Kiss the Dragon (Maidens Book One) (11 page)

BOOK: Kiss the Dragon (Maidens Book One)
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The bond between us flared to life, strong and sure. We’d been born for each other. Across space and time, against all odds, we’d found one another. I was supposed to be here with Alec, letting him take me in an Icelandic hot spring. The voice didn’t have to speak, I could feel the moment was ordained by whatever magic governed true love. The stones had sung the day we first joined, and in the spring, I heard the ringing of bells.

“I love you Alec,” I said, throwing my head back and howling the words.

He held me even tighter. “And I love you, maiden mine.”

We both came with harsh yells, his a low growl, mine high and keening. And then we were silent, the spring bubbling and frothing around us, all stirred up. Alec leaned his weight into me as I rested against him. We were one.

Chapter Nine

We flew back to Scotland, leaving at midnight to hide Alec’s dragon form from human eyes. It had been hard to leave the springs, but I knew it was time. I could feel the energy calling me and the voice stirring in my gut. The voice wasn’t talking, not yet, but it was more aware than it had been. We’d had a respite, nothing more. It was time to re-enter the real world and face whatever waited for us there.

I hoped it was good news.

Also, I missed my cupcake shop. My fingers itched to bake again. All this adventure had left me craving the orderly flow of a recipe. I especially wanted to make Alec some cupcakes.

All the brothers were there to greet us when Alec landed on the turret. When he set me on the ground, the three men rushed to hug me. Niall with his shock of orange hair and crooked smile hugged me without abandon.

“Nice to see you’re in one piece, lass” he said. “I’ve been minding your shop for you.”

“You have?” I looked at him, surprised.

“Aye. I needed something to keep me from losing my mind with worry.” His mouth turned down in a frown. “I’m afraid I havena the touch to make cupcakes though.”

“Well, maybe you can make cookies for the shop,” I said, giving him a squeeze. “Because you certainly have the touch for those.”

His eyes widened as he considered the idea, but he didn’t have a chance to say anything as Malcolm elbowed him out of the way. His dark eyes took me in, scanning me from head to toe. “You’re all right then, lass? I know Alec said you were, but I’d like to hear it with my own ears and see it for myself.”

“Yes,” I said, touched by his concern. “It was a near thing, but we’re both okay. How are you?”

He lifted a shoulder in a half shrug. “Better than I would be if you two hadn’t rescued me. Thank you for that.”

“It was all my fault,” I said. “The least I could do was try to keep you from suffering a fate meant for me.”

“I’ve been researching your sight,” he said. “I don’t think you can get rid of it, it’s part of you now, but I can help you control it. Box it into a corner, so to speak, and learn to use it instead of it using you.”

“That sounds great,” I said feeling a bit giddy at the news. Even half free would be a huge improvement.

“I’m working on a charm that will cloak you, too. Something to keep people from finding you.”

“No one will bother ye again” said Niall.

Malcolm started to say something else, but Gavin shoved him to the side and swept me up into a big bear hug, which, frankly, terrified me. I shrieked. Alec roared while Malcolm and Niall rushed to try and catch their brother, the one who always went too far. He spun away from them, an impish gleam in his eyes.

“Shall I throw you over the edge?” he asked. “See how fast my brother can fly?”

I shoved a knee into his stomach, driving the air from his lungs with a loud ‘oof.’ Fighting to breathe, he very gently set me down and stepped away, choking out, “I’ll take that as a no.”

I glared at the big blond. “Someday your maiden is going to come, Gavin and you’re going to have to be a man, not an asshole.”

He stumbled back, my words seeming to hit him like blows. I saw a raw vulnerability in his face and almost felt bad for what I’d said, but then my resolve stiffened. He needed to hear it. They all did.

I looked at each of the brothers in turn. “Your spell worked, Malcolm. I’ve seen glimpses of its future. I am the first maiden but not the last. The others are coming, in their own time, on their own path. You will be free one day, all of you. The curse will be broken, but,” I raised a warning finger, “be sure you’re worthy of the maiden who comes for you.”  That last bit was more for Gavin than anyone else, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt for the other two to hear it.

Niall’s eyes went wide as an owl’s at my words while Malcolm just blinked at me. Gavin retreated, hovering on the threshold of the stairs leading back down to the castle. He wanted to run.

Alec came to stand next to me, naked and formidable, anger emanating from him in waves of heat. “Are you all right, Sara? Did he hurt you?” He shot his brother a baleful glare.

“Yes, but I’m not so sure he’s okay.” I crossed my arms and watched as Gavin finally turned tail and ran, disappearing down the turret steps. I’d been too much for him, which maybe explained why he was so aggressive with me. I’d seen it before. Some men couldn’t handle a strong woman, couldn’t stop trying to top her.

Oh man, Gavin was in for a world of hurt when his maiden showed up. If he thought I was difficult… I let the thought trail off and just shook my head. Then I stood on my tip toes and kissed Alec on the cheek, so very glad that, out of all the dragons, he was mine.

“We’re home.” A little trill went through me at the word home. I had Alec and my cupcake shop waited. Life was just about perfect.

He wrapped an arm around me. “Aye, that we are.”

“And you’re free.”

“Soon you will be, too, maiden mine.” Alec turned his head and captured my lips in a searing kiss that I felt all the way down to my toes.

One of the two brothers still on the turret cleared their throats. “We’ll leave you two to recover from your journey.” It was Niall and he sounded a little gobsmacked.

“Aye,” chimed in Malcolm, sounding unsure of himself. “Mayhap tomorrow we can discuss the ideas I have about controlling your sight.”

I smiled at both men, infusing the gesture with kindness. “I didn’t mean to spook you guys.”

Malcolm raised his hands. “No offense taken, lass. You spoke the truth and we needed to hear it.”

“We just need to think on it. We’ve been brothers alone for nigh two hundred years. Change is going to be…interesting,” Niall added.

“Well, let me tell you, my brothers, your maiden is worth any sacrifice.” Alec squeezed me tight. “When she comes, you will let nothing stand in your way.”

Gazing up into Alec’s eyes, I watched the copper flame that burned there dance. “And she will love you with all her heart.”

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed Kiss the Dragon, in which case, please consider leaving a review. And YES I do plan to write about the other brothers.
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While you wait for the rest of the dragons, check out my bestselling werewolf books.


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Little known fact about being a werewolf: There are always wolves at your door and some of them are up to no good.

Chloe Weiss’ dreams have finally come true: She's a null no more, her wolf has finally come. She's now a full member of her pack in the remote Appalachian ‘weretown’ of Hunstville. Even better, she's mated to the pack's next alpha, Jackson Swift. However, now that she's on the other side of her happy ending, things aren't quite as rosy as she'd expected.

The women of her pack resent her status as alpha's mate and suddenly there are rumors that Chloe is an Omega, a werewolf so weak they are banned from ever mating. Worse, an old friend of Jackson's blows into town full of disapproval....and competition. It seems no one likes Chloe except Jackson.

Then women start disappearing, violently kidnapped from their homes and never heard from again. There's a killer on the loose in the small town of Huntsville, and the one wolf he'd do anything to have is Chloe.

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Audrey Levine thinks being bitten by a wolf is just another day on the job. She couldn’t be more wrong.

A wildlife rehabilitation specialist, Audrey usually does all the rescuing, but now she's the one who needs help. In ten days, she’ll be covered in fur and howling at the moon while the wolf who bit her is out there, waiting to claim her as his own…whether she wants to be his or not.

The biggest problem? The curvy beauty doesn’t know any of this. 

Werewolf Tao Black is the strong, silent type, which is an asset in his role as pack enforcer. Hot on the trail of a wolf gone bad, he runs into trouble and is saved by Audrey. Realizing her situation, he vows to protect Audrey from the wolf who bit her, no matter what it takes.

But that means going against his alpha’s orders…which might get them both killed.

A standalone, full length novel with NO cliffhanger.

About the Author

NY Times and USA Today Bestselling author Michelle Fox lives in the Midwest with her husband, kids, the occasional exchange student and two, sweetly disobedient dogs. She loves fantasy and romance, which makes writing paranormal romance a natural fit. Occasionally, she goes through a maverick phase and writes contemporary romance. In her spare time, she's been known to shake her bon-bon at Zumba, make spectacular cheesecakes, hoard vintage costume jewelry and eat way too much ice cream (Ben and Jerry’s Karamel Sutra for the win!).  

BOOK: Kiss the Dragon (Maidens Book One)
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