Read Kalen Online

Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Tianna Xander,Paranormal,erotic romance,Ménage,shifter,Kalen

Kalen (14 page)

BOOK: Kalen
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She’d known what she was doing when she let him catch her undressed. In fact, she had wanted him to see her in state of undress that would drive him wild. Too many people had come in and out of her life for her to throw away a chance at happiness with this man just because he was different. Hell, even she was different now.

What difference did it make that he was a werewolf? Even if that crazy doctor hadn’t changed her, she would feel the same. Nothing mattered at this moment but the feel of his warm body pressed so tightly against her own.

She took a deep breath, loving the masculine smell of him. The mixture of the soap he used when he showered not so long ago, the slight musky scent of man and his desire.

It shocked her that she could smell that and knew what it was. Ally felt her face heat and wondered if he could smell her own arousal. Then realized she didn’t care if he could, it would only expedite matters.

Tilting her head back, she looked up into his eyes, those beautiful changeable eyes that looked steel blue when filled with desire. “Kiss me.”

The words had barely formed before he lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers. Liquid heat rushed through her, soaking her panties. She wanted to press her legs together to ease the throbbing of her clit, but Kalen moved her fluidly across the room. Damn, the man was born to dance.

Her heart raced as he swung her around, dancing to the music only he could hear. Heat and desire rushed through her, coursing through her veins like her life’s blood. When he finally reached the bed, Ally wanted to scream,
Instead, she let him pull her tighter against him, his lips slanting over hers as he thrust his tongue into her mouth.

For one second, perhaps one frozen moment in time, Ally felt wanted, cherished. She knew she shouldn’t pray for forever, but she did. Didn’t he say that his kind mated for life? Was it wrong to hope that he meant that
was the one woman he would happily spend the rest of his life with?

She fought the urge to feel more than this moment, this time. She fought the feelings he invoked in her with his warm embrace. Ally didn’t know why, but she couldn’t seem to fight it for long. She felt more at home with this man than she ever had in her own house. How could she ignore how he made her feel? Should she?

He surprised her with his next move. Ally half expected him to push her back on the bed, but she definitely hadn’t expected him to grab her robe by the lapels and rip it open almost violently.

Pulling back, he looked down her body. Heat filled his gaze as he took in her blood red lace bra. Lifting his hands, he cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing over the hardened tips.

Taking one of her hands in his, he pressed it over his groin. “Gods, I want you, Ally.” He leaned forward to nuzzle her ear. “Tell me you want me, too.”

How could she resist that plea from such a strong man? His arms snaked around her, holding her tight. “Tell me you want me to kiss you, like this.” He pressed his lips against hers, his mouth sipping at her lips before his tongue delved deep into the dark recesses.

“Tell me that you want my hands on you, like this.” He whispered the words in her ear, his tongue dancing around the shell as his hands cupped and kneaded her breasts, his thumbs gliding over her nipples.

He groaned in her ear as he pressed his rock-hard erection against her lower stomach. “Tell me you want my mouth on you, like this.” He kissed his way down her neck to suckle the tips of her breasts through her bra before moving to kneel in front of her, his tongue snaking between her legs to taste the cream leaking out from between her swollen folds.

With a soft cry, Ally’s legs gave out and she lost her balance. Falling back onto the bed didn’t stop his sensual assault—it fueled it. With a growl, Kalen ripped the scrap of lace from her body, threw her legs over his shoulders and buried his head between her legs.

Exquisite torment washed over her as he licked and suckled her plump nether lips. Her legs trembled with desire, hot cream ran from her slick channel, and her body turned to melted jelly.

Ally held his head tight to her as he suckled and laved. Her head thrashed on the bed as he inserted a finger into her, pressing up against the inner walls of her vagina. Her cream coated his fingers as he pressed in, then withdrew only to repeat the process over and over again. Meeting his hand thrust for thrust, Ally lost herself in the sensation of his hands and mouth playing her flesh like a maestro.

Fire burned through her body, her blood as he continued to thrust his fingers into her. His tongue lashed her clit, his teeth biting down just hard enough to cause a riot of pleasure-pain that nearly drove her mad.

Ally’s body stiffened, then jerked as she thrashed on the bed, every thought, every nerve ending reaching for her climax. When it finally came, it washed over her like a tidal wave and she screamed his name, uncaring if the whole world heard her reach the pinnacle and tumble over into the abyss of unadulterated pleasure.

Afterward, she lay panting below him as he crawled up her body kissing and laving her with his talented tongue. As she watched, a long razor-sharp nail emerged from his finger and he reached to cut her bra.

She shook her head. “Please don’t.” He’d already torn her underwear to shreds. It was difficult at best to find bras in her size. “It has a front opening. Just undo the clasp.”

Gray eyes turned to molten silver, looked down at the valley between her breasts and he growled, suddenly sounding more wolf than man. Retracting the nail, he reached up and carefully undid her bra.

“You’re so beautiful.” Kalen growled the words as he dove toward her, mouth open. He latched onto her naked breast and Ally gasped, arching her back to meet his questing mouth and tongue. Teeth gently tugged on the turgid tip as he suckled her flesh deeper into the warm darkness.

Ally thrust her fingers into his hair, pulling the silky soft strands toward her, unable to think of anything but the pleasure he caused with his mouth, teeth, and hands. Somewhere inside her, she knew she was the one who made the little mewling sounds she could hear. She heard herself moan and scream. At one time, she even heard herself beg for release, but she didn’t care.

Finally, when she thought she would go mad with the wanting, Kalen stood and removed his clothes. Almost as thick as her wrist, Kalen’s erection jutted out from its nest of dark curls, curving up toward his flat stomach. Ally reached for him, torn between wanting to taste him and wanting to feel him thrusting inside her.

“Not this time, baby,” Kalen said as he positioned himself between her legs. “If you touch me, it’ll all be over too soon.” He smiled down at her, gently pushed her hair out of her face and kissed her lips.

His mouth pressed against hers and she opened for him. Their lips melded together, touching, tasting as their tongues met and parried, then pulled back only to merge again.

Kalen reached between them, testing her readiness before he rested the head of his cock against the entrance to her channel. “Gods you’re so tight,” he said with a groan.

Looking down into her eyes, Kalen watched as he pressed deeper and deeper, each slow thrust driving him closer to her cervix. When the head of his cock finally bumped that inner wall, he rested his forehead against hers as though exhausted.

“You’re so tight, baby. I don’t know how long I’ll last.”

Ally licked her dry lips, then smiled up at him. Cupping his cheek, she feathered her thumb over his bottom lip as he looked down at her, reverence in his gaze.

“I wanted this to be so good for you but…” He shook his head. “I know I’m never going to last with your tight little cunt grasping and milking my cock the way it is.”

“You’ve already made it good for me, Kalen. Please finish this. Please make me your mate in every way.”

At her encouragement, Kalen pulled almost all the way out before he surged back inside her. Over and over, he thrust into her, the tip of his cock nearly touching her womb. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she arched up into him with every thrust, drawing him deeper and deeper inside her.

She felt another orgasm growing closer, another mind-blowing climax on the cusp of her consciousness and she reached for it. Kalen, perhaps sensing her inevitable release, grasped her thighs, pulled her legs from around his waist and pressed her knees to her chest.

He threw her legs over his shoulders and rammed his cock inside her, rocking her back and forth as he continued his quick thrusts. The room grew dark as his eyes changed. His large gray irises all but disappeared as his pupils grew larger and larger until they were almost nonexistent. Fur sprouted along his arms as his teeth elongated into those of his wolf.

The window blew open and rain blew into the room, water soaking everything as they continued their frienzied mating. Nothing mattered but the release they both reached for and the inevitable rush of pleasure.

Leaning down, Kalen bit her shoulder in an age-old show of dominance. He growled low, driving his cock into her faster and faster until he threw his head back and howled. Beneath him, Ally screamed through another release. Her teeth elongated, a strange wildness coursed through her and she raised her head to Kalen’s shoulder, bit down, and completed their bond.

Tears filled Ally’s eyes as she lay under him panting. Reaching up, she wrapped her arms around Kalen’s neck and pulled him down for a long, kiss. Their lips melded together as they tasted the remnants of their passion.

When Kalen finally pulled away to roll off her, he gathered her in his arms and held her close. “I love you, Ally.” He chuckled after his declaration.

“What’s so funny?” she asked, her eyelids drooping. Her body exhausted, but still humming with desire as his body pressed against hers.

“I don’t even know your last name.”

“Webber. My last name is Webber.” After her declaration, Ally closed her eyes and knew no more.

Chapter Sixteen

 “What do you mean I can’t go?”

Kalen overheard Milly’s heated question as she walked into the kitchen.

“It’s too dangerous and you don’t have control of your abilities yet.”

“Don’t tell me what’s too dangerous and what isn’t.” Milly shook her finger in the Alpha’s face. “I don’t even know you. You have no dominion over me, or what I do. You aren’t
alpha. In fact, my Gerald should be
alpha. He’s the one who’s pureblood, not you.”

“The fact that he is pureblood doesn’t mean a thing, Milly,” Kalen said as they walked into the room. “Bastien’s family has been the alpha family since the beginning of time. It’s much like a human monarchy. His family breeds alpha males—males that are so attuned to leadership, they can lead practically from the cradle.”

He moved to the far counter, opened the cabinet, and pulled out two cups before pouring Ally and himself a cup of the strong brew. Turning to his mate, he raised a brow. “Cream and sugar?”

“Please.” She blushed when he winked at her.

Turning to the sink, he paused. “What happened to the faucets? We noticed the faucets in our room were broken as well.” He looked at Bastien and Carly who grinned at each other before taking a drink from their cups. “What?”

“Well… there’s something about the mating.” Bastien grinned. “The bond brings a certain amount of magic to the union.” He leaned forward, wrapping both hands around his cup. “When Carly and I confirmed our bond, we blew out every light in the house.”

“What does it mean?”

Bastien shook his head. “We know that we have a semblance of control over electricity, though we haven’t practiced with it much. We’ve been too busy chasing after that lunatic, Townsend.”

Carly cleared her throat. “We do know that we can short out surveillance cameras.” She grinned. “Which, of course, has turned out to be an invaluable asset in infiltrating the crazy doctor’s facilities.”

“Have you found the pureblood?” Ally asked, looking at her friend.

Kalen tried to get her attention. Milly may not feel bound to the alpha, but he was and so was Ally by proxy, whether she wanted it or not.

“We think we have, but there is no way to get into the facility to find out.”

“I’ll go.” Milly sat on the edge of her seat, her expression earnest. “Let them capture me. I’ll convince them to let me try to seduce him. Of course, I won’t be able to go through with it willingly if he’s not my mate, but they don’t know that.”

“No. That is
an option.” Bastien shook his head. “You don’t understand, Mrs. Jenkins. There is no guarantee that they would even allow you near him. Not to mention that there are other were males in the facility who would have no qualms about raping you.”

Milly’s eyes grew wide and she swallowed thickly. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

“I’m sure you hadn’t.” Bastien looked at Kalen and the other men in the room. “I’ll need volunteers.” He held up his hand when Milly started to say something. “I need

Kalen wanted to laugh at Milly’s expression, but knew she wouldn’t appreciate it. “Milly, we don’t even know if the man we’re after is your mate. What if you risk your life for someone we don’t even know?”

She heaved a dejected sigh. “I just want to help. I want to know if it’s Gerald or not, as soon as possible.”

“We’ll contact you.” Bastien smiled. “Better yet, we’ll have
contact you. Then, when we have him under our protection, we’ll find a place to hide you where the crazy doctor won’t find you.”

Bastien pulled his phone from his pocket and pressed a number before setting the phone against his ear. Staring at the silver case in the center of the table, he smiled. “Hey, Randy. Is your brother there with you? Great. Have I got some news for you.” He nodded. “Yes, it would be better if you could meet me. Yes, I’m at the house off Federal Road.” He paused then added. “Yes, it’s going to be well worth your while. It may be a dream come true. I’ll see you in about an hour.”

Shoving his phone back in his pocket, he grinned. “I know one of the MacDonald twins will test the serum. They’ve wanted to change ever since they found out about it. After they arrive, we’ll test the dosage on one of them, then split the rest up and send it to the labs for reverse engineering.”

BOOK: Kalen
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