Read Lucian's Soul Online

Authors: Hazel Gower

Lucian's Soul (2 page)

BOOK: Lucian's Soul
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Clearing her suddenly dry throat, she whispered, “Mr. Samson, I didn’t know anyone else was here.”

Lucian strolled into her boss’s office and she took several steps backward until she felt her back hit the window. “Call me Lucian. Mr. Samson makes me sound old, and I don’t want you to think of me as old.”

She bit her lip to hold in the groan that almost slipped at his proximity. Mmm, if he only knew she saw him as many things, but old was not one of them. Images of last night’s fantasy, where he was her naked cabana man applying suntan lotion to her body, flashed before her eyes.

When the images stopped, she stared into lust-filled blue eyes only a breath away from her. “I’ve been watching you. Why did you run from me when I told you to stay the other night?”

Tessa froze as his hand came up and slowly traced her lips, then trailed down her body in a leisurely caress. What did he mean when he’d told her to stay the other night? Surely he wasn’t talking about last Friday when she walked in on him with three women?

“You’re mine. I can’t get you off my mind. I’ve waited centuries for you. I’ve been watching you all day, and every time you bend over my mind and…other things go into overdrive.”

Tessa let out a gasp at his words. “I’m dreaming.” She had to be, there was no way Lucian Samson was coming onto her. “Shit, I’ve fallen asleep over the computer.”

Lucian chuckled. “No, Tessa, you most definitely are not.”

A squeak of surprise left her as hands inched up, loosening her shirt, and his lips came down on hers. His mouth ravaged hers and her body came alive. His hands glided over her body and his touch left burning trails of fire. Tessa had never felt anything like this before. She told herself she needed this to stop, she needed to get away. This was her boss’s boss. This was Lucian Samson, bad boy billionaire. This was the Lucian she’d seen last Friday with three women.

Mustering all her strength, Tessa pushed at Lucian’s chest and tore her mouth from his. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. It couldn’t be when I barged in on you with three women.”

Snarling, Lucian let her go. She heard the snarky lilt to her voice and knew she had to get out of there before she lost her job, if she hadn’t already. Tessa was amazed at how she was acting toward a man she barely knew.

“Don’t. You can’t leave. I won’t let you.” Lucian’s voice sounded harsh and gravelly.

Gulping, Tessa moved further away from Lucian. “I can leave. You have to let me.”  Reaching under the desk and keeping her gaze as much as possible on Lucian, she got her bag.

“Let me make love to you.”

Wait? What? He can’t be serious?
She stared up into his beautiful face. “No.”



His eyes narrowed in clear frustration and disbelief. She studied him as a flash of pain and vulnerability passed over his face, making him look softer, more approachable.  “Please.”

Oh, God, how was she going to resist? His face looked like that of an angel. His pleading eyes were pulling on her heart and she wondered how many people he had ever said
to. She bet she could count them on one hand. He may be the best looking man she’d ever seen, he may star in every one of her dreams and make her body burn, but she needed to stay strong.

“We can’t do that. Not only are you my boss, but I can’t have sex with you because I don’t know you. That’s just a starter, what if the condom breaks? What if you have a disease, or what if I get pregnant? I’m not on the Pill. This is a bad idea. I’m sure there are plenty of other women who would gladly have you.”

“You can’t leave me.” He sounded broken and desperate.

The need in his voice almost made her stay. He pouted and she groaned.

“I have no diseases, and as for getting pregnant…”A wicked glint came into his eyes and he grinned as he stalked her. “I'm technically sterile. The only woman who can fall pregnant with my child is my mate.” His eyes darkened until she swore they turned black. “You can’t leave me. You’re mine. I will have you.”

Shaking her head at what she thought she was seeing, she gave a snort. Ah yes, she could leave, and she wasn’t falling for his caveman act. “Look, Mr. Samson, I don’t know what’s going on, but I am really sorry about the other night. I have told no one and I won’t. I really need this job and I don’t want to upset you. I think it’s best if I leave.” Backing up until Lucian was out of her sight, she turned and fled before she gave in to her crazy craving for the man.



Tessa was running. His demon wasn’t reacting very well to their mate leaving them. He’d learnt yesterday afternoon who his mate was when he got to the floor she worked on, and he could smell her. Lucian had come in on her bending over a cabinet, putting a file away. Greg, her boss, had stopped him from introducing himself. He was a pup that Lucian employed to keep in the good graces of the Werewolf Council, just in case he ever needed them. Greg was one of the councilmen’s sons.

“Do you need anything from Tessa, sir? She is only a human and is willing to do anything to keep this job, so if she has—”

“She hasn’t done anything. If you touch a hair on her head, councilman’s son or not, I’ll kill you.”

The pup had turned white and nodded. Lucian narrowed his eyes on him. “I want her to stay back tomorrow night.” The pup nodded and Lucian had stormed off.

He’d found out everything he could about Tessa. Her full name was Tessa Jackson, she was twenty-four and lived in a granny flat at her parents’. She had left her parents as soon as she turned eighteen and racked up a huge amount of debt with a boy named Ben Nixs. Tessa came back to her parents at age twenty and had spent the last four years working to pay off her debts. She loved children and helped out at Vision Australia in her spare time, doing the fun days and being a camp leader on their weekend trips. That had been all his private investigator had been able to dig up on her. She made friends easily and was close to a group of women who worked and volunteered at Vision Australia. He was keen to learn more and get to know her.

The further Tessa ran from him, taking away her sugary sweet scent, the more he let his demon take over. Inhaling deeply, he slowly let it out and chased after his mate.  Lucian caught her before she reached the elevator and stairs exit. His picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, and pressed the elevator button.

Tessa fought, kicking at his chest and punching his shoulders. “Put me down. Put me down this instant! You have no right to manhandle me like this.”

He chuckled as she used all her might to fight him. His mate was a little hellcat. “Kitten, I have every right to take you like this.”  He’d waited centuries to find the one woman he and his demon would accept. The elevator opened and he pressed the top floor button. When the doors closed he placed her on the ground, his arms around her waist. “Tessa Jackson, you’re mine. I have waited many, many years for you. I’m not giving you up now that I have you.”

Startled, big brown eyes stared up at him. Lucian leaned down and met her lips with his own. For a moment she didn’t respond. He gathered her closer to him and deepened the kiss. His hands yanked open her shirt and slid up her soft, smooth stomach to cup and caress her breasts.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Moving his hands down to her waist, Lucian picked her up and walked to his office. He was going to claim his mate and take her home and look after her. He was going to make her love him and care for him, and give him everything he craved from a mate.

Lucian placed his fighting mate on the table and hiked up her skirt. Spreading her legs as she cursed at him, he settled down between them, burying his face into her heat and nuzzling the prize he was eager to taste. His fangs lengthened and Lucian ripped Tessa’s pantyhose and moved her underwear to the side. Spreading her pussy lips, he licked from bottom to top, sucking in her clit. Tessa lost her fight and froze. Lucian let his fangs scrape each side of her clit.

Tessa gasped and arched into his touch. “Oh. My. God. What are you doing to me? What have you done?”

He didn’t answer. He knew he was devious by using the mating pull to make her his. He lapped at her pussy as he sank one long, thick digit into her core and pumped it in and out.

“Mmm, feels so good.” She panted out as he added another finger and picked up speed.

Lucian kept his demon in place. Tessa wasn’t ready to see his demon fully released and the power they wielded. He needed to know she would stay once she knew what he was, and the war he fought. Lucian was going to do everything he could to make her stay with him, even become the demon his people were known to be. He licked, lapped, and sucked her in, loving her sugary sweet taste. Lucian felt her legs tighten around him, and the fingers he buried inside her felt her muscles contract around them.

“Lucian, Lucian, Lucian,” Tessa chanted as she fell apart and her orgasm came over her. His fangs sank into either side of her clit and he drank her blood and come, the mix giving him a high like never before.

Lucian knew what he had to do. Centuries of instinct kicked in as his strength tripled to a level he’d never experienced before. Closing off his entry points, he eased away and quickly shed his clothing, then gathered Tessa back to him. Pulling her closer to the edge of the desk, he lined his cock up with its home as he spread her legs further, then pushed into her core. Tessa moaned and clenched around him as he moved further into her. She leaned back against the table, her elbows helping to support her. She wrapped her legs around him, driving him deeper. She moaned and pushed her body to meet his.

Concentrating on keeping his demon contained, he closed his eyes, unable to watch her arch her back and pant at his touch. Her smell and the look of ecstasy on her face was pure torture, and messing with his renowned stamina. He gripped her hips and drove into her over and over. Lucian felt like he was in Heaven, home.

Tessa moaned and it sent thrills of power through him. Lucian argued with his demon to stay hidden as the pleasure swamped over him. He thrust into her faster and relinquished in the sweet scent that surrounded him, telling him after centuries of loneliness he’d found his mate. The tides would turn and he would get happiness.

Opening his eyes when he knew he’d won the fight with his demon, Lucian saw that Tessa now sat up, looking at his face. She pushed back at him as he retreated and slid back home.

“What are you doing to me? It’s never been like this before. I feel like I’m going to explode.” Tessa’s voice was coming out in pants as she helped his movements, pushing herself down so he went deeper each time. 

His hands fell from her waist and Lucian reached up and stroked her cheek. “You’re special. You’re mine, Tessa.” Needing to mark her so all knew what she was to him, he leaned down and kissed her neck from bottom to top until he rested his lips over the juncture where her shoulder met her neck. He pumped into her with a purpose. She was going to come and squeeze the life out of his cock. He was going to come deep inside her, planting his seed. Tessa would be his mate. Letting his fangs lengthen, he pounded into her and pierced her shoulder. He drank from her as she convulsed around him, her pussy quivering and gripping him like a vice that had him pulling on her blood harder and letting himself go. He felt his wings unfurl and they closed around them, blocking out the moonlit night.

Lucian was happy the endorphins from his fangs would make her drowsy until he finished the mating bond by giving her his blood. He licked her wound enough so it would leave a mate scar. Staring down at Tessa, her head thrown back and her big brown eyes glazed over in bliss, he lengthened a sharp fingernail and sliced where his shoulder met his neck, then lifted her up to where his blood dripped. Still in a daze, he opened her mouth and held her to him. Lucian knew when his sweet taste hit her mouth—she groaned and leaned closer to him, pulling in his blood. He held her onto him until he knew she wouldn’t fight.

His cock hardened again as her moans around his flesh brought his need roaring back.  Using his wings, he moved to sit on his chair and positioned her legs so she straddled him. This time he let the demon out to help claim her. Lucian knew she could handle his demon now she’d had his blood. He grew and his wings hardened. Tessa’s pulls became deeper and her nails dug into his shoulders as he moved within her. Her pussy kept going off with mini orgasms, thanks to his blood heating her and making her body burn so high that all he had to do was stoke the inferno.

Holding onto her waist, he lifted her only to slam her back down and ground himself against her. With her nails digging deeper and her pulls getting stronger, he struck, biting deeper this time. Together they came as they both bit—him to remark her, her as she shattered around him.

Tessa’s core squeezed the life out of him until he didn’t know, for the first time in his life, if he had anything left to give. Spent, Lucian grinned as his blood-drunk mate fell back against his wings, her euphoria evident.

Taking in a deep breath, he sighed with contentment as he smelt the change in Tessa. She smelt mated. She smelt of him. She mumbled incoherently, her eyes barely fluttering open as he eased out of her. Not bothering with clothes, he went to his balcony and opened it, still cradling her in his wings. Switching her to his arms, he fluttered his wings and stepped up over the edge. Holding his precious bundle tighter, Lucian took in a deep breath of the fresh night air then stepped off the balcony and flew into the night.

Chapter Two

Tessa stretched her sore muscles and pulled the covers tighter around her. Her bed was soft and warm and she really didn’t want to get up.  All she wanted to do this weekend was sleep.

She squeezed her eyes shut as her vivid dream from last night came back to her. Tessa felt her body heat and the aching need resurface. Rubbing her thighs together, she frowned at their stickiness. Assessing the rest of her body, she moaned when her tender core made itself known. Snapping her eyes open, she bolted up right in bed and gazed around as her surroundings came into view.

BOOK: Lucian's Soul
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