Read Moon Thrall Online

Authors: Donna Grant

Moon Thrall (7 page)

BOOK: Moon Thrall
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Skye crossed one leg over the other. “I do have a secret. I shared it with Court last night.”

“He told us,” Myles said as he set aside his pencil. “That’s one hell of a story.”

Court’s balls tightened when Skye glanced at him. Damn but she was a beautiful woman. It wasn’t just her beauty that drew him, it was her courage and nerve – even if she had been foolish to go into the Viper’s Nest.

“It is.” Skye licked her lips and let her gaze land on each one of them. “I told Court last night, but I want to say it here. Thank you for helping me. I thought I knew enough to handle myself. I was wrong.”

Court didn’t know who was more surprised by her words, him or Kane. He merely smiled at Skye because the woman was good. The fact that she could admit she was wrong, right after thanking them meant there was no way any of them was going to get on her case now.

“My editor called me into the office this morning,” Skye said. “She says the police are calling Matthew’s death a homicide and saying that he was killed with a knife.”

Solomon rubbed his chin as he considered Skye. “I saw Matthew’s body myself. There was no denying the holes in his neck, or the fact that all his blood was gone.”

“We’re not the ones lying here,” Court said.

Skye’s dark brown gaze turned to him. “I know. It’s just a lot to take in. I assumed every human was innocent.”

Kane snorted but didn’t make a comment.

Court could only imagine how she felt with her world turned upside down. “The witches are human, and not all of them are innocent.”

“Minka is,” Myles said.

Court nodded in agreement, even as he saw Solomon’s jaw tighten at the mention of the witch. Court really hoped his eldest brother could get over whatever was eating at him when it came to Minka. Having a witch as an ally was something Court didn’t want ruined.

“This is my job,” Skye said. “I’m paid to write these articles, and the only way to do that is by gaining information.”

Myles made a face. “Not if it means your death.”

“We’re trying to keep you alive,” Court said. “You have to choose what to do. If you go back to the Viper’s Nest, we may not be there next time.”

She squared her shoulders. “I understand. I also came here because I think I remember something about what happened last night.”

Court sat forward. “What?”

“I told you I guard my drink well. I also know never to look a vampire in the eye in case they use their mind control.” She paused for a moment. “What I do remember is one of the vampires touching me. After that, my memory is blank until I woke up at Minka’s.”

Court got to his feet and paced. “They touched her. No way a vamp can use their mind control that way.”

“They have to make eye contact,” Myles added.

Solomon’s hands tightened on the desk. “Someone has to be helping the vampires.”

“Just what we need,” Kane mumbled.

Court stopped beside Skye’s chair and squatted. “What did the vampires say to you exactly?”

“I don’t remember,” she said with a shrug. “I’ve been thinking about it all night.”

Solomon straightened. “It doesn’t matter. We have what we need. We must find who is helping the vampires. It’s never a good thing when two factions align.”

“You knew it would come to this,” Kane said.

Court stood and put a hand on Kane’s shoulder. “We had to get the witches to help us.”

“Addison’s life was at stake,” Myles said sharply. “I would’ve welcomed anyone’s help. We’re lucky the witches agreed to join forces with us.”

By the way Skye looked between them, Court knew she was going to ask about it later.

“What can I do to help?” Skye asked.

Court was as taken aback by her offer as the rest of them. “I don’t know if that would be a good idea.”

She raised a brow and speared him with a look. “You said yourself they’re after me. If they see me again, they’ll come for me. Let them. It’s your best bet to finding out who is helping the vampires and discovering what is being done.”

“No,” Court stated.

The same time Solomon said, “That could work.”

Court looked askance at his eldest brother. “Have you lost your mind?”

“He knows it’s the best way,” Skye said.

Court looked at Myles for help, but Myles was looking at Skye as if she could be the answer for them. Court turned to Kane.

Kane threw up his hands. “Don’t look at me. I don’t think she should be out there either, but Solomon has the bit between his teeth now.”

Court turned back to Skye. “Don’t do this.”

“I have to.” She smiled up at him. “If I don’t, they’ll use whatever they’re doing on an innocent. That blood will be on my hands because I could’ve stopped this and didn’t.”

“They would’ve used whatever this is regardless. You didn’t start it,” he argued.

“How do you know that?”

Court opened his mouth to dispute her question when he realized he had no ground to stand on. “You barely escaped last night with your life.”

“I’ll be fine if you’re there.”

Court looked into her eyes. Since the first moment he saw Skye, he felt the attraction. Strong. Undeniable. So far, he had been able to hold it at bay.

But with the way she was looking at him now, as if he alone could keep her alive, Court knew his ironclad control would shatter the first moment they were alone.

“What do you say?” Skye asked. “Will you help me?”

Court found himself nodding, even though he knew it was the worst idea they’d had in a long history of bad ideas. If Skye were taken...

He couldn’t even finish the thought. She wasn’t going to be taken.

Court slowly released a deep breath. “All right. But only with the condition that you do as I ask,” he hurried to say when she smiled.

“Agreed,” Skye said.

Myles lifted the phone receiver on his desk. “I’m going to call the NOPD. Perhaps our contact there can help turn the attention away from Skye in Matthew’s murder.”

“Good idea.” Solomon slapped Court on the shoulder as he passed by. “Let’s roll on this tonight. As soon as you have a plan, Court, we’ll call another meeting.”

Kane nodded to Skye and turned on his heel to follow Solomon out of the office. Court fidgeted. He looked at Myles to see his brother giving him a grin that said he knew exactly what Court was thinking – and feeling.

“What do I need to do?” Skye got to her feet and squared her shoulders. “I want to help, Court.”

His gaze lowered to her lips. Full, dark pink lips. It was a mouth he pictured wrapping around his cock. He barely bit back a groan at the image that flashed in his head.

Those tempting lips parted slightly. Court jerked his eyes back up to her face, his blood heating when he saw the blatant interest reflected in her gaze.

Damn, he was in trouble.

“What happens when this is done?” he asked her.

A small frown appeared on her forehead. “What happens?”

“Yeah. Are you going to keep on exposing the supernatural? Are you going to expose me and my family?”

Her head nodded in understanding, but a furrow formed between her brows. “Oh. You think I would do that?”

“I think what my brother wants to know,” Myles said, “is if your need to find answers will be satisfied.”

Skye’s dark gaze held Court’s. “My roommate was killed by a vampire. I thought I knew how to protect myself. It’s a truly horrific feeling to realize that I’m as unprepared and naïve as I was back in college.” She paused to swallow. “I want a family one day. I want to be able to focus my worries on normal things like who my kids are texting and what they’re watching on TV. I want to have my concern focused on their grades and teaching them the right things.”

Court wasn’t sure how he felt about the warmth that spread through him when she spoke of children. He could easily imagine her as a mother. She would look even more beautiful with her stomach swollen with child.

He halted his thoughts right there. What the hell was wrong with him? Pregnant women weren’t sexy.

No, but Skye sure as hell would be.

“You know what’s out there. There’s no going back from that.” Court fisted his hands so he wouldn’t reach out and touch her. “There are things you can do to protect yourself, your family, and your home. We can teach you that.”

“After all I’ve done, you would do that?”


God, he would do so much more if she only asked.

Screwed. That’s what he was. Royally, totally screwed.

Myles cleared his throat and got to his feet. “It might be better if you stayed here, Skye. Between the police and the vampires, no one will look for you here.”

“Thank you,” she said with a smile directed at Myles.

Court could have punched his brother. Her sweet and sexy smiles should only be directed at him. Certainly not at Myles, who was engaged to Addison.

Myles chuckled. Court shifted his gaze from Skye to his brother to see Myles looking at him. Court flipped him off. He didn’t need anyone else noticing that he was becoming tangled in all that was Skye Parrish.

Addison poked her head around the door of Myles’s office, her jaw-length blond hair drawing his brother’s gaze. “Hey,” she said with a smile full of love, happiness, and desire, all of it directed at Myles.

“Hey,” Myles replied as he came around his desk. He held out his hand for her. “Come meet Skye.”

Addison walked to Myles’s side and wrapped an arm around him. She gave a welcoming smile to Skye as Myles did the introductions.

“Damn,” Riley said when she came in. “You beat me to it, cuz,” she said with a wink to Myles.

Myles laughed and pulled Addison close. “Skye, I think you’ll find you fit in quite well here. Riley already thinks she runs things.”

“Because I do,” Riley interjected.

Addison rose up and kissed Myles. “Riley and I thought we’d take Skye off your hands for a bit. We can show her around.”

“Show her around?” Court knew exactly what his cousin and soon-to-be sister-in-law were going to do. Talk. “The bar isn’t that big.”

Riley rammed her hip into his. Her sly smile said she also recognized his attraction to Skye. “Worried?”

“No,” he mumbled. It was a lie, and they all knew it.

Skye grabbed her purse. “Show me the way, girls. Looks like I’ll be here all day.”

Court watched Skye walk out with Addison on one side of her and Riley on the other. He was glad Skye was making friends. Both the women would watch over her through the day. But he could do a better job.

“You got it bad, bro,” Myles said as he walked up beside him.

“How screwed am I?”

Myles rubbed his chin. “One hundred percent. Don’t bother fighting it. Just go for it.”



Just go for it.

Those words reverberated in Court’s head for the next four hours.

It was nice to look up from the bar to see Skye. She had put on one of the Gator Bait shirts and was waiting tables with Riley and Addison. Skye had said she couldn’t stand to sit around, so she began to help the others out.

The more Court was around Skye, the more he found he liked. She might have originally caught his attention by the article in the paper. Her beauty might have kept his interest. But it was the warm, intelligent, friendly woman who drew him in deeper.

The lunch hour was busy, keeping him moving and filling drink orders. All the while, he kept running over scenarios in his head of how they could trap the vampires without using Skye. What irritated him was that they were going to have to use her. She might appear strong, but he saw the thread of fear she couldn’t quite mask in those pretty eyes of hers.

That fear would help to keep her from doing something rash and reckless. At least he hoped it would. She had already done something careless by going to the Viper’s Nest.

“A beer, please,” came a deep voice behind him.

Court nodded as he finished making a martini. “Be right with you, bud.” He put the garnish on the drink and turned around to find an NOPD detective sitting on a barstool.

It had been years since Scott Theriot was inside Gator Bait. Before Scott joined the police, he had been a regular at the bar. Such a regular that he and Court had become tight friends.

That friendship was strained when Scott had seen Court shift one night to save a woman and her child from a vampire. Scott wanted to know all about the LaRue curse after that.

Unfortunately, once Scott had learned everything, he stopped coming around. There were a few phone calls when Scott would want to know if a homicide he was investigating were supernaturally related or not. Other than that, nothing.

“Court,” Scott said with a nod as he leaned his arms on the bar.

Court looked over his old friend’s long and shaggy black hair and scruffy jaw in need of a shave. Scott’s hazel gaze was cynical, distrustful.

BOOK: Moon Thrall
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