Read Maiden Flight Online

Authors: Bianca D'Arc

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Adult, #Fiction, #General, #Contemporary, #dragons knights menage a tois

Maiden Flight (2 page)

BOOK: Maiden Flight
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Gareth, I've got a live one here. The dragon communicated telepathically with his partner, who still cut through the waters below.

You found your deer then? I'm almost through with my swim. We can get back underway as soon as you finish your snack.

Not quite. The dragon swooped lower as he prepared to land on the far shore. There was a poacher there before me and we quarreled over the kill.

I've brought her to you to decide who keeps the stag.


Indeed, the dragon replied dryly. She has no fear of my kind and the ability to communicate with us too. I thought you ought to see her before we departed.

Intriguing. The knight neared shore as the dragon landed lightly, setting both the deer and his wriggling human burden down on the ground gentle as could be.

Hmm. Beautiful too. And feisty.


In the way of humans. Quite beautiful, I believe. And quite upset with me. She did not come willingly.

He released her, sat back, and watched the little human fume at him.

She raged and paced, shrieking about being taken by force, but the dragon paid her words no mind. Gareth would sort her out soon enough. In the meantime, she was quite amusing to watch with her antics.

Gareth got his first look at the woman —girl, really—as he stepped from the water. The cool wetness of the water as it sluiced down his limbs barely registered in his mind as he strode toward the girl. She stomped around, ineffectively arguing in front of the impassive dragon. Gareth was struck by her lithe form, her soft hair waving in the warm summer wind, and the passion in her stance. She showed absolutely no fear of Kelvan, his dragon partner, though he outsized her many times over. No, this little woman was fearless and rather focused in her anger.

She was too thin as well. It was more than obvious that she needed that stag to feed herself and her family. If they were all as thin as she was, they needed much more than just the one stag. Perhaps he and Kelvan could do something to help her the next time they came through this way, he thought absently, not even realizing he was already looking forward to the next time he could see the girl.

He knew almost immediately that he wanted to see her again. Something about her drew him. There was a light in her, a fire that called to him. He didn’t understand it, but it was beyond question. She pulled him in like a moth to a flame and he went willingly. The fire in her glittering green gaze mesmerized and the vulnerability in her bowed lips made him want to fall to his knees and give her everything he had, everything he was. The desire to please her, to protect her and cherish her blindsided him. He didn’t even know her! Yet everything about her called to him. He watched as she berated the dragon – or tried to – Kelvan seemed just as in awe of her as he was.

She worked up a good head of steam as he neared, though she seemed completely unaware of his approach. Kelvan shifted his head, finally alerting her to his presence. She turned to face him, gasped, and suddenly stopped talking.

Maybe it was because he was naked, he realized belatedly, enjoying the way her eyes seemed glued to his groin. Of course, such attention caused his staff to grow rapidly, as did the enchanting stain of embarrassment on her cheeks. Slowly, he reached for his clothing, which lay in a pile only feet from where she stood, still watching him.

“Keep looking at me like that, mistress, and you will reap the consequences.”

The girl gasped as her eyes shot up to his. Finally. Her mouth closed with a snap as she seemed to gather her wits.

“Your pardon, my lord, but I’m not used to meeting unclothed knights of the realm.”

The sarcasm fairly dripped from her words and he grew even more intrigued. He shrugged into his shirt, leaving it unlaced for the moment and faced her, now clothed more decently in breeches and shirt.

“My partner here tells me you claim this very large stag as your kill.”

He thought his statement masterfully done, complimenting her hunting skill while making no mention of the fact that they all knew she had been poaching. The fact that she was in the wrong according to the law bothered him much less than the thinness of her lithe little body. He would rather she take the deer and feed herself and her family. Kelvan could always hunt another or wait until they arrived back at the Lair to feed fully. He knew from long association with dragon kind that it would be no hardship for the huge creature who was his dearest friend in the world and closest companion.

“I shot him well before this great lug lumbered in from above.”

Lumbered! I’m insulted. I never lumber.

“Mistress—” Gareth shook his head theatrically. “You have insulted a dragon. That is never wise.”

The petite beauty looked up over her shoulder at the dragon and rolled her eyes.

“All right then, how about swooped in majestically?” She paused to see the dragon’s reaction and then went for the kill. “And stole my deer.”

Kelvan snorted, careful to keep his flame far from the humans, though he choked the woman momentarily with his sooty wheeze. While she coughed, Gareth smiled up at his partner.

This is a strange one indeed. And quite as beautiful as you said.

She lights your fire, then?

Gareth had to fake a cough to hide his start of laughter. Indeed.

Good. You need a hard fuck. You’ve been much too tense lately. I’ll go hunt another deer while you settle things with the girl.

Kelvan winged away, blowing the slight woman straight into his knight’s arms, belching dragon laughter as he headed back toward the forest. The shell-shocked girl looked up at the knight, clinging to him to hold her steady in the fierce wind created by the dragon’s massive wings.

“Where’s he going?”

Gareth smiled down at her, holding her tightly in his arms. “To hunt another deer. You can have the stag, with our compliments.”

Her whole face lit up and it was a sight to behold Gareth realized this young woman possessed more than mere beauty. She had a light that radiated from within the likes of which he had seldom seen before. A rare jewel, indeed, and he knew he must have her, if only for this moment.

“Really?” Her wide eyes held hope for the first time and happiness that made her glow.

“Yes, really.” He tightened his arms around her, his gaze roving over her lips hungrily. He felt her breath start as her body responded to his. It was a good sign, as was the fact that she was in no way trying to be free of his hold.

Rather, she seemed more than comfortable in his embrace, clinging to him in a way that was most gratifying. “Kelvan and I will fly you back to your home and deliver the deer there for you. Later.”

“Later?” Her voice was soft as her eyes spoke of the pleasure he was bringing her with the soft, circular motions of his hands on her back.

“Much later.”

His head dipped and his lips claimed hers in a sweet kiss that soon turned passionate. Though willing, the hesitancy with which she followed his passion told him a great deal. She was quite obviously untried but a willing partner in the ecstasy he demanded and returned to her. He pulled back after a long satisfying time, but didn’t release her.

“You are very beautiful, Mistress Belora.”

She blushed so prettily he had to bend down and kiss her again.

“And very young.”

“Not so young.” There was a teasing challenge in her tone. “I have eighteen winters.”

Gareth clicked his tongue and shook his head. “Just a babe you are.”

“How old are you then? You can’t be that much older than me. I won’t believe it. You’re in your prime.”

“I take that as a compliment, mistress, that you think me prime. I have twenty-six winters though, so you see, I’m an old man compared to you.”

“Not too old.” She chuckled as he squeezed her playfully.

“Never too old to appreciate a beauty such as yours. A man would have to be dead not to want you.”

She gasped as his hands stroked intimately down her back and cupped the curve of her ass. He pulled her against his hard frame, letting her know how much he wanted her. The next move he would leave up to her. She was so young and obviously untried. He would have to give her some choice, but he prayed to the Mother she would choose to make love with him. He needed her on a soul deep level he had never experienced with any woman before. He thought he’d go mad if she turned him away now.

“And do you want me, sir knight?” The coquettish smile in her eyes gave him hope.

He actually growled as he undulated his hips against hers. “I want you more than any woman I’ve ever known.”

“Pretty words, sir. I bet you’ve said the same to all the maids you’ve bedded.” She laughed as he stroked his hands up her sides to frame her face.

“I’ve never said anything of the kind before. For that matter, I’ve never felt this way before. My word as a knight of the realm. You are special, Belora. I know we’ve only just met, but I feel as if I’ve known you all my life. As if I’ve been waiting for you.” He felt his heart lodge somewhere in his throat as he gazed down into her mesmerizing green eyes. “Tell me you feel the same.”

Her expression sobered and her breath caught. A dazzling light came from her beautiful eyes that humbled him.

“I thought I was being fanciful.” Her whispered words made something fragile inside him tremble. “You truly feel it too?”

He kissed her lips sweetly. “I do.”

His mouth ground down on hers with savage intent as she clutched at his arms. His hands roamed her lithe body, stroking her curves and supporting her when she sagged against him.

“Will you lie with me, beautiful Belora?” His words were impassioned whispers against the soft, warm column of her neck. “Will you give me the gift of your body?”

She pulled back and it nearly killed him to let her draw even slightly away.

“I’ve never been with a man, Gareth.” His heart stopped beating as he waited for her hesitant words. “But my mother’s a healer. I know what to expect and I want to be with you. Will you teach me what I need to know to please you?”

He gathered her back into his arms and hugged her close. A slight and strange wetness formed behind his eyes as he realized the import of this moment. This small woman’s trust meant more to him than anything in the world except perhaps for his bond with Kelvan. It was on the same level as that momentous occasion and that alone told him this was a special moment—a special woman. He’d be damned if he hadn’t just found his mate.

It was a heady thought. A frightening thought. A thought for later consideration. Much later. For now, he had to concentrate on the beautiful woman in his arms.

“You need do nothing but be yourself to please me, sweet Belora.”

Words failed him at that point and he turned his attentions to showing her how beautiful she was. He lifted her rough tunic slowly over her head, memorizing every one of her maidenly blushes. He’d never had a maiden before, but he had bedded many experienced women and knew well how to please them. He would make certain this first time for Belora was as good as he could possibly make it. He wanted her to remember this loving with joy.

When she was bare, he laid her down on the soft pile of their discarded clothing and spread her flowing hair around her lovely face. She was shy, but willing, he could easily read from the soft expression on her face.

He stroked her breast with one large hand. He was a big man but he could be gentle when he needed to be and this was one of those times. At least for now, he would give her gentleness. If it turned out she could handle more, he would give it to her later by all means. With pleasure.

She shivered as he stroked down to the point of her breast, pinching her pert nipple with just enough force to make her squeal in pleasure. He leaned lower and replaced his hands with his lips. Sucking her deep into his warmth, he watched as her eyes followed his movements with more than a little shock and rising desire.

“Gareth!” she keened as he bit down gently on her nipple, releasing her with a pop to pay the same homage to her other breast.

His hands were busy learning the curves of her waist, her hips, her thighs and what lay between. One hand parted the neat curls above her mound and found their way into her folds while she squirmed. He lifted his head and watched her carefully as he drew her nipple between his teeth with a little edge of roughness. She was with him all the way and it sent a thrill of dominance through him. She liked what he was doing to her. No, she loved what he was doing to her. He could tell by her sexy eyes and shivering body.

“You’ll never regret giving yourself to me, Belora. I swear it on my honor.”

“The only way I’ll regret this is if you stop now, Gareth.”

He laughed heartily at her honest, soul-baring answer. This was a woman who wasn’t afraid to take life by the horns. He was half in love with her already and they’d only just met.

“I’d never leave you wanting, sweet Belora. I need you every bit as much as you probably need me by now.”

“No one could need you more than I. It’s not possible. What have you done to me, Gareth? What kind of magic is this?”

She gasped as he moved his hand, coating his fingers in her slick excitement. Holding her gaze, he slid one large finger into her core and watched carefully as he stretched tissues that had never known the touch of a man. The thought excited him beyond reason, but he held tightly to his control. This woman was special. He would make sure she enjoyed every moment they had together.

“It’s the purest form of magic, sweet. The magic of man and woman.”

He leaned in close and kissed her deep, catching her cries of excitement in his mouth as he added a second finger inside her tight channel. He knew it might hurt her, but she was so deep in her pleasure, she was beyond pain now. This first time it would be a blessing to her to break through her barrier fast before she had time to worry and tense up. She was in the perfect place now, if he could just keep her there until he was buried deep inside her.

He slid over her, placing himself between her spread thighs, holding her eyes and overwhelming her senses with deep, passionate kisses that kept her off balance. His fingers began pumping in and out of her channel, preparing her, drawing forth her liquid.

BOOK: Maiden Flight
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