Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1) (7 page)

BOOK: Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1)
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He laughed when her eyes narrowed.

They turned left and was swarmed instantaneously by a group of gorgeous young women, ranging from pale skin to
dark skin. All beautiful and clamoring for Noah’s attention.

"Ladies." He greeted them silkily with a smile. "My friends back there would love your attention."

They pouted, but went in search of his 'friends'.

Alexis scowled at their beautiful backs as they left and turned back to Noah. He was looking down at her, no doubt amused.

"Shall we...?" He gestured toward the entrance into another room further down.

"Where are we going?" She asked, before stepping into the room, which was more of a small theatre with a stage.

"This...," He waved a hand around the room, "…is where we entertain special guests."

Reaching into his pocket, he retrieved a gold trimmed, black pin and reached for her dress, "May I?"

She looked at the pin and read Eden VIP then nodded warily, afraid of what she might be consenting to.

“Relax. You’ll love what’s coming next.” He promised.

He slid the pin onto her dress, his fingers brushing the swell of her breast once, twice...three times, before his hands left her. She looked up, his hungry gaze scorching hers.

"There you two are!" Harper exclaimed, coming up to them with his arm around Cadence. Her friend wore a VIP pin, as well.

"Here we are," Noah offered, less enthused.

Harper just grinned and elbowed him in the ribs. "Good. We made it in time for the show."

"What show?" Cadence asked Harper, her eyes drinking in his gorgeous maleness.

Harper pulled her closer and whispered something that made Cadence blush fiercely and he laughed deeply.

Shaking her head, Alexis looked around. It had to be live
entertainment of some sort.

She wondered if they would be watching strippers together. It would be weird if they were. She’d never been to one before.
There’s always a first time for everything

Grasping her hand, Noah pulled her along to the front row of a half circular booth with a table, in clear view of the stage before them. It wasn't a large room, but a cozy setting for an intimately small gathering of maybe 100 people. Harper and Cadence followed, sitting next to them and then more people came into the room, taking up the rest of the seats. Alexis saw Mateo sitting with a dark-skinned beauty to their left. Gabriel followed with a hot redhead and Elijah followed with a very handsome, tanned male.

Alexis didn't judge, to each their own. Elijah winked at her and she smiled, winking back and heard him laugh.

A waiter came to their cozy booth taking orders.

A few minutes later, their table had bottles of red wine and platters of assorted cheeses. The wine was sweet and intoxicating. They all chatted, drank and before long, the atmosphere was live.

"Are you ready? It's time." Noah asked a few moments later.

"Yes." She replied, though she didn't know what she was supposed to be ready for. She truly hoped it wasn’t a strip show. She did not want to watch people strip. She only wanted to watch one person take their clothes of at the moment. And she sat next him, tucked possessively against him; his arm anchoring her to his side.

I could get used to this

As soon as she finished that thought, the curtains opened and her breath caught.

Right in front of her, literally, was one of her all-time
favorite bands!

Dark Muse! Right in front me!

Alexis looked over at Cadence and knew her face mirrored her best friend’s utter shock and ecstasy. She wanted to jump up and down in her seat like a toddler who was just told she would be going to Disneyland! She could barely contain her squeal of excitement when Jared Montague smiled down at her!

Noah chuckled next to her, causing her to look over at him. His eyes sparkled with unconcealed amusement.

"Like them, do you?" He asked grinning at her.

"Oh my God, yes! They are my favorite band!" She exclaimed looking back at the band. It must’ve cost Noah a mini fortune to get them here in such a private setting. She wouldn't think about that. She would just revel in the moment and enjoy herself.

She grabbed Noah's hand and squeezed, mouthing a thank you. He merely smiled and nodded, sitting back, leaving her to get wrapped up in the performance.

Dark Muse performed all of her favorite songs and she had to wonder if this wasn't planned out for her. But there was no way that Noah could have known about this or whether she was even coming tonight. Right? It’s not like he was stalking her or anything. She shoved the absurd idea away and watched her favorite band wrap up the performance with her favorite song from them, Sweet Cry.

The band came down to greet them when they finished and Noah introduced them to Alexis and Cadence.

"Ah, so you are the lucky women," Jared grinned, "It’s great to meet you. Any friend of Noah's, is a friend of mine!"

Alexis was going to faint. Jared Montague just called her a friend! A friend! The night couldn't get any better...

but of course, she was wrong!

It was Noah she was dealing with. The ‘make anything he wanted to happen at the snap of his fingers’ Noah.

And he definitely snapped his fingers.

When the show was over, the ever handsome Jared Montague and his band left and they all went back to the booth they’d occupied earlier, and ordered rounds of drinks. After a half hour of drinking, laughing and sharing stories, the group dispersed and Noah pulled Alexis into his arms, “Ready to go home?”

Alexis looked around for Cadence, but she was nowhere to be found. Again.

“I should go find Cade…,”

“She’s in good hands. I promise. Harper won’t let anything happen to her.”

Alexis didn’t really want to go home without Cadence, but, she didn’t want to stay here either, where everyone was getting their rocks off.

Everyone but her.

She nodded.

Home it was.

Chapter Six

lexis looked across the seat at Noah. He was driving his Porsche 918 Spyder. She knew that because she had a fascinating desire to know about luxury cars, since she was a young girl, thanks to her dad. When they snuck out of the club, away from Noah’s adoring ‘friends’, he led her to his car, the valet had waiting for him and she almost creamed her panties once she saw the Porsche. The sleek build of the car gave testimony to how smooth the ride would be. And smooth it was. She couldn't feel the car moving, but one look outside told her they were...and fast.

"Where are we going?" She asked him nervously, when he passed her exit. Cadence had drove her to the club…but now, she wished she would’ve drove her car too...or waited for Cadence. She and Noah didn’t need to be alone. Anywhere.

"To my place." His voice low and deep.

“I thought you were taking me home.”

She swallowed. She was going to his place. Did she want to go?

Hell Yes!
The little mischievous devil on her shoulder exclaimed.

“The night’s still young, Ms. Monroe. I thought we could get to know one another better…at my place. But, if you really want, I can take you home.”

Alexis thought for a second, then shook her head. She didn’t want to go home just yet. Only loneliness would greet her there. She was sure Cadence who be occupied elsewhere.

She would go with him.

But would things change between them?

Hell Yes!
The little red mischief maker answered her once more.

"You're quiet." Noah murmured, glancing over to her, a small smile playing on his lips.

She smiled in return, "I was just wondering how I got so lucky as to come out tonight and just happen to go somewhere my favorite band was performing." She phrased easily, to get his mind away what she was really thinking.

Noah shifted in his seat, keeping his eyes steadily on the road. She had the overwhelming sense that he was avoiding looking at her.

He kept quiet, which fueled her thoughts.

"And now that I'm on the topic, I was wondering if you knew Harper would invite Cadence, and therefore asked him to invite me as well." She looked at him suspiciously.

He didn't say a word. She was about to continue, when he turned into a long driveway, meeting a large, steel black gate and the scene caught her attention. Pushing the button in his car, the gate opened to a massive mansion. There were light posts lighting the driveway to a large courtyard, which framed
the entrance to his home. The polished wooden double doors had a large ‘K’ on them and gold knockers, glinting below each letter. The outside reminded her of the Buckingham Palace she toured once, when visiting London, England with Cadence and Ryan, just slightly smaller perhaps.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Noah invited, as they parked.

There’s nothing humble about your palace, Noah

The valet opened his door and Noah went around to open hers. Walking up the steps, hand in his, Alexis took in all of her surroundings. It truly was magnificent. Suddenly, she felt so small compared to him; and not just physically. She was a small business owner, and a new one at that. And he was this all-consuming, ‘the world revolves around me’ billionaire. She felt like she was a servant and he, was the king.

"You okay?" He asked, taking in her expressive face, as two guards opened the doors for them.

She gave a slight nod to them and entered his foyer, greeting the steward on her way in, as he requested their jackets. Noah's hand was on the small of her back, as he guided her into his home.

Hanging on the wall of the foyer was a portrait of a man and women staring into each other’s eyes, love shining in them for the world to see. She knew without a shadow of doubt that they were Noah’s parents. He had his father’s dark looks, but, his mother’s features as well.

"My parents." He murmured softly, staring at the portrait with some unnamed emotion shining in his eyes. Then in a blink, that emotion was gone. If she hadn’t been looking at him so intently, she would’ve missed it.

He looked down at her, not saying a word, just staring his ‘let me enter your soul’ look. The air crackled with tension
between them, until he finally offered his arm, "Come."

The husky command sent shivers of pleasure coursing through her. Sliding her hand around his arm, she felt the steely bicep below her fingers flex. She imagined running her hands over it once more, like she did earlier that day...but this time with intended pleasure. Glancing at her phone, she noted it was a quarter after two. She rarely stayed up this late on a weekday. Alexis resolved not to stay too much later. She had responsibilities now. The passed through the middle of a beautifully crafted, double staircase leading upstairs, coming into a large room with a cream leather sofa and love-seat, a matching glass table set with LED lights inside and a mounted television. Alexis stared at the sparse yet, male décor throughout the house.

"Please, have a seat." Noah insisted as he picked up a remote and punched a code in. Soft hypnotizing music began to play. "Would you like something to drink?"

She nodded, getting swept up into the sensual melodies of R&B. She loved this type music. It was smooth and very seductive.

"Would you like water, wine or something stronger?" he asked, as he watched her body sway to the music.

"Surprise me."

He smirked and walked into the kitchen to the left of the living room, as she sat on the couch, watching him; the sculpted muscles of his back stretched his shirt taut, as his arms poured red liquid into two wine glasses. He headed over to her, handing her a glass.

"A toast to you and your business. May it bring you much success and happiness." They lifted their glasses and clinked in salute, then drank deeply. As they sat their glasses down on the table, he knelt at her feet.

"Allow me to make you more comfortable." His voice was as smooth as the wine that just teased her taste buds, his strong hands slid down to her ankle; the padding of his thumb rubbed lazy circles as he went. He slid off one heel and then the other. Allowing her to feel his long, hot fingers against her skin. She could feel his slightly callused hand sliding up the underside of her leg, to the back of her knee, provoking a deep shiver of pleasure inside her. Her whole body clenched with his touch.

Caught by the hard intensity of his gaze, Alexis was helpless to do anything other than watch him bend forward, place a incinerating kiss to the inside of her left thigh and then slowly on her right thigh. Standing up, he held his hand out to her and the tension spiked like it would if it was the last second on earth.

"I crave you, Alexis." His deep voice reverberating, speaking to all of her delicious spots. Half-hooded eyes begged her to accept his offer.

Would she?

Oh I would!

But the question was…should she? Her brain was too fogged to come up with a suitable answer.

Reaching up, she placed her hand in his and felt him grasp her like a lifeline, pulling her up against him.

Not giving her a moment to think twice, his hard lips found hers, claiming her with a force of raw possession, enslaving her with the passion that clearly raged within him.

BOOK: Lusting (Carnal Sins Of Noah Trilogy #1)
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