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Authors: Sloan Parker

More (9 page)

BOOK: More
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“You hear right. I don't play with just anyone more than once. But he"— I pointed across the room to a smiling Matthew—"isn't just anyone.” I returned the smile before I knew what I'd done.

“Man, he's cute. Are you looking for another to join you? I'd enjoy that.” He pressed the last of his words against my ear. His lips grazed my skin, and a layer of spit clung to me.

I jerked away and stood. “If you'd asked me that question last week, I'd already have your ass upstairs and naked by now. Tonight, I need something else.” I stepped away from the bar, and before I thought too much on what it meant to be with someone for a third time, I made my way to Matthew's table.

If I had any doubt about his interest in me, the smoldering look in his eyes as he tracked my movements told me all I needed to know. I sat across from him. We stared for a few breaths before we looked away.

“Not sure he'll be here tonight, kid.”

“I'm thinking we could wait... maybe for a little while. To see— ”

“Yeah, that's fine with me. Even if he doesn't show, I want you.” The last three words left my mouth in a low hiss I couldn't control. The way he stared at me, his eyes heavy, his mouth parted, and his bottom lip quivering as he ran his tongue over it, surprised me. And it stunned me more how much I liked seeing that look from him.

“I want you too, Luke.” His dark pupils expanded. It gave him a wild, vigorous look.

Forcing myself not to look at him again and not to pay attention to the growing throb in my lap was the best option. I ordered a water and a club soda from the next waiter by the table. We waited twenty minutes before we said much more, but we made promises every time we glanced at each other.

“God, Luke,” he said when his gaze caught mine again. “Don't know about waiting.”

“Let's go. We can always catch up with him another night.”


“If he ever shows again.”
. I was agreeing to a fourth time before we even started for the night. I had lost my goddamn mind.

Matthew stood. His tight pants did nothing to hide his erection. I groaned. I wanted to take his cock in my mouth right there in the middle of the dining room.

Matthew dropped his hands in front of the bulge. His face flushed, and he chewed on his lower lip. With the way he worked it, he'd be bleeding by the time I got him upstairs.

I requested a room from the desk and avoided Matthew while we waited. I couldn't look at him again without grabbing a hold of him, taking him in my arms, and pressing my lips to his. A minute later, I had the key card in my hand. I gripped the plastic so tight I'd likely crack it on the way to the room. I eased up. No way in hell would I head back to the desk again. If the card broke, we'd just have to screw in the hallway. Fuck the membership policy on public sex.

“Let's go.” I seized his arm and lurched for the elevator.

A low hum escaped his throat. I wasn't the only one having a problem with waiting.

Inside the elevator, he leaned against the far wall, his hands clasped behind him, his head bent. The dark hair obscured his eyes.

I could smell him. Not his usual scent of spice and mint. He was as ready to pop as I was. I wanted to tear off his pants, bury my face in his groin, and breathe in more of that scent, taste his balls and lick the length of his dick.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and faced the door. What the hell was happening to me? I wanted Matthew like I'd wanted no one else. The elevator chimed, and relief flooded my chest. I stepped out and led the way to the room.

Who the hell cared? I was about to get his mouth on me. His hard, lean body under me. Nothing else mattered.

Except I wanted Richard. I wanted his hands on me. I wanted him in the room with us.

I ignored the disappointment. I was going to have Matthew. I was going to fuck the shit out of him and beg him for his mouth, his touch. That was something, more than something.

Not that I'd need to beg. Matthew was a bottle of sexual energy, and the minute we got in the room, the lid came off and he poured it on with fervor. His energy collided with my body as he crowded me against the closed door. His lips met mine, and his tongue spread pleasure over every part of my mouth again and again, reminding me how much he wanted me.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me closer. Our tongues dived deeper. I grabbed his ass and mashed our groins together. The moan that leaped from his mouth to mine sounded desperate, wanton.

I spun us around and slammed his back against the door, never breaking the kiss, crushing my pelvis against him. When our clothed cocks connected again, Matthew gave up on the kiss and arched into the contact.

“Yes. God yes, Luke.” He put his hands on my face and forced me to look at him. The expression was similar to the lust-filled one he gave me in the dining room, except I could see something more there. What the hell was it?

Matthew breathed deep and ground more slowly against me. “Damn, you drive me crazy. I want you so much, I can't think about anything else. Just you and Richard.”

“Yeah, Matthew. I need this, need you.”

I hauled him away from the door, and we worked our way to the bed.

He sucked on my neck as we went. “You taste good. Can I leave marks on you?”

“Hell, yes. Just not where they'll be seen at work.” I didn't care if anyone saw them, but the idea of hidden marks left by Matthew was maddening. I'd be able to see them days later. Remember him. His touch.

I laid him on the bed. Since neither of us was letting go, I went down with him. His legs wrapped around me.

“I need your clothes off,” he said. He clawed at my shirt. I lifted to give him room to open the buttons, and then I raised his shirt over his head. We put off removing our pants as long as we could, his legs still tight around me.

“Need to get at your dick,” I said.

“Uh-huh.” His legs dropped to the bed.

“I'm going to screw your brains out, Matthew.”

“Yeah. I want that, want you.”

I unbuttoned his pants, then started on my own. He slid his off in an effortless motion, never moving with any awkwardness. My pants and underwear tangled at my feet with my shoes, and I had to give a few good kicks to get them off and onto the floor. Next to him, my writhing and kicking made me look like a finalist for the ten thousand dollar cash prize on
America's Funniest Home Videos
. Beautiful was the best word to describe him.

Once we were naked, our bodies connected again in a rush, like sex-crazed teenagers given the go-ahead on prom night, diving for each other. Six days must have been too long for either of us to wait to be together again. How did I think I was ever going to give him up? Either of them?

The idea of never having Richard again twisted my gut into a rigid knot. When he came back to the club, we'd hook up with him again.

We had to.

Matthew kissed me. Our cocks slid together as we humped at each other. His precum glided on my dick. When did I ever get that close to another man without a condom on? I was all about the fucking and not so much the crazy need to touch, rub, and connect with someone.

I looped my fingers through his hair and deepened the kiss. He moaned and hummed. I heard nothing but him and our bodies slapping together. Until I heard another sound: a brief but firm knock on the door.

Everything stopped.

We lay still, staring at the closed door.

Matthew's body tensed under mine. “You think?”

“How would he know we're in here?”

“Didn't you notice everyone watching you walk up the stairs? I guess you with me three times in a row is a real surprise.” Matthew gave me a teasing smile before he slid out from under me and bounded for the door.

“I thought this club was discreet,” I called after him.

He stopped, his hand on the doorknob, and smiled back at me again. Then he yanked the door open.

Richard stood in the hallway, his large form leaning on the doorframe. He scanned Matthew's naked body and paused at the straining cock. “Did you two get started without me?”

Matthew tugged him inside the room, threw the door shut, and kissed him. Richard's hands went straight to Matthew's ass and hauled him close. His fingers pawed the pale flesh.

“I didn't know if you'd come back,” Matthew said.

“I didn't get either of your mouths on my dick yet.”

Matthew whimpered and kissed him.

“And you didn't get to fuck me yet,” Richard added.

“Uh— yeah, I didn't.” His mouth covered Richard's again.

I headed for the door and the two bodies crashing together: one man still clothed, and the other naked.

“Good to see you here,” Richard said when I stood beside him.

I reached out. The heat of his skin tempted me. I didn't clutch or pull; I massaged the back of his neck as I kissed him. It only took a moment for Matthew's tongue to tangle with mine, and together we tasted Richard.

“Clothes off,” Matthew said as he parted Richard's shirt. I helped him get the big man naked.

Matthew's ass met the sheets first. He spread himself out before us. His body trembled. It begged for our touch. Richard lowered himself onto Matthew and pulled me alongside them.

We kissed, caressed, fondled balls, stroked cocks. Our moans and groans drove us forward as need and desire tore away at any semblance that what we were up to was a casual fuck. We all needed one another too much.

“Want my mouth on you?” Matthew whispered in Richard's ear between kisses.

“Yes. Been waiting for that.” Richard rolled over onto his back. “Luke, fuck me?”

“You wanting me in you again?”

“Yes. You in me. Matthew's mouth. Been thinking about it all week.” He kissed me. “Can't stop thinking about you two.”

“God, me either.” Matthew's words clung to a low groan.

“Uh-huh,” I said. “Can't get enough of you.” I was no longer worried about what to say or what not to say. That part of my brain had gone on a sabbatical. Desperation and desire had taken residence instead. I shifted to kneel between Richard's legs. He spread his thick thighs. “Damn, you look great like this.”

He nodded. Maybe words had left his brain too. He tangled his hands in Matthew's dark hair, and they kissed again. I sat back on my heels. I'd never seen anything like them.

I managed to find lube and worked Richard's ass, telling myself it didn't mean anything how quickly I was trying to get inside him again. I got a condom on, handed one to Matthew, and lifted Richard's legs over my arms. I pushed into him with slow, shallow movements, never going all the way in. Every nerve ending in my body settled in my dick, the incredible pressure reminding me yet again how little the man must bottom.

“More, Luke. More.” Richard's pleas set me to a faster pace.

I appreciated the close view of Matthew's mouth stretched to wrap around the thick cock. It amazed me how much he could take in. Richard wasn't small in any way, and Matthew worked it like getting the big man off was the only thing in the world that mattered.

“Yes, Matthew. Damn... where did you... ” Richard reached for the headboard. His words stopped making sense as Matthew bobbed faster. I thrust again, pushing all the way in.

A few more movements of Matthew's mouth, and Richard screamed louder, writhed more. “Matthew! I can't... can't hold out.” He came with a shout, his head thrown back, his eyes squeezed shut. For a brief moment, I wanted to force him to open them, tease him as he'd done to me on our first night, but I was enjoying his clenching ass too damn much to stop.

Matthew pulled off Richard and landed on his back, breathing heavy. I bent for a kiss. First from Matthew and then Richard. Their lips and tongues couldn't do anything with real coordination, but the kisses were still better than any I'd ever known.

What the hell
? Since when did I need to kiss in the middle of a fuck?

I jerked back and shoved everything I had into Richard. The familiar sound of a hand moving over skin signaled Matthew's need.

“Kid,” I said, “get over here.”

His hand froze. His entire body went stiff. He parted his lips, but he didn't make a sound.

“Come on, Matthew. Fuck me.”

He didn't move.

I stilled, my attention on him. “Don't you want to?”

“Um, yeah. I-I'd like that. I don't always get to, you know?”

“Yeah? Tonight you do.” I leaned toward him and lowered my voice. “I want you inside me. Been thinking about it. Dreaming of it.” Damn, the things I was telling them.

“Oh. I— ” He advanced and kissed me. Not his usual kiss. It was rough, harsh, and fierce. His teeth scraped my lips. He pulled back with as much force and shifted to kneel behind me. I drove into Richard again.

“Yes,” Richard said. “Don't stop. Getting hard again. Already. God, what you two do to me.”

I kissed him and spread the words over his lips. “Not going to stop. Going to make you come again, going to make you feel it.”

“Yes!” he cried out.

Matthew pressed down on my back, pinning me to Richard. His slick fingers brushed over me and made their way in.

I slammed into Richard again and stilled when the familiar swell built. “Close. Too close.”

Matthew yanked his fingers out, and a moment later he buried his cock inside me. He pulled back and shoved in again, tentative at first; but after a few shaky thrusts, his movements came harder, faster.

“That's it,” I said.

He licked at my back, nibbled at my shoulder. Then he gripped me with his teeth and sucked on my skin.

Holy shit
. I was close again. My ass clamped around him, and Matthew cried out. His noises became louder than any I'd heard from him before.

I rose to angle myself better, and Richard groaned with the change. His hips rolled, and his ass rose to meet me with each slap of our bodies. His large hand sped over his own shaft. Matthew made fast work of catching the rhythm, and the three of us soared together.

It wasn't just sex; there was something more to our play. We were fending off our orgasms as if we were reacting to the idea it might be our last night together. How many times would the three of us find ourselves in the same room?

BOOK: More
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