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Authors: Emma Anderson

Mated to War (7 page)

BOOK: Mated to War
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Chapter Eleven


“Maybe I should just leave,” Charli
said, feeling guilty about the situation between Judge and Devil. “I refuse to
come between you and your family.”

“You’re going nowhere, mate,”
Judge said gruffly before catching her arm and pulling her into his body.
“Gabby’s right about Devil. He protects his family beyond anything. He’ll come
around. He just has to get to know you.”

“I don’t know if I have the
strength to deal with the likes of him at the moment. Emily’s in the hospital.
Delgado’s back in my life, and I have to find a way to keep both of us safe.”
She allowed the exhaustion she was feeling to seep into her voice.

“That’s what you have me for,
kitten. I think I’ve told you before, and I’ll happily tell you again, no one
is going to hurt you or Emily ever again. I won’t allow it!”

“Some things
can’t fix, Judge. But
can make sure that Delgado stays out
of our lives for good.”

“Maybe you should come sit down
and explain to us what happened today. And maybe fill in the gaps of your past
too,” Viper suggested, pointedly looking at the sofa.

Nodding, she moved toward one of
the matching chairs. Judge sat down on the arm, his presence offering her the
support and comfort she needed to put her thoughts in order. She couldn’t deny
that she would need some help if she was going to keep Emily safe over this
next week. Especially if she was being released from the hospital tomorrow as
planned. Fortunately her little sister was comfortable with both Nikki and

Even though she knew Jonah
Biesterman to be an FBI agent, and one of the good guys, she couldn’t believe
in him fully. There had been too many stories of good guys gone bad for the
right amount of money. And Delgado had a lot of that. She needed a safe place
for Emily to stay while she concentrated on discovering the drop off point of
the drugs.

Looking down at her hands, she
went about sharing her story. “My real name is Clarissa Bond. My parents split
up when I was younger because my dad started taking me to race tracks so I
could pick a winner for him. He thought it was his right because my gift comes
from his mom, and it skipped him. That was when my mom moved us across the
country to get away from him. Too soon, cancer stole her away from me, and I
was placed back into my father’s care, and into my own personal hell. He and his
bookie boss forced me to use my gift so they could fix the odds of races. They
didn’t care that the seizures were worse when I pushed my ability. Then Delgado
got involved and the abuse became unbearable.”

Charli felt herself being pulled
into Judge’s arms and onto his lap. She didn’t understand why until her body
connected with his. She was shaking, though she was far from cold. The further
she went into the past, remembering each slap she had received or thump she was
subjected to, her trembles increased. Her teeth chattered as she felt the cold
metal of the gun against her temple, compliments of Delgado.

“Kitten, you’re safe. He can’t
hurt you now,” came the whispered promises from Judge.

It gave her the courage to
return to the present. Looking into Judge’s eyes, she found the strength to
continue her story. “Delgado is an evil man. He’s the man that my nightmares
are made of. It wasn’t below him to hold a gun to my head until I gave him the
answer to his question.” This elicited a hiss from Judge. The gasps and
swearing from Nikki and Viper were only just audible above the pounding in
Charli’s head. Still she went on. “Anyway, my saving grace was my skill with
the computer. My technology teacher encouraged me to apply for scholarships
from several colleges. I picked the one farthest away from Atlanta that I
could. Things were okay until I had a vision of my father killing Emily’s
mother. I tried to stop the vision from coming true, but I was snowed in at the
airport. I got home just in time to stop Emily from being taken into care. We
left the state that night. I couldn’t even let Emily go to her mom’s funeral
because I couldn’t chance Delgado being there. He’s got enough people in his
pocket to have taken us in broad daylight without fear of prosecution.”

“Did he help your dad?” Nikki
asked, sitting beside Viper, her hands clasped in front of her.

“No, I think he assumed that
with our father out of the way he would have been able to gain full control of
our abilities,” Charli replied. “What he didn’t expect was that I had ensured
that my bank balances were healthy. As soon as I heard about Emily’s birth, I
began using my gift to make money should she or her mother ever need it. I
couldn’t do anything huge that would hit the news like win the lottery, so I
began to build a stock portfolio. The court had no recourse when it came to my
application for full custody. I still feel guilty about her not being able to
say goodbye to her mom properly.”

“Kitten, you did what you needed
to do to keep you both safe.” Judge kissed her forehead. “So you’ve been
running ever since? How long’s it been?”

“Two years. I used my computer
skills to create new identities for us both. I don’t own a car or a house
because I didn’t want any unnecessary paper trail,” Charli explained. “It’s
also the reason I have to sit back and watch the doctors poke and prod Emily
every time she has a seizure in a public place. I can’t refuse the medical
help, otherwise I could come to the attention of Child Protective Services. And
that would be bad on so many levels.”

“You have done what you needed
to survive and protect Emily,” Judge stated, giving her a squeeze. “You should
be proud of yourself, kitten. I am. But don’t let that pride get in the way of
your future. It’s time to let others help you. Let us help you!”

“That’s the thing, Judge. I’m
not sure that you can help except keeping Emily safe for the next week.”

“I can keep you both safe,” he
replied adamantly.

“Charli, why do you feel we
can’t help?” Viper asked. “Do you know something that we don’t?”

“Today, when Jonah called me
Clarissa my first thought was of Emily and her safety. Then the more he spoke
the more I realized how wrong it sounded. His tone and attitude didn’t suit
him. That’s when I saw him with a badge in a vision. As soon as that happened a
voice in my head told me to keep quiet otherwise it would cost him his life. It
was his handler, Iris. She’s a telepath,” Charli explained before looking up at
Judge. “I really didn’t need to go to the toilet. I was meeting Iris. She told
me about Delgado expecting a shipment of drugs in this week and that he’s
supposed to be meeting it personally. She knows what I can do and wants me to
try to
where the drop off point

“What happened when the guards
arrived?” Judge asked, rubbing her back. Her skin absorbed his warmth, chasing
away any residual fear.

“I don’t know whether you have
ever spoken to a telepath with your mind. I have once before. On both occasions
I forgot that they can read what I was thinking. I pushed my thoughts to them,
giving myself migraine-like symptoms. Then I had a vision of Delgado beating
that woman. I felt every strike of his hand. That poor woman was so scared.”

“Charli, I was going to bring
this up at dinner, but I think now might be as good a time as ever,” Judge
said, leaning back and encouraging her to meet his gaze. When she did, he
continued, “I want you to move to my pride lands.”

“No.” Charli shook her head.
“It’s too dangerous! And besides, Emily needs to remain close to the doctors
otherwise they’ll get suspicious if the seizures suddenly stop. Plus, what
about her schooling?”

“That’s what I was going to
explain if you give me the chance,” Judge reprimanded. “The pride go to the
local school, which is made up of shifter kids for the most part. If Emily had
a seizure at school, the teachers wouldn’t overreact the way the humans do.
They would know it was due to a vision. And as for the doctors, we have a pride
doctor who could take over her care. It would mean no more unnecessary needles
or tests.”

Charli had accepted that her
future lay with Judge, but could she jump in with both feet when she barely
knew the man? And knew nothing of sharing her life with a man. Her lack of
experience scared her. She was innocent in the ways of relationships, whereas
she suspected Judge’s love life was colorful and extensive.

“What are you thinking about,
kitten? Are you worried that Emily won’t like it there?”

Shame swamped her. Here she was
worried about her inexperience, when her little sister’s safety and happiness
were at stake. Charli couldn’t imagine Emily disliking a place where she could
be herself. Especially if that place meant the needles and tests would stop.

Looking up, she opened her mouth
to talk but nothing came out. How could she explain her thoughts in front of
company? It was bad enough she was going to have to admit them to Judge. She
feared he would view her as a child. And who would blame him.

Nikki came to her rescue. “Come
on, Viper. I think I need a rest,” she said. Charli looked back at her and sent
her a smile in thanks. It was answered with an understanding wink.

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?
I knew you were pushing yourself,” Viper gently chastised Nikki as he swung her
into his arms. She gave a giggle. Viper turned to Judge and said, “Call me if
you need anything.”

“Thank you, brother. But I think
we’ll be fine for the night. We’ll be heading off to see Emily soon anyway.”

Suddenly, Charli felt even more
nervous. Maybe it was a bad idea to be left alone with Judge. Her hormones
danced at the idea while her heart climbed into her throat. How could she tell
this gorgeous man, who was expecting her to mate with him, that she had no
experience with men? She wasn’t sure she could handle his laughter after the
day she’d had.

Chapter Twelve


Judge watched his brother carry
Nikki out of his quarters. The closer Viper and Nikki got to the door, the
tenser Charli became. With his arms full, Viper pulled the door with his foot.
In doing so, the door slammed shut, causing Charli to jump up from his lap. She
began to pace. With each passing, she moved farther away from him.

Walking over to stand in front
of her, effectively stopping her nervous wanderings, he placed his hands on her
shoulders. “What is it, kitten? You can tell me anything.”

“You’ll laugh,” she said softly,
ducking her head.

“Charli, if it worries you, then
it’s no laughing matter to me. Your happiness is now one of my top priorities.”

“What are the others?”

“Your health and safety,” he
replied quickly. “Along with Emily’s, of course.”

“But why?”

“Because we are mates, and Emily
is now my family,” he told her. But the confused look on her face suggested he
had misinterpreted her question.

“I don’t mean, why is Emily so
important to you. Though in a way I do,” Charli informed him, embarrassment and
confusion the two battling emotions in her eyes. “I mean, why are you worried
about us at all?”

“Because we are mates,” he
repeated. Now it was his turn to be confused. It was not an emotion he usually
allowed into his life.

“Is that the only reason?” she
asked softly, dropping her gaze. He caught a glimpse of the shyness that now
resided in her eyes, replacing the strong woman he was used to seeing.

It finally hit him what she was
asking. She had previously hinted at her lack of relationship experience with
men, which he silently reveled at. He suspected her worry revolved around her
innocence. And if she was anything like Gabby, she would probably also come to
question his attraction to her, if she hadn’t already.

Devil had had trouble admitting
his feelings to himself, let alone Gabby when they had first mated. He’d
insisted that he intended on keeping her in his life because they were mates.
And that was the only reason he wouldn’t let her go. It had caused Gabby
unnecessary hurt—something Judge refused to allow his mate to experience.

“Charli, look at me,” he gently
ordered. Her compliance was slow in coming, but eventually he was gifted with
her violet gaze meeting his. “While the mating bond helps the attraction
between mates build, it has nothing to do with my need for you. You’re my own
personal siren, who calls to everything within me. No woman has ever affected
me as you do. The power you hold over me is unmoving and complete. Please never
doubt that my feelings for you are real, and not some chemical response to the
mating bond.”

“But how can you have feelings
for me when you hardly know me?” she asked before lowering her gaze again. “How
is it that I’ve accepted you as a part of my future when I barely know you?”

“Kitten, we know more about each
other than you realize. I know that you are a smart, caring woman who is
protective of what she views as hers. Those qualities alone guarantee you would
be the perfect alpha’s mate. Then let’s not forget that you’re tenacious with
your values and generous with your time.”

“How can you be so sure of all
of that?”

“Look at how hard you have
fought and what you’ve given up for a sister you had never met before. And what
about your previous boss?” Judge replied. “But I do have one problem with what
I know of you.”

“Oh, and what’s that?” Charli’s
gaze met his in challenge.

“It’s that stubborn independence
you continue to insist on,” he answered, offering her one of his best grins.
While he was hoping to use it to soften her response, he meant every word he
spoke. He was a man who was used to being obeyed, and Charli had already
demonstrated several times her inability to follow his orders.

“I didn’t bow down to Delgado,
and he held a gun to my head. I somehow doubt your punishment could be any
worse than that,” she asserted, lifting her chin in the air.

“Oh, kitten, how you tempt me,”
Judge said, trying to keep the mood light. His true feelings about Delgado’s
actions would have to remain hidden. His mate was anxious enough without coming
face-to-face with his inner animal. The same beast who had plans for Delgado.

“Exactly how am I tempting you?”
Confusion once again marred her beautiful eyes. He was reminded of her
innocence in the way of relationships.

“My punishments would never
place you in harm’s way, but they will have you screaming by the end,” he

“Punishments?” she stuttered.

“Oh yes. You have already racked
up several,” he explained before rubbing his hardened cock against her lower
stomach. “And while they will leave you hoarse from your scream, they will also
leave you satisfied.”

Her eyes glazed over, while her
cheeks reddened. Her excitement and embarrassment had him hissing his own
enjoyment. The aroma of her juices surrounded him, drowning him in her scent.

He wouldn’t have been able to
help himself, even if Charli’s tongue hadn’t poked out between her lips,
inviting him to continue with his plans. Leaning forward, he paused just before
their lips touched. He didn’t have to wait for long. Within seconds, Charli
closed the gap between them, smashing her lips to his. Their mouths moved
together in an uncoordinated frenzy, their tongues dueling for supremacy.

His previous experience didn’t
prepare him for his first embrace with his mate. He felt as untrained and
unschooled as he knew his mate was. He forced himself to pull back from the
kiss slightly, softening his lips and slowing his tongue’s motions.

She followed his lead, her
tongue taking time to taste every inch of the dark, wet cavern. He caught it
between his lips, sucking it further into his mouth, refusing to let it recede.
She became pliant in his arms, offering him her submission. Taking control of
the kiss, Judge released her tongue before stealing his lips from hers. They
traveled down her chin to where her neck met her shoulders. A soft, feminine
moan fell upon his ears, singing to him of his mate’s enjoyment.

Placing a gentle kiss onto the
bright red mark he had left, he brought his gaze to meet his mate’s dazed one.
“That is where I intend on leaving my mating bites.”

“Bites?” she stammered.

“Yes. For our mating to be
recognized in the shifter world, I will have to bite you three times. The first
is to inform others who you belong to. The second speaks of your significance
to me as well as my intentions. My scent becomes imbedded into your every pore.
And the third permanently entwines our lives as one.”

“Oh, so it’s kind of like going
steady, being engaged, and then married?”

“I never really thought of it
that way,” he said, laughing. “But I guess you could be right. Now are you
ready to go and see what mischief Emily has been up to in our absence?”

“Yes,” she replied, suddenly
tensing. “But I have to ask you, can we move slowly into this relationship?
I’ve never been in one before.”

“Kitten, we can move as slowly
as you wish,” he replied in earnest, while his mountain lion and cock silently
protested. “Is that what you thought might cause my laughter earlier? The fact
that you come to me innocent.”

She nodded, looking down at her

“Charli, I am honored and
relieved that your body will only belong to me. I will cherish your gift,” he

“Why are you relieved? I know
why I am, but not you.”

“Because our first time together
will consist of my attention being solely on getting to know your gorgeous
body, instead of me tiring you out in an attempt to remove the scent of every
male who has ever touched your body,” he admitted.

A blush tinted Charli’s cheeks.
Offering her a reprieve, he took her hand and walked them toward the door of
his quarters. He headed for the private lift, then ushered her inside and
allowed it to carry them to the underground car park. He knew his mate needed
to see her sister as much as Emily needed Charli. And there was no way he
wanted to see either of his girls upset.

BOOK: Mated to War
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