Read Lost Memories (Honky Tonk Hearts) Online

Authors: Sherri Thomas

Tags: #Contemporary

Lost Memories (Honky Tonk Hearts) (2 page)

BOOK: Lost Memories (Honky Tonk Hearts)
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“We’ll work it out later. For now, I’ll talk to Dr. Sheffield before he leaves for the day.”

“Thank you so much for this.” Not caring about her physical state, she bounced off the bed and wrapped her arms tight around her friend.

“Hey, you’re doing me a favor too. Now I won’t have to come home to an empty house.” She chuckled, returning the embrace before leaving the room.

As the door shut, Darcy smiled. For the first time since she woke up ten days ago, the sun shone bright both outside and in.

Chapter One

A mass of nerves knotted in Darcy’s belly. This was what she wanted, right? A job? Independence? To live again?

She continued driving down the road and turned the radio up. Country-western blared from the car speakers, easing her anxiety. Music, she’d learned over the past six months, helped to clear her head and soothe her jangled nerves. Singing to the latest hit, she turned into the driveway of the Matthews Dude Ranch, then hit the brakes. The song died on her lips.

Flicking the radio off, she stared out the windshield in awe of the massive wooden structure. Tammy Matthews hadn’t described her home as being quite this luxurious. Windows upon windows lined the first floor extending close to the roof on the far end of the inn. The three-story log bed and breakfast resembled one of those vacationing ski lodges she saw in magazines.

Pulling to the side where gravel filled a parking area, she cut the engine. Her uneasiness grew as she reached for the hair clip in the console and corralled her wayward strands back from her face.

“Please, don’t let me screw this up,” she prayed, then breathed deep as four cowboys came out to the wrap-around porch. Tammy had told her not to let her sons intimidate her, but even at this distance, the four were of impressive size.

“Oh, God.”

Darcy stepped out on shaky legs as one of the men descended the stairs and continued toward her.

“Afternoon, ma’am.” He touched the brim of his Stetson. “Can I help you with something?” He smiled, flashing perfect white teeth as dark eyes raked over her.

A dog barked and ambled over, nuzzling her hand with a wet nose. She bent down to pat the golden-colored canine. A big, wet tongue tickled her skin making her laugh as the dog wagged its tail.

“Dakota, enough.” He moved the dog away with a hand on his scruff. “Sorry, he has no manners.”

“That’s okay. I love dogs.”

She glanced at the cowboy from beneath lowered lashes. His deep voice vibrated through her when he spoke while his gaze warmed her skin from the top of her head to the toes of her boots. Darcy pulled herself to her full five feet two inch height, but only came to the cowboy’s chest.

Eyes narrowed in her direction. “What can I help you with?”

“I’m looking for Nick Matthews.”

“You found him.” He frowned. “And you are?”

“Darcy Brooks.” She stuck out her hand.

A suspicious expression crossed his features as he reached out, his hand swallowing hers. He squinted. “I’m sorry, I’m at a loss here. Do I know you?”

Oh no, did Tammy not tell them I was arriving today?

She raised her chin determined not to let his scowl daunt her. “Mrs. Matthews, your mom, said today at one o’clock would be a good time to get settled in.”

“My mother’s out of town. She must have forgotten to write you in the books.”

Nick gave a half grin. At least she hoped he smiled, for the action resembled a snarl to her.

“Let’s go get you registered.”

He spun on his heel, giving her full view of his denim-clad butt. A tighter, nicer ass she’d never seen. She wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand. Even though the clouds covered the sun’s rays, the heat had picked up a few degrees.

Darcy shook her head and sprinted to catch up with his longer strides. When she reached his side, he slowed his pace.

“When will the rest of your group be joining you?” he asked, glancing toward her.

“What group?” She brought her sights to his and lost herself in the chocolate depths. No sounds registered as she stared in a daze...until her foot hit a rock and she stumbled forward.

A massive hand circled her elbow, strong and sure, preventing her from falling on her face. A static charge zapped her skin where his fingers held her.

“You vacationing alone?” A muscle twitched in his cheek as he dropped his hand and placed one boot on the bottom step of the porch. “We normally schedule in groups, but I guess we can make revisions to our normal program.”

“Oh, I’m not here for a vacation. Mrs. Matthews hired me to take over for Theresa.”

Nick looked her up and down, then gave what sounded to her like a derogatory snort. She took offense to his attitude. From what Tammy told her, Theresa’s shoes would not be easily filled. Apparently, the woman had worked with the animals, organized the overnight trips, planned entertainment, and dealt with the female drama of the guests. Not that Tammy expected her to take on every detail right away—at least that’s what she’d told her.

“When was this?”

“I met with your mom a few times over the last three weeks actually.” Shouldn’t he know this? Tammy is
mother, and this is his family’s ranch? “She officially gave me the job last week.” Not liking the way this meeting was starting out, she placed her hands on her hips to let him know she wouldn’t back down from her only job prospect.

“Is that so?” Thick arms folded over his wide chest.

Does he seriously think I’m making this up?

“Funny, she didn’t say anything to me.”

What am I to do now?
In an effort to appear indifferent, she shrugged. “That’s a moot point as far as I’m concerned.” From the moment Jordan came home and told her of the conversation with a patient’s wife regarding a possible job opportunity on a ranch, Darcy wanted the job.

His brows drew together. “Let’s go inside and see if we can’t find out what’s going on.”

She followed him up the stairs to where the three other cowboys waited.

“Miss Brooks, these are my brothers, Sam, Trent, and Chris. Guys, Darcy Brooks is apparently here to take over Theresa’s job.”

She caught the sarcastic edge to his voice, but relaxed as each brother smiled and shook her hand. Dark hair, brown eyes, and similar bone structures linked the four physically. Darcy prayed the resemblance stopped there and each possessed a different mind-set than Nick. If not, she was in for a long ride.

He pulled the screen door open and motioned for her to enter.

As she passed, her arm brushed his chest. Awareness shot through her. Having not been around many men in the past six months, the reaction was only natural.
Yeah, I’ll stick with that explanation

She clasped her hands together and sucked in much needed air as the hard-nosed cowboy hung his hat by the door. One by one, his brothers followed suit before Nick led the group down the narrow hall to an office.

Sunlight shone through large windows behind a mahogany desk with papers cluttered on one corner. A tan leather couch and a couple of chairs filled the space. The area screamed business and male. The masculine scent in the room wrapped around her.

“Have a seat,” Nick instructed as he sat behind the desk.

Darcy lowered herself into the chair closest to the table as the others stood along side of her.

“Since my mother isn’t here, and we had no idea you applied for the position, I’d like some information before we go any further.” He raised a doubtful brow.

“Okay.” She gripped the arms of the chair to quell her shaking hands.
Don’t show your fear.
Isn’t that what they say when you’re being stalked by an animal?
Considering that’s exactly how she felt, in this instance, she assumed the same rule applied.

“Chris, why don’t you see if you can get Mom on the phone while we get started.”

“Sure thing,” the youngest brother answered, then left the room.

“First off, do you have a résumé or physical from your doctor? Without a physical, I can’t allow you to start work.”

The man certainly wasted no time with pleasantries.

“I gave the forms to Mrs. Matthews.”

Nick grabbed a pile of papers from the corner of the desk and shuffled through the contents before slapping the stack. He pulled open the top drawer then a side drawer before producing a manila folder. Flipping open the file, he scanned the pages, frowned a couple times and shook his head. “You don’t list much of a job history.”

Darcy cringed.
This is it. He’s going to take one look at the light list of experience and tell me to get off the ranch
. Not knowing her own past made for unexplained years of her life and therefore vague information on her résumé.

“I moved here a short time ago,” she stated.

After being turned down for job after job before this one, she’d made the decision not to reveal her amnesia to Tammy. She settled a hand on her purse, where the paper from Dr. Sheffield explaining her accident and the extent of her injuries remained tucked safely away.

Nick’s brows grew together. “What about before you moved?”

“The company I worked for went out of business. I have no idea how to reach them.”

He picked up a pen. “What was the name of the company? Your boss? How about an old address even?”

Think. Think.

“Hey, Nick, slow down. Don’t browbeat her.” Sam moved to his side, winked at Darcy, and picked up the résumé.

“I couldn’t reach Mom,” Chris said, entering the room. “I left a message for her to call.”

“You could’ve at least offered her something to drink,” Sam continued to Nick, then nodded in her direction. “Would you like coffee or water, maybe sweet tea?”

“No, thank you.” She smiled at this brother’s easygoing nature. Though a smidgen shorter than Nick, he sported a beefier build and kinder face.

“Our ma really did raise us to be gentleman.” Chris chuckled. “Nick must have a burr up his shorts.”

“Chris, cool it.” Nick ran a hand through his dark hair and down the back of his neck before leaning forward on his desk to address Darcy again. “Do you have any references?”

“They’re on the back of my résumé.” Jordan and Ms. Nancy from the animal shelter were the only people she knew to vouch for her character.

“I’d know that if Sam would give me back the paper,” the eldest brother growled, reaching for the sheet.

Chris moved to stand beside the middle brother, who yanked the résumé further away from Nick. “You worked at the animal shelter?”

Finally, a question she was able to answer. “Yes. I volunteered there for the past four months.”

“They do good work. I think Sam finds most of his four-legged friends through Ms. Nancy’s contacts.” A mischievous grin came closer. Eyes danced with laughter as Chris whispered, “They’re his only friends by the way.”

Darcy found her tight shoulder muscles loosening a bit and smiled.

“Very funny, runt.” The stockiest brother chuckled and put an elbow to Chris’s ribs.

Darcy watched the exchange between the brothers and felt her lip dip slightly in frustrated sadness. Did she have siblings? A sister? A brother? And if so, had they joked and prodded each other in fun banter as these brothers did? Were they worried about her now?

“Can you guys be serious for ten minutes?” Nick scolded.

“Lighten up.” Sam shook his head and rolled his eyes.

“Let’s talk about Nick’s shortcomings later. I’m sure Miss Brooks has better things to do than sit here listening to us bicker.” Trent sighed, impatience evident in his tone.

Darcy turned toward the frustrated sigh. Up until now, she’d forgotten another Matthews sat on the couch behind her.

He gave her a tight-lipped smirk.

“Trent’s right. Sorry,” Sam said and lowered the paper. “You moved here six months ago?”

“Yes.” She faced the three at the desk again.

“Where’d you live before this?”

Wishing for the glass of sweet tea she declined to quench her parched throat, she swallowed. “A small town up north. I don’t think it even registers on the map.” In an attempt to hide her nervousness, she laughed.

“I’m sure I can find it,
you can give me a name.”

Nick’s dark eyes bore into her. Maybe this job wasn’t such a good idea after all.

Be honest and tell him about your amnesia.

Nope. No can do.

The manager at the last job she applied for refused to hire her, claiming the decision had nothing to do with her accident, but she knew different. Everywhere she went people were wary of hiring a person with an existing medical condition, especially because she possessed no past. No work experience. No qualifications.

Darcy wanted this job more than anything. Wanted a sense of self-worth, to be a whole person, and she’d be damned if she’d allow some cowboy to bully her.

She stuck her chin up and straightened in the chair. “It’s a little town in northern Pennsylvania called Girard.” She fought back a groan at the lie.

“Do you have family around these parts?” The uncompassionate brother questioned.


“What brought you to Amarillo?”

“My friend, Jordan Reece, lives here. She’s a nurse at the hospital. That’s how I met your mom.”

And that’s as close to the truth as she chanced explaining. The questions came too fast, and she didn’t have time to think. Her bravado wavered under the pressure, and she shifted in her chair. Her gaze clashed with Nick’s and heat crept up her cheeks.

When his eyes narrowed, her insides twisted into a tight knot. The air grew thick, and she licked her dry lips. He followed the movement of her tongue, and her breathing escalated as her heart hammered in her ears.

“Nick.” One of the brothers nudged him in the arm. “The phone’s ringing.”

He swiped up the receiver. “H-hello.” He coughed, clearing his throat. “Hey, Mom. Yes, I know. I’m not. We can handle it. That’s not nec—” He rolled his eyes upward; the other brothers chuckled, and Nick raised a hand, silencing the trio. “Okay. Okay. I can’t talk about it now. Yes, she’s right here.” He turned Darcy’s way. “Mmm-hmm. You could have told us. Fine.” He held out the phone, his lips set in a grim line. “My mother.”

BOOK: Lost Memories (Honky Tonk Hearts)
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