Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance) (15 page)

BOOK: Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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“That’s impressive,” John replied then looked toward Gustavo who remained quiet. Williams and Thomas glanced his way then back at John.

“She seems to be holding out,” Thomas added.

“Seems to be?” Gustavo replied sarcastically.

“You could have helped us a bit with her, Gustavo. She’s comfortable with you,” Thomas added.

“With me? She doesn’t trust me, and she sure as hell isn’t comfortable with me. She’s not stupid. Elloisa will give you what little information she wants to give and test your integrity with the department. It’s simple.” Gustavo leaned back in his chair.

“She’s been his puta for the better part of a year,” Williams replied in disgust, and Gustavo sat forward, giving Williams and Thomas a dirty look.

“Hey, she has been, and there’s no denying it. She’s got class and sophistication considering she’s laid down with such trash, but that being said, she knows more than she’s letting on.”

“You know this how?” John asked, trying to bring attention away from the animosity in the room.

“Our intel from the Sintorez organization says she was always with Armando. Even in meetings with Miguel Philepe,” Thomas replied.

“What else do you have?” John asked.

“Elloisa can tell us what other dealers are involved with the organization. There’s been a lot of chatter over the airways and through snitches about some major imports coming in. We don’t have much, but we know that Sintorez is involved. It could be the opportunity the DEA has been waiting for to capture him,” Thomas added.

“Okay. Get a move on that and give Elloisa a few days with her family before you question her again,” John stated as Thomas and Williams stood from their chairs.

“I think we should press information from her now. She’s a woman. She’s weak and bound to be manipulated with the right methods of interrogation,” Williams replied arrogantly.

“Give her time, Williams. She’s was accosted in her home, taken out of the country, and held prisoner for over a year. She finally made it home to the family she thought was dead,” Gustavo replied calmly as he remained in his chair with his arms behind his head, making him appear relaxed.

“So she says that she didn’t know about her family. A year is a long time,” Thomas added.

“Get moving on that information, and be sure to keep me posted,” John interjected, noting that Gustavo was getting pretty worked up over the conversation.

Williams and Thomas left the room, closing the door behind them.

“Assholes,” Gustavo stated under his breath.

John smirked then returned to his desk, leaning against the front of it.

“So how do you really feel about the conversation we just had?”

“I’m impressed with Elloisa’s ability to remain composed and in control. You heard the tapes from the meeting. She should not be underestimated, and she sure as hell should not be interrogated forcefully. That type of action will shut her down and shut her up. She’s just waiting for an excuse to say, ‘Fuck you. Go find out your own information.’ I think if we push too much too fast, she’ll bail.”

“Your point is taken, Gus, but what choice do we really have? She’s the best witness and informant this organization or any other law enforcement agent has seen. We can’t coddle her too long. Besides, I am certain she is right that Armando has men in the country looking for her and that they will come after her and the family.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if they did attempt to get her back.”

“It’s good that her brothers and father are agents. At least they can protect her when she’s not here. If anything happens, we may be forced to initiate a witness protection program for the family.”

“I think that is going to be inevitable,” Gus replied then stood from his seat, prepared to leave.

“Let’s hope not.”

* * * *

Early in the morning, Elloisa sat on the screened-in porch, grateful for the mild summer temperatures of New York, although her skin couldn’t help but miss the intensity and heat of the Mexican sun.

A good twenty minutes had passed since someone had come outside to check on her. Two guards secured the property and another was posted inside the house. Her brothers and father took turns as well.

Elloisa was nervous and afraid. She couldn’t help but wonder if the feelings would ever go away and if she would ever be free of her past and Armando.

It was very quiet where she sat. In the distance, minor sounds could be heard from inside the house, but for the most part it was calm.

She embraced the time to thank God for her survival and for seeing her family again. Prayer had gotten her through many nights on the Sintorez estate. There were times back in Mexico, late in the evening, when she found herself deep in thought about her life in America. It seemed as if she were recalling a past life, not actual memories from years ago. Yet something deep inside wouldn’t let her forget. There was a hold on her memories of her family and her childhood.

Elloisa could not deny that she fell in love with Armando and all his power and money. At first, he had kept her sheltered from the business. Perhaps it was a test or some sort of means to determine her trustworthiness. Or maybe he just wanted her to adore him so much that she would accept him and his crimes. She would never know why he just hadn’t sought revenge on her family and killed her. He had killed many times throughout the year. She had witnessed him beat a man to death by banging his head repeatedly on the solid oak dinner table he ate upon every evening. She had witnessed his wrath enough to know she had better not be afraid of death if she were to ever challenge him. In leaving, she had done more than that. He would take it personally, and if and when he found her, she would suffer a horrible death.

The chills ran through her body at the thought. Immediately, she envisioned her family and their smiling faces.

Elloisa closed her eyes and prayed for their safety, no matter what. She had gotten to see them. She got to hold them to her and love them one more time.
Asking for them to be safe forever seemed selfish, never mind foolish.

“Dear blessed mother. Querida madre santísima. Favor de proteger a mi familia y de guiarlos dondequiera que vayan. Por favor guádalos sanos y salvos siempre y para siempre.”
She prayed for the safety of her family.

* * * *

There was a small dinner party at the house that evening. Many relatives had been stopping in to see Elloisa, overjoyed at her return. Elloisa helped her mother and the cook prepare the meal in the kitchen.

At one point while Elloisa fried some chicken, she caught her mother staring at her.

“What?” she asked her with a smile.

“You are just so beautiful. I had dreamt about days like these when you were just a child. I was afraid the opportunity to share making a meal together had been lost.”

Elloisa felt the tears sting her eyes.

“So did I, Mamma, but we are here together. So who else is coming over tonight?” she asked, hoping to change the subject.

Maria, the cook, opened up a jar of herbs and sprinkled some over the chicken as Elloisa fried it.

Elloisa inhaled the aroma. She had learned a lot about cooking in Mexico. Although Armando was against it at first, he learned to appreciate the meals she made. But he only allowed it once a month or so. She had to get permission and remind him. The thought saddened her.
Would such memories disappear one day?

“¿Preparabas comidas cuando estabas en Mexico?”

“A veces. Hay muchos condimentos distintos que se usan en la cocina mexicana. Es diferente de la cocina italiana.”

Maria smiled as Elloisa told her that there were many spices and ways to prepare meals in Mexico and that they were a bit different from Italian meal preparation.

The conversation continued with Elloisa talking about the small village outside of the Sintorez estate and about the different foods and culture.

Before long, her mother began to ask some questions, but it wasn’t like she was interrogating Elloisa. It was more like she had wondered what she did for the year.

“I will finish. Why don’t you two relax a little? Your guests will be arriving shortly,” Maria suggested. Teressa looked around the kitchen, making sure that everything was set before she left the room.

“Come on, Elloisa, we have some time. Let’s sit and talk.” She took Elloisa by the hand and led her to the porch.

* * * *

Teressa wasn’t sure what to expect Elloisa to be like. She was her daughter and she would love her no matter what, but she felt the wall between them. Teressa wanted her daughter back. She wanted the daughter she remembered from over a year ago. But the more Elloisa spoke, the more Teressa realized that her daughter was different.

She was gorgeous, sophisticated, and definitely reserved.

“I know that it is going to take some time, Elloisa, but I would like for us to be close again. Just like before.”

Elloisa turned away and looked out toward the yard.

“I would like that, too. Please give me some time, Mamma. It’s hard to try and forget more than a year of my life with everyone asking me questions about it.”

“I understand. Don’t be angry because we are asking about your life. We thought you were dead. We want to know who you are and what you feel.”

Her daughter was silent as if contemplating her response.

“I am not the same young girl who was taken so abruptly and forced to leave her life and her country. I have experienced things that have forced me to be someone you, Daddy, and the boys may not be so proud of. But the woman I am has kept me alive and made it possible for me to have a second chance at life.”

“None of us has questioned you about your decisions, whether forced or not. We are proud of you despite what you may think. We are proud because you had the strength, the courage, and the desire to be free and escape his grasp. That is not something to minimize. Perhaps one day you’ll be able to speak about this past year of your life without fear or repercussions.”

They heard a noise and looked toward the backyard where one of the guards patrolled by.

Elloisa lifted her chin toward the guard.

“Guards need to surround my family’s home, and as long as Armando lives, I will remain on guard, in fear and careful about what I say and who may overhear.”

Teressa took her daughter’s hand and squeezed it.

“If and when you want to talk, I will be here for you. You are no longer alone, Elloisa. We love you.” Teressa pulled Elloisa into a hug. A few seconds later, the sound of multiple voices filled the room. The company had arrived. The women rose from their seats as Elloisa’s uncles, aunts, and cousins headed toward them.

* * * *

A week had passed since Elloisa had spoken to the agents, and they wanted her back at the office to fill them in on some things. This time only Mathew would come with her. The two of them entered through the main entrance and met Gustavo.

“I was under the impression that I could accompany my sister this time,” Mathew inquired.

“I think your sister can handle it. Besides, this won’t take long. A few of the agents have some minor questions and then she can go back home.”

Mathew looked at Elloisa and she gave him a smile.

“I’ll be fine.”

* * * *

“Elloisa, we appreciate everything you are doing,” Gustavo told her as he escorted her down the hallway. Mathew remained in the lobby to wait for her.

“I just want this all to be over.”

He took her by the elbow as they waited for the elevator doors to open.

“I don’t blame you one bit. But understand that you are quite valuable from the agency’s perspective. With your knowledge and experience, we can hopefully break down the Sintorez operation and eliminate the threats to society. Do you realize how many illegal drugs get into the hands of our youth alone? There are drug overdoses, victims of crime against people, property, never mind the taxpayers having to foot the bill for increased police protection, jail facilities, and court costs. It’s a kind of trickle-down effect.”

Elloisa smiled at Gustavo.

“I understand all of that, Gustavo. I hear the passion in your voice and have seen your dedication to the DEA. But I have more to worry about than just myself here.” She glanced toward her brother’s direction right before they entered the elevator.

He pressed the button for the fifth floor, and a few more people entered on the second floor, so their conversation ended.

On the third floor, everyone got out except Elloisa, Gustavo, and one other man who remained.

Gustavo didn’t recognize him, and his gut told him something was up as he eyed the stranger’s attire.

The man was wearing suit pants, a dress shirt, and a tie, as well as black combat boots.

Who the hell wears combat boots with suits?

Gustavo gently guided Elloisa closer to his side and farther from the man.

* * * *

Elloisa looked at Gustavo, wondering what he was up to then she looked at the other man. A second later the stranger pushed Elloisa into Gustavo, forcing him against the wall of the elevator, then pulling her back to him.

BOOK: Marie, Laura - Miss: Senorita and the Soldado [The Miss Series 2] (BookStrand Publishing Romance)
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