Read Liam Online

Authors: Toni Griffin

Tags: #General Fiction

Liam (7 page)

BOOK: Liam
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Thoughts of why the bottle would be half empty and of men, other than himself, in his mate's bed had Declan's wolf coming to the surface. His canines lengthened, his eyes shifted, and a loud growl escaped his chest, no matter how hard he tried to hold the damn thing back.

Liam looked at him with the biggest grin Declan had ever seen on anyone. "God, you're hot when you're jealous, all part shifted. Your eyes are really something."

"I'm not jealous." Even Declan didn't believe the words when they came out of his mouth.

"Really?" Liam asked with a raised eyebrow as he shook the tube of lube.

Declan snarled, which only caused Liam's smile to widen. "See, hot as fuck. I can't wait to feel those teeth sink into my flesh."

"If you don't get a move on you will be feeling them a lot sooner than you think."

Liam didn't reply. Instead he smacked Declan's ass hard twice, once on either cheek. Declan sucked in a breath, intense pleasure shooting through his body at the contact. The spanking definitely deserved further exploration in the future.

The snick of the lube opening had Declan wiggling his ass, he didn't care if it made him look wanton. He wanted to feel his mate deep inside of him. Now, damn it!

Liam took a steadying breath and coated his fingers with slick. He was about two seconds away from blowing like a teenager. Having his mate in bed, wiggling his ass, begging to be fucked had to be Liam's greatest fantasy come to life.

He quickly coated his cock, careful not to linger too long in case he lost control at the image Declan made, then settled between his spread legs.

Liam gently circled Declan's tight pucker before pushing two fingers deep inside his mate. A gasp followed by a low groan of pleasure told Liam all he needed to know about Declan's state of readiness. Liam pumped his fingers in and out of Declan's body. The tight ring of muscle did everything in its power to keep Liam within its hold. Liam added a third finger and continued to stretch Declan.

"Liam, would you get a move on and fuck me already?" Declan cried as he thrust his hips back once again to meet Liam's fingers.

"With pleasure, honey."

"Thank God." Liam laughed at the relief in Declan's voice.

Liam removed his fingers, gripped the base of his erection, and scooted forward.

"Ready?" The angry snarl said enough. He plunged forward burying his cock completely in Declan's quivering heat.

"Shit," he muttered, gripping Declan's hips, holding him still.

Liam dragged air into his lungs, trying not to come too quickly. The clenching walls surrounding his bare dick felt like nothing he had ever experienced before. Every clench and contraction of Declan's ass held him tight within its depths.

"Move, God damn you!" His feisty mate growled.

Liam slowly pulled out and spanked Declan hard on his left cheek before plunging in again. A loud groan of approval and the heavy scent of lust in the air showed Declan's enjoyment of their mating.

Liam started thrusting into his mate like a man possessed. His wolf rose to the surface, his eyes changed, his teeth elongated, and his claws grew. The long curve of his nails dug into Declan's skin and the tangy scent of coppery blood hit Liam like a freight train.

He pulled Declan up into a kneeling position, never losing rhythm, and Liam carefully wrapped his fist around Declan's straining shaft, giving it a hard tug.

He leant forward, using his other hand to haul Declan's head back against his left shoulder. Liam's tongue rasped across his mate's sweaty skin, letting him know what would happen next.

"Come for me," he whispered a moment before he bit down, joining them together as mates for the rest of their lives.

Declan screamed. The cock in his hand grew impossibly hard before it exploded, shooting white strings of cum over the bed beneath them.

Liam drew Declan's blood into his mouth cementing their bond and Declan's ass clamped down around the base of Liam's cock. Liam released Declan's neck, crying out in completion when his orgasm filled his mate to bursting.

Liam panted. The pleasure he'd just experienced increased when the mating knot extended from his cock and latched onto Declan's prostate.

Declan shuddered when another orgasm ignited his body before he collapsed back against Liam, his eyes rolling up. Liam quickly caught Declan before he could fall off the bed.

Still joined together, Liam lowered them gently to the side of the wet patch and drew his mate close. Liam had never felt anything so intense in his life, little shocks still travelling through his body and his cock, still buried deep within Declan, throbbed in pleasure.

Liam had no idea how he would survive if their coming together would be like this every time. He kissed Declan on the back of the head and settled down to wait for their bodies to unlock, happy in the knowledge he held his mate in his arms.


Nervousness radiated through Declan as Liam drove them towards his Alpha's house. Not only would he meet the Panneath Alpha of all of Australia's many packs but the man also happened to be one of Liam's closest friends. He really didn't want to do anything that would embarrass his mate or cause of any friction between them. He didn't even want to think about the card game afterward with even more strangers. Declan had no idea how to play poker.

His mum had always taught him that when he went to someone's house never to show up empty handed. As a pastry chef, Declan often baked goods to take when he visited someone, as he found himself doing earlier in the afternoon.

He'd been surprised at how well stocked Liam's fridge and pantry had been for a bachelor. After reviewing his available ingredients, Declan settled on chocolate éclairs and a rich caramel slice. It helped to pass the day and get his mind off witnessing a murder. He'd spoken with his brother briefly at lunchtime and Tommy and his friends had been able to retrieve Declan's car with no worries.

Relief filled Declan when Tommy told him that he hadn't seen or spoken with Alpha Wallis.

Two less problems to deal with, especially when Declan realized, after he and Liam had recovered from their vigorous mating, he had no clothes. He'd arrived on Liam's doorstep naked. He'd worn the sweat pants Liam had given him all day, but he refused to show up at the Panneath Alpha's house and meet Liam's friends in nothing but a pair of hand-me-downs from his mate.

Liam kissed him soundly, told Declan to finish what he'd interrupted when he'd arrived home, and he would go get him some clothes.

Declan managed to cut and plate the caramel slice that had firmed to perfection in the fridge and finished filling all the éclair shells, covering them all with chocolate. He decided after seeing Liam's different varieties to cover some with dark, some with milk, and some with white. Everybody had their own favourites and he'd hit all the bases by using some of each.

Declan couldn't even begin to express his gratitude that werewolves didn't share a canine's inability to metabolize and digest chocolate. Declan didn't know how he'd cope if he was allergic to the sweet.

He had just finished cleaning the last dish when Liam returned carrying several bags. Pleased with the selection of clothes Liam had gotten for him Declan thanked this mate. Nothing fancy or over-the-top, just clothes Declan knew he would be comfortable wearing. He also noticed the distinct lack of underwear and when he commented, Liam simply shrugged and told him they were out. Yeah right, like he believed that. Declan wouldn't argue though. If his mate liked the idea of him going commando, Declan had no problem with it.

Dressed in jeans, runners, a shirt, and a light jacket, Declan sat in the passenger seat of Liam's car as they headed to their destination. His foot started tapping on the floorboards and he held onto his pastries and watched the town they drove through. He jumped when Liam's hand settled on his leg.

"Relax, Declan, everything will be fine."

Declan tried to relax his jittery leg. He took deep breaths, but it didn't really help the situation when his lungs filled up with the scent of his mate. Arousal grew, his body started to respond to the touch of Liam's hand on his leg.

Especially when Liam started inching his fingers higher up Declan's thigh.


"What?" his mate asked all innocent-like.

"You know what," he replied.

Liam didn't pay any attention, his hand continued to inch higher. "Sorry, I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about." The mischievous glint in Liam's eyes told another story though.

"There is no way in hell I am going to meet your Alpha and friends sporting a hard-on that will be extra noticeable because you refused to buy me any underwear."

"I did no such thing." Liam tried his best to sound shocked at the accusation, but the smile tugging at his lips really didn't help his cause. "I told you the store ran out."

"Right." He still didn't believe that.

Liam laughed and Declan smiled back. It felt good to banter light-heartedly with his mate. Declan had never had someone he could do that with before.

"Come on, babe. Time to go." Liam turned off the car and opened the door.

"What? We're there already?" he asked, not sure if he was ready.

"Yep." Liam exited the car and walked around the front and opened Declan's door. "Come on, babe, everything is going to be fine. I'll introduce you to Ben then we can have a little talk about what brought you to my door, naked."

Liam waggled his brows and Declan couldn't help but laugh. Declan leant into the hand caressing his cheek before turning and placing a quick kiss against Liam's palm.

"Then we'll gather with the guys and play some cards. Everyone will love you, I guarantee it. They'll all be so happy that I found my mate, it will give them hope that they too will one day find theirs."

Declan didn't know if he completely believed what Liam said but he'd only find out one way. Taking a deep breath, he unclipped his seatbelt. Holding onto the desserts like they were a lifeline, Declan got out of the car.

Liam gave him a quick kiss before breaking away and placing his hand on the small of Declan's back when they made their way up the walk to the Alpha's front door.

Declan chewed on his bottom lip the entire way. When they reached the entrance, Declan expected them to stop and wait. Instead Liam knocked on the door loudly before pushing it open and walking inside, encouraging Declan to follow with the hand still on his lower back.

"Ben," Liam yelled out.

What the hell? Liam could just barge into the Alpha's house without being admitted first? Declan had never seen such a thing. If anyone had tried that with Alpha Wallis's house, they would have found themselves in a fight, if not worse.

"Come on back, Liam. I'm in the office." A deep booming voice carried to them from down a hall.

Declan shivered at the sheer power contained in that voice.

Declan looked at his mate, still not sure about meeting Ben, but Liam continued to smile as he led him through the house. They reached an open door and Liam rapped lightly on the wooden surface before walking into the office. Declan tried to hang back, but Liam wouldn't let him.

The large man sitting behind his desk looked up from what he had been doing on his computer. If Declan thought his mate tall, the man sitting behind the desk must be close on giant sized. Even while seated, Declan could tell he would stand at least six and a half feet, if not a little taller. He had broad shoulders, dark brown, almost black hair, a five o'clock shadow that looked more permanent than not, and the most piercing blue eyes Declan had ever seen.

"Ben, I have the great satisfaction of introducing you to my mate, Declan Morgan. Declan, this is the Panneath Alpha, Benjamin Taylor."

"Well congratulations, Liam," Alpha Taylor said as a broad smile appeared. "I know how long you've looked for your mate." Ben stood, showing no surprise about his friend suddenly appearing with a mate, and walked around the desk.

Declan quickly realised he'd correctly guessed the man's height. Yep, must have giant blood somewhere in his ancestry. Ben stepped up, his hand out. Declan looked down at his, both still holding onto the sweets they had brought.

Liam, seeing his dilemma, took the containers and Declan reached out to shake the Alpha's outstretched hand.

The sheer power pouring from the man in front of him had Declan's wolf wanting to roll over and expose his belly. To satisfy his urges, Declan tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck. Alpha Taylor acknowledged him with a gentle touch.

Liam spoke. "Thank you, Ben. I can't tell you how happy I am to have finally found Declan." His mate wore a huge smile.

It looked good on him. His entire face seemed to light up.

"Declan, welcome. I hope you will consider making the Atherton pack your home," Ben said.

"Yes, Alpha. I would be honoured." Declan couldn't believe the easy acceptance the Alpha offered. Humbled to belong to Benjamin Taylor's pack, Declan truly hoped he could one day count the man as a friend.

"Now, why don't you tell me how you two met?

Come take a seat and we can talk." Ben gestured to a comfortable looking couch and chair combo off in one corner of the large office.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment, Ben, I'll go and put these in the fridge for later." Liam exited the room before Declan could even call him back. He looked at Ben and hastily moved in the direction of the couch and took a seat.

"Relax, mate. Everything is going to be fine."

Declan jumped nearly a foot off the couch when he heard Liam's voice inside his head.

A chuckle opposite him took his attention away from his mate for a moment and he saw amusement on the Alpha's face.

"I take it that's the first time you've used the mate link?"

"Umm. Yeah. To tell you the truth, I had completely forgotten all about it." Declan could feel the blush creeping up his cheeks. Thankfully Liam walked back into the office and headed over to take a seat next to him on the couch.

"What did you need to put in the fridge?" Alpha Taylor asked in obvious curiosity.

BOOK: Liam
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