Read Love's Obsession Online

Authors: Judy Powell

Tags: #book, #BGT, #HIS004000

Love's Obsession (34 page)

BOOK: Love's Obsession
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Another picture of Eve Dray, Cyprus 1947
(DES archive)

Jim Stewart, Cyprus 1947
(DES archive)

Another picture of Jim Stewart, Cyprus 1947
(DES archive)

Edgecliff house, Sydney—c. 1952
(DES archive)

Jim Stewart with Scatty and kittens—Edgecliff, c. 1951
(DES archive)

Mount Pleasant c. 1952; exterior
(DES archive)

Mount Pleasant c. 1952; library
(DES archive)

Left to right: Eve Stewart, Jim Stewart, Malcolm Calley, Basil Hennessy, Mount Pleasant c. 1954
(Basil Hennessy archives)

Jim and Eve Stewart, Mount Pleasant c. 1954
(DES archive)

Eve Stewart and Derek Howlett with pottery—Lymdale 1960s
(DES archive)

Karmi 1961: end of season party, with (at left) Jim Stewart drinking
(UNE archive—Stewart collection)

Another picture of Karmi 1961
(UNE archive—Stewart collection)

BOOK: Love's Obsession
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