Lone Wolf Pack 04.1 - Bonded to His Werewolf Lover (5 page)

BOOK: Lone Wolf Pack 04.1 - Bonded to His Werewolf Lover
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Nate suspected he could have made Val come just by sucking on his nipples, but his mate had other ideas. All of a sudden, Val's hands landed on Nate's shoulders. A whispered "no" made Nate freeze as he wondered what he'd done wrong. He couldn't have possibly misinterpreted what his mate wanted. Right?

He was so surprised by this unexpected turn of events that his mate managed to push him off. Normally a human would have never been able to do that, but Nate's shock created an opening that wouldn't have otherwise existed. He fell back on the bed, with his mate crawling on top of him. "My turn," Val whispered huskily.

Without further explanation, Val delved in and took Nate's cock in his mouth. Nate choked. He'd thought he'd known the meaning of pleasure, but when his mate's wet cavern wrapped around him, he realized just how wrong he'd been. He could barely even breathe at the intense ecstasy he felt.

His instincts ushered him to grip his mate's hair and start fucking Val's beautiful mouth, but he was still very aware that his werewolf nature could harm Val. Instead of risking that, he buried his claws into the sheets, tearing the cotton and completely uncaring. But who could have blamed him? The sweet torture of Val's mouth was turning him inside out, sabotaging his ability to think. He could only focus on a single idea, a single concept that his world had started to rotate around—how much he wanted Val.

Mercifully, his mate wanted him just as much. He could have easily made Nate come—Nate wasn't very far—but they both needed more. Val released Nate's cock with a wet pop and pulled away, giving Nate a frantic, almost desperate look. This time, Nate didn't need to have it spelled out to him. He was already reaching for the drawer and rummaging through its contents. Despite his distraction, he managed to come up with condoms and lube. His hands trembled, but he succeeded in rolling the latex onto his dick. At the last moment, Val snatched the lubricant from him. Nate fell back, wrecked by lust as he watched his mate slick his fingers and reach behind himself to stretch his own hole. Just the sight might have been enough to push Nate over the edge. If it didn't, it was only because of the ever-rising need. Moon be blessed, he couldn't breathe anymore, couldn't remember ever wanting anything so much.

He'd been trying to hold his wilder side in check, but all control flew out the window when Val's slick hand gripped his cock and spread the lubricant on his shaft. Nate couldn't take it anymore. He flipped them over and lifted Val's legs on his shoulders. He positioned his cock at his mate's hole, all the while meeting Val's fevered gaze.

Nate hesitated just long enough for Val to get the message. "Yes," the human hissed. "Please. Make me yours."

The words came out mumbled, in between gasps, but that made them all the more eloquent. His eyes still fixed on Val's face, Nate pushed.

Both he and Val groaned as Nate slid inside his mate's body. Val was tight and hot, squeezing Nate's prick in an iron-like vise. Nate moved slowly so as not to hurt Val. His mate might have prepared himself, but taking into account Nate's girth, it might not be enough.

If Val experienced any pain, though, it was lost in the pleasure. Val clutched Nate's shoulders in a tight grip, but his blissful expression spoke volumes of what he felt. His flesh yielded to Nate's invasion, welcoming him, and it was just right, perfect, like Nate had known it would be.

The condom was an unwanted barrier between them, but not even that could spoil the moment. As he fully buried his dick inside Val, Nate stilled, giving both Val and himself time to adjust. When he deemed his mate ready, he started to move—slowly at first, then faster and faster. The bed creaked in protest, and Val's cries rose higher and higher, barely comprehensible whimpers that both soothed Nate's wolf and made the beast more demanding. He ached to get deeper, always deeper. He couldn't be satisfied until he claimed his mate in every possible way.

Some engrained instinct made Val guess exactly what Nate needed. He tilted his head, offering his throat to Nate. This time, there was no hesitation. Nate struck, burying his fangs into his mate's throat as he thrust even harder into Val's channel.

Climax exploded over both of them as the half-formed mate bond finally tightened around both of them, sliding into place like it was always meant to be. Val whispered a broken "Nate", but Nate couldn't even tell if the word registered in his mind or through his hearing. There were too many feelings, too many sensations, simply too much of everything. He could finally experience the full extent of Val's uncertainties, and rejoiced when they faded away in the heat of Nate's all-encompassing desire for his mate.

Despite the condom, Nate's cock head still expanded inside Val, knotting them together. And then, Nate felt it, felt the latex split.

In hindsight, it should have been pretty obvious. There was no way a condom could withstand a mate knotting. But Nate had never made love to his mate before, so he hadn't known about it until now, when it was too late.

Selfishly, he couldn't even regret it, because there was something wrong about putting any sort of barrier between them. He didn't know if Val had sensed it, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

And so, they lay there as they rode the wave of their shared orgasm, trying to process everything they felt for one another. When Nate finally slid out of Val, he collapsed on the bed and instantly pulled his mate into his embrace. Val didn't protest, instead relaxing in Nate's arms with a contended sigh. "I admit this wasn't what I expected to happen on our anniversary," he said, breaking the silence, "but I think... For some reason, it feels right." Val paused. "Although you have to tell me more about the werewolf thing. And the pregnancy thing. You left me with quite a lot of questions."

Nate winced at the reminder. "I suppose now is the time I should mention the condom broke."

Val stared at him and blinked. "In other words, you might have gotten me pregnant." He scoffed. "Only the two of us, Nate. Only the two of us."

He didn't sound upset, and instead settled back into Nate's embrace. "You're going to have to explain everything, though. When we wake up."

Val's teasing, yet curious tone drew a breathless laugh out of Nate. "Anything you want, baby. We have all the time in the world."

And they did, because now that Val had accepted him, Nate felt stronger than ever. He wouldn't let anyone separate them, be they werewolf or human. They were bonded, and for Nate, that was the most important thing in his life.



"You cannot be serious." Elder Zachary scowled fiercely at Nate. "You cannot possibly be considering taking a human as your mate."

Nate rolled his eyes and threw another bag into his car. "I can't see how that is any of your business. Besides, he
my mate, whether you like it or not."

The elder werewolf spluttered. "But... The pack..."

Nate pivoted on his heel and glared at Zachary. "Let me put it this way. You saw how the matter with Alpha Simmons ended, right? Let's do everyone a favor and not succumb to unpleasantness. No one needs a repeat episode. Rest assured that I am not going to leave my mate for anything or anyone. If I have to tear apart this pack or any other for it, I'll gladly do it."

The elder paled, but he got over his shock quickly enough. Perhaps he realized Nate wouldn't actually go through with his threat—at least not unless he was seriously pushed. When he spoke again, though, Nate was shocked at the words that came from Zachary's mouth. "Perhaps you are right. In the end, it is not any concern of ours who you decide to claim. The pack needs an Alpha. Beyond that, everything else is irrelevant."

Nate stared at Zachary. "Are you serious?"

The elder nodded, his expression glum. "There's already been too much loss and blood. We need you, Nathan. Alpha... Please. We can't do this without you. If you leave, we'd have to scatter or demand another Alpha from the Gathering... And as things stand, I can't see that going over too well."

Nate agreed. There had been a lot of rumors about what was going on at the Gathering, or rather Gatherings—since the yearly one had turned monthly in the wake of the Simmons debacle. This meant that refusing the Alpha position would seal the fate of the Adler pack.

"I'll consider it," he said with a sigh. "And I'll have to talk it over with my mate. I'll contact you tomorrow, all right?"

Hope sparked in the elder's gaze, and Nate got in the car without acknowledging it or giving the other werewolf the chance to push him with further arguments. He released a frustrated huff as he drove away. It would have been much easier if he could have simply left, but he knew that wasn't an option.

Val was already waiting for him at the very same house where they'd first been intimate. Even if the commute would be a pain, he'd agreed to move so as not to cause any issues for Nate. When Nate parked and got out his vehicle, his mate greeted him with a kiss.

"You're late."

"Sorry about that." Nate grumbled. "Elder Zachary ambushed me."

"Well, you knew it was going to happen. You have to give them an answer."

Nate wrapped an arm around his mate's waist and kissed his forehead. "Yes, I know. But it's not just me anymore. It's us."

Val smiled at him. "Stop, Nate. You want to do this. You're a good man, and you'd never be able to live with yourself if you didn't."

Nate groaned as his mate pulled him indoors. "I just wish things didn't have to be so complicated for you."

"I knew things would be complicated when I tracked down my werewolf boyfriend to ask him what it meant to have a mate—or maybe even before that." Val's eyes shone with affection. "Don't worry about me, Nate. I trust you."

And Nate knew that was true, because their bond practically glowed with it, with that trust and affection. He leaned over to steal another kiss from his mate, but Val pulled away at the last moment. "We can celebrate your move in a bit. Now I want to call Gavin. Since it seems I'm carrying your child, I have every intention of knowing how it works."

Val grinned, like he hadn't just delivered a piece of news that had shaken Nate to the core. As he watched his mate disappear into the living room, Nate released an almost unmanly squeak. "Wait, what?"

He heard Val laugh from the other room, and just like that, the knowledge settled in Nate's heart. A pup. They were going to have a pup.

With that knowledge came a different one. Val was right. His decision had been made. He would become the Alpha of the Adler pack, but he'd do so for a very clear reason.

He would build a pack that would be welcoming for human mates and half-human children. And maybe, in time, everyone could finally accept the truth that was perhaps the most important thing about their lives.

It didn't matter if a mate was human, werewolf, vampire or whatever other species.

It didn't matter if a mate was male or female.

The only thing that mattered was their bond, and everything they could build together. With a grin of his own, Nate followed Val. Perhaps he could persuade his mate to call Gavin later. He was fairly certain Val expected him to do just that. After all, they had to celebrate the good news.







About the Author


Anya Byrne is first and foremost a longtime fan of erotic romance. Starting to write her own stories was a natural progression of her devotion for the genre. Years after she put pen to paper in that very first book, she is just as enthusiastic and, let’s face it, somewhat obsessive about erotic romance and all that it entails. She is steadfast in the belief that there’s nothing quite as hot as an amazing hero—except more amazing heroes engaged in heroic hot lovin’, and has branched out into the field of self-publishing to convince even more readers of this fact. Hopefully, she will succeed.

For the latest news and upcoming releases please visit Anya at:


BOOK: Lone Wolf Pack 04.1 - Bonded to His Werewolf Lover
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