Read Mr. Darcy's Promise Online

Authors: Jeanna Ellsworth

Mr. Darcy's Promise (9 page)

BOOK: Mr. Darcy's Promise
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“Jane, is everything well?” Elizabeth asked quietly. She was worried about Jane and Bingley, in part because they seemed inseparable before that careless display from their mother, but he now seemed occupied with other guests.

“Lizzy, you must not fret over me. We all know how Momma is.”

“Yes, but that does not make the mortification any easier to bear. Where is Mr. Bingley?” Elizabeth saw the color drain from Jane’s cheeks. When Jane looked at her hands and smoothed her skirt, yet still didn’t answer, Elizabeth asked, “Has something happened?”

Jane swallowed. “I fear he may be rethinking his attentions to me after hearing Momma go on so long. He must think me only mercenary after Momma spoke so about his money and connections!”

Noticing she didn’t answer her question, she asked again, “Where is Bingley now?”

“I do not know. At the beginning of dinner he asked me to dance the set after the meal, but he never came. He said he had to speak with Mr. Darcy briefly, and then he never came to collect me! Oh, Elizabeth, must we talk about this now? I fear I may lose control if you persist! Please, let us talk of other things.”

Elizabeth face burned hot and her lips tightened. She remembered Mr. Darcy saying Jane and Bingley had looked happy at the beginning of the ball, but now it seemed his true opinions had surfaced. It was hard enough for two young people to fall in love when so many marriages were arranged for mere convenience; but to have people’s ignorance, or worse, malice, disrupt this match was worse! First Momma unknowingly threw her premature opinions out for all of Meryton to hear, and now it seemed Mr. Darcy was knowingly trying to separate them! If she didn’t know Mr. Darcy was with Georgiana right now she would suspect he would be avidly expressing his disproval of the match to Bingley directly.

She could only surmise that Darcy had most definitely already expressed himself effectively to Mr. Bingley. She could imagine him voicing exactly how her family was beneath them. He would be detailing again and again all the disadvantages of such a match. Of course, he would do it with no thought to Bingley’s happiness. If only Bingley’s feelings and decisions were not so easily influenced by Darcy! Then she was angered further. It was really Darcy’s arrogance that was to blame! She knew that if there was anything in her power to help Jane she would do it, but what was there to do? “Jane, everything will work out. His feelings are as strong as ever, and I am sure he has every intention of continuing the friendship.” If only Elizabeth could be certain her words would remain true! If only Darcy would stop interfering!

Elizabeth was asked once again to dance and although she could make her feet follow the movement of the steps, her mind was otherwise engaged. She tried to participate in the light conversation with the officer she was dancing with, but her heart wasn’t in it. It kept feeling frustration with Mr. Darcy. One moment he was thoughtful and kind, other times he was proud and arrogant. Yet again other times still, as with Jane and Bingley, he was interfering and selfis
I cannot believe I was letting myself imagine being in his arms!
The officer she was dancing with asked her a simple question which she answered easily without changing the course of her deeper thoughts. Her thoughts drifted to poor Georgiana.
What made Georgiana so afraid of Wickham?
She hoped Darcy was being kind to her. Somehow, though, she knew he was being a caring, devoted brother, regardless of Darcy’s obvious anger with Wickham. She wondered if she would get a chance to ask Georgiana about Wickham before the night was over, but realized it wouldn’t be possible because there was only one dance left, and that was Wickham’s. The dance ended and this time she did not seek Georgiana out because she knew Wickham would be finding her soon. Instead, she saw Charlotte and made her way over there.

Charlotte was smiling curiously at her. “I have been meaning to ask all night about Mr. Darcy, but his sister was always with you! Why is he so solicitous to you, Elizabeth?”

Elizabeth groaned. She did not want to talk any more about Mr. Darcy. Her thoughts had gone in so many directions regarding that man that she was nearly dizzy! “I most definitely would not say he has been solicitous to me more than any other in the ballroom,” she said dryly.

“Oh, come now, Lizzy, Charlotte said reproachfully. “He danced with you twice and ate the dinner meal with you! I would venture to say he has paid a most special attention to you. Are you two secretly courting?”

“Charlotte! How can you say such a thing? Of course not. I would never break with propriety like that! Now I must ask you to drop the conversation immediately or we shall lose a very close friendship.” Elizabeth looked sternly at Charlotte.

Charlotte closed her mouth and gave her a knowing look. “Very well, I shall have to wait and see, I suppose.”

Wickham was advancing towards them. It was time for the last dance. Elizabeth didn’t know if she was anticipating it or dreading it. He gave one of his charming smiles and she felt his piercing gaze burrow into her somewhat invasively.
Anticipation, definitely anticipation,
she thought.

He collected her and offered his arm then bowed charmingly to Charlotte. Elizabeth saw Charlotte blush slightly from the kind attentions of Mr. Wickham. The dance was faster paced than most of the other dances, and she found it difficult to hold a conversation easily. Wickham was being his charming self and she soon relaxed a little. Further down the line she could see Georgiana dancing again with her brother. Elizabeth kept glancing in their direction even though they were several couples away from them. She found Mr. Darcy’s eyes met hers every once in a while. She wondered if everything was better or if Georgiana was still upset. She certainly didn’t look relaxed. The dance called for a set of two couples to exchange partners temporarily and she always took this opportunity to glance in Darcy’s direction.
He does not look happy.
She kept wondering why Georgiana was so afraid of Wickham. Admittedly he was bold, but seemed kind and didn’t strike her as violent in any way. The dance had not been going long when they returned to their original partners, and she decided to try her luck in attempting to get answers to this question directly from Mr. Wickham. “It appears that Georgiana and you have not seen each other for a while.”

Wickham pondered this statement from Elizabeth.
This is exactly the kind of excuse I need!
“We saw each other briefly a few months back, in the spring,” he said.

Elizabeth was quiet for a moment before she asked her next question. “Did you part on good terms?”

The dance separated and they switched partners once again before he could respond, which, luckily, gave him ample time to carefully choose his words. When partners were returned he said, “Not exactly, but this is not a conversation to have on the ballroom floor.” He saw Elizabeth look curious and he chose his next words carefully, “I have been looking for a female mind to help me make sense of it. I am the first to admit that I do not have a keen understanding of the complex mind of a lady. Perhaps you could help me with the situation out on the balcony after the dance?”

Elizabeth eyebrows furrowed. She knew she wanted to know what was wrong with Georgiana but she couldn’t go somewhere with a gentleman and have a private conversation. There were certain rules of behavior and for good reason too!

Wickham grew anxious at the hesitant look on her fac
If she does not come out to the balcony, my plan will not work!
He tried to reassure her. “The balcony has plenty of people around. I do not think it would be improper to take a moment for some fresh air. The ballroom is just so hot and I know I, for one, will need a moment after this quick number.”

She looked to the balcony and it did seem that there were at least a few people out there. It was true, it was hardly improper to get fresh air! And she did want to know what was wrong with Georgiana. Wickham was smiling at Elizabeth charmingly. His blue eyes were kind, and from what she could tell, trustworthy. “I believe I would like to step outside as well.” He smiled back at her.

The dance was only halfway through when Elizabeth noticed people were already departing for home. Bingley had not danced the last set, and was saying farewells to those departing. He seemed happy, and turned to look in Jane’s direction. She was near the end of the row dancing with Mr. Goulding’s nephew’s two left feet. This made her laugh; Jane was so kind that she probably didn’t even notice his terrible rhythm or misplaced steps. Although she was smiling at Mr. Goulding’s nephew, Elizabeth could tell in a moment that Jane’s eyes were sad. Her sister kept glancing in Bingley’s directio
If only there was something I could do to help her— I would do it in an instant!
Her thoughts were interrupted by Wickham.

“You seem very distracted. I usually do not have to contend with others for my partner’s attentions. I hope you are not rethinking getting some fresh air; the air is getting stuffier and hotter the longer we dance.”

She turned her attentions back to Mr. Wickham, “You are correct, I have been distracted. I was just thinking about Jane. No, I would still like to step outside. Fresh air is exactly what I need.” As soon as she had said it, she knew fresh air would help clear her mind. Walking outside usually cleared her mind of her troubles. After all, she had her reasons why she was labeled a “great walker” by Miss Bingley. She took a deep breath of the thick air and casually brushed back the ringlets on the side of her face. She was suddenly reminded of Mr. Darcy doing the same thing. He must have done it without thinking because she couldn’t imagine him breaking propriety with such a gesture. She smiled at the memory because he had “promised” it would not happen again. What a strange thing to promise! Of course it wouldn’t happen again; it shouldn’t have happened in the first place! Once again the partners switched and Elizabeth was surprised when she realized that it was the last time they would do so. She glanced over to Mr. Darcy one more time and saw that he was looking sternly in her directio
Why do you look at me so, Mr. Darcy? I am not doing anything wrong!
The song ended and each party bowed and curtsied to their partner. Wickham offered her his arm and they headed away from Mr. Darcy to the balcony.

Wickham felt elated as the events of the next few minutes played out in his head. He scanned the room and made eye contact with Denny. He gave him a knowing look and smiled when Denny nodded understanding. He then looked around the room for Mr. Bennet and saw him with Mr. and Mrs. Long. His smile grew deeper and he nearly laughed out loud. He looked at his
he thought.

As soon as they stepped out into the night air she felt lighter. She had not noticed how hot it had gotten in the ballroom. The night had grown quite dark as it seemed some storm clouds had moved in and it was threatening rain. No wonder it felt so much hotter in the ballroom with this storm on the verge of arriving. She took a deep breath of the early autumn air. She could hear the whistling angry wind in the trees drowning out the conversation of those around them, which was further testament that a storm was on its way. She watched as one couple turned to go inside. The potted flowers showed their age, for it was near the end of the season and their blooms were beginning to droop.

Wickham let her have a moment to breathe the fresh country air while he checked his pocketwatch again.
Five more minute
He could hear the musicians had stopped playing and he knew he only had a few more minutes to accomplish his task. He stepped closer to Elizabeth and said, “I believe you wanted to help me with my problem with Miss Georgiana?”

Elizabeth turned back to Wickham. “Yes. But if you feel Georgiana would not want me to know, then perhaps we should not discuss it and go back inside.”

“No, no, she would probably appreciate a friend knowing the truth. At least then she would have someone to confide in.”

“She is a darling girl and I can see how troubled she is.”

He sighed almost dramatically, “We were in love you know . . .” He paused to let that sink in. He gauged her reaction. Her eyebrows raised and she put her hand to her mouth. She let out a small gasp. He continued, “We were going to get married.”

“Married? But she is but . . .”

“Fifteen, I know. By gads, how I know!” He put on his best pained expression and looked forlornly at Elizabeth. Then he set the bait. “Proud Mr. Darcy did not approve.”

“What do you mean he did not approve?” She was thinking of how he didn’t approve of Jane and Bingley; but Georgiana was a girl of fifteen years old. She looked searchingly at Wickham. “Was there some reason he gave?”

Wickham checked his pocketwatchbriefly. Three minutes. He had to speed things along. He stepped even closer to Elizabeth and reached for her hand. “It was because of my social status. I was not part of th
, and, of course, I had little money. I could have supported her though. Our love would have been enough. It did not matter to Darcy that we were in love beyond words. When he refused his consent, I very nearly cried every night for months. I never thought I would recover from the heartbreak. You have met her; she is amazing and everything a man would want in a wife, or at least I thought that until a week ago . . .” He let his voice trail off. He could tell from her curious expression that he had her attention.

BOOK: Mr. Darcy's Promise
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