Literary Love (Lazy Love Book 2) (8 page)

BOOK: Literary Love (Lazy Love Book 2)
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She frowned. “Behind closed doors, and I’ll come out in something easier to take off.”

“You are no fun sometimes.”

“Get used to it. It’s who I am.”

“Fine. It’s a deal. Go put on something I can easily take off, and come back to me.” He shrugged off his suit jacket and started on his tie. “Better yet, meet me in the bedroom.”

She hurried off into her bedroom and the adjoining bathroom, needing a minute to just breathe. She’d bought something special and sexy for her wedding night, because her aunt had insisted, but she hadn’t expected to wear it. Bob was a bit too overwhelming for her to have thought she’d have a minute away from him before they consummated once things were actually legal.

She quickly stripped off all of the undergarments that went with the dress, and slipped on the slinky white nightgown she’d purchased for the night. She reached for the terry cloth robe she kept in the bathroom, the same one she’d hidden in when they’d swam together just a few days earlier, but she stopped herself before she pulled it on.

She was who she was. He’d already let her know he accepted her for herself, so why did she keep trying to hide who she was from him?

She went into the bedroom, wearing just her thin silk nightgown, which stopped at mid-thigh, her eyes finding him standing at the foot of the bed, wearing only his suit pants.

May walked to him, stopping in front of him with her hands flat on his chest. “Hi,” she whispered, standing on tiptoe to kiss him.

He smiled, grasping her hips and pulling her closer. “Well, hello.”

“Fancy meeting you here.”

He sat down on the foot of her bed, pulling her down onto his lap astride him. “Yeah, I happened to be in the neighborhood…”

“It was kind of you to drop by.” Their banter kept her from being nervous about what was about to happen. They were at eye level with one another, and as many times as she’d written a scene like this, it was just different to

“I try to always be kind to the Team Bob members.” His face was absolutely serious as he leaned forward and kissed her sweetly.

“That’s really good of you. Let’s not take a selfie, though, if you don’t mind.”

He sighed. “I guess I can hold off on a selfie for a little while.”

She shook her head at him. “Have you ever been serious about anything in your life?”

He nodded. “I have. You’ll find I’m very serious about you.”

She bit her lip, unsure how to react to that. “I’m serious about you as well.” She leaned forward, kissing him, her arms going around him.

All laughter stopped at that point, as he pulled her hips to meet his pelvis, his hands roaming over her back, before one came around to cup her breast through the thin fabric of her nightgown. “I want you.”

She looked into his brown eyes, mesmerized for a moment. To be here, in his arms, was a dream come true for her. She wasn’t going to waste a moment of it.

Bob set her on her feet, before standing and tugging her to the side of the bed with him pushing her to her back. “I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I first saw you in the airport.”

May looked up at him, recognizing the truth in his eyes. He really had been attracted to her. She wasn’t going to question anything. Gripping his shoulders, she pulled him down onto the bed with her, pushing him to his back, and looming over him.

He grinned, surprised at her. “You think you’re in charge?”

“I think we have the same goal, which is mutual pleasure. What does it matter who’s in charge?”

“I like the way you think.” He pulled her down for a kiss, his hands roaming over her body. One hand moved down to the hem of her nightgown, slowly stroking up under it, caressing her bottom.

She moaned softly. “That feels so good. I don’t care how many times I’ve read about it or written it. What you make me feel is a million times more intense.”

“Just remember, I’m always available for research purposes!”

She giggled softly, her hands stroking his bare chest, and then moving down to the fastening of his slacks. “I appreciate your willingness.”

“Any time.”

Within moments there was no clothing left between them. She threw his pants to the floor, and he tossed her nightgown—somewhere. She didn’t actually see where it landed, and she didn’t much care.

She pressed her bare chest to his, liking the feel of him against her skin. One leg moved over his getting used to the feel of him. When her hand moved down his body and stroked his member, he groaned, catching her hand in his before reversing their positions and looming over her.

“You can’t touch me there yet.”

“Why not?” She frowned at him. “I like touching you.”

“I’m glad, and I promise, later you can touch me all you want, but this first time, I’m not going to lose it in your hand.”

She blushed slightly. “I wouldn’t mind.”

“I would.” His hands became more insistent on her body, one going down to stroke between her legs. “Are you ready for me?”

She nodded. “I was ready for you when we walked in the door. Been fantasizing about this all day.” All week. Okay, if she was honest with herself, she’d been fantasizing about this for four years.

“Only today?”

She grinned, and the sparkle in her eye told him everything he needed to know. He knelt between her spread legs, leaning over her to kiss her. “I think you are going to be the death of me, May Newman.”

“That would be May Bodefeld.”

He grinned. “May Bodefeld. I like it.” He reached down to guide himself to her entrance. “You’re the other half of me. How did I live this long without knowing that?”

She cupped his face in her hands, pulling him down for another kiss. As soon as their lips touched, she felt a flash of pain as he pressed inside her.

He raised his head, looking deeply into her eyes. “You okay?”

She nodded. “Not as bad as I expected. Now let’s get to the good part.”

Bob laughed, moving within her. “Whatever you say, May.”

“This is not the time for bad rhymes.”

“Is there a time for bad rhymes?”

“No!” She clung to his shoulders, moving with him. She could feel the pressure building within her.

“You may have a point.” His lips met hers, as he concentrated on bringing her to pleasure. He was so close himself, he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out. Talking wasn’t helping him any.

After a moment, she felt herself break, and she cried out, arching beneath him.

Bob felt as if he’d conquered the world when he realized she’d climaxed. He kept his lips on hers as he moved faster, driving himself to his goal.

Minutes later, he rolled to his side, gathering her against him. “You’re something awfully incredible, Miss May.”

“You’re pretty incredible yourself, Bobilicious.”

He opened one eye to peer at her. “Bobilicious?”

“That’s what we Team Bobbers call you sometimes.”

“You Team Bobbers are strange.”

“Yup.” She snuggled her face into the crook of his neck contentedly. “We are.”

Chapter Eight


“I’m hungry,” Bob complained, looking into May’s eyes. They’d been lying on their sides talking.

“Me too. I wish the magic food fairy was here to bring me whatever I was hungry for.”

“What are you hungry for?”

She shrugged. “That’s the problem. I never know. I don’t mind cooking if I know what I want to eat, but I don’t know. And I hate heating up the house by cooking in the summer anyway.”

He leaned forward the few inches it took to kiss her softly. “I’m beginning to see a recurring theme with you.”

“What’s that?”

the heat.”

She sighed heavily. “I do. If my aunt wasn’t here, I’d move in a heartbeat.”

“What am I? Chopped liver?”

She grinned, tracing his bottom lip with her index finger. “Well, I did meet you less than a week ago.”

“But you’ve known I was there for four years. How can you call yourself a proud member of Team Bob?”

She reached out with her foot and stroked his leg. “I don’t know. I guess they really should pull my membership card, huh?” Many times the other Team Bob members had tried to talk her into sneaking onto the set to take pics of him.

“Well, if I was in charge of Team Bob…”

“What would you do?”

“I would declare you the absolute ruler!”

“You mean like the queen? I’ve always kind of wanted to be a queen!”

“What exactly do you want to be queen of?”

“Everything. Do you think that’s asking too much?”

He slowly shook his head, wondering what he’d gotten himself into. “Not if that means I get to be king!”

“Oh, well, I don’t like that idea as well. How ‘bout prince consort?” When he shook his head, she frowned. “Court jester?”

Bob cupped the back of her head, drawing her forward for a kiss. “King Bob kind of has a nice ring to it!”

“Sure it does. Uh huh.” May smiled sweetly, humoring him.

“I’m still hungry.”

“Me too.” She sighed. “I guess you need me to get up and feed you, right?”

“We could go get something to eat in town, if you’d rather.”

“That’s probably best. I haven’t been grocery shopping since my trip. I meant to go, but I met this man, and he’s taking up all of my time.”

Bob smiled. “Tell me about him.”

“Nah. I’m afraid he’ll get a swelled head if I talk too much.” She rolled to the side of the bed and sat up. “I’m going to go get dressed. I can be ready to go in ten minutes.”

He watched her leave, admiring her body. He still couldn’t figure out what she thought was wrong with her, but he wasn’t going to ask. He’d just have to work on showing her how attractive he found her.

Ten minutes later, she walked out of the bathroom to find him still lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. “Aren’t you ready?”

“You said ten minutes, so I figured you meant an hour.”

She put her hands on her hips. “I say what I mean. Don’t lump me in with all other women you’ve known, Bob Bodefeld!”

“Sorry. I’m getting up!”

As he was about to walk past her, she grabbed his arm and pulling him to her for a kiss. “I think I’m going to like being married to you. If you can learn to behave yourself.”

“I wouldn’t count on it.” He grinned at her as he walked away, getting dressed for their evening out.

May grabbed her phone and uploaded her wedding selfie to Twitter while she waited.
Thought you all might enjoy a wedding pic. Don’t stare too long, ladies. He’s all mine! #TeamBob #LazyLove #HEA #writerslife

It only took a minute for the retweets to start. The first direct message had her laughing out loud. It was from Pam
. Kiss him for me. Just once. You’re killing me, girl! And I wish you every happiness in the world. Much love! Now get off Twitter and go jump his bones!

May blushed, putting her phone down. She wasn’t even going to look anymore. She didn’t want to know what people were going to say about it!

Bob emerged from the bathroom a moment later, wearing shorts and a T-shirt. “Do you want to go into Wiggieville? Or to Weatherford?”

She sighed. Weatherford was further, but had better options. There was also more of a fuss created about him outside of Wiggieville. The actors weren’t exactly commonly seen in Wiggieville, but at least most people tried to be nonchalant when they met them.

“Let’s just stay in Wiggieville. I don’t want you to have to wear your disguise.”

“But I was looking forward to trying out my new fake mustache that came in my detective kit!”

“Aww. Maybe you can try it out tomorrow!”

On the way there, he asked the question she’d been dreading. “What are you hungry for?”

“No idea. Surprise me.”

He sighed. “You’re never going to tell me what you want to eat, are you?”

“Probably not. Maybe it would be best if you quit asking. I’ll do some cooking, but I do need to go to the grocery store first.”

“When will you do that?”

“Probably this weekend.”

“You’re not working this weekend?” He’d been hoping she wouldn’t, but he’d come to realize she was a workaholic, and he wasn’t about to ask her to give up her time with her imaginary people.

“No. I’m taking the weekend off, which is kind of hard right before a release. I might have to do a couple of things, but Sara’s going to do her best to cover for me.”

“Thank you.”

“For what?” May looked at him with surprise. Why was he thanking her?

“For being willing to take a weekend off for me. I know it wasn’t exactly on your schedule.” He pulled into the parking lot of the Tex-Mex place in town. There were really only two real restaurants in Wiggieville, so there weren’t exactly a lot of places to choose from. “This good?”

“Sounds fabulous. I didn’t realize quite how hungry I was.” She turned to him, taking his hand in hers. “I get lost in my own world a lot, but it doesn’t mean you’re any less important to me. I hope you realize just how much I care about you.” She couldn’t use the word love, because she didn’t want him to feel obligated to say it back to her.

He brought her fingers to his lips. “I know. I’ll just have to get used to a wife who lives in her own head more than she does the real world.”

“I’ll do my best to remember who you are when I’m in the middle of a book.” She winked at him, trying to be playful about it, but hoping he knew how serious she really was.

“I would greatly appreciate that kind of sacrifice from you.”

Their server was someone she knew from high school. One of the cheerleaders, who had always made it very clear that May, with her stupid old-fashioned name and head in the clouds, wasn’t nearly as good as everyone else.

“Hi, I’m Tiffani. I’ll be your server tonight.” She looked up from her notepad and saw Bob. “It’s good to see the actors from your show in here. It’s nice of you to support the local businesses.” Her gaze then moved over to May, and her eyes grew wide. “May! It’s been forever since I’ve seen you. How are you? Are you still scribbling your little stories?”

May smiled sweetly. “Still scribbling. It pays the bills.”

“Oh, have you actually had something published?” Tiffani asked in a way that made May want to crawl under the table.

Bob blinked, looking back and forth between the two women. He could tell something was up, but he wasn’t sure what. “You haven’t read one of her books yet? Are you kidding? Valerie Savoy begged for her autograph at our wedding this afternoon.”

Tiffani blinked at Bob. “You married Valerie Savoy? I thought she was married to Jesse.”

Bob laughed. “Of course not. I married May.”

Tiffani sucked in a breath in shock, looking at May. “Really? You married May? Imagine someone telling you that you’d marry a big time star when we were in high school. Wouldn’t we all have just fallen over dead at the thought?”

“I’m sure we would have.” May wanted to make a snide comment about Tiffani marrying straight out of high school, having three kids immediately, and now having to wait tables while her ex-football star husband sat on his butt drinking beer all day, but she held her tongue. She breathed deeply, reminding herself she wasn’t that judgmental.

“I mean, even the chess club geeks had a better date for prom than
!” Tiffani shook her head, as if she couldn’t believe what the world was coming to.

“I can’t figure it out either, Tiffani. I guess God was smiling down at me when he made Bob notice me.” May tried to keep the sadness and hurt out of her eyes as she looked over at Bob, but it was hard. Tiffani always brought out the worst in her.

Bob took May’s hand and brought it to his lips. “What you mean to say, my love, is that God took pity on a lonely actor when he put an incredibly beautiful, kind woman in my line of sight. I’ll be forever grateful to him for bringing you to me.”

May smiled, looking into Bob’s eyes. For a minute she almost forgot Tiffani was there. When Tiffani rudely cleared her throat, she looked back at her. She saw her as she was now for the first time then, and she really pitied her. Her hair, which had always been perfect in school, was limp. Her nails were chipped. She looked tired.

“You need a night off. You look tired. You should let me watch the kids one night so you and Cody can have a night out.”

Tiffani looked at her in shock. “Why would you do that?”

May shrugged. “Because everyone needs kindness on occasion, and I like kids. I could spend an evening helping you out.”

Tiffani looked like she wanted to cry for a moment, but then she straightened her shoulders. “What do you want to drink?”

“Water without lemon please. I hate stuff floating in my water.”

“Just a Coke for me.”

“What kind? We have Coke, Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke, Sprite, and orange.”

Bob shook his head. Only in Texas could you ask for a Coke and get asked what kind. “I want a Coke. The real kind.”

Tiffani turned on her heel and hurried off to the kitchen.

Bob looked at May, squeezing her hand tightly. “That’s what I love so much about you.”


“She was giving you a hard time, making it obvious that she didn’t think you were good enough for me, and you offered to babysit her kids.”

May sighed. “I thought bad things first.”

“Doesn’t matter. They never came out of your mouth. Instead, you showed her more kindness than she’s seen in a while. You could tell by the look on her face. Would you really watch her kids?”

May shrugged. “Of course, I would. I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t mean it.”

“I take it high school was rough?”

She nodded. “I never quite fit in. I liked to sit around writing in my journal all day. I was the last one picked for sports teams. I was the girl the others made fun of.” She shrugged. “No big deal. I happen to know I’m the most successful person in my graduating class.”

“Of course you are.” He sighed. “I wanted to throw something at her.”

“There’s no point. She’d just find some reason to sue you for being physically violent with her.”

“You know that I married you because you’re incredible, right? No other reason?”

“I know you married me. For now, that’s going to have to be enough.”

Tiffani came to the table then, setting their glasses down and putting a basket of chips and two small bowls of salsa on the table. “Do you know what you want?”

Bob shook his head. “I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy staring into my wife’s beautiful eyes, I haven’t even opened the menu yet. Can you give us a few more minutes?”

Tiffani turned on her heel and walked away.

“I guess we’d better look at the menu,” May said with a grin. “Or the former cheerleader club may come in here and attack us with their pompoms!” As soon as she said it, she covered her mouth with her hand. “That was really snotty. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t say it to her face!” Bob said. “Don’t worry about it. I still think you’re perfect.”

She laughed. “I don’t know about that, but thank you. Someone has to think so, and it might as well be the man sharing my bed, right?”

He grinned. “Your bed, your last name, your everything. Yup, we’re sharing it all, Miss May.”

She looked down at her menu, trying to figure out what she wanted. After a minute, she put her menu down. “There’s going to be a lot of talk about us in Wiggieville tomorrow.”

He shrugged. “Do we care?”

“I guess when you’re a famous actor and your name is in the tabloids every other week…”

“Hey! I haven’t been in the tabloids since March!”

She nodded. “I remember that. When Jesse and Valerie got married, people were speculating whether or not you’d marry Amber.”

He wrinkled his nose. “Absolutely not! She’s pretty, but a little too skinny. And
too young!” Amber was sweet as could be, but something had happened to her, and whatever it was, she didn’t talk about it. At twenty-three, she shouldn’t be nearly as bitter about life as she was.

BOOK: Literary Love (Lazy Love Book 2)
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