Read Mending the Rift Online

Authors: Chris T. Kat

Tags: #gay romance

Mending the Rift (20 page)

BOOK: Mending the Rift
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Marcus pushed his thumb inside Luca’s channel, rubbing against his own erection, and Luca’s mouth fell open as his climax ripped through him. Jets of come spurted from his cock, and his ass muscles contracted of their own accord. Marcus’s thumb slipped from his hole as Marcus shoved in deeper, thrusting twice more before he came inside Luca, creaming his insides.

When Marcus pulled out with a moan, come dribbling from Luca’s ass, he laughed. “We should start every day like this.”

Chapter Thirty-Three



steaming shower, Luca toweled off his hair as Marcus came up behind him, circling him with his arms. He nuzzled the ticklish spot behind Luca’s left ear, laughing when Luca squirmed and squeaked. “Stop that.”

“Why? You’re cute when your voice rises. And besides, baby boy is enjoying it too.” Marcus rested his hand underneath Luca’s navel, and Luca gasped when a tiny foot kicked from the inside.

Marcus’s eyes lit up, and he slid both hands at the underside of the swell as if he wanted to lift the bump. For a moment nothing happened, and Luca enjoyed the warmth of Marcus’s hands on his skin, the way those large hands spanned over his belly. The baby moved before it erupted in a volley of kicks, aiming straight for Luca’s bladder and leaving him gasping for air.

“Luca! Are you okay?”

Doubled over, Luca sucked in a deep breath and pressed his own hands against his sides. “Ow. Damn, he’s going to be a soccer player or something.”

Marcus sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Kitten, you scared the living daylights out of me.”

“Not my fault. Your baby is kicking me.”


Luca straightened and grinned. “Yep, your baby. When he’s well-behaved, he’s

Shaking his head, Marcus administered a light slap to Luca’s naked behind. Luca jumped and directed a scowl at his husband.

Marcus raised an eyebrow as he stepped into his underwear. “What? If he’s misbehaving, I’m going to discipline him. Since I can’t reach him directly, I have to take up indirect measures.”

“That boy is gonna be trouble.”

“No, I don’t think he’ll be. He’ll be as sweet as you are, and we’ll be very proud of him.” Marcus took the hairbrush from the countertop and sidled up behind Luca. “May I?”

Luca nodded, his throat closing up. His hair touched his shoulders now, and he hated untangling his locks. Marcus, on the other side, seemed to love running the brush through his hair. Luca turned his back toward Marcus, aware of his own nakedness, the way the bump stood out from his body. As much as he loved to call Marcus his husband, and to carry their baby, the altered state of his body left him suddenly self-conscious.

After disentangling Luca’s hair, Marcus laid the brush aside and took Luca’s chin in his hand. Luca swallowed as he tried to keep eye contact, even though he really wanted a robe to hide his body. Marcus pulled him against his chest, angling him slightly sideways so the baby bump wouldn’t get in their way, and pressed a firm kiss on Luca’s temple. “You’re beautiful, never doubt that.”

Swallowing again, Luca forced more saliva into his mouth. “I know it’s not an uncommon sight for a man to be pregnant, not anymore, and I’ve seen so many pregnant men—my brothers for one—but sometimes it bothers me. The way I look, the way my whole appearance changes, and… and some people look at me… weirdly.”

“Weirdly?” Marcus prompted.

“Well, no, not weird. I don’t know how to describe it. Some people seem happy, others seem envious, and some look downright hostile. I’ve never felt so vulnerable in my entire life before, and I’m used to people staring at me because of my family.” Luca turned his face against Marcus’s throat, inhaling his husband’s scent.

Marcus stroked his back and butt, kneading the flesh with gentle possessiveness. “Has someone been threatening you?”

“No! No one has threatened me. It’s more a feeling, you know? Not everyone’s happy with their placement as a breeder, and I got the man I love instead of the man I was supposed to marry. I guess that’s causing some resentment.” Luca sighed and pushed his butt into Marcus’s caresses. “Or maybe this is all in my head. Dad told me he felt extremely vulnerable in every pregnancy once he got to a certain point.”

“We’ll keep you safe, Luca, I promise.” Marcus cupped Luca’s face, kissing him until Luca’s toes curled. With a smile, Marcus let go and fetched Luca’s shirt. He held it out for him, and Luca slipped into it, allowing Marcus to dress him fully.

“At least I’ve got comfortable clothes,” Luca murmured.

“And I’m running out of shirts and sweatshirts. Such a strange coincidence.”

Laughing, Luca walked ahead, out of the bathroom, sitting down and fumbling his socks on his feet. “I like your shirts better than the special clothes for pregnant men. Except for the pants; they’re a godsend.”

“Are you still planning to rehearse today?”

“I always play the harp, you know that,” Luca replied, tucking a strand of dark hair behind his ear. “I received an invitation for a concert yesterday, and I’d like to do it. Is that okay with you?”

“You want to play at a concert?” Marcus sounded consternated. “What kind of concert? Small, big? Give me some more information.”

“Yes, I do, and it would take place in the old Philharmonia of Cologne. I’m one of the top five harp players in the Northern Confederacy, and they asked for me specifically. I can’t always say ‘no’ just because you’re in mother-hen mode.”

Marcus swiveled around, holding the ends of his belt buckle in his hands. Luca recoiled at the flinty expression on Marcus’s face but raised his chin and kept eye contact. His heart hammered against his rib cage because he’d never seen Marcus look at him like that. Still, he’d at least try to understand Luca. He always did. Marcus strode over to him and then knelt in front of Luca. He rested his palms on Luca’s knees and gave them a gentle but firm squeeze.

“You’d be in a very vulnerable position in that concert. I’m glad you’re running this past me, but honestly? No, I don’t want you to do it. You got your wish that I’m staying your bodyguard for longer than usual, and I’m hoping you’re going to listen to me.”

The first tears sprang to Luca’s eyes, burning. His lower lip quivered as he stared at Marcus. He’d pressed for this exception, for the permission that Marcus would stay his bodyguard. He’d promised he’d heed his advice, but now that he’d received the invitation, the urge to do as he pleased was overwhelming. “But I really want to do it, Marcus. Please? Just this once.”

Marcus shifted in his crouched position, obviously searching for words. When he answered he spoke in a slow, measured manner. “I promised you I’d treat you as my equal, that I wouldn’t make all the decisions for you, that you’d still be your own man, but I really don’t think this is a good idea. I get where you’re coming from, I do. In your position, I’d probably want to take part in that concert too, just to prove something to myself, but that doesn’t mean I think it’s a good idea. Can you try to understand me too?”

Tears stung Luca’s eyes. How’d Marcus know the real reason behind his desire to be part of that concert? “I just thought… the Southern Union finally admitted to the existence of these facilities, there’ll be a new government election, so… so that situation is resolved. There’s nothing for me to fear anymore. I thought it would be safe for me to participate.”

Marcus’s gaze was steady, as was his voice when he said, “We still don’t know where Smith is, and the Southern Union is unstable at best. The Confederacy’s forces are still on alert, and have you seen your father allowing your dad to be out in public in a position where he can’t be well-defended? Have you seen a breeder out on the street without at least an escort of two bodyguards?”

Luca hung his head, all the fight going out of him. He slid from the edge of the bed onto Marcus’s thighs and whispered, “I just don’t want to be afraid anymore. I thought performing would help me with my anxiety. Have there been any attacks or kidnapping attempts on breeders in the last month?”

“No, there haven’t been any attempts, but we’re still wary. There’ve been lots of uproar in the Union’s major cities, and they’re setting their warriors loose on the public. Many people lost their lives, some of the institutes have been burned down during riots, and no one cared whether there were people still inside the buildings or not.” Marcus held Luca close, rocking slightly back and forth as he talked. “It’s a big mess over there—dangerous and cruel. You’ve seen the news. We’re hoping the election will be soon, and that they’ll be able to establish peace and order again. The Confederacy has offered to help. I don’t want anything to happen to you, Luca. They got you once, and with Smith still on the run, and without us knowing why he took you in the first place, I’d rather not see you go anywhere unprotected.”

“But if I insisted, you’d let me go to that concert?” Luca pressed on.

“Yes,” Marcus gritted out.

Luca leaned forward as much as the bump allowed, resting his head on Marcus’s shoulder. “I’ll decline, okay?”

“Thank you, kitten.”

The tension in Marcus’s shoulders eased, and the lines in his face smoothed out. Even his eyes seemed softer somehow. His lips, however, closed firmly about Luca’s, igniting a desire to please him in any way he could.

Chapter Thirty-Four



weeks passed without any violent incidents. Luca stared at the TV, a blanket thrown over his legs and a bowl of ice cream balanced on his baby bump. He snatched the bowl and barely kept it from toppling over after a light kick against his chocolate-flavored dish.

“Hey, you, that’s not nice. I’m still eating,” Luca chided the inhabitant of his expanding belly. Another, harder kick followed his statement. Groaning, Luca shifted onto his side and placed the plain white bowl aside. He struggled to his feet, clutching his pelvis as he breathed noisily through his nose. “You’re such a troublemaker.”

A motion as if someone stroked his abdominal walls from the inside answered his grumbled remark. Luca slid his hands from his pelvis to the top of his bump, smiling. “And you’re so receptive, which is fascinating.”

The door opened, and Marcus strode into Luca’s room, his brows furrowed in concentration. They leveled out when he glanced at Luca’s position. “Talking to baby boy again?”

“Yes, we’re quite the conversationalists, aren’t we?”

“I wonder what you’re talking about all the time.” Marcus bridged the distance and pressed a firm kiss on Luca’s mouth. His cock perked up in immediate interest, and warmth suffused his cheeks. Marcus broke into a grin and winked. “Give an old man a break.”

Luca expelled a theatrical sigh. “We’ve only had sex three times in the last twenty-four hours. Don’t tell me you need to recuperate already.”

Marcus sat down next to Luca, and warm gusts of breaths floated along Luca’s cheeks when Marcus chuckled. “You’re insatiable.”

“It’s getting embarrassing, yes. I didn’t even know someone could be that horny all the time.” Luca peered up at Marcus through lowered lashes. “Do you… have time to do something about it?”

Marcus raised an eyebrow and laid his hand on Luca’s crotch. Luca sucked in a breath while he pushed his growing erection into Marcus’s large palm. Marcus’s laughter reverberated through him. “I guess I could help you out.”

Luca lifted his head, fully expecting Marcus to ravage his mouth, but Marcus’s expression changed from amused to shocked so fast Luca blinked up at him. “Marcus?”

Marcus grabbed for the remote. The increased volume caught Luca’s attention. A newsman’s voice informed them of the newly elected Southern Union’s government, which wasn’t all that surprising, but in the middle of a cluster of men stood Liam Smith. In the background, Luca discovered several of the men who had kidnapped him. Amongst others, there was Ty.

“That… that’s Smith,” Luca squeaked. “Marcus, that’s Smith. This… this can’t be possible. The Northern Confederacy won’t accept this new government, will they? After all, he kidnapped the vice president’s son!”

“I don’t know, Luca.” Marcus shook his head. They quietened to better listen to the reporter. Meanwhile Marcus took Luca’s hands between his, holding them securely.

The reporter said, “The formal election has been canceled. Well-known Colonel Liam Smith, formerly a member of the Northern Confederacy, has taken over the government to establish peace and order. We will keep you up-to-date on this new development.”

Smith’s picture vanished and was replaced with an ad for a new food chain, claiming to sell only organic food. Marcus switched off the TV, cast a quick glance at Luca, then tapped his communicator.

Keith, who’d recuperated from his injuries and was back on duty, responded. “Long.”

“Secure the building.”

Keith didn’t ask why or what was happening. He simply said, “Roger.”

“Marcus, what does this mean?” Luca asked, hating how much his voice quavered.

“I don’t know, but you’ll have to listen very carefully to security’s instructions. Do you understand, Luca? Under no circumstances are you going anywhere without an escort. Do I make myself clear?” Marcus demanded.

Luca forced a weak smile on his face. “And here I thought you wouldn’t order me around.”

“This is no joke, Luca. You’re my responsibility
my husband. I will take up any measures necessary to keep you and our baby safe. We don’t know what’s Smith is up to, but he got to you once. He might try it again.”

“You won’t let him,” Luca said, listening to himself. If he could only convince himself of it. Marcus would do what he could, but there was no guarantee, he knew that much. In the past, there had been incidents with breeders going missing and never showing up again. In a much smaller voice, he added, “I trust you, and I won’t do anything stupid, I promise.”

Marcus yanked him onto his lap, wrapping his broad arms around Luca like a safety net. He turned his head into the crook of Marcus’s collarbone, trying his best to stop himself from shivering—to no avail. His whole body trembled, and not even Marcus’s efforts at calming and soothing worked this time.

BOOK: Mending the Rift
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