Read Lyfe Changing Online

Authors: Desirae Williams

Tags: #romance, #crime, #suspense, #relationships

Lyfe Changing (5 page)

BOOK: Lyfe Changing
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My eyes lit up even at the
thought of that, I leaned in to the table to hear more. “Now are
you going to be able break into that bitch or what?” Ray asked
curiously. I chuckled at him. “Have you ever seen one I couldn’t
get into?” They both smiled wickedly. “Alright, alright have your
bags ready cause the benjamin’s you gonna be pilling are going to
load you down like weights. When you finish up put everything back
in place like before and just ease on out.” “Just like that?” I
asked with a straight face. “Just like that.” De answered me back.
I leaned back from the table reviewing everything in my mind. “Well
boys… let’s get to work.”


I came into work a little
earlier than usual; I was hoping to get as much work done as
possible because I needed to get away for the weekend. There was so
much on my mind, I needed a stress reliever and there was only one
thing I knew could help me with that. “Here early huh? Bad sign.”
Marisol said entering my office. I looked at her puzzled. “Why is
that?” She took a seat opposite my desk and sighed. “It means that
your date didn’t go so well or you would be spending this beautiful
morning in bed instead of at work with me.” I laughed, Marisol was
very observant and loved to voice her opinion to the fullest…good
thing she knew not to over step the boss/employee relationship
line…sometimes. “The date was good…it was. James is a good man, I
wouldn’t mind seeing him again.” I said looking up at her through
my filling. “Then why the sad face?” She asked

I shrugged. “No reason, it’s
just…I don’t know… I got a lot of tension.” I slapped the files
down on my desk and rested my back against my office chair. “I
think I’m going to head up to the cabin this weekend.” Marisol
chuckled. “Oh Lord back to the dungeon…now I know something is
wrong.” I shook my head. “Nothing’s wrong it’s just…I have been
having this dream and I think if I go away for a while I could
figure out its meaning.” “You mean if you paint it.” Marisol knew
alongside running an art gallery I also painted as well. I often
shared with her my finished pieces but never displayed them
publicly…I felt they were too dear to me and any sign of scrutiny
would break my heart. “I’ll tell you Destiny, I don’t see why you
don’t display your work…your paintings are beautiful…better than
half the pieces you have hanging up in your gallery.” I smiled

“When you have something so
precious to you…you tend to want to keep it only to yourself …only
you can understand it…only you can see what others don’t see.”
Marisol seemed to cling to my words understanding every

“That’s how I feel about my
work…I keep it to myself because it’s only for me. And that’s why I
am here so early this morning… I want to have everything set aside
so I will have no worries this weekend.”

“Oh…ok. Well I suggest you
take James with you… then you too can really get


“I’m just saying for
creative purposes…” She waved up her hands innocently. I shook my
head smiling. “Well how about you get creative and round me up some
customers?” “Will do boss…” She nodded scurrying out of my office.
I thought about James, how kind and gentle he had been with me last
night…even his kiss was nice and sweet. I just didn’t understand
why I couldn’t feel that connection, that desire that every woman
should feel for man.
Oh stop it
, I
This is a good man here…a good
black man…stop tripping and get on the bandwagon. Matter of fact
let me call him right now.

Just then to my surprise my
office phone ringed. “Good morning Destiny Witt here how can I help
you?” I heard a slight chuckle. “Good morning, your voice sounds
just as lovely on the phone as it does in person.”
Oh my God it’s him. I wasn’t expecting him to
call so soon. What do I do? What do I say? Play it cool
Destiny…just play it cool.

“Hey James…I wasn’t
expecting to hear from you so soon.”

“Why? You didn’t enjoy our

“No I loved our date…I just
hope I didn’t bore you to tears.”

He chuckled a little. “Trust
me the last thing I would ever be with you is bored…I enjoyed
myself as well. I was actually hoping we could do it again this
Uh oh
, I
thought. I
was really looking forward to
going up to the cabin. How do I turn him down without looking like
a flake? I guess I could take Marisol’s advice and take him to the
cabin with me…I’m pretty sure he would love to help me work off
this tension. But we have only had one date, I can’t have him
thinking I’m some ho he can get his rocks off on. No I just got to
come up with something.

“Well James I would love to
go out with you again it’s just that I had pre-planned to go out of
town this week end.” There was a slight silent pause which made me
wonder did he buy it. “Well that’s fine…we can get together when
you come back would you like that?” He said it so smoothly like he
wasn’t even worried that I was trying to play hard to get…I found
it to be quite a turn on.

“Yes I would like that a

“Good…well then I’ll see you
when you get back.”

“Good bye James.”

“Bye Destiny.”

As I hung up the phone to my
surprise my heart fluttered. I felt like a school girl who just got
off the phone with the high school quarter back. James did have
that effect on me; he made me feel special like I was the only one
he wanted. After years of being alone it was nice to get that
reaction from a man…a fine one at that.
…I thought.
Take a chance. Destiny…all you do is have to take a



Time to Go


It was time…I eased the
Nissan a few blocks away from the million dollar estate that I had
arrived at. “Got damn!” Was all I could say as I pulled up into
Levittown. House after house got bigger and bigger and Julio’s
house was sitting right on top of the hill. I instantly grew
nervous thinking that there was no way I could get in there without
being caught. It looked like this place was on police patrol by the
minute…yet this drug dealer was living large up in here…How? Hell
if I know. I continued to make my way to the main gate without
drawing attention to myself.
Just type in
the code and don’t look suspicious
, I
thought. I entered the digits into the security box and slipped on

Julio’s yard was the size
of a football field with water fountains, garden furniture and all
the works… I thought I was at Donald Trump’s mansion for a minute.
I reached the front door and was immediately thrown off by the
security cam smack dab in my face but I remembered De and Ray shut
them down before they left…good thinking.

I entered the security code
to the house and went on in and if you thought that the outside
looked good, it didn’t even compare to the inside. I could tell
Julio had an instant fetish for gold. It was everywhere; gold
chandeliers, tables, statues.
. This shit was bringing a whole
other meaning to lap of luxury. I decided to stop idling around and
get to work so I could get the hell out of here…I don’t know why
but something wasn’t feeling right and better for me to go ahead
and get what I came for then to be playing around. I eased up
stairs ignoring the expensive paintings hanging on the
Last room at the end of the
I reminded myself. I paced myself as
I reached the double doors that led to Julio’s bedroom. I walked
inside and let my eyes scan the room for anything out of

It was an immaculate place
filled with nothing but finery, from his king sized bed, 100 inch
wide screen television, and French wall paintings. I continued with
my job not wanting to get further side tracked admiring all Julio’s
high priced things…hell I could buy it all myself as soon as I took
care of business. I unknowingly stepped on one of his remotes lying
by the bed causing a beeping noise to occur. I came to halt getting
extremely nervous as to what I had just done. Suddenly the 100 inch
TV turned on along with the stereo and DVD player which to my
surprise was showing hardcore porn to the fullest. Sounds of
roaring music and sex filled my ears blasting from the stereo
speakers making a surprisingly good synchronization. Needing to
silence all these devices I picked up the remote and attempted to
turn everything off, what I did was add to the craziness. The
mirror above the bed turned over displaying hanging chains and
whips, luminous lights flickered on and off through the room, while
I stood in midst of it all as if I were in the twilight zone. “Oh
my God…” was all I could say…
And I
thought I was into some freak shit but this…tops it all.
Is that a sex mask hanging up?
I asked myself looking at the corner of the room.
I shook my damn head…
this is some
I glanced up at the porn playing on
the TV and my mind lingered there for moment.

Finally figuring out how to
work this damn remote I managed to turn everything back off and
back into its original place.
Let me get
the hell out of here...
I thought. I
crouched down to the foot of the bed to get to the safe. I pushed
my large body underneath and searched for the loose wood in the
center of the floor. On my journey I came across some thong panties
and handcuffs. Shaking my head I moved them to the side and
concentrated on the task at hand. I knocked on the wood three times
and saw where it came loose. “Ah yeah!” I said overjoyed. I removed
the square piece of wood and saw the safe. “Damn.” It was perfectly
stuck into the floor upward obviously holding some serious amount
of money. “Ok….” I said pulling a box cutter and Phillips
screwdriver out of my front pocket. “Open sesame.” I had broken
into enough gym lockers in my day before I worked my way up to
safes. It only took a few loose screws and a couple of twist and
turns before my eyes beheld the glory. “Got damn!” I exclaimed. I
had never seen so many stacks in my life. Five million was Five
million. I slid up my black duffle bag and began to pile away the
benjamin’s. “C’mon…C’mon to daddy.” I continually packed the money
into the bag; it was so much of it seemed as if it was never

As I packed the last few
bills in I heard the faint sounds of moving around
Oh hell,
I thought.
I knew this shit was too
. I quickly closed the safe, placed the
loose wood back in place and crawled out from under the bed. As I
stood to my feet I heard the chatting and giggling of a couple
downstairs. I could easily make out a woman’s voice and a
Damn is he home already? Ok think
Derrick, how do I get out of this?
swooped up the duffle bag and stared at the door. I could hear
footsteps coming up the stairs to the bedroom.

Ooooh…stop you’re so

You don’t know the half of
it…come upstairs.”

Quickly hiding out into the
large upscale bathroom I watched Julio and a blonde woman enter his
bedroom. They were kissing and fondling each other as they came
through door. Julio was a tall and fit man, with slicked back short
black and grey hair and medium tanned skin. His lady friend was
your typical blonde, blue eyed, and double D cupped breast escort,
exposing all of Victoria’s secrets through her see through dress.
“You’re going to rip my dress.” She whined as Julio fondled her.
“I’ll buy you another one…”

He said with an accent so
thick you would have thought he just stepped on American soil. I
stood in the huge bathroom of his contemplating my next move. I
peered out the window guesstimating how far the jump would be to
get to the ground…
too steep. I’ll kill
myself by the jump alone.
I looked back out
the door to make sure the two sex buddies were still keeping busy.
Julio had removed the blondes top completely, exposing her pink
pierced nipples while continuously squeezing her breast. “Get on
your knees.” he instructed her. She quickly did as she was told and
began to undo his pants. Julio forcefully yanked her hair and
jammed her mouth down on him repeatedly. The blonde clung to the
side of his Dior dress pants as her head jerked back and
Ok…I got to get the hell out of
, I thought. I eased back to the window
and attempted to open no avail.
Damn did he glue this bitch down with cement?
I pulled and pulled but got nothing.
There must be some type of lock on

I played around with the
hooks causing some unnecessary noise. “What’s was that?” I heard
the blonde say. I stood silent making sure not to move. “Be quiet.”
Julio commanded. “But I heard something?” “Well hear this.” He
said. I continued to try to open the window but couldn’t get any
leeway. “This is not going to work.” I whispered. “And I damn sure
don’t want to be in here listening to them all night.” I decided
desperate times called for desperate measures. I picked up the
duffle bag, pulled out the ski mask I had tucked into the back of
my pants and put it on. With a flick off the lock on my caliber it
was Showtime. I kicked open the bathroom door startling them both.
“Alright friends let’s try and make this as easy as possible.” I
said holding the gun up to both of them. The blonde slid back
against the wall while Julio looked at me like I was crazy. “Who
the fuck are you?” He roared.

BOOK: Lyfe Changing
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