Lover Enslaved: Thieves of Aurion, Book 1 (28 page)

BOOK: Lover Enslaved: Thieves of Aurion, Book 1
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Her hand shot up, silencing him. “I’m thinking.”

From the corner of his eye, he caught Jerrick’s smirk.
Yeah, just wait ’til you’re saddled with a bossy woman.

“What if I got entrance to Baggins’ house ahead of time and let you in?”

Dash’s full attention swung back on Mara. “Hell no.”

“Why not?”

Good gods, do I really need to point it out?
“Because he’s a cold-blooded killer. And what gives you the idea you can jaunt right into his estate in the first place?”

“Because I have a secret weapon.
.” Mara reached up and bounced her breasts.

For a brief second, all potential argument deserted Dash. All he could do was fixate on her hands. Or more precisely, what she grasped within them.

“Again, she has a point,” Jerrick muttered, his tone ironic.

Dash scrubbed his jaw. “Would you please let go of those? I can’t bloody think while you’re doing that.” Mara accommodated his request and the oxygen returned to his brain. He lifted his gaze to safer quarters. “My answer is still no.”

She scowled but thankfully she didn’t grab any more body parts. “You’re being ridiculous. There’s no reason why my plan won’t work. In fact, I think it’s pretty damn brilliant.”

“Care to fill me in on the details?” Dash shoved his arms over his chest and squared his chin. “Or does it pretty much consist of you strolling up to Baggins’ front door and flashing him some boobage?”

“I’m thinking that’d do the trick.”

“You be quiet.” Dash shot a look in his brother’s direction. “And stop ogling her breasts.”

“Of course I won’t be able to walk right up to his door. But surely the man goes out once in a while. It comes down to me being at the right place at the right time.” She gave a small gasp. “The sleeping potion the vendor gave me! I could use it to knock Baggins out.”

Dash flattened his lips. “

“Why are you being such a bullhead?” Thunderclouds brewed in Mara’s eyes. “I don’t need your permission.”

Glaring, he stepped forward, but Jerrick elbowed his way between them.

“Her idea has merit. And it might very well be the only way we’ll get our asses inside the estate.”

Damn Jerrick for even entertaining the idea. “I’m not putting her in that kind of danger.” Dash spit the words out like they were rancid. Refusing to humor them a second longer, he turned and stalked from the terminal.

He blocked out Mara’s outraged reply and strode for the lobby. His face must have displayed the fury on the brink of eruption because everyone he passed gave him a wide berth. Outside, he let the sun soak into him, fueling the heat sizzling in his veins.

How could she expect him to allow such a thing? Didn’t she remember his pledge back at the hideout? He’d meant it—he’d sooner die than put her in the path of danger.

Heavy footsteps sounded behind him. “What the hell was that about?”

He stubbornly continued giving Jerrick his back. “Don’t talk to me. I’m two seconds away from kicking your ass.”

“Whoa, I’m only trying to help.”

Dash pivoted, baring his teeth. It took every ounce of his control not to take a bite out of his brother’s hide. “Help? You just convinced Mara it’s a good idea to walk into a killer’s trap.”

“Holy shit.” Blinking, Jerrick staggered back a step. “You love her.”

He saw no point denying the obvious. “Yeah, I do.”

Jerrick looked like he’d stumbled upon a Pardaq opal—rarest of all gemstones. “
Holy shit

“You already said that.”

“I know. I’m still in shock.”

“Me too.” Dash slicked a hand through his hair and pretended he didn’t notice his trembling fingers.

Jerrick continued staring at him for a long moment. “She wants to do this. And I still think it’s a good plan. We’ll keep a close eye on her, bro. Between us and the sleeping drug, Baggins doesn’t have a chance in hell of hurting Mara.”

The thought of that bastard within breathing space of Mara left Dash on the verge of puking. He squatted, hanging his head between his knees.

“You okay?”

Through his misery, Dash felt his brother’s hand land on his hunched shoulder. He groaned, a bad brew of fear-pumped adrenaline and love sickness churning in his gut. “Fuck no.”


~ * ~


Mara paced in front of Avily’s payment desk, waiting for her customer to leave so she could finish ranting. The minute the woman’s green cape disappeared through the door, she threw her hands into the air. “Are all males complete domineering assholes?”

“Pretty much.” Avily gave a decisive nod and returned her attention to the micro-computing pen gripped between her fingers.

“It’s some sort of mutant gene they’re born with,” Piper chirped, swinging her legs over the side of the payment desk.

“How can he not see the logic in my plan?”

“Hello. Mutant gene.” Piper tapped the side of her skull. “It also destroys their brain cells.”

Mara grunted.
Yep, makes sense

Avily bustled out from behind the purchasing desk. She tripped over the end of the rug and made a nose dive towards the floor. Mara rushed forward, but Avily halted her fall in the nick of time, landing on her hands instead. Blowing a blonde strand out of her eyes, she grinned in embarrassment. “Speaking of mutant genes, apparently I was gifted with the one that supplies a lifetime of clumsiness.”

Mara chuckled. “Don’t feel bad. I got a whole boatload of those babies.” She leaned down, intending to give Avily a hand up. A tattoo peeked just above the rise of Avily’s pants. She cocked her head, frowning.

“Are you staring at her butt?”

“What?” Mara blinked at Piper. “No. I was looking at her tattoo. It resembles the one on Jerrick’s arm.”

“Hmm, weird coincidence.” Avily hopped to her feet and hitched her pants up, hiding the tattoo. “So tell me again about this plan you’ve devised for getting inside Baggins’ house.”

The request effectively tore Mara’s attention from the mysterious symbol on Avily’s rear end. “It’s simple in execution, but brilliant in design.”

brilliant,” Piper clarified, holding up her palm.

Mara high-fived her with a pinky. “Damn straight.”

Avily gestured impatiently. “Well don’t keep me in suspense.”

“I’d use a similar tactic to how I trapped Dash.”

“You mean showcasing your boobs.” Avily snorted. “Males, magical or not, are equally predictable.”

In unison, all three of them rolled their eyes.

“What are you going to wear?”

“I’m not sure.” Mara rubbed her chin, pondering Avily’s question. “It has to be super sexy. Something that’ll catch a highfalutin’ bounty hunter’s attention.”

“Ooo…I’ve the perfect addition to your outfit. Hold on and I’ll get it.” Avily ducked around the corner. Rustling sounded the next aisle over and a few seconds later she reappeared with a pair of the most sinfully sexy high heels ever created.

“Come on, you know you want to touch,” Avily teased, waggling the shoes.

Giving in to the temptation, Mara caressed a finger over the tiny, sparkly gold stones beading the crisscrossed straps. “They’re gorgeous.”

“And they look like a good fit.” Avily thrust them towards Mara. “Better try them on anyway.”

“Really?” Not giving Avily the opportunity to rethink her generosity, Mara kicked off her sandals. She bent over and reached a hand up for the high heels. When her fingers groped nothing but air, she frowned and lifted her head.

Avily’s focus was riveted on the front of the store. “Um…”

Mara peeked over her shoulder. Dash stood in the doorway—stare centered on her arched butt. His expression reminded her of the one Ronan wore the time he slammed his thumb in the aerocoach’s door. She swung upright and torqued her back. Biting off her pain-filled grunt, she turned to face him. “What do you want?”

For some odd reason, her question made him grimace. Rather than answer, he inched towards the exit. “I’m done fighting with you. If you want to tempt Baggins, go right ahead.” He bolted from the door.

She turned and stared at Avily and Piper. “Is it my imagination or did he look green?”

“As a toad,” Avily amended.

Shoving her feet back into her sandals, Mara rushed from the shop. She found Dash a few shops down, slumped against the speckled trunk of a flowering Borasha tree. “Are you okay?”

“I really wish everyone would stop asking me that.” Without looking at her once, he strode to the street-side water dispenser situated in front of the bookshop next to The Fairest Rose and gulped down several long swigs.

She waited until he straightened before touching his arm. His thick biceps stiffened beneath her fingers. “What do you want?”

A chuckle escaped her. “Funny, isn’t that what I asked—” She broke off when he turned and granted her a dark stare. “You don’t look okay.”

“I’m fine,” he snapped. “Absolutely terrific. Want to check my goddamn vitals?”

His uncharacteristic hostility lanced her heart. Tears pricked at her eyes and she stubbornly blinked them back. “You know what? Piper’s right. You do have a mutant asshole gene.” She whirled from him and stumbled towards the hotel.


She ignored his pleading croak and powered up her pace. The warmth of his hand encircled her wrist and she tried shaking him off. “Go to hell.”

He jerked her to a halt and eyes brimming with misery speared her in place. She became lost in the depths of his caramel irises. Feeling like a moth hypnotized by a burning flame, she stood stock-still while he threaded the fingers of his free hand through her hair.

“I’m already there,” he whispered, right before his mouth crushed down on hers.


I’m doomed
. Like a starved person seeking sustenance, Dash feasted at Mara’s mouth. He couldn’t live without her taste, didn’t want to even try.

Feverish, he thrust his tongue inside her mouth. Licked at her like a delicious treat. She gasped, clutching the front of his shirt.

Someone gave a racking cough close by. “Okay, time to take this off the street. You’re starting to attract attention.”

. Dash growled and pulled Mara tight before kissing her deeper. His brother grabbed the back of the slave collar and physically hauled him off Mara, dragging him towards the Crystal Lodge.

Her eyes huge, Mara stared at the small crowds clustered in the nearby shop doorways before chasing after the two of them.

They all three remained silent during the ride up to the appropriate floor. When they reached Dash’s room, Jerrick finally allowed his wrath full reign. “What the hell were you thinking? From now on, no more public displays of affection. Got it?”

Dash continued staring at Mara unblinkingly. He wanted nothing more than to vault across the bed separating them and unbutton her prim little top with his teeth. Then he’d kiss and lick every inch of her creamy skin.

Muttering beneath his breath, Jerrick disappeared into the bathroom. The sound of running water preceded his return. Grasping Dash by the collar again, he yanked him inside the bathroom and shoved him behind the water shield.

Icy pellets drenched Dash, making him yelp. A strange mist rose off his skin. “Why the devil am I steaming?”

“Because you’re overheated, you bonehead.” Jerrick shot a quick look over his shoulder before lowering his voice. “When’s the last time you had sex?”

“Three weeks, six days, twenty hours, and three and a half minutes.” Dash glared at his brother. “This has nothing to do with sex.” His nosy brother didn’t need to know about the thoughts tormenting his brain.

Jerrick cocked an eyebrow.

Am I that transparent?
He mentally backtracked to the soul-deep kiss he’d planted on Mara minutes earlier.
. “Fine, it’s a little to do with sex.”

“Think maybe you should do something to cure your pesky ailment?” Jerrick challenged.

“I’m not having sex with Mara. I promised her I’d be a gentleman.”

“You’re doing a great job. That mauling scene down on the street? Total gentleman material.”

Groaning, Dash slid onto the tiled floor of the bathing cubicle. Jerrick dialed the water jets off. “Sorry if that sounded harsh.”

“No, it’s true.” Dash slicked his hair back. Fat rivulets of water streamed down his face and neck, adding moisture to his already sodden clothes. He lifted his foot and stared morosely at his waterlogged loafer. “These are bloody ruined.”

“There’s the fashionable brother I know and love.”

“You’re just jealous because you wouldn’t know quality Faltronian workmanship if it flashed its boobs and gave you a lap dance.”

“No way will you make it to four weeks.”

“I have to.”

A light tapping announced Mara’s presence. “Is everything okay in here?”

Dash met her worried gaze. “Well, my brother tried drowning me.”

BOOK: Lover Enslaved: Thieves of Aurion, Book 1
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