Read Lexie and Killian Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

Lexie and Killian (8 page)

BOOK: Lexie and Killian
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Killian wished Lexie would relax a little more. Lunch had been wonderful, and they’d even had wine with it. Then they’d decided to do a little strolling and walked through historic Savannah, an incredible section of downtown. The four-block city market had a variety of shops and outdoor café tables and chairs for weary walkers to rest their feet and their wallets. Late in the afternoon, they’d stopped for ice cream cones and eaten them silently as they people-watched.

By the time they returned to the inn, he noticed Lexie had relaxed fractionally, but he knew she needed something more to take the edge off before the reception tonight. He ached for her as she battled her unpleasant memories. He wanted to do something, anything, to remind her how cherished she was and that the damn award didn’t mean as much to him as she did.

But he also knew how the past ate away at her. He just hoped if he saw that bastard Rick he could restrain himself from punching out his lights.

As soon as they were back in their room, he pulled her into his arms and gave her a light kiss.

“How about if we take a bath before the reception tonight?”

“A bath?” She looked at him with a question in her eyes. “You mean, together?”

“Uh-huh. Seems a shame to waste that great big tub in there for just one person. You said they always serve a mountain of food at the opening reception, so I’m guessing we don’t have to worry about eating. At least food.”

Her eyes sparkled as she caught his meaning. “Nooo,” she drawled. “We sure don’t.”

“So, I had a thought or two about how we could spend the time. Maybe soothe those nerves of yours you keep trying so hard to hide.” He took her hand and tugged her toward him, staring down into her face.”

“You know me so well,” she admitted. “I’m doing my best, Killian.”

“I know you are, darlin’. And now I’m going to do
best to help you out here.”

She let out a squeal when he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the giant four-poster bed. Pulling back the comforter, he deposited her on the soft mattress covered with silken sheets. Then he knelt before her and took first one foot then the other in his hands.

“You wear shoes made to be chastity belts,” he teased in frustration as his big fingers worked to unbuckle the tiny straps.

“I’ll keep that in mind if you ever misbehave,” she teased. “I’ll put the leather to good use.”

When he’d finally freed the sandals and dropped them to the floor, he lifted one foot to his knee and kneaded her arch and her heel with his thumb. She leaned back on her hands, her sigh of satisfaction making his cock try to push its way out of his slacks. Of course, it seemed every time he touched her he had the same problem. He hoped that feeling never went away.

Finished with one foot, he went to work on the other. Her little sighs and whimpers made every stroke worth the effort, especially when she lay back on the bed, giving herself over to this simple pleasure. Finished with her feet, he went to work on her calves, giving them the same type of sensuous massage, and then to her thighs. His thumbs brushed the crotch of her insubstantial little thong, but that was all it was. A mere brush, even though she moaned in pleasure.

“Be right back,” he told her, rising to his feet.

“What? Wait!” She pushed herself up on her elbows. “You’re leaving me now? Where are you going?”

The grin he gave her was filled with hunger. “Bath. Remember? I need to get it started.”


He bent down for a moment, flipped aside her skirt, and kissed her knees. “Be right back.”

The first thing he did was pick up the phone in the bathroom—and hadn’t his eyes just widened at the sight of a phone in the bathroom—and placed a special room service order. Then he turned his attention to the task at hand. The tub was every bit as big as he’d remembered it from before. Set on a platform, he thought maybe it could hold four people. Interesting idea if he’d been into that kind of thing. Which he wasn’t. He didn’t ever intend to share his Lexie with anyone.

His Lexie. He loved the sound of that. They’d had a whirlwind courtship and a quick marriage, but by the time he got past worrying he might be like Dusty and she got past hiding her painting, they’d both known this was it for them, so why wait? Every day since then had been like a gift.

He turned on the taps, adjusted them to get the right water temperature, set the plug, and let the stream flow. Hesitating only a moment, he picked up some of the many jars of bath salts on the counter, sniffing each one to see which he liked the best. Choosing one that smelled sort of like sunshine and flowers, he dumped a good portion in the tub. On the label, it promised the salts were soothing. And, damn, that was exactly what Lexie needed right now. He hoped the bath and the rest he had planned would make all that tension disappear.

Satisfied the tub was filling nicely, he hurried back into the bedroom, smiling when he saw his wife exactly the way he’d left her. He toed off his boots and knelt by the bed again, smoothing his hands along her calves and thighs once more. She wore a ruffled cotton sundress today but no pantyhose. She’d once told him she considered them the devil’s handiwork. That made it easy for him to slide his hands up her body to reach her thong and tug it down her legs.

As he did so. His knuckles brushed her mound again, pressing slightly on those pouty lips and the neat curls covering them. He loved her diligence about her bikini wax, leaving everything but neat lines of curls on the lips of her sweet little pussy. Everything else was bare to his touch.

“Ooh!” she squealed. “What are you doing?”

“Nothing, yet.” He laughed, low in his throat. “But I’m about to.”

He left her skirt in place, covering her thighs to the knees, but slipped his hands back up and lightly stroked her full labia. She trembled beneath his touch, trying to squeeze her thighs against his hands and draw them in tighter, urge him to touch her everywhere. But Killian was on a mission, and he wouldn’t be deterred. He stroked her lips with his thumbs, brushed his knuckles against her thighs, and squeezed her soft mound with his fingers. When she was squirming beneath him, he rose, helped her to a sitting position, and unzipped the back of her dress, lowering it to her waist.

“I don’t know why you even wear this.” He stroked his thumbs over the satin of her flimsy bra. “I’d like you much better without it.”

“But I don’t think you’d like the people of Savannah getting an unrestrained view of my goodies bouncing when I walked, would you?”

“Hell, no. I’m the only one who gets to enjoy them, and don’t you forget it.” To emphasize his possession, he lowered his head and captured one rosy tip in his mouth. He loved the little sounds of gratification she made when he did that. They were as sensuous and arousing to him as actually touching her. He grazed the pebbled flesh with his teeth, bit down once gently, and moved to the other one.

Lexie was half sitting, braced on her hands, head thrown back. When he glanced up, he saw the flush of pleasure on her face, and, immediately, his cock made itself known again. The sight made him want to dive back under her skirt. And he would have if there hadn’t been a knock on the door at that exact moment. He rose to his feet, withdrawing his hands from her body.

“Ohmigod.” Lexie stared at hm. “Who is that?”

Killian winked. “Part of my special treatment for incredible wives.”

He waited until she’d pulled the top of her dress up enough to cover herself before opening the door. A waiter, wearing what Killian was sure was a habitually blank expression, wheeled a cart into the room. A champagne bottle nestled in a bowl of crushed ice. Next to it sat a platter of chocolate-covered strawberries and tiny crackers with cheese.

“Thanks.” Killian tipped the waiter, who nodded and made a discreet exit. He closed the door and slipped the safety bar. “Hold on a sec,” he told Lexie, and hurried into the bathroom. The tub had filled almost to the top, the fragrance of its crystals filling the air in the room. He shut off the taps, made sure the towels were ready on the heated towel bar, and went back into the bedroom.

Lexie was on her knees on the bed, clutching her dress and staring at the table. She looked up at Killian.

“This is incredible. When did you do this?”

“I have my secrets.”

“B-but what…I mean…why…?”

“I thought you deserved a little extra celebrating for having the courage to apply for entry into this shindig. You have real talent, darlin’. I want the world to see it. I’m just so proud of you.”

“Oh, Killian. I love you so much.” She launched her naked self at him, pressing her wonderful breasts into his chest and making his dick ache with repressed need. If it could talk, he was sure it would be groaning.

“I know, sugar. I love you the same.”

He set her gently away from him, divesting her of her dress hanging from her hips. Then he took a second to drink in the sight of her now completely nude body. It was always such a pleasure to look at her.

He poured champagne into the flutes and handed one to her.

“To my gorgeous, adorable, wonderful talented wife. You are everything I could ever have wished for.”

“Back at you,” she said.

They touched their flutes before taking long sips. Killian quickly stripped off his own clothes and nudged her back to the bed.

“But the bath,” she reminded him.

“Let’s let it set for a moment, darlin’. I’ve been thinking about feeding you these strawberries ever since I ordered them.” He lifted one from the tray, but before he held it to her mouth, he touched it briefly to each nipple. “Don’t think I can make those taste any better, but we can always add to the flavor.”

Then he fed the berry to her, holding it so she could only take small nips of it. When she’d eaten all but the very top, he rubbed it across the upper slope of each breast before reaching for another one. By the time he’d fed her a few more, he could hardly contain himself at the erotic sight of his wife adorned with chocolate and fruit juice. He’d painted designs on each breast with the chocolate-covered tips of each piece of fruit and rubbed juice all over her skin from her breasts to her neck. Finally, he could stand it no longer. They’d get back to the rest of them later.

“Now come on. The tub is ready.”

First, he took their champagne flutes into the bathroom and set them on the wide ledge surrounding the tub. Then he swept her up in his arms and carried her into the room now filled with fragrant steam. He stepped into the tub and lowered his body into the water, still holding Lexie in his arms. She kept her arms clasped around his neck until he had seated himself. Then he shifted her so she was stretched out between his legs. This, of course, nestled his cock right up to the crevice of her very
sweet ass. When she wriggled against him to get more comfortable, he thought he’d lose it right then and there.

Sliding his hands around, he cupped her breasts and used his thumbs in a gentle brushing motion to rub the chocolate and berry juice from her. Simple strokes, easy strokes, a soft touch she would barely feel, but he knew from experience would arouse her even more. He stroked lightly, just brushing back and forth, but he could feel her nipples swell and harden beneath his touch.

When her breathing hitched as arousal began to slide through her, he stopped and reached for one of the flutes, handing it to her.

“Hold onto this and take some sips.” He put his mouth right next to her ear, taking a moment to lick the outer shell. “I’ve got a treat for you.”

“Another one?” Her voice was breathless.

“Yeah. Just hold on. I discovered this when I first checked this out.”

He pushed a button in the side of the tub and the built-in jets turned on. In seconds, the water pulsed around them.

“Wow!” Lexie wiggled a little, making his cock send him urgent messages.

“Wait. Even more wow coming right up.”

He slid his legs between hers, spreading them wide apart then reaching down to arrange them so they draped over his thighs. Maneuvering the two of them slightly, he directed the stream from one of the jets right to her sweet little pussy.

“Oh my god! Oh, Killian!” she squealed.

“Never done this before?” He sure hoped not.

“Are you kidding? Who with? Besides, you’re the only man who has ever thought up special things for me.”

“Well, hang on for the ride, honey. It’s gonna be a good one.” Maneuvering so he could reach his hands down between her legs, he spread the lips of her sex to get maximum exposure for the jet stream. “Now, start sipping the champagne. That way you’ve got bubbles inside and out.”

Her thighs tensed against his legs as the bubbles hit her, teasing at her sensitive flesh. Those sweet little noises she made whenever they made love drifted on the steamy air. He didn’t know how much he could take of her moving her nicely rounded little ass back and forth against his cock and balls, but he was determined to hold off until he made her come this way.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!”

She tried hard to squeeze her legs together, but Killian was focused and relentless. He felt the tension rise in her body, the tightening of all her muscles, heard the increase in her breathing. She was close. Yeah, real close. He took the champagne flute from her and placed it back on the ledge. Then he slipped his hand between her thighs again, found her clit, and pinched it. Hard.

Her climax exploded, her body shaking with the force of it. She grabbed his forearms, digging her nails into them as she rode the stream of water and rubbed against his fingers. When her spasms slowed, Killian eased her legs down again, cradling them between his, and pulled her back against his chest.

“Good, darlin’?”

“Good?” she breathed. “That doesn’t begin to explain—”She cut herself off. “Should I ask how many times you’ve done this before?”

He laughed and bit gently on her ear. “Never. But I saw this when I checked out the bathroom and got this wild idea about it. Sorry?”

“Are you kidding? Can we get one of these put in at the ranch?”

“If that’s what you want. I’d make sure we got plenty of use out of it. Now, just lie back and let me bathe you.”

BOOK: Lexie and Killian
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