Kenzie (More Worlds Beyond Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Kenzie (More Worlds Beyond Book 3)
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Chapter 6

Kenzie sat in the closet for many
Heart still pounding, she
want to come out.
She knew Tolan must be worried sick, but she just
gather her courage.
She had never been
brave like her sister.
Hell, she
even like confrontations with men, and that’s why she
avoided Michael.
However, when
confronted she had a mouth and a half on her.
just how she coped.

As she sat there staring at the door, she
knew that when she opened it there would be yellow men waiting for her.
‘Come on Kenzie, you can do it.’ She told
Finally, with shaking hands,
she opened the door.
She let out the breath she unintentionally
Looking around, she found she was
in a Galley, but much smaller than the one on
It was actually the size of the
kitchen in her

She slowly made her way around the room,
and spotted a bottle containing brown liquid.
had alcohol since leaving Earth, but
now seemed like a great time.
Finding a
glass, she poured it full and prayed it tasted good.
With her first taste, she let out a sigh of
relief, as it tasted like Tequila.
had had shots of it before, but never this much.

After finishing over half of it, she
realized she was very drunk.
She heard
male laughter getting closer to her location, and she knew she should hide
However, thanks to the tequila,
she really
give a shit at this point.
When the door opened, and the first man
walked through, she sat calmly and stared at him.
He froze in place when he noticed her sitting
at his table.
He had long black hair,
grayish colored skin, and black eyes that reminded her of a cat.
His nose appeared very slender, and pointed.
His lips were thin and it appeared he had
fangs that hung slightly past his top lip.
He was muscular as well, but shorter than Tolan by several inches.
“Holy shit, you’re a vampire!”

“What did she just say?”
Vat looked at the other three males with
know who she was, what she was, or where she came from.
He also
understand anything she said, as she sat there drinking his favorite brand of

“I have no idea. How did she get on our

“I think she’s the only one that can
answer that.
Do we have anyway to
program her language?”
Vat asked.
He was the leader of this group of four, as
they ran cargo back and forth for trade.
They were from a small honorable planet, Kasei, and made their living
hauling merchandise.
They had left the
Space Station half a moon cycle ago, and they must have departed with her

“Not here we don’t.
What should we do?”
Vat kept staring at the female.
She appeared harmless enough, and her voice
was pleasing to listen

“Just let her be, but keep an eye on
When we drop off our cargo, we’ll
head back to the Space Station and see if anyone is looking for her.”

, and
entered the
Galley and prepared third meal.
She was
different, but not particularly attractive.
Her skin was too white, and her eyes had white around the blue-green
Unlike theirs, the black area in
her eye was round.
Vat shuddered as he
looked at her.

“Should we offer her food?
She may be hungry?”

“I don’t know
I guess you could try.”
Vat watched
their uninvited guest with curiosity.
was a good thing she found her way to their ship, and not one of the
They would deliver their
cargo, and then return to the Space Station and let her out.
It would only take another couple of moon

food, and when he sat it in front of her, she ate as if she
eaten for many moon cycles.

“Thank you.”
She said as she took the food.
“You all may look like a bunch of blood
suckers, but you’re actually quite nice.”
She took a bite.
“Wow this is
What is it?
right, you
can’t understand me, but I understand you perfectly.
This Tequila is great by the way. When I
leave, it would be nice to take some with me.
All the Sukaraians have is Barla, and
weak, not like this stuff.
Tolan told me
that was normally the drink of choice.
wonder if they have any of this.”
just talked on-and-on because
what she did when
she was drinking.

Vat and his males grinned at each other.
“It appears our uninvited guest is drunk.”
Vat mused.

“And she is having her own
added as they all laughed.

“Oh shut up!”
Kenzie laughed.
“Just because you can’t answer back doesn’t
mean I can’t talk to you.
I can’t help
that I talk a lot while I’m drinking.”
Kenzie went to take another drink, but Vat gently took it away from her
and smiled at her putout look

Vat helped the female to his quarters for
have any rooms to spare, so he would take the couch.
As he laid her down, and pulled the covers
over her body, she smiled.
He felt his
body soften toward her as he looked into her soft warm eyes.
“Sleep well strange female.”
He whispered.

“Thank you vampire.”
with that she
fell fast asleep.

Back in the Galley, Vat found the other
three males waiting on him.
It was still
early, so they decided to share a glass of
“Did you catch any of her words Vat?”
liked her voice
and tried to listen closely when she rambled on.

“Yes, I recognized
Tolan and Sukara.
I think we need to
contact them.
Send a message to Prince
Zahin, and see if he knows anything about this female.”

The next morning,
Kenzie woke with a terrible headache.
Rubbing her head, she finally opened her eyes.
Nothing looked familiar, not even the bed
slept in.
Where was she?
Thinking back on yesterday’s events, she
remembered the yellow men chasing her, hiding in the closet, and then drinking
Tequila when she came out. Vaguely, she remembered talking to someone, but the
details escaped her.
Oh well, he
have been all bad, as she was still in one piece,
and she wasn’t in a dark room like Adriana had been.
As she slowly made her way out of bed, she
thought her head would explode.
really needed a cup of coffee.
down the corridor, she found her way to the Galley.
Four sets of black eyes looked up as she
“Vampires”, she whispered.

“Nope, still can’t
understand her.
Did you hear back from
Prince Zahin?” Vat asked as he took in her appearance.
She had her hand on her head so it must
After the amount of
she drunk, it should.

“No word yet
Commander, what are we going to do?”
asked as he took another bite of food.

“Offer her some
food and we’ll continue on as planned.
we have off loaded our cargo, we’ll return to the Space Station.”
Kenzie sat there listening to the entire
They looked scary as hell,
but they spoke as though they were nice men.
Someone handed her a plate of food.
It looked unappealing, but she ate it anyway as she listened to the men

“I hope we can
drop our load quickly.
I never like to
visit Ketu.”
said as he took another bite of

“It shouldn’t take
too long.
I’m not sure if we should
leave her on the ship or take her with us.”
Vat said as he watched Kenzie closely.

“I would like to
see the planet.
I spent a lot of time on
another ship recently, so it would be nice to get off.”
All four men looked her way.
Oh yeah, you can’t understand a damn thing I say.”
She giggled.
“You all look like vampires, but you seem really nice.
Thank you.”

“She’s a little
more attractive when she smiles, but not much.
Her eyes are just to round.”
said and they all nodded their agreement.
Kenzie stifled a laugh as she finished her
She liked these men very

After finishing
her food, she followed them to the control room.
She could see a planet, or at least
what she thought it was, but it was still too far
All of them took a seat at their
assigned station, everyone but Vat, and he stood staring at her.

“You are so
different, I hope to learn your language and find out what species you
With her kind smile and warm eyes,
his heart warmed even more.
He could
tell she had a kind spirit, and he found that quality appealing in a
The females of his world were
not compassionate, but they were hard working and loyal.
He hoped to one-day find a mate of his own.

“It would be nice
to talk to you.
I would like to know
more about this planet Ketu and the people that inhabit it.
Maybe we could update your translator when we
He smiled with his fangs
showing, but she never flinched.
seemed so nice, and for some strange reason, she liked and trusted him.
Her vampire friend, she snickered.

Vat stared at her
in wonder as she kept speaking.
voice sounded pleasant, and again he wanted to be able to understand her.
When she finished, he stared into her
“Can you understand me?”
A smile split her face, and she nodded.
Shaking his head, “You could understand
everything we have said?”
She nodded
once again as he remembered saying she
attractive, and all the other conversations he and his males had had around
He burst out laughing, as four sets
of eyes looked his way.

know what had made him laugh like that, but she liked
His voice sounded husky, and she
enjoyed listening to him.
Now that they
knew she could understand what they were saying, it would make it easier to let
them know she wanted to see the planet.

BOOK: Kenzie (More Worlds Beyond Book 3)
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