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Authors: Barbara Huffert

Linked (10 page)

BOOK: Linked
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“I’d rather keep going and get this over with. I don’t want to spread this out or I’ll have too much time to think about each of them. Maybe, if we do another bunch, they’ll all blend together and I won’t remember them individually.”

“You’re the boss.” Ned collected the images of the tree. “Just give me a few minutes to get set up again and we’ll get to it.”

Todd followed Ned with a hasty excuse. Once in the dining room, both men kept their backs turned toward the kitchen. Without speaking, Guy gestured for Tori to move into the living room.

“Don’t overdo it, tiger,” he urged as he cupped her cheek. “I get why you want to get this over with but don’t burn yourself out. You’re already not getting enough sleep.”

“I’m fine. Really. I know you don’t think so but I’m sleeping more now than I usually do when I’m having nightmares. If you didn’t talk to me after I wake up, I’d be up the rest of the night.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

“I do. Now stop worrying so much and let me get in there before Ned starts getting ideas about why Todd keeps leaving us alone.”

“Ned already figured it out, Tori. You were holding my hand like you needed me. I’m sure he noticed. But I’m equally sure he won’t mention it. Todd knew my involvement was more than professional when I first called him. He must trust Ned or he wouldn’t have brought him here.”


“Shush. You may have doubts but I don’t. Under any other circumstances I’d never even consider hiding my interest in you. You bring out a possessive streak I didn’t know I had and, as an Alpha male, I have a very strong need to stake my claim around other men. But as a sensible, civilized male, I do know there’s a time and place for everything.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“I have no idea.” Guy shrugged. “Guess I got a little sidetracked.”

“Yeah, maybe just a little.”

“All right, I got a lot sidetracked. Ignore me.” Guy pulled her into his arms. “Maybe I’m the one who was holding on like I needed to. Maybe I should say thank you for not yanking your hand away.”

“No. I was holding on too.” She sighed against his chest. “I’d better get started.”

“Yes.” He released her after kissing her forehead. “You’re a very brave woman, Tori Banks.”

“Hardly, but thanks for saying it.” She forced a smile and left him standing there.

Chapter Nine


“Did you hear that?” Russ asked gleefully. “That’ll be perfect. We’ll have plenty of time to play before we have to move on. Couldn’t have arranged it better myself.”

“Guess it won’t make no difference what that teacher says about Kimmie. Won’t her momma be in for a surprise when she comes for her? Man, thinking about this makes me so fucking hard. I could jerk off right here.”

“Not now, Stan. We’re too close to our angel to mess around like that. Pay attention. We’ll just stop by Wednesday in time for some lunch. Act all friendly like so he lets us in. We’ll tell him the car broke down and we were ready to give up on finding someone at home. I’ll even pretend to make a call and say how we have to wait a couple of hours, that they’re already out on another pick-up or something. We’ll get the girl talking about school and what she likes to do. Maybe you could say how you were on the baseball team in high school to get her started.”

“I can say I was batting champ two years in a row.”

“No. I don’t want to overplay it. Since it’s supposed to be pretty warm, we’ll try to let her ask to play first. Let’s wait until we’re started and you can ask the old man where the john is. Make sure you ask him to show you so he doesn’t think you want to be inside alone. Once you’re away from the door so she won’t hear you, you can go ahead and do him.”

“How, Russ? How do you want me to do it?”

“However you want as long as it’s quiet and clean. You don’t want to come back out with his guts splattered all over you. No, you come back out with those stupid cats. We’ll wait for her to pick one up before we stick a rag in her mouth and tie her to the porch. Then you and I will have some batting practice of our own. We’ll show her how it’s done.”

“We gonna use the rats for balls like you said? ‘Bout all they’s good for anyways.”

“You got it. We’ll play around a little, have some fun with the fur balls and then we’ll get her in place and use her head. We can prop her up with that boot scraper he has next to the door.”

“I can’t wait. I wish we could do it now.”

“I know, Stan. Me too. But we have to wait two more days so we have time to enjoy it. I don’t want to rush because I know Miss Vicky will be watching. We have to make it good so she’s happy when we go to her.”

“When’s that? My nuts are gonna pop if I gotta hold off much longer.”

“Relax. Soon as we’re done here we’ll go to her. Don’t worry. She’ll be so glad to see us that she’ll take care of us right off. Then we’ll take care of her. Oh yeah, we’ll take real good care of her. We’ll take turns licking her sweet angel pussy and working her pretty titties. We’ll get her screaming and begging for more. She’ll be creaming all over our faces but we’ll make her wait for what she really wants. By the time we slip her on our dicks she’ll already know that fucking us is better than going to heaven.”

“I wanna be the one to fuck her up the ass. Can I, Russ? I know you wanna kiss her so you can stuff her cunt the same time as you’re swallowing her face. You said she’ll want to fuck us both together so that means I get to do her ass. We can play with her titties together. She’ll like that, won’t she, Russ?”

“You know it. We’ll do her real slow, so she gets a good feel for us rubbing inside her. She’ll be begging for more before we’re even done. Now let’s go. We gotta shut up about this before you start pulling on your dick. You gotta save it for our angel, Stan. You don’t want to run out too fast and disappoint her.”

* * * * *

Tori fought her way out of the bed before she was awake enough to stop screaming. With the same motion, she flung herself at Guy who was leaning against the windowsill as he had been every night after the first.

“No, no, no,” she chanted. “Oh God, no.”

“It’s okay now, Tori,” Guy stated softly as he tried to comfort her.

“No,” she cried again. “Oh God, oh God, no.”

“You’re safe. I’m the only one here. It’s okay.”

“No,” she wailed. “Guy.” Tori rubbed her hands over his chest as she looked up at him with terror-filled eyes.

“I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. I won’t leave you alone. It’s okay now.”

“Guy.” She wrapped her arms around his hips and pressed herself against him. “Please,” Tori pleaded as she licked his chest. It wasn’t enough so she lifted her head and tried to reach his mouth for a kiss. Even though he was leaning and she stood on her toes, she couldn’t quite get to him so she put an arm around his neck to pull him closer. Just as she made contact, he raised his head.

“Wait, Tori.”

“No.” She tugged again. “Please, Guy. I need you.”

Guy momentarily gave in and returned her kiss. When she moaned and started moving her body against his, he broke it. “What are you doing?”

“I was kissing you, damn it. I still would be if you’d shut up.”

“I know that, Tori. What I don’t know is why. We’re not doing this, remember?”

“We’re not doing anything. This isn’t about us. It’s about me. Now shut up and get back here.”

“Wait.” Guy caught her roaming hands. “What the hell do you mean, we’re not doing anything and this isn’t about us?”

“I told you. It’s about me.” She rubbed her hip against his groin. “I need this. You’re getting hard, I can feel it. Let me go.” Tori struggled enough to free one of her hands and instantly covered his growing erection. “See?”

“Stop that.” Guy held her away from him. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing yet but your cock will soon if you quit pushing me away.”

“Damn it, Tori why are you doing this?”

“I already told you,” she growled in frustration. “I need this. Me. I need to feel a big hard cock pounding into me over and over again until I can’t think of anything else. You’re here and you have one. You said you’d help me however you could. This is how you can. Please. I need you to fuck me. Hard. All night and then some.”

“I can’t, Tori. Not like this. We can’t start out like this.”

“Damn you, why won’t you listen to me? This doesn’t have anything to do with us. We aren’t starting anything. I need mind-blowing sex and you promised to help me.” She yanked her arms free and turned away. “Just forget it.” She started digging through her dresser drawer.

“Wait.” Guy stared as she pulled out some lacy panties. “What the hell are you doing?”

“Getting dressed.”


“Because I’m going out. I need a man and you aren’t interested so I’m going to find one who is. Besides, you’re probably as diseased anyway.”

“What the fuck? For your information, I’ve never had sex without a condom in my life. And I’m tested regularly just to make sure I haven’t been exposed to anything through my job. Maybe I’m the one who should be worried about you.”

“No need, Detective. I’ve always been safe and tested too on top of having an implant for extra birth control protection. Not that it’s any of your concern. Now get out of my way. I’m going, Guy. You turned me down so get over it already.”

“Tori.” He spun her to face him and pinned her against the dresser. “If you think I’m going to sit here while you go out prowling then you’ve lost your mind.”

“It’s none of your damn business. Let me go.”

“No. Not until you tell me what this is about. You wake up screaming like you have every night for the last week and a half and suddenly you’re looking for someone to fuck you. If this is something you do all the time you sure as hell didn’t mention it. Talk to me, Tori.”

Her face crumbled. “You think I do this all the time?”

“No, I don’t. That’s not what I meant. I think you’re very selective and would never pick up a stranger for sex unless there was something pushing you to do it. Please tell me what happened. I know you don’t really want anonymous sex with some nameless penis. Help me understand.”

“Why should I help you when you won’t help me?” She was angry enough to try to shove him away from her. When Guy reached for her hands, she started pounding on him. “You big son of a bitch. Who the hell do you think you are? If I want to fuck a stranger I will. You can’t stop me.”

“Oh yes, I can.” He snagged her arms and twisted them behind her back, holding her wrists in one hand. His legs trapped hers before she thought to kick him. His other arm snaked around her stomach and held her firmly against him. “I’ll handcuff you to the bed if I have to. You aren’t going anywhere so you may as well start explaining.”

“Damn you! Let me go.”

“Talk to me.”

“Fuck you.”

“Talk to me.”

“Let me go or I’ll report you for police brutality.”

“Talk to me.”

“Don’t make me hate you.”

“Talk to me.”

Tori’s breath came in heavy pants as she struggled to break free but Guy didn’t budge.

“Talk to me. Please. I don’t want your arms to go numb but I can’t let you go until I understand. Please, Tori. Talk to me.”

She sighed and stopped fighting. “Fine. After they finished talking about how they’re going to kill Sam and torture the kittens in front of Kimmie before they bash her head with the baseball bat on Wednesday, they started talking about finding me. I’m their next stop and they have it all planned out how it’s going to be when they get here.”

“What do they have planned out?” Guy asked when she didn’t continue.

“Oh, just how they’re going to get me all worked up so I beg them to fuck me. Together. At the same time. With Russ in me from the front while Stan gets me from behind. They were describing it and I could feel it. I can still feel it. Oh God, Guy, make it go away. I can’t stand it. Make it stop. Let me go so I can find someone to have sex with so I don’t keep feeling them touching me. Please, let me go.”

Guy turned her to face him. “No,” he refused as he stared intently into her eyes. “I can’t. What if you pick up someone even worse than they are?”

“I’ll go to the rest stop out on the highway. I used to waitress there. I never went out with any of the guys who asked but I learned to tell which were nice and which were jerks.”

“No, Tori. I can’t let you do this.”

“Then you’ll have to do it. Don’t say no, Guy. Don’t make me picture this over and over again in my mind. Stop being a cop and be a man. Stop controlling everything and take what I’m offering. Your cock is still hard so I know your body wants mine. Don’t think about this in terms of us. Think of it as raw sex. As a man taking a woman who wants to be used hard. For as long as you can. In as many ways as you can. Think pure lust tonight. Better yet, don’t think at all. Just let go and do it. Be the Alpha male and fuck me like you know you want to. Use your body to prove I’m yours.”

Tori had been shifting her nipples against his chest as she spoke, certain he could feel how hard they were through her light tank top. “I’m so wet already. Wet and tight. I haven’t had sex in months and your cock is so big. I want to feel you stretching me around you until you’re buried deep inside and then I want you to pull almost all the way out and shove it back in all at once. It’ll feel so good, Guy. I’m so hot it won’t take much to make me come. You want to do that, I know you do. You want to feel me come around your stiff cock as much as I want to feel you explode inside me. For real, Guy, no condom. If they’re coming here to kill me too I want to feel that once in my life before I die. I want you to fuck me so many times I’m pumped so full of your hot cum that it feels like it’s going to run out of my ears. I want you to grab my head and force your cock into my throat and make me fuck you with my mouth until I have to swallow every drop you have.”

“Tori,” Guy snarled, fighting a losing battle.

“Don’t say no, Guy. Don’t stop what we both want. Don’t hold back from me. Be an Alpha male beast and take what’s yours. Stop thinking about right and wrong and do it. Fuck me, Guy. Do everything you’ve ever wanted and make me scream.”

“Are you sure? Are you really sure? If we start this we’ll do all that and more. I won’t stop until I have it all. Be sure this is what you want because once I agree there’s no going back. Saying no and you’ve changed your mind won’t end things. It’ll just piss me off and make me wild enough to get rough with you. I don’t want to hurt you but I might if you try to get away from me.”

BOOK: Linked
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