Kaden (Recherché series) (2 page)

BOOK: Kaden (Recherché series)
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She releases her hold around my dick and pushes down the extra couple of inches, retching when her lips touch my balls. The more I groan and thrust into her face, the faster her hand moves over her pussy. She moans around my cock and the vibrations have me throwing my head back and fighting not to blow my load down her throat. She moves her hand between my legs and cups my balls, pressing one finger against my taint. I fight it, but damn she knows exactly what buttons to press. Everything tightens before exploding outward in a wave of pleasure that has my gritting my teeth on a growl. She moans, her body shaking and stiffening as she swallows my come. People get off on all sorts of different things. Trust me, I’ve seen a lot of unconventional shit in the last year. Victoria, she gets off on me getting off. It’s fucking beautiful if you really stop and think about it. I mean, I’m curious, because she’s a good looking woman, and she certainly knows her way around a guy. So why doesn’t she just find a guy to blow? I ask myself these questions all the time, but I’ve learned that some people just don’t want the bullshit. She pays me, she knows what she’s getting. I’ll always turn up when she needs me, I’ll always comply with whatever she asks, and let’s be honest, I’m better looking than any random guy she could find.

I leave Victoria’s apartment building and hop in my car. The engine hums to life, purring like a contented cat. This car is one of the first things I bought when I started working for Thor. My second month’s paycheque covered the cost of it. A black Porsche 911. This was the car even my dad wanted when I was growing up. And I got it. At the age of twenty-one. Of course, I can’t ever drive it to my parents’ house because my mum will freak the fuck out and assume that I’m selling drugs for a living or something. This is the life of an escort and I love it, but sometimes it’s frustrating, having to explain where and how you spend so much of your time, not to mention explaining the money. The other guys, they don’t really have lives outside of the agency. Their friends are the other guys, all escorts. No explanation necessary. I’m friends with Maddox and Xavier, even Cora, but I, unlike them I have a whole other life. A life none of them even know about. For them this is it, make a living, stash the money and retire at thirty-five. That’s not my plan. I like being an escort, but I don’t want to do it forever. The thing is, if you’re good and you do this for a few years, you could make enough money to live like a fucking god for many years to come.

When I first started this I wasn’t all that sure of the whole thing. I mean, what if you have to fuck some old chick that you’re really not into. Maddox kindly informed me that that’s what Viagra is for. Arsehole. I haven’t met any clients that I really wouldn’t fuck though. Sure, a lot of them are older, but any woman who can drop a cool five grand on a lay can afford to look after herself. Personal trainers, plastic surgery… you name it, these women are doing it. They look better than a lot of women half their age. Then of course there’s the whole awkward thing of they know they’re paying you, and you know they’re paying you. How do you even begin to make that authentic? Well, you don’t. I used to try and treat clients like fucking royalty, but here’s the thing…they want you to be their fantasy, and most of the time, they’re only too happy to tell you what that is.

I pull up outside the house and jump out. I have my own flat, but the entire ground floor of Thor’s house is kitted out for the agency. Spare rooms, kitchen, living room, games room, office, gym… the guys, and Cora, tend to hang out here between jobs. I use the gym here because it’s pimped out to fuck. I prefer to come here between clients. It helps me to keep the two halves of my life separate, which isn’t always easy.

When I step into the kitchen Maddox and Cora are here.

“Fuck off Mad!” Cora is glaring at him with her arms crossed over her chest. She notices me walk in and rushes over, her heels clicking against the tile as she does. “Kaden.” She purrs, stroking a manicured hand over my arm. 

“Oh, fuck off. The kid, really?” Maddox growls.

She ignores Maddox, turning her back on him. She drags a nail down the centre of my chest and my pulse picks up a fraction. For anyone else I’d feel ridiculous, but it’s Cora, and Cora is pretty much every guys walking, talking fantasy. “I have this client and she wants me to get her a guy for a three way.” A three way with Cora? I don’t know anyone with a working dick who would turn that down. She’s pretty much the hottest chick I’ve ever seen. Big green eyes, caramel hair, tanned, amazing body…and she likes girls. Does a woman get any more perfect? “I promise you she’s gorgeous.” She says, winking at me.

“You want me to do it?” I ask, cocking a brow at her.

“Look, kid, you’re hot. I mean…” Maddox bobs his head from side to side. “I’d fuck you.”

“You’d fuck anything.” I say. Cora moves to the side and Maddox steps closer to us.

“Not entirely true. Anyway, this shit, this is a man’s job.” He pats me on the shoulder, but Cora rips his hand away.

“No, I need a guy who knows his place.” She snaps.

Maddox gets in her face, pressing his body against hers. The guy is a unit and he towers over her. “My place is between those sweet thighs.” He says on a grin.

She smiles and trails her fingers down the side of his face before shoving his face away from her violently. They always do this, always.

“You’ll get involved.” She grumbles.

He flashes her an incredulous look. “Uh, yeah.”

She turns back to me. “I’ll get SJ to schedule you. All you have to do is watch with your dick in your hand.” She flashes me a blinding smile and leans in, pressing her lips to my cheek.

“Oh, come on, Cora. You’re serious?” She turns on a sigh and closes the distance between them. She presses up against him and I feel like I should look away. Placing her palm against his crotch, she swipes her tongue up the side of his neck, making him groan. 

“You can’t be controlled, baby.” She says in the most hypnotically seductive voice. “Sorry.” And then she walks out of the room, her hips swaying in ways that should be illegal.

“Fuck!” Maddox says through clenched teeth. He braces his hands on his hips and tilts his head back, facing the ceiling. “That fucking woman.”

“Are you two…”

He frowns at me. “Be serious.”

“Dude, let’s not pretend you wouldn’t.”

“Oh, I’m not. It’s my life goal to fuck her off the clock.” He grins. “And I will.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay, good luck with that.” Maddox has this obsession with Cora. Basically she won’t fuck him unless they’re working together, which is a lot. The fact that he’s so desperate for her is kind of ironic, I mean he fucks girls and she’ll fuck guys, but they both prefer their own sex. So why in their free time they would fuck each other I don’t know, and apparently neither does Cora.

“Can’t believe you’re in on that three way.” He shakes his head. “Soak it all in kid. It’ll be a fucking education.”

Damn, just the thought of Cora and another chick has my cock jumping to attention.

“You working out?” I ask him, changing the subject.

“Yeah, come on. You can spot me.” He walks out of the kitchen and I can’t help but smile at his little sulk.





“Get in here, kid.” Thor shouts from the office doorway.

I get up off the sofa, leaving Maddox hoovering Thai food down his throat. I step into the office and close the door behind me. Thor is leaning against the desk, one ankle crossed over the other and his arms folded. He looks…serious. Thor’s a big guy, but he has this whole CEO, sharp as fuck, never miss a trick thing going on. And he’s an intimidating motherfucker. He used to be an escort himself, the best in the business they say. Then in a tale as old as time he fell for a girl. Now he runs the agency, but he’s a one-woman man.

I linger near the door waiting for him to speak.

“You’re going to see Melanie Myers.” He reaches behind him on the desk and takes a cigar from a small tin, placing it between his lips.

“Yeah. I’m meeting her in an hour.”

He inhales on his cigar before blowing a cloud of smoke in the air. “This is the first client you’ve run start to finish on your own.” He narrows his eyes, focusing on me. “Just wanted to check you have it all in hand.”

I frown. “Uh, yeah. I think so.”

His lips twitch as if he’s in on some joke that I have no idea about. “Okay. Well then good luck.”

He’s making me shady, but instead of saying anything I simply nod and back out of the office.

I bump into Poppy on her way in. “Oh, hey Kade.” She smiles brightly. Poppy would be said one woman to Thor, and she’s the only one who could ever get away with calling me a nickname. She’s a snarky redhead, but there’s something about her that always makes me smile. She shuffles past me into the office.

“Hey, ginge.” Thor says, and then the door closes. Yeah, that’s for the best.

I walk into the bar of the Ritz and scan the room. Men in suits and women dripping in expensive jewelry fill the tables, talking over glasses of wine and short glasses of scotch. I take a seat at the bar and order a vodka. I’m a beer kind of guy, but one of the first things Thor taught me is that in this game it’s all about appearances. We may be escorts, but we must appear upper class in order to attract the upper class. We have to blend in. Even Maddox has the ability to look like some kind of Hugo Boss model when he ties his hair back and puts on a good suit. And so, I drink vodka because I can’t drink scotch for shit.

He places a napkin on the bar in front of me before popping the glass down. I pick it up, swirling the ice cubes around the bottom of the misted glass.

“Kaden?” I glance up at the sound of my name, turning towards the woman who is now standing right beside my bar stool, her dark eyes fixed on my face.

“Melanie.” I flash her a smile but her expression doesn’t shift. Melanie Myers is a hot shot attorney. She heard my name via another client of mine and called me about two months ago. Between working in New York and a busy schedule, this is the first gap she’s had in her schedule. Or so she told me in her email last week.

She looks every part the intimidating, power woman: from her hair which is in a twist on the back of her head, to the pencil skirt that clings to her thighs, tapering in at her narrow waist. She’s attractive, but there’s something hard and unforgiving about her. I’m used to clients falling all over me, flirting and touching… wanting. This woman just paid five grand to see me, and yet she almost seems disinterested.

“Can I get you a drink?” I ask.


I signal the bartender and order her brandy. The bartender places it on the bar in front of her. She picks it up and necks it.
Well fuck
. “With all due respect, I didn’t pay five grand to sit in a bar.” I press my lips together, trying not to smile, because damn.

I cock a brow at her, picking up my glass. “Lead the way.” I down the vodka and follow her across the bar. She turns right, across the marble lobby playing it’s classical music. The elevator doors glide open and we step inside. She doesn’t speak, doesn’t look at me even, and I’ll be honest, it’s kind of throwing me off my game. The lift goes to the top floor, and again, she steps out, turning left down the hallway. She walks with purpose, as though she has somewhere to be. There are no doors in the hallway, only one at the end of the hall.

She swipes a key card over the reader beside the door and it opens with a click. She moves inside and walks straight to the wall of windows, dropping her handbag on a chair in the corner. Soft light illuminates the room and I stroll across to the leather chesterfield that’s facing the flat screen TV. I unbutton my suit jacket and take it off, throwing it over the back of the couch. She slowly turns around to face me. Her eyes trace over my body as she takes measured steps towards me, her hips swaying in a way that screams of confidence.

BOOK: Kaden (Recherché series)
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