthusiasm. He rewarded me by slipping one finger inside me. I rocked shamelessly against his hand, loving the way his knuckles felt against my overly sensitive clit.

Without prompting, I moaned, “Oh God, Damian! It’s not even close to being enough but it still feels so good. I just want to come over and over again.”

He didn’t reply but he did slip another finger to join the first. I leaned back against the rock and arched my hips up, hoping to tempt him to resume kissing me the way I loved.

“Tell me what you want, little girl.”

I should’ve known that somehow he’d know exactly what I thought. For someone who liked me being submissive to him, Damian definitely liked to hear me assert myself verbally. So I did.

“Lick my pussy until I come.” The order came out with an imperious air.

His hand slowed and a frown settled on his gorgeous face. Despite being on one knee for me, Damian exerted his dominance quite easily. “What did you say to me, Risa?”

My hands fluttered helplessly. “Please! Please lick my pussy until I come.”

He studied me with narrowed eyes for several uncomfortable moments. A sadistic light entered his gaze. “Very well, Risa.”

Although he agreed I was on edge. Damian never rewarded my bad behavior and I definitely was bad by ordering him about.

“You have ten seconds. Count them out.”

Oh no!



Risa clenched her adorable fists. I could read her thoughts as clearly as I could see the sky above. “How can I come if I have to count? I won’t be able to do it! If I can’t come, does that mean Damian won’t let me do it at all?”

My answer would be “I probably won’t.”

I was a bullying bastard that way. I wanted Risa to tell me how I made her feel for me, not for her to try to command me. Now she was going to pay the price.

“Don’t lose count, Risa, or I’ll stop.”

Her whimper made me smile.

“Ready?” I pumped my fingers for extra measure. Risa looked down, eyes wild with desire and trepidation, and nodded jerkily. “Begin.”


I tugged her hips to me and spread her open with my free hand. I fucked her with my fingers slowly all the while.


Blowing on the tiny hard pearl, I flicked my tongue along each side before pressing the flat of my tongue against the front. Risa’s hard shudder brought joy to my heart.


I nuzzled her clit with my lips. I brushed across them light as a feather back and forth. Risa let out a strangled gasp.


Leaving off her pleasure center, I laved one side of her pussy from top to bottom before doing the same on the other side. Each time I reached where my fingers were buried, I wiggled my tongue at her entrance. She was due for another number. I slid my fingers almost all the way out in warning.


Such a good girl she was. Unfortunately, I was going to have to start all over again. I blew on her clit and Risa whined loudly. I couldn’t help but grin at the feminine sound of distress.


My tongue paid special attention to her sweet jewel, licking it delicately and quickly. Risa’s thighs tightened and her smooth belly quivered from strain. I couldn’t help myself. I ran my palm over Risa’s stomach, thoroughly enjoying how she jumped as soon as I touched it.


She practically choked on the number. My grin was wicked indeed. I loved denying Risa pleasure simply because she didn’t have the guile to disguise it from me. The same went for teasing her out of bed. Half the fun for me was seeing Risa’s eyes snap with irritation and her mouth curl into an adorable pout.

But the time for teasing had come to an end.

I pursed my lips around her clit and sucked rhythmically, just the way that made Risa disintegrate every single time.

“Oh God! Eight! Yes…please don’t stop, Damian!”

I worked my hand harder, feeling her clench her slick muscles in response. There wasn’t much time left to her. I had to make her come before she got a chance to go past ten.


Swishing my tongue across her plump, swollen lips, I tongued her deep. Her honey was so sweet I wanted to take my time and taste Risa properly. Too bad I’d have to do it when we got back to the house instead.

My thumb pulled her delicate hood, exposing her fully to me. Knowing she was so close to the edge, I only needed to lash her with my tongue a few times.

“Ten! Ten!” Risa bowed over and let out a long moaned version of my name. She rocked her hips against my face, oblivious to anything but the ecstasy I gave her.

And that was my love. I’d do my best to give Risa the words she craved, but at the heart of it all, words didn’t matter. Actions mattered.

My entire existence was predicated on a million words that were skillful untruths, all starting from words spoken to my mother long ago. She believed the false words that her husband, my father, was a simple nobody who would love and protect her forever.

Would she still have married the man who was a rising force in the Konstantinov family if she knew the truth, if she hadn’t believed his pretty but sincere words? Would she have blindly followed that teenage boy into the alley, who’d surely lured her there with false words, only to be shot seven times?

But I wasn’t that much different. I used my words so skillfully while hating how blindly people adhered to their shiny surface. I did it and I’d continue to do it but that didn’t mean I had to like or respect my silver tongue.

Only Risa seemed to get the blunt, uncouth version of me I didn’t even know existed. No matter.

I loved Risa and it was my duty and pleasure to give her whatever she needed. If she needed the words—I’d give them to her. Licking my lips and tasting her sweetness, I decided she needed all nine inches of me deep inside.

Without giving her time to come down from her carnal high, I stood up and lifted my girl. I turned so that my back was against the rock. With her thighs spread widely over my forearms, I ordered against her soft lips, “Take me out, Risa.”

Her heavy-lidded gaze smoldered with anticipation. I didn’t have to guess if it was mirrored in mine as well. Risa’s clever hands found my belt and unbuckled it quickly. She did the same with my pants button. A rough unzip, a tug of my underpants, and then I was free.

“I want you in me, Damian. Please let me make you feel as good as you made me feel.”

Really. How could I deny her anything?

Cognizant of the gun in my jacket, I had to make sure Risa didn’t accidentally touch it. Questions that I wasn’t ready to answer would surely come my way otherwise. “Keep your hands on my shoulders. Don’t move them.”

“Yes, Damian.”

Pleased by her ready obedience, I teased her, sliding only a bit of my hard shaft before withdrawing. Prolonging our mutual satisfaction, I repeated it over and over again, going deeper a fraction of an inch at a time.

It was a glorious hell.

Our kisses devoured. Desperate, Risa clawed at my shoulders. Her impatience never failed to amuse me. I loved so many things about this tiny, frustrated girl, but her inability to control herself was one of the things I loved the most.

It was such a contrast to me and how I lived my life.

Risa mistakenly thought she needed to be more like me, colder and less talkative and impulsive. She was wrong. Risa was perfect just as she was, no matter how much it may have annoyed me at the beginning.

My thigh muscles strained as I held myself from plunging into her as hard and deep as I could. That could and would come later. Right now all I wanted to do was enjoy Risa. To concentrate on the exquisite sensation of her silken flesh around my cock.

My kisses gentled. I sipped from her mouth, taking her jagged sighs into me and giving them to her in return. Still I kept my slow press forward. Risa’s hands cupped my cheeks and she looked up at me.

Transfixed, she barely blinked. Risa stared at me the same way she always did. Her love for me, a love that I most likely didn’t deserve, had shined so brightly nearly from our first date when I was so brusque with her.

It flared when I made love to her the first time. It turned incandescent the first time I taught her to submit to me.

Risa didn’t know how much she gave away of herself every time she looked at me, but I hungered for it just as strongly as she hungered for my silver and gold stare. To me they were just the same eyes I saw every day, a biological warning to keep my two halves separate.

To her they were something fantastic and otherworldly.

Maybe we were both right.

I smiled and watched as she melted. No longer content with teasing, I pushed deeper inside just so I could watch
eyes as they darkened with bliss. This face was only mine to see, those moans belonged to me. The sight was precious to me and I’d hoard it like a dragon with his gold.

Inch by inch I came inside until I was seated to the hilt. We both let out low moans of satisfaction. I stayed like that, wanting to relish the closeness of being one before I rutted her like a beast.

“I feel your heartbeat, Damian.”

“I feel yours.”

Her mischievous smile appeared. She shook her head slightly. “No. Not here. Can I move my hand?”

Watchful and ready to snap an order if she came anywhere close to my jacket, I nodded.

Risa slowly pressed her small hand against my chest. “

I flexed. “You mean like that.”

“Oh, yes. Like that.”

Our time for speaking stopped. I kissed her and lifted her higher before sliding her back down. Risa’s arms snaked around my neck and she pressed her body against me tightly.

Good didn’t cover it. Splendid didn’t either. Ecstasy might’ve come close. Sex had always been great between us, but Risa’s submission to me out here was greater than when I’d had her tied up at my feet, spanked her silly, or when she played kitty for an evening.

This was different because it was forever.

My hands moved to cup her ass so I could bring her even closer. Her deep, guttural sigh of satisfaction brought the same out of me. I wasn’t going to last much longer but I didn’t think either of us really cared. Risa worked her shapely hips against me and her short breathy bursts alerted me to her rising orgasm.

“You close?” I whispered gruffly.

Risa nodded, eyes screwed shut in concentration.

“Good.” I squeezed her luscious backside hard while positioning her a little lower. The change came over Risa immediately. She jerked hard and squeezed me harder from above and below.

Risa came seconds later. “Oh God! Damian, Damian, oh, I love you!”

I closed my eyes. Happiness hammered at my hardened heart. I’d heard the same words too many times to count before, but never like this. Never from someone who was standing in the same emotional spot at the same time as me.

My balls tightened and my shaft thickened. I opened my eyes to see Risa staring at me. Her gaze flicked away at being caught.

“Look at me. I want you to watch me as I fill your pussy with my come.”

Her lips parted and her cheeks flushed with her unique way of embarrassment and excitement. “Okay.”

Not good enough. “Tell me, little girl. Tell me what I want you to do.” My last word ended in a groan. My stomach tightened and my hips quickened.

Risa’s hand flexed at the base of my neck. “You want me to watch you as you fill my tight, little pussy with your delicious come.”

This was why I needed her words.

I gave her a wolfish grin and proceeded to do just that. Once I finished spurting deep and hard inside her, I held her close and kissed her gently until our breathing slowed back to normal.

“I love you, Risa.” Although I knew she felt the same, it was still difficult to say but I intended to say them so often that I’d soon get comfortable.

She bit her lip and looked down shyly. “I still can’t believe it.”

Bouncing her, I sternly asked, “Do I need to chain you up again, little girl, to get you to believe it?”

Risa giggled and answered with a saucy slant, “I thought you were going to do that anyways since I lost?”

“I think someone didn’t mind it as much as she says she did.”

“No, I did. I just don’t now.” She pecked me on the cheek and smiled.

BOOK: My Love Forgive
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