Leather for Two: Wings of Steel MC (11 page)

BOOK: Leather for Two: Wings of Steel MC
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He dropped his booted feet to the floor with a loud thump and rubbed his goatee. “Okay.”

“Okay?” I repeated.

“Who the fuck is she?”

I didn’t realize we weren’t alone. I scanned the room and found the tall, leggy blonde standing near the outside window. Her long, bleached blonde hair and tanned skin reminded me of someone I’d find sunbathing at the beach. She was an attractive woman, but the fact that half of her double d’s stuck out from the split top of the too-tight shirt made me wonder how many men, and women, noticed her true beauty. Her black bra and nipples were outlined under the thin white material. Something told me she wasn’t shy.  “I didn’t realize you had company.”

“Rena, this is Bethany.” Blaze stood, moving around the desk and closer to me.

“Rena who?” The woman, Bethany, sounded like she had to force her hoarse voice to work.

“None of your business, Bethany, that’s who.  Our conversation is finished. You can show yourself out.” Blaze’s lips were tight and his jaw taut.

Obviously, I had walked in on a private conversation.  I took a step backward toward the door and reached for the doorknob.  “I’ll come back.”

“So she’s the bitch who is warming your bed these days?” Bethany’s chuckle made the hair stand on my neck.

“I’m not warming anything, especially Blaze.” I didn’t want or need this. Apparently the chick’s jealousy outweighed reasoning.

“Don’t worry about defending yourself, Rena.” Blaze held my gaze for three long seconds, then he turned back to Bethany. “You’re leaving, not Rena.”

“The hell I am. You and I need to talk, in private.” Bethany slurred between crimson lips. Lip lines deepened and I could see she was older than I first thought.

“Take all of the time you need.” I made a dash for the exit when Blaze stepped beside me, his hand on my elbow.

“No, don’t leave.” His eyes pleaded. Blaze had never needed saved from a woman.

I sighed. I didn’t much like being put in this position. Ready to tell him exactly that, I didn’t get one word out before Bethany approached us, her eyes narrowed on Blaze.

“I need to talk to you,” she said coldly.

“Then talk. I’m more than okay with Rena hearing.” He closed the door again, gently leading me close to his desk. His warm fingers zapped a current through my arm.

Bethany moaned. “Fine! Have it your way. The cops stopped by the bar, asking questions again.”

“Look, Bethany, I’m sorry that detectives are bothering you, but the truth is, you and I were together the night Diesel was killed. Just tell them the facts and they’ll leave you alone.” Blaze forced a hand through his hair. “Now I’m busy. I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

Bethany rolled her eyes. “Sure, I bet you do. But when Miss goody-two-shoes leaves your bed, don’t come looking for me.” Bethany turned toward me. Her dark, seedy gaze crawled over my skin. “He’s yours for now, but good luck. He doesn’t like to be tied down very long. Watch yourself, you hear?” She snorted loudly, swept past me and out the door, slamming it hard enough to make the glass shake.

I looked at Blaze as anger scuttled down my spine. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” I turned and pushed open the door, quickly making my way through the shop. Both Sharp and Miles stared, mouths gaping, as I moved past them and made my way up the stairs.

Blaze was close behind me. Not only could I hear his booted steps, but I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my back. I made it to the room and grabbed my suitcase off the floor, dropping it on the bed. “I’m leaving.” I snapped.

“No, you’re not!” He stepped in front of me, his gaze challenging.

“Oh, what are you going to do? I’m not a prisoner here.” I clutched the handle of my bag until my fingers ached.

“You’re gonna let some woman like Bethany scare you away?”

“Scare me away?” I chuckled coldly. “This isn’t me scared. This is disgust at being thrown into not only a murder case, but now a love triangle. That woman, Bethany, believed we’re sleeping together.”

He shrugged. “Who gives a shit what she thinks? I sure as fuck don’t now, and never will!”

“You didn’t have to make out like you and I are a couple, or I’m the reason you’re no longer seeing her.” I groaned. “The last thing I need is some psycho biker babe breathing down my neck.”

“That wasn’t my intention.” His tone rose. “And you don’t have to worry about her. She’s all talk.”

“I should have known better than to come here. I’d rather be home, taking my chances against a murderer than smack dab in the middle of a circus which includes one leather-skinned bombshell and one egotistical man in a leather cut. Who else do you share your ‘leather’ with?” I dropped my gaze to his waist then tried to take a step around him, but he wouldn’t let me pass.

“Sweetheart, as far as I’m concerned, I only have enough leather for two—you and me.”

I shook my head. “I’m leaving!”

“Bethany and I haven’t slept together in months,” he said.

I dropped the handle to the case and it landed with a thud against the floor. Wrapping my arms around my waist, I slowed my breathing. “She’s your alibi the night Diesel ended up dead. Only days ago!” I nibbled the corner of my mouth. “It’s none of my business.”

“Yes, she is. And yes, it is your business because you’re angry. That night I wasn’t screwing her. She got drunk and needed a lift. I helped her out, point blank. She’d like for us to strike up a relationship again, but I’m not interested.”

“When isn’t a man interested in big tits?” I moaned.

“A woman like Bethany likes to cause problems. The second she heard I had a woman in my shop, she jumped into her car and sped down here, nosy and ready to explode a can of jealous bitch. She’s crazy. That’s why my relationship with her never got past first base.”

“First base?” I lifted a brow, feeling my skin swarm with heat. I laughed. “You can’t be serious. You don’t consider having sex crossing first base? Only in the mind of someone like you, I guess.”

“Oh come on. Not this again.” He grumbled. “You know what I mean. I’m talking emotions.”

“How could I be so foolish?”

He grabbed my arm. It didn’t hurt, but it shook me to the core. “Bethany never meant anything to me. No one has, not ever. Only you! Somehow, I think you know that.” He forced the words through clenched teeth.

“And that’s supposed to make me feel better how? You’ll sleep with them, but you don’t care for them?”

“Damn, Rena! You want to crucify me? Go ahead. I can take it.”

“I don’t want to crucify you. I want to leave. I don’t want to be involved in this craziness again. Sexy, half-naked chicks around every corner. Secrets and excuses. I’m over all of it. I have been for a long time.” I raised my chin and held his gaze. I wouldn’t back down.

“You belong here. There’s no other choice. Don’t make this harder on the both of us.” The lines around his eyes deepened.

“I can’t be expected to sit here, alone, and wait. I know you have work and issues, but the biggest issue is the fact that we have a crap load of money in your safe that doesn’t belong to us. That might not be of concern to you, but it sure as hell is bothering me. I can’t relax thinking that the ATF is going to come crashing through the doors any second.”

“Yes, Rena. I’m concerned. That’s why I’ve been doing some research into Diesel and his activity over the last year. I also had my cop friend check out the address Diesel left in the letter.”

I blinked. “Did he find out who lives there?”

He nodded and slid his hand through his hair. “Some woman named Abigail Brewer. She has a few priors, but nothing beyond minor offenses.”

“Do you know her?”

“Never heard the name, but then again, everyone gets a nickname. If I saw her, I might recognize her.”

“We have to go there, as soon as possible.”

“I agree, but first, I have a meeting with Digger in an hour.”

“But you can’t meet with him.” My breath caught.

“Why?” He grinned.

“You two don’t even like each other. What if he killed Diesel? He could kill you too.”

“Interesting. A few seconds ago you could have strangled me with your bare hands and now you care enough that you’re worried about my safety.” He laughed.

The man never ceased to burn through me. “Don’t flatter yourself. I have the normal amount of care and compassion I would for anyone facing the devil.”

“It’s not that bad, sweetheart. We might be enemies, but he won’t call out a full-fledged war, not right now when all eyes are on clubs from here to across the southern part of the state.” He stepped back and I could breathe again. “I need to know what he knows.”

“Asking him anything can be risky, right? Will he be truthful? Are you going to let him know that you have cash in your safe?”

“Trust me, sweetheart. I can handle Digger. I don’t plan on asking about the money. That’s our secret.” His jaw slacked. “Now don’t look at me like that or I’ll have to kiss the fear right out of your body.”

I inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled. “You wouldn’t dare!” My words came out weak and worthless. They sounded more like a dare than rejection. I couldn’t deny that my heart slammed painfully against my ribs and my adrenaline spiked. My control slipped, and I didn’t want to hang on any longer.

He took a step closer, the tips of his boots touched mine. Would he kiss me? Oh, I think I wanted him too. Yes, I did. I wanted his lips on mine. His arms wrapped around me, feeling him over me. I wanted the security…I wanted to forget all of this chaos surrounding us. I leaned forward and he slid one arm around my waist, tugging me against his body. His metal belt buckle and hard zipper pressed my stomach. “I feel powerful when I feel this.”

One brow lifted, tormenting me. “This?” He took my hand and gently led it to the bulge in his jeans. Instead of dragging my hand away, I stepped out of my comfort zone and palmed the firm swelling. It grew longer under my touch. I swallowed against the lump in my throat, forcing my lungs to work.
Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out.
I cautioned the butterflies in my stomach to relax.

He sucked in a deep breath, his chest lifted and he exhaled on a gruff moan. “My God, you have me in the palm of your hand, literally.”

A sparkle lit his gaze. His mouth lifted in a playful grin. I smoothed my palm downward, clutching more of his hidden erection, following the hard line with my fingertips to the mushroom-shaped head by his pocket. I’d never been good at seduction, but seeing the pleasure dance in his eyes did wonders for my self-esteem.

Problem was, I didn’t want to stop. I couldn’t stop. I ignored the logic in my brain.

I dropped my hand lower to his balls. Gently squeezing. A moan escaped him—deep and ragged. I realized I held my breath, and managed to start breathing again before I passed out. That would certainly be a buzzkill.

“I’m going to kiss you.” The words came a millisecond before his mouth possessed mine. He moved slowly, as if he held back, but when I snaked my arms around his neck, he dragged me closer until I stood on my tiptoes, chest against chest, my nipples tingling and aching.

His tongue slipped between my lips, smoothing across the roof of my mouth and a current rushed into my brain. The man could kiss! I met his tongue with mine, dueling and dancing. Suckling and sampling. I licked his lower lip, drawing the fullness into my mouth, gently nibbling with my teeth. I scraped my nails down his thick biceps and his groan tickled my ears.

I jerked when he slid his hand between my legs, parting my thighs slightly to give his large hand more room to touch my most intimate part. My core throbbed, agonizing for his fingers to find the nub nestled in waiting. Through the material of my jeans, he rubbed my seam, moving his thumb with even pressure across the apex, teasingly—expertly. I sunk my fingers into his arms, clinging to him as I rolled my hips around his magical digits, imagining something bigger, thicker, to ease the bittersweet pain. I moved my fingers to the belt buckle and tugged at metal. My nail broke and I didn’t care. He took pity on me and helped, releasing the metal and leather strap easily. The belt
as it left the waist of his jeans and I found the sound very appealing and sexy. I found everything about him sexy. His long hair. His gorgeous eyes. His beard that tickled my skin. His body that could be on the cover of a magazine. Every tattoo mesmerized me. They told a story that I wanted to read again and again. His ego could be hard to understand, and yet his kindness couldn’t be matched by another. Oh, but what I liked most was the way he made me feel special. When in his arms, we were a perfect fit.

His groan dragged me back on track.

Belt gone. Jeans unsnapped. I wanted him naked, fast.

“Baby, if you’re not ready, we should stop.” He took a quick step back, his eyes were dark and mysterious, but I still held on.

“Don’t stop. Don’t take this from me.” My voice sounded foreign to my ears.

“Never, baby. Never.” He whispered against my ear, cupping his hands on my cheeks. “I could never stop all of this.”

I let out a squeal when he clutched the back of my thighs in his hands, lifting me off my feet. We were moving. I wrapped my legs around his waist and settled nicely against his thick cock as he walked us toward the bed. He dropped me into the middle and I bounced, giggling. Oh, but the fun was only beginning.

BOOK: Leather for Two: Wings of Steel MC
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