Melting Steel: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (6 page)

BOOK: Melting Steel: An Alpha Billionaire Romance
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Chapter 11




By the time noon rolls around my nerves are shot. I should never have agreed to go shopping with Becca. I’m not good with strangers, and from everything Henry’s told me about her, I expect a self-absorbed, prima donna with too much money and time on her hands. I’m not prepared for the energetic, young woman who practically bounces into the apartment and wraps her arms around me in a tight hug.

“I’m so excited to meet you,” she says, nearly squeezing the oxygen from my lungs.

She pulls back and her wide smile dims suddenly. She seems almost upset by my appearance. And compared to her fancy clothes and hair, I don’t blame her.

Self-conscious, I take a small step back and wrap my arms around my chest.

“Sorry. I don’t mean to stare.” She’s still frowning, but I can see there’s nothing malicious in her gaze. “It’s just.” She tilts her head as if she’s studying me. “You just look a lot like someone I used to know.”

“Oh,” I say, not knowing how else to respond. “Henry said the same thing when he first met me.”

“I imagine he did,” she says cryptically. Then her face brightens again, and she takes my hand. “I can’t wait to hear about everything. It’s just so exciting.”


“Yes, everything.” She waves her arms in the air. “I want to know how you and Henry met. How long you’ve been dating. How long it took him to ask you to move in.”

“He didn’t tell you?”

“Henry doesn’t tell me anything. That’s why I’m so excited to finally meet you.” She glances down at my clothes, then does a small circle around me like she’s appraising me “I love this look you’ve got going on. It’s like bohemian mixed with the girl next door. Super fun.”

“Bohemian?” I glance down at my worn in jeans and oversized blouse that I bought at the thrift shop last month.

“You’re funny.” She laughs, linking her arm with mine and practically dragging me towards the elevator. “So in all seriousness, how did you manage to get my brother to settle down?”

“He’s not…I mean, we’re not that serious.”

“Serious enough to move in together.” She winks, stepping into the elevator when it opens.

I shrug, not knowing how much I should tell her. What can I say? The truth is I don’t really know how to process the bombardment of emotions that Henry evokes. All I know is that he somehow fills the places in my heart that have been long left empty and aching.

Becca must sense my reluctance to share because she changes the subject quickly. 

“So what stores do you like to shop at? I prefer Louis Vuitton, Prada, Gucci. But if there’s somewhere else you’d like to go let me know.”

I don’t know much about any of those stores, but they all sound expensive.

Becca talks non-stop all the way to the car that’s parked outside of the apartment, and it doesn’t take me long to realize that she idolizes her brother.

After only twenty minutes, I know every trivial detail about her wedding, her bridesmaids, and the man she’s about to marry. While there is genuine affection in her voice for Asher, I also note that she’s worried about the disconnect between him and Henry.

“I just wish Henry would give Asher a chance. He can be so black and white sometimes, but I’m sure you already know that.” She sighs and picks up a pink sequenced dress that the sales associates picked up, and curls her lip. “This is a definite no.”

We go to three different stores and try on numerous dresses before Becca is finally satisfied with one.

“I can’t buy this,” I say, staring incredulously at the four-digit price tag of the dress I have on. A soft blue silk that drapes around my breasts and hips, and dipping seductively low at the back.

I wonder if she realizes that there are people in the world who don’t walk around with an inexhaustible supply of credit.

“But Henry will love it on you,” she squeals, clapping her hands. “It matches your eyes perfectly. With your hair up, it’ll be absolutely stunning.”

I glance at my reflection and can’t help the small smile that curves my lips. Becca is right, the dress is beautiful. But it’s worth more than I normally make in an entire month.

“Maybe something a little less expensive.”

Becca shakes her head, and I realize I’m about to experience the stubborn streak Henry warned me about.

“No. You’re getting this one. I insist.”


“No buts.” She turns to the woman who was helping us and gives her a set of instructions to have the dress shipped to Henry’s apartment. When she turns back to me, she looks almost as giddy as if she had bought it for herself. “Now hurry up and get dressed. I’m starving and there’s this cute little sushi restaurant  that just opened around the corner.”

It’s hard not to like the woman, but by the end of our shopping and lunch date, I’m exhausted.

“This was so much fun,” Becca says, hugging me for what has to be the hundredth time today. “I can’t wait to do it again. I’ve been trying to get Henry to join Asher and me for dinner, maybe you can convince him. It’ll be great. Just the four of us. Sometime next week?”

The way she looks at me, I can’t do anything but nod and say I’ll try.

Her face flushes with happiness that’s almost contagious, and I realize I’m smiling when the car rolls away into traffic.

Walking towards the entrance of Henry’s building, I feel a sudden heaviness, like someone is watching me. I freeze and look over my shoulder. But there’s nothing out of the ordinary. Just regular people going about their business.

Still, my heart pounds violently against my ribcage and a fresh rush of adrenaline races through my veins.

. I don’t see him, but I swear I can feel him, hidden in the shadows, waiting, watching.

Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but I don’t take any chances. I quicken my pace, rushing through the large glass doors. I don’t think I take a full breath until I’m safely back in Henry’s penthouse.

, my brain rebukes.

I stretch out my fingers and try to make them stop shaking.

“I can’t keep doing this,” I mumble, sitting down heavily on the coach and pulling the throw over my shoulders. I can’t keep hiding, waiting for Jax to strike. Waiting for Drew to finally tell me where the hell he is. Waiting for Henry to finally realize that I’m more trouble than I’m worth.

I glance around at the ridiculously large apartment, with the marble floors and fancy furniture and know that I don’t belong here. But I know if I leave, if I run from Henry, that I’ll regret it my entire life. 

I shake my head, knowing I need to make a choice, and soon. Because the longer I stay here, the harder it’ll be when this whole fairytale comes crashing down around me.


Chapter 12




Henry saunters into the kitchen, dropping his keys and briefcase on the counter.

All I can think is, God, he’s gorgeous. His dark hair is mussed, like he’s been running his fingers through it. The top buttons of his shirt have been undone, and his tie loosened. His sleeves are rolled carelessly over his muscular forearms, the white fabric contrasting against his tanned skin. 

My first instinct is to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. And I can see in the heat of his expression is that he must be thinking something similar.

He moves towards me and reaches out and caresses my cheek, then leans in and presses his lips softly against mine. His fingers grip my chin, and when he pulls back slightly, his gaze all but consumes me.

A tingling feeling starts at the base of my skull and travels down my spine.

“You take my breath away every time I see you.” The rasp of his voice sends a rush of sensations through my body and my cheeks warm.

I’ve never had someone speak to me the way he does, like I’m actually worth something. And the way he touches me, it’s like he’s been doing it forever. Like I mean something to him.

Dangerous thoughts
, I remind myself. But despite my mind’s warnings, I can’t help but be transfixed in the moment. To be carried away by the feel of his body against mine. The man’s too sexy for
own good.

I find myself leaning into him, then his lips are on mine again, and all tenderness is gone, replaced by something almost primal. His hands are on my waist, pulling me closer, and I can’t help the soft hum that vibrates on my lips as his mouth all but consumes me.

His kiss is fierce. Possessive.

He pulls back and grins down at me. “I ordered Chinese. It should be here soon.”


“Unless you prefer to go out for dinner.”

I shake my head, frowning. “Chinese is fine.”

“How was shopping?”

“It was fun. Becca’s great. She really loves you.”

He makes a noise in the back of his throat. “Did you find a dress?”

“Yes. They’re delivering it here.”


I nod, and chew on my bottom lip, mind drifting to earlier. I still can’t shake the feeling that someone was watching me earlier.

“What’s wrong?” His eyes narrow, and he runs his thumb over my bottom lip.

My knees all but give out on me from his touch. My brain is complete mush around him.

“I need to look for Drew.” I’ve already wasted too much time.

I shake my head and turn away from him. What was I thinking staying here?

His arms are around me before I’m able to take another step away, crushing me against his chest, and he glances down at me.

He cups my chin, forcing me to look at him. “I told you I’d help you find your brother and I never break my promise. I have my men looking into it. Michael is going to come by later this evening. He’s one of the best P.I.s in the state. Wherever Drew is, he’ll find him.”

Private investigator? Panic claws at my throat. The last thing Drew or I need is someone looking into our past. If he ever uncovered who our father is, this thing with Jax would seem like a small inconvenience in comparison. He’s already made it painfully clear that he wants nothing to do with us, and the threat real if we ever tried to expose him.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”

He captures my chin between his fingers, then leans down and kisses me.

“I’m going to have a shower, then we’ll talk.” There’s a wicked glint in his eyes when he looks down at me. “Unless you’d like to join me.”

My entire body screams –
. But I shake my head, needing a moment to cool off and try to gather my thoughts.

Whatever it is I’m doing here, I know it can’t last. I should have left when I had the chance, not stuck around and waited like some pathetic teenager with her first crush. There are a million different reasons to leave, and only one to stay –

It’s not a good enough reason.

But the minute I close my eyes it’s his face I see. His full, sensual lips taking mine. The way his large hands feel as they roam over my body. The heaviness of him between my legs, moving inside me.

I shouldn’t want him the way I do. I should be out on the streets searching for Drew. God only knows where he is or what’s happened to him. He’s still not answering my texts, and every time I try to call him his phone goes to voicemail after one ring.

“Don’t worry.” Henry squeezes my shoulder. “Trust me. I’ll do everything I can to help you.”

I give him a weak smile.

“You sure you don’t want to change your mind and join me in the shower?”

A tempting as it is, I shake my head. “I’ll pass.”

The frown line between his brow creases, but he doesn’t argue.

“Why don’t you open a bottle of wine.” He kisses my forehead. “Try to relax. I’ll just be a few minutes.”

When he disappears down the hall, I slump against the counter and rub my eyes.
. I don’t drink much, but right now I could handle a couple glasses. Anything to take the edge off.

There’s a bottle of white chilling in the fridge. I scan the label, knowing that it probably cost more than half a month’s rent.

I sigh and place it on the counter, then start opening drawers to find a corkscrew. There are so many cabinets and drawers in this damn kitchen, it’s almost impossible to find anything. The third drawer I open is filled with what looks like documents, I’m about to close it when my gaze falls on a manila envelope with the name Abby, handwritten in black ink.

It’s none of my business what’s inside the envelope, but curiosity wins, and I pull the envelope from the drawer. With a heaviness in my chest that warns me I’m about to open Pandora’s box, I reach in and pull out the stack of old photos inside.

My breath catches in my throat as I quickly finger through the pile.

The first picture is of a beautiful blonde, blue eyes wide and innocent, her arms wrapped around a younger Henry. They’re no older than seventeen or eighteen, but it’s clear by the intimate way they hold each other that they’re extremely close.

Picture after picture of the two of them together in different locations, on the beach, rock climbing, playing golf. It’s clear whoever this Abby is, that Henry was, or is in love with her.

It shouldn’t bother me, but it does. I can’t help the jealousy that slowly creeps into my chest, tightening my throat.

The girl is beautiful. And the closer I look, the more familiar she seems. But I know I’ve never met her.

My cell vibrates in my back pocket and I nearly drop the photos. I stuff them back in the envelope and shut the drawer. My fingers shake when I pull out my phone and read the text message on the screen.


I know where your brother is.

My place. 2:30.

Don’t even think about trying to fuck with me.


There’s no display name, but I know the number.

A chill runs down my spine. If he knows where Drew is then my brother is in real danger.

I glance over my shoulder, down the hall toward the master bedroom. I can still hear the faint hum of the shower.

What do I do?

I know that if I tell Henry about the text, he’ll either try to stop me from going, try to go with me, or call the cops – which is
going to happen.

God, I was selfish and stupid to think coming here was a good idea. I don’t even want to think about what would happen if Jax knew that I went home with Henry after last night.

I tap my phone against my forehead and curse under my breath. This is my problem, and I have to deal with it myself.

Jax is an asshole. But he’s the asshole who holds my brother’s life in his hands.

That I’m even second guessing choosing a one-night-stand over my Drew makes me sick with guilt.

I take a deep breath and type in a quick response.


I’ll be there. 


I don’t trust Jax. But one thing he isn’t is a liar. If he says he knows where Drew is, then he does.

Without another thought, I pull out a pen and paper from one of the drawers and scribble a short note.


Best for both of us that we end it here.

It was fun. 



I rush to the bedroom to gather my things, hesitating briefly when I hear the shower turn off.

, I remind myself. That’s all he is. All he’ll ever be. It may have lasted more than one night, but it’s still all that it is. All that it was. I know I’m lying to myself even as I think it, but I can’t believe in anything else, not if I’m going to be able to walk away.

Steeling my spine, I close my eyes and breathe through the realization that I’m alone and   always will be. 

I sling my bag over my shoulder and feel something sharp dig into my side. Reaching in, I pull out my old wooden sword and frown. I’m not sure how it even got in there, I know I didn’t pack it. Henry seemed oddly fascinated with it, maybe he put it in my bag.

I frown down at it, some faint memory pulling at the back of my mind.

For years, I slept with the sword under my pillow, dreaming of the dark-haired boy who gave it to me. The memory of that day is all but faded, and I’m not sure how much of it is true versus a child’s imagination.

Knights and vows.

Dragons and princesses.

The belief that bad guys could be defeated, and happily-ever-after did exist.

Not in my world.

A sad laugh bubbles up from my chest as I move quickly down the hall.

I don’t know why I do it, but I place the sword beside my note.

Despite the ache in my chest that wants to believe otherwise, girls like me don’t get the fairytale endings. There’s no Prince Charming. No dragons. And no white knight to save me. No one is coming to
rescue – If I want to survive, I need to be my own hero.






BOOK: Melting Steel: An Alpha Billionaire Romance
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