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Authors: Maya Cross

Lockout (3 page)

BOOK: Lockout
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My breath began coming in short, sharp bursts, and a trickle of sweat lined my brow. I could feel an orgasm swelling up inside me, beckoning to me with unrestrained promise.

You're forbidden to come.

The words echoed in my head. I wanted to obey him. I knew there was a purpose behind everything he asked, a purpose that would undoubtedly lead to more pleasure later, but I was already so close. Every part of my body burned with desire. That week of waiting while my imagination ran wild seemed to have built up inside me, and now it was all bubbling to the surface. Another few seconds and I knew I'd be past the point of no return.

The tiny, logical part of my mind that wasn't flushed with hormones began to make peace with the fact that I was going to fail. He'd probably have a punishment prepared, and I doubted he'd be as gentle as last time. I might even be forced to meet the paddle. But there was nothing I could do, the pressure was too great.

Then, moments before my climax took hold, I heard the bathroom door fly open.

It was like somebody had pulled the plug out from inside me. All the passion and arousal instantly drained away as I let out a mortified gasp. How much had they heard? I had no idea how loud I'd been. As excited as I was, it wouldn't have surprised me if the entire floor knew what I was up to. It was one thing to savour the threat of getting caught, but it was quite another for it to actually happen.

There was a pause, as though the person was deciding whether to speak.

"Are you okay in there?" she said eventually. The sing-song voice instantly sent a slinking sensation down my spine, like a wayward insect. Jennifer. I cursed silently. Of all the colleagues that I'd want to walk in on me, she was at the bottom of the list. Hell, if you threw my mother, grandmother and all my ex-boyfriends on there, Jennifer was still at the bottom.

"Hello?" she continued. "Do you need any help?"

I winced. "I'm fine. Just ate some bad prawns last night I think."

I could almost picture her face twisting into that supercilious smile as she recognised me. "Ah, Sophia, I didn't realise it was you. I hope it's not serious." Did she sound smug because she knew about my little date for one in here? Or was it just general pleasure at my discomfort? It was impossible to tell. Jennifer always sounded so damn self-satisfied.

"It's alright. I'll be fine in a couple of minutes."

"Good, good. The Wrights case is really ramping up and we need as many hands on deck as we can get. I'd hate for you to miss out because of a weak stomach." The woman's tone was saccharine sweet. I growled quietly to myself. Why wouldn't she just leave?

"I know. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"I know you wouldn't." I heard the tap begin running, followed by the tear of paper towel. "I just came in here to freshen up. Big meeting this morning. Mister Bell himself is going to be there. Anyway, I have to run. I do hope you feel better. If you need anything, just sing out. Ta ta."

The door opened, and then the room fell silent once more.
I'd go to hell and back before I went to you for help.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. It seemed like I'd gotten away with it, although it was hard to tell with her. She'd be just as likely to keep it to herself for a few months and pull it out at an opportune moment as to rub it in my face then and there.

On the plus side, I technically hadn't disobeyed Sebastian, although it was through no strength of my own. I wondered if that counted.

Regardless, I wasn't finished yet. My eyes flicked down to where the box lay on the floor.

Take the second box with you. When you're done, open it.

I was still shaken from my near miss with Jennifer, but I scooped it up anyway. A trace of my earlier fire flared between my legs as I gazed at it. Sebastian was nothing if not inventive, and I was rapidly discovering just how much I liked his games. It was a simple gesture, classic really, an unexplained package left quietly on a desk, but he always knew how to give things just enough of a twist to set my blood pumping. Sexy commands, boxes within boxes; it was like some kind of kinky Russian doll.

Unable to wait any longer, I tugged gently at the ribbon and the box fell open. "Oh god, he didn't," I said, to no one in particular.

It had been years since I'd seen a butt plug. One past boyfriend had been more than a little fixated on my ass, so I'd consented to a little anal play. We never actually progressed to sealing the deal — it turned out my ass wasn't the only one he was fixated on — but we made it as far as a little toy play. I didn't have the fondest memories of those times.

I exhaled sharply. In the throes of my last passionate encounter with Sebastian, I'd expressed a willingness to consider anal play, but in the cold, hard, fluorescent light of reality, the idea lost most of its charm.

I picked the plug up slowly, turning it in my hand. It wasn't particularly big — three inches long and about the thickness of a large index finger, with one end that tapered to a round point — but in the context of where it was supposed to go, it looked positively daunting.

There was another note in this box, lying next to a small white tube that I assumed was lubricant. I picked up the note gingerly.


Dear Sophia.


I trust you enjoyed that. I must admit, the thought of you pleasuring yourself kept me awake most of last night. I will definitely require a more intimate show when I return.

But the game is not quite over yet. You've obviously discovered my little gift. In my opinion, it's something every girl should own. I know you're probably a little uncertain about such things, but I think you'll come to take pleasure in them eventually. Besides, it would make me extremely happy.

I originally bought it to use on you myself, but since I've been delayed, I figured maybe you could get started without me. There's no time like the present.

With that in mind, I want you to remove your panties and place them in the box. Give the plug a healthy dose of lube and then insert it as far into your ass as you can. Don't be shy; the deeper the better. Then, I want you to return to your desk and continue working as normal.

I have no doubt it will be uncomfortable to begin with, but that will pass. I love the idea of you going about your day exposed and penetrated for me. Even though I'm not there, you'll have a little piece of me inside you, a constant reminder of my presence.

You don't have to leave it in all day; it's best to start slowly. An hour or two should do it, and if you enjoy the sensation, we can go from there.

Now, if you followed my instructions properly, your panties should be in quite a state. I wish I were there to do something about that myself — I can practically taste you on my tongue right now — but seeing as I'm not, I'd like you to save them for me. You're forbidden to wear them for the rest of the day. Just keep them there in the box. And to make things a little more interesting, I'd like you to keep it on your desk until you leave. I do hope you don't get too many visitors.

I will be in touch later in the day to see that my orders have been followed. Have a lovely day.




My mouth fell open as I read. The plug wasn't just a gift. He expected me to wear it right now.

My eyes darted to the lube, then back to the toy, and I swallowed loudly. Theoretically, nobody would notice — it was small, and I wasn't exactly in the habit of flashing my work mates — but still, the very idea was crazy. Walking around the office all day wearing a sex toy was about the most inappropriate thing I could think of. Except perhaps leaving a pair of sex-wet panties out on my desk. I got the sense it was more about the risk than the panties themselves, and while it was true they'd be hidden inside something, it wouldn't take much for someone to start asking questions.

But even as my rational self madly tried to dissuade me, the new Sophia, the one that had only recently awakened, was buzzing with excitement. Being commanded to do such risqué things was a huge turn on. It made me feel like the naughty little minx I'd never known I wanted to be. And beyond that, it would make Sebastian happy, which was a reward all of its own. His pleasure became my pleasure; he'd made that very clear.

I began preparing. Breaking the seal on the lube, I squeezed a healthy dollop out onto my hand and smeared it all over the plug.
You're not basting a damn turkey,
I thought, admiring my handiwork.
That thing is going
inside your ass
don't be stingy now.
So I took a second squeeze and did it again. Soon, I could barely keep a firm grip on the thing.

Not giving myself a chance to change my mind, I hiked up my skirt once more, slipped my underwear free, bent over, and brought the small rubber tip up to my delicate ring. The lube was cold against my skin, but the light pressure was not unpleasant. I thought back to our last night together, to the gentle probing of Sebastian's finger. In the heat of the moment, I'd kind of enjoyed that. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad.

With a deep breath I began to apply pressure. The first inch was surprisingly easy, slipping in with little resistance, but as the shaft gradually grew wider, it began to hurt. My sphincter started to spasm and tighten, rebelling against the foreign sensation. I gritted my teeth and tried to relax, but it was impossible. My body seemed to have a mind of its own. I growled in frustration.

Closing my eyes for a moment, I tried to regroup.
Think of that night in the hotel. Think of the wonderful things Sebastian still has to show you, the things he'll do to you if you please him.

And somehow, it worked. Slowly but surely, my muscles loosened and the plug began to slide deeper. It was a lengthy process, and I stopped twice to apply more lube, but eventually I buried the entire thing inside me, right down to the handle.

I let out a deep sigh, followed by a wince. The toy was as painful as I'd feared. My ass burned with the fullness of it. I experimented, shaking my hips back and forth and applying gentle pressure to the plug with my hand. Every motion sent a sting coursing through me as my muscles stretched far beyond what had been asked of them recently. It was an invasive sensation, and far from comfortable, but it was done now. Stubbornness meant I would see it through, at least for a while.

After checking that the room was empty, I slipped out of the cubicle and inspected myself in the mirror. I looked a little flustered, and somehow I'd given myself a perfect sex hair makeover despite the fact that I'd been playing solo.
Also, you're walking like you've got a stick up your ass, which I guess in a manner of speaking, you do. On the plus side, that should make you a shoe-in for partner.

I spent a minute washing the heat from my cheeks and collecting myself, before taking another deep breath and marching out through the door. I half expected Jennifer to have gathered the entire building to witness my walk of shame, so I was pleasantly surprised to find the corridor outside empty. Perhaps I really had gotten away with it.

The walk to my desk seemed to last an eternity. Every few steps I found myself reaching out to smooth the back of my skirt, certain there was a large, plug shaped knob visible under the material. At one point, one of my colleagues decided to pop out of his office for a chat. It was one of the most excruciating conversations of my life. I could barely string two words together, and with every stumble I felt more certain I had given myself away. After a minute or so, I mumbled something about needing to go, and took off before he could stop me.

I'd never been happier to arrive at my office. Slipping inside and shutting the door, I pressed myself against it and closed my eyes. Safety.

A nervous laugh escaped my lips as I considered the lunacy of what I'd just done. Little Bell was one of the oldest and most eminent law firms in Australia. It was a company steeped in tradition, yet there I was marching the hallways with a pair of sodden panties in a box in my hands and a sex toy between my legs. It was crazy. For the hundredth time, I asked myself why I was giving Sebastian so much control, but of course I knew the answer. Because I enjoyed it as much as he did.

The next few minutes were extremely uncomfortable. Having something buried in my ass was such an alien feeling that I could barely concentrate. Several times I came close to giving up. But gradually, as my muscles began to adjust, the discomfort ebbed away. That unwavering pressure was still there, but the longer I worked, the less it bothered me.

At some point, I realised that I was actually beginning to enjoy it. It wasn't pleasurable in a direct way, but the sense of fullness was extremely satisfying. And beyond that, there was the psychological effect. Sebastian was right, the plug acted as a constant reminder of his presence. I'd be working through a dense case file, my mind utterly focused on the task at hand, when a sudden shift in position would send a wave of sensation curling through me. It was distracting, but also immensely erotic; as though he was stimulating me from across the country. The message was clear: even when we were apart, I was still his.

It was difficult to work at my normal pace. I tried my best to focus, but I couldn't slip into my normal steady rhythm. The morning's activities had left me buzzing with energy. My latent orgasm still simmered somewhere inside me, and whenever I looked up from my work, I found my eyes wandering to the box that sat just a few inches from my keyboard. It was closed of course, and looked fairly innocuous, but nonetheless it was nerve-wracking knowing that such a thing was out in the open, just waiting to be discovered. It seemed so damned obvious. I swore I could smell hints of my earlier excitement hanging in the air.

For a while it seemed like I might escape the day without any visitors, but around lunch time, I heard the dreaded sound of a knock at my door.

It was Elle. "Feel like ducking out for a bite, Soph?"

BOOK: Lockout
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