La Bocca (the mouth) (The Spitfire) (4 page)

BOOK: La Bocca (the mouth) (The Spitfire)
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"That better be a gun in your pocket."

"It's my dick; now sit still before I introduce you."

Just for kicks I gave a little grind on his goods, that'll teach
him. Maybe not. His mouth was on mine again and I was swallowing his tongue.



Chapter 8


It's back to work for me, I haven't seen the boss yet since I
arrived maybe I'll get lucky and he'll stay out of my business.

“What the fuck, mouth what're you doing?”

Oops spoke too soon.

Apparently that James guy hadn't cashed in his ticket last night;
good for him, I had more important things to deal with right now than his
stupid ass.

I have to deal with this crazy ass man who seems to think he could
tell me what to do. Uh huh that's gonna work.

"I'm working the floor."

"No! You're not."

'Why not?" Oh he wanted to clip me one, instead he was back
to pulling out his hair or at least giving a good impression of it.

"Were you not there when that fucking asshole grabbed your

"Oh please Copernicus, guys have been grabbing my ass since

"What the fuck, who?" He looked ready to commit murder.

I just gave him a look, he was mental, then again all mobster
types usually were, at least that's my take.

"Never mind all that, I have to get back on the floor. You
kept me off last night, apparently so you could get off, how'd that work out
for you?" I smirked at him, this guy was so easy to work up, just call him
a few names, ignore a couple of his dictates and he was ready to strangle me,
sheesh, like now, he was looking at me like he wanted to chuck me out the
window , hah.




See, I knew she was going to drive me fucking crazy, bat shit just
like she is. She'd tried to bite off my tongue last night, crazy nut. Like she
hadn't enjoyed it. 

I know she'd been enjoying it just fine until the fucking guys
knocked on the door, I'll be ready for her later though.

"I don't need your ass on the fucking floor, how many
mother-fuckers you want me to have to kill?"

"Oh my! the light's on but nobody's home."She shook her
head like I was a lost cause or some shit.

"Say what now."

"Nothing, nothing, just talking to myself."

"Do that a lot do ya?"

"What's it to ya, now
back to business, I'm going back to the floor and you can't stop me, I have
rights you know. If you're so worried about it tell your patrons to keep their
filthy hands to themselves, not just me, but all the girls."

Like I give a fuck about all the girls, some of them encouraged
that shit, though I didn't want that shit in my place. I don't peddle flesh, ma
would scalp my ass, 'nough said.

What the fuck am I gonna do with crazy chick, couldn't she
understand that I would've killed that fucker last night if my boys hadn't
pulled me off of him? The next mother-fucker might not get off so easy.

"How about behind the bar?"

"Don't know shit about mixing drinks."

"I know! You can work on the books."

"You been dropped on
your head one time too many. I, am, going, back, on, the, floor.” She folded
her arms after giving me shit.

Oh hell, I knew I should never have brought her here, now I'll
never get any work done worrying about somebody's hands on her ass. Fuck me.

"Fine, go on the floor, but if I end up killing a
mother-fucker it's on you."

"Oh yeah, who're the other hundred or so on Bugsy

This fucking girl.

"Get to work will ya?"

She flounced off in her
little skirt and tight top, she was going to drive me up the fucking wall, I
just knew it.

I watched her for a while on camera, everything seemed cool, I had
Dom one of the bouncers on her from afar and they all knew if anything jumped
off involving her they were to call me.

What they thought of that edict I didn't know and didn't give a

I finally got some work done
since pain in the ass seemed to be staying out of trouble so far.

At around three in the morning which was closing time I had Mikey
go get her and bring her up to my office. There was no sense in her taking a
cab when we were going to the same place.

She came through the door huffing and puffing while pulling off
her shoes.

"My dogs aren't barking, they've crawled into a hole and
died." She dropped down on the couch.

"Dogs, what dogs, you're not allowed to have dogs in my

They all started laughing, her, Mikey and Vinnie.

"What the fuck's so funny?"

"It's an expression moron, it means my feet hurt." She
rolled her eyes at me like I was fucking stupid.

"Why the fuck didn't you just say that shit, the fuck you
keep talking in riddles, I look like I have time to decipher code. If your feet
hurt sit down, put them up and I'll take you home soon.

"You're such a sweetheart, how can I resist?"

One clip to the chin, please just one, who could blame me really,
crazy ass nut job. Dogs barking and shit, and those two assholes weren't any
better, laughing their fucking heads off, the fucks.




We were halfway home when the attack happened, they came at us
from all sides, guns blazing, stupid fucks as if I'd let them corner me.

Two cars tried to box us in; one in front and one behind, what
they didn't know was that I always had a trailer a few cars back for situations
just like this, not to mention the only thing piercing this fucking tank on
wheels is a drone.

I still pulled her head down just to be safe, while my guys took
charge. My driver could outmaneuver Andretti on a bad day, no fear, just drive
right through those fucks, they weren't expecting that shit, they expected us
to try to evade fuck that shit.

I had the phone to my ear and my other hand on her head holding
her down even though nothing was getting through my shit, but you never know.


I got the answer and hung up, I guess the fucks wanted a war after

"Who?" Mikey asked.


If I had been paying closer attention I would've noticed the
sudden tension in Arianna's body.




Chapter 9



My guys pulled into the underground parking garage beneath my
building after my security detail ascertained it hadn't been breached.

My would be attackers were roasting their nuts up on the
boulevard, good luck with identifying them.

I pulled mouth out the car behind me; she seemed no worse for wear
for all that she'd been shot at.

Crazy lady was acting like it was par for the course.

I appeared calm on the outside, but inside I was coldly furious.
Stacco was a dead fuck. He'd played his hand and lost, amateur fucker.

"You doing okay there mouth?" I checked her over more
closely to make sure she wasn't in shock or some shit.

"Oh just peachy, tell me again why it makes more sense for me
to catch a ride with you than taking a cab? If I knew I would be trying out for
a part in A Bronx tale, I would've dressed more appropriately."

Did I say this bitch was crazy, certifiable?

Where were the tears and
recriminations, the screaming and accusations? Why wasn't she screaming nine
one one like any rational woman would be?

"You're coming home with me." We were on our way up in
the elevator.

I pulled her to my door when we reached our floor, there was no
way I was letting her out of my sight.

For some fucking reason I was more worried about her safety than
my own. If they'd fucking hurt her I would've hunted the fuckers down and
killed them with my bare hands.

As it was I planned on going after them as soon as fucking
possible, the father and the fucking son, I'm going to obliterate the whole
fucking family 'til there was none of those fucks left.

"I'm thinking hanging with you might be detrimental to my
health. I don't fare so good when messing with you Lucky Luciano."

"Do you ever shut the fuck up?"

"Yep, when I'm alone in
my own place, which is exactly where I'll be in one, two, three."

I pulled her through the fucking door and kissed the fuck outta
her, it was the only way I knew of to shut her the fuck up. Plus, I needed it.

I had her up against the wall, her legs wrapped around me as I
ground my hard on into her softness. I knew I was past the point of no return,
I knew this is exactly where I wanted us to end up since that first day in my
office, I just thought it would take me longer to get her on board.

Adrenaline pumped through me like a force field, I ravaged her
mouth as I tore her panties from her body and got my pants opened, I didn't
hear stop so I kept going. She was already wet for me which made me groan into
her mouth with appreciation.

I pushed into her body and
got stopped cold; my mind couldn't quite process what my body was feeling.

"Fuck me, you're kidding right?"

"Surprise." She was as gone as I was, her hands in my hair,
nails digging into my scalp, made me want to devour her.

"It's too late, I can't stop." My hips thrust against
hers again and again.

"Who asked you to De Sade?"

That fucking mouth.

She'd screamed when I breached her.

Untouched and I'd taken her like a rutting animal, up against the
fucking wall, no finesse, but that's what she did to me.

She drove me over the edge. I tried to go easy, bring some
tenderness into the game but no dice, I was too far gone to pull back, I could
only try to bring her along with me by touching her with my fingers right where
she needed me to.

She squeezed down on me and my fucking knees almost buckled.

"That's right baby, take what you need from me."

She felt better than anything I had ever experienced before in my
life, soft, hot, wet, mine.

This changed everything, she was never getting away from me now,
there was no way I was giving up this treasure.

Fuck, I knew she was going to be trouble.



She's asleep, I wore the poor girl out, who knew that virgin pussy
would be that addictive; it was like I couldn't get enough of her body.

After that first time I'd had her in the shower, in the living
room on the couch and then again in bed before sleep claimed us. 

With all the fucking going on
there was no time for questions thank heaven and her mouth had been otherwise
occupied so she couldn't keep throwing names of gangsters at me in between
insults. She was a real piece of work.

A fucking virgin, who the fuck would ever believe that shit, with
that mouth of hers it was hard to grasp, well no one else would ever have to
wonder about it because no other mother-fucker was ever getting near her ,I'd
kill them both.

I stamped my claim on that
shit last night, the only thing I didn't do was brand the shit with a branding
iron, and I couldn't wait to hit it again this morning either.

I'd taken care of her afterwards, I'm not a complete animal, I
knew she would have a little discomfort after the way I kept after her so I'd
given her a nice hot bath and rubbed some salve inside her to help ease the
sting, she should be nice and ready for me when she finally woke up. If I could
wait that long.

"Come on mouth wake up." I bit her ear lightly, of
course crazy lady couldn't act like any other rational woman after a night of
hot sex, no she came up swinging, almost caught me a good one too.

"Easy there slugger it's just me."

She seemed confused for all of one minute before the fog seemed to
clear, before she could come completely to her senses and start talking at me I
slid home.

Sweet, soft, lush, damn, had anything ever felt this good around
my dick before, I don't remember it. I took her mouth in a deep kiss as our
bodies danced together.

I hadn't realized how small she was before, she had such a big
fucking mouth I forgot she was just a mere five two or three, I towered over
her in the bed, but it didn't matter, the relevant parts fit perfectly.

I don't think I'd ever been this close to another human being in
my life, it felt as though I needed to draw her into me, her legs clutched at
me as her nails dug into my back and ass.

 I could do this shit all day, if I wasn't careful she'd have me
just as whipped as those two fucks Mikey and Vinnie, and I really didn't need
to be thinking about how they got that way at this moment in time.

BOOK: La Bocca (the mouth) (The Spitfire)
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