Read Kade Online

Authors: Dawn Martens

Kade (2 page)

BOOK: Kade
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Chapter One


I’m still living at home, not ideal, but it’s close to my school and very convenient for me. My parents are pretty cool. They are older than most parents; they had me in their late thirties. They were both married to different people before. I don’t really know all the details about what happened to their first marriages, but I have a feeling they were together before they were both divorced. It was a love at first sight thing, or so I’m told.

I’m in my room trying to figure out what to wear tonight. It’s another Friday night, and I want to go out and party. I haven’t been with anyone since that guy Kade, and I don’t understand why I can’t get him off my mind. There was just something about the way he looked at me, touched me, and kissed me. It was like we didn’t just fuck... It was something
. I’m having a flashback of that night when my mum walks into the room.

“Hey, sweetie.” I hate that she still calls me that.

“Hey, mum. What’s up?”

“I just wanted to ask you if you’re being safe. Should I buy you more condoms?” Yup, that’s my mother, open and realistic.

“No, mum, I’m still good.” I laugh.

“Okay, just want to make sure you are protected,” she says, smiling at me. Why her and dad got together, I’ll never know. He's strict, and mum is easygoing. I guess opposites do attract. Dad still thinks I’m a virgin. I don’t know why, he knows I have fun, but he chooses to pretend otherwise. Ignorance is bliss and whatnot.

“You going out with Layla tonight?” my mum asks.

“Yeah, I was just about to text her now.” Mum loves Layla. Always has. Layla is the calm to my storm. I can get riled up easily, but not Layla. It takes a lot to get her going, and even then she doesn’t pull out punches. Unlike me, Layla is the epitome of a lady. I have the temper of the redhead I am, and I’ve been in more fights than most guys I know. I’m not proud of it, but it is what it is.

“Oh, that’s good. You girls have fun. Dad and I are going to the office for a bit. Got some work that needs to get done.” She comes over and gives me a quick hug and a kiss on my cheek before leaving.

I take out my phone and text Layla.


N: Come to my place tonight! Let’s go clubbing. Get ready with me. XX

L: Okay I’ll be at yours in an hour


I love Layla, she’s like a sister to me
We met in the second grade when my family had just moved here from Canada. That’s right, I’m Canadian, bitches! My dad is from Australia. Dad met mum at some business event, and that was that. When they got married, they stayed in Canada for a few years, and after a while they wanted a change. Plus, dad’s company offered him a raise and moving bonus if we went back to Aus. So we all made the big move to Australia, and I started school and met Layla. That was that, the start of the Nikki and Layla era.

I'm digging through my wardrobe, flinging clothes onto my bed, trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight. I find something that catches my eye, just as I see Layla walk in.

“Layla!” I give her a huge hug. She smells like strawberries and coconut.

“Hey! Having trouble finding something to wear tonight?" she says, staring wide eyed at the massive pile of clothes on my bed.

I shrug. “I think I have it sorted. I need to get laid tonight. Need to look sexy!” And I do. I need to get Kade off my mind. You know what they say, to get over someone you gotta get under someone new.

We get ready, have a bite to eat, and then we head out in a cab. The men better watch out, because we are dressed to kill.



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I haven’t heard from Layla, so I tried calling her cell a few times. Finally the hottie she went home with answered, and said he’d get her to call me when she woke up. Eventually Layla messages me her address, telling me to come over. When I see the address I do a double take, thinking I must be reading the message wrong. There's no way in hell. Well, fuck. Layla lives with Kade? This is not good. I think of making an excuse not to go over there, but I already said I was on my way over. I need to handle this. I pull into the driveway of the familiar house and groan loudly. It’s such a small world. I cannot believe my bad luck. I make my way to the door, feeling nervous as hell. When Layla opens it with a huge smile on her face, I feel a bit better. We walk into the lounge area and I take a seat, hoping Kade isn’t home.

“Okay, spill,” I demand.

“We just made out. I stayed the night at his house.” I gasp. Wow. Chase seems like a good guy. “Which also happens to be my house.

Holy shit. I feel my eyes go huge. This really is fucking crazy. Come on, both of our coincidences are insane. I burst out laughing. Moments later, Kade himself walks in. Oh no. I put a blank expression on my face and act like I've never met him before.

“Care to share what’s so funny?” he says in that sexy voice of his. He plops down on the couch next to us, and his eyes widen slightly when he notices me. My eyes go wide, and I swallow hard, then I quickly try to cover it up. I hate lying to Layla, but this is just too much crazy, even for me.

“Where the hell have you been hiding this one, Layla?” I attempt to purr.

I see Kade’s eyes narrow on me thoughtfully, then he smirks, understanding what game I’m playing. “I was about to ask Layla the same thing.”

“This is Nikki’s first time here!” She laughs, and I bristle at that because it’s not. “But Kade, meet Nikki. Nikki, meet Kade. And feel free to continue to eye screw each other like I’m not even here.”

That gets Kade’s attention. “Eye screw?” He laughs. “You can’t even say eye fuck. You're adorable, Layla.”

“Isn’t she?” I grin at Layla. She is so innocent. “So, where’s Chase?”

She pouts her beautiful lips. “At work.” She gestures towards Kade. “That’s his baby bro.”

“No shit.” Holy shit, this just keeps going and going. The universe hates me. I know it. “Good genes, much! So Kade, what do you do with yourself?”

We make small talk for a bit, and I see another guy come in, Layla introduces him as James. He’s hot, too, and I can’t help it when my eyes stray to his sexy lip ring. Damn this family. Layla and James start talking when Kade comes close to me and whispers, “So, your name is Nikki? I’ve been dying to find out what it was since that night.” He grins. “I like it, care to share your full name?”

I may as well tell him because I know that if I don’t, Layla will. “Nicole Jaymes Heath. You?"

“Kade Alexander Steele,” he says without hesitation.

After a while, Kade gets up, quickly grabs my hand, and begins to lead me to his room. The minute his door closes, his mouth is on mine. We kiss each other frantically, for a long while, his hands slowly twisting themselves into my hair, pulling me closer with each gentle tug. When he starts to move his hands up my dress, that’s when I pull away.

“Stop, Kade,” I say softly.

“Fuck, do you know how long I’ve been trying to find you? I have our night burned into my head. I want you again, Nikki.”

I can’t help the faint smile on my lips. “That night was good.”

“Good? More like fucking fantastic!” he growls.

I giggle in agreement. He must take that as an invitation because he starts to kiss my neck.

“Kade!” I chastise, pushing his head away.

“Nikki…” he growls.

“How about no? We can’t do this because Layla lives here now! Just think about how awkward it would be for her!”

“Oh, come on, Nikki, we’ll be good together,” he encourages huskily.

“Again, no. Now let me go.” He stares at me a while longer, contemplating.

After a few moments he says, “I always get what I want, Nikki, remember that.” He lets me out of his embrace and I quickly retreat. As I open his door he whispers, “I can still remember your smell, your taste.”

I know exactly what taste he's talking about.

I walk out of the room, my face red. Kade follows behind me, and I'm aware of him, of his every move.

Shit. I stay and chat for a bit before leaving. This is going to be awkward. It’s like a one night stand that just won’t go away. Anytime I want to visit with her, he’ll probably be there.

When I get home my phone starts to ring, and I know its Layla by the ringtone.

“What’s up, Layla?” I say into the receiver.

“Hey, beautiful.”

Kade. What the hell?

“Did you steal Layla’s phone?” I ask slowly, my brows furrowed.

He ignores my question and goes on, “So, I was thinking. Tomorrow night, you and I go on a date. I’ll come and pick you up.”

“Kade, no. I’m not going out with you just so you can get a guaranteed fuck!” I hiss.

“I don’t fucking want that, Nikki. I want to actually take you out. Date. Get to know you more,” he tells me.

“Yeah, sure. Bye, Kade.” I hang up. I know his angle. He says he wants more, but it’s just a line. He wants sex, and I don’t know why he has to pretend like he wants more just to get laid.

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Chapter Two


It’s been a month since I saw Layla. She’s been texting me, but I keep making excuses as to why I can’t come over. I’m a fucking coward. I’ve never let a guy have this much power before. Well, except for that one time, and look how well that turned out. I have no idea how to handle it. So I’ve been taking the easy way out- avoidance. I’ve also been busy with my schooling, so my usual excuse is just that. School work. Some of these projects our professor has us doing are pretty easy, others, not so much.

I’m flipping channels on television and lounging around when I hear a knock on the door. I groan as I lazily get up and drag my feet to the door. When I open it, I'm shocked to see it's Kade. Well, fuck. How does he even know where I live?

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I demand.

“Why haven’t you been coming over? Layla misses you,” Kade says as he shoves himself inside.

“I’ve been busy with school, she knows that,” I retort defensively.

“Bullshit, you’re avoiding me, and in turn avoiding her.” He stares at me with knowing pale blue eyes. Damn him.

“Kade, you need to leave. I’m not avoiding anyone,” I lie through clenched teeth.

His eyes narrow at me. “Yes, you are. I saw you last week at the club and you left as soon as you saw me. I came out looking for you, but you were too quick.”

Shit, he saw me. I thought I did some pretty stealthy moves there. “Are you done? You can go now,” I say rudely, placing a lock of hair behind my ear.

“No, we need to talk.” His voice goes low. “Or we can do something else.” He smirks. I roll my eyes.

“Do those lines actually work?” I ask in a dry tone.

“All the fucking time,” he says as he walks into my living area and takes a seat on the couch.

“Make yourself at home,” I mumble sarcastically as I slam the front door. He grins and takes over the remote control, flicking the channels until he finds something that pleases him. Which happens to be ‘Once Upon a Time’.

“You like this show?” I ask, surprised.

“Yeah, why? Don’t you?”

“No, I do,” I mumble.

“Then stop whining and watch,” he says, pulling me closer to him. I sigh, and reluctantly relax into him.

“Kade, what are we doing?” I groan out. Every time he's near, I want him. It’s like I can’t help myself.

“Watching TV?” He says it like a question.

“Fine,” I say, and start taking off my clothes.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Kade says, looking pissed.

“What do you think? You want another go, so let’s do it,” I say as I take off my panties. I see Kade’s gaze turn hungry. I go up to him and start kissing his neck, but he shoves me away rather roughly.

“What the hell? I thought this is what you wanted?” I yell, confused.

“No, it’s fucking not. And if you'd just for a fucking second pay attention, you would know I want more than just sex from you,” he spits out as he gets up from the couch, storms out the door, and slams it behind him.

Well, then.

I sit there blankly for a while, still undressed, and I can’t help the tears starting to fall down my face.

Fuck, I’m an idiot.

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Chapter Three


It’s been three months since Layla and Chase started dating, I haven’t really seen much of her. I usually invite her over here so I can effectively avoid Kade. Whenever she invites me over there I think of any excuse I can, hell, I even made a stupid one up, saying my cat was sick. I don’t know why I said that, everyone knows I don’t have a cat. Kade tried coming over a few more times, but I pretended I wasn’t home.

Last week I ran into him at some bar. I didn’t see him at first, but when I felt hands on my hips while I was dancing, I spun around and there he stood. He looked so damn sexy, wearing his trademark low jeans and a black shirt. We didn’t really talk, just danced for a bit, and he’d glare at any man that tried to approach me. I had way too much to drink that night and started acting like my normal slutty self. I may or may not have tried to get him to fuck me in the bathroom. He stormed off and I haven’t heard from him since. I’m not sure if I’m pleased he has given up so easily on me or not. He probably thinks I’m a whore and wants nothing to do with me. Hell, I honestly don’t know what to think about anything at the moment, but I am on my way to Layla’s house for dinner because I love her cooking, and I can’t avoid Kade forever. I’m just going to suck it up and face him. We're both adults, and can be in the same room together. I can control myself.

I hope.

I walk into the house and greet everyone, avoiding any eye contact with Kade. I take a seat next to James, and I can feel Kade’s disapproval, but too bad for him I need some self-preservation. We eat together, and I pretend I can’t see the daggers Kade is staring at me. As the men clean up, Layla and I watch one of our favorite movies. I laugh and look over at her to find her fast asleep. I try to make a quick exit
but Kade sees me and grabs a hold of my arm.

“What was that, Nikki? You won’t sit next to me? You won’t even look at me! So tell me, what the fuck is going on?” he growls.

Shit, I'm not ready for this confrontation. He's the one that stormed out of my house. “Nothing, Kade. I didn’t realize I had to sit by you. Is there a reason I can’t sit by James?” I ask, acting obvious.

“Have you been seeing someone else?” he asks, his tone heated. Wait, what?

“What the hell are you talking about? You just saw me last week, before you stormed away all pissed off.” I say, throwing my hands up in exasperation.

“You and anyone else, not gonna fucking happen!” he hisses between his teeth. “Yeah, I fucking walked away, I was pissed you would think so little of yourself to let me fuck you in a dirty bathroom in some bar.”

“Seriously, Kade? We barely know each other. Let me go, I need to get home. Tell Layla I’ll call her in the morning.”

He lets go of my arm, and I quickly make it to my car and climb in. I see him standing in the doorway, watching me leave with his arms crossed. What the fuck was that about? I turn my radio on, and Demi Lovato’s ‘Heart Attack’ is playing.

Puttin’ my defenses up

Cause I don’t wanna fall in love

If I ever did thatI think I’d have a heart attack

Well, fuck.

I turn the radio off, and sulk to myself.

When I’m nearly on my street, my phone beeps with a text from an unknown number. Curious, I quickly check it and try to keep my eyes on the road at the same time.

Unknown : I meant what I said. – Kade.

I wasn’t even aware he had my number.

I have no idea what he’s on about, the man is so much drama.

Instead of responding, I drive myself home and jump into bed.





The next morning, I’m getting ready for classes when my phone rings.

“Yeah?” I say a little rudely, my voice still husky from sleep.

“Is that any way to answer the phone, beautiful?” Kade purrs into my ear.

“What do you want, Kade?” I ask, resigned.

“Meet me for lunch,” he demands.

“Yeah, no. I have classes to get to. Later.” I hang up before he can argue.


K – Don’t hang on up me again. I’ll spank that beautiful ass of yours if you do.

N- I’d like to see you try. You will get nowhere near this ass.

K – Don’t say things you don’t mean, beautiful.


I don’t bother texting back.

Chapter Four


I’m sitting in class, slightly bored, when my lecturer asks to see me after class. Well, fuck. These kinds of things are never good.

When class is over I stay seated until everyone leaves, playing with my hair nervously.

“Nicole, I want to talk to you about your grades this semester,” he says, pushing his spectacles further up on his nose.

“Um, okay. Is something wrong?” I ask, my brows furrowed.

“Not at all, in fact, the opposite. You have done extremely well. I sent in a recommendation letter to Regal, and they are interested in taking you on as an intern. If you’re interested, of course.”

I’m stunned.

“Here are all the details,” he says, handing me a book and pamphlet. “They would like for you to start in two weeks and here is your boss’s contact details. He is waiting to hear from you.”

My mouth opens in a small O. “Thank you so much,” I manage to blurt out, still in shock. My lecturer chuckles.

“You did all the work, Nicole, not me. Looking forward to seeing where you take your career. Don’t forget, that big project is due tomorrow,” he says before he walks off.

I sit there for a few more moments absorbing everything.

This is an amazing opportunity for me. Regal Public Relations, or RPR, is one of the places I’d hoped to get an internship at. I squeal in excitement as I run out of the classroom, and quickly rush home to tell my parents the good news.





Needing to celebrate, I pull up to Layla’s house and check my makeup in the rear view mirror. I must say, I look pretty good. I step out of my car, my stiletto heels clicking on the ground. I’m wearing a new satin green dress; one that clings to my every curve. Layla and I are going out on a girls' night out tonight. Only Layla isn’t aware of it just yet, but I'm about to change that. As usual, their front door is unlocked. The men in this house are too cocky. They think they are the predators and anyone who even tries to break into their house will probably end up getting the shit beat out of them. I walk into Layla’s room, hand on my hip, my eyes narrowing slightly. Tonight is about me, going out and having fun. I’m not even thinking about Kade.

“Where are you going, Nikki?” Layla says, sounding confused when she sees me standing there all dolled up.

“More like where we are going. Get fucking dressed, Layla!” I want to go out!


“But what? Come on, we haven’t been out dancing since the night you met Chase. I’ll give you thirty minutes to get ready.” She'll probably take an hour if she’s doing that long ass hair of hers.

She heads to the bathroom, and a few moments later Kade walks in. It’s like he has a Nikki radar or something. I sigh.

“Where are you going dressed like that?” Kade growls, his eyes widening.

“Girls' night out,” I tell him, sounding bored.

“Like fuck you are! Dressed like that? I don’t fucking think so, Nikki!” he hisses heatedly.

“I’m confused as to why you think I would take your opinion into consideration?” I retort.

His eyes narrow dangerously, and a muscle ticks in his jaw.

“Just keep pushing me, Nikki,” he says ominously, narrowing his eyes dangerously at me and taking a slight step back when Layla walks back in.

I grab Layla’s hand after she finishes talking to Chase. We mumble goodbyes and jump into my car.

“How come you’re driving today?” Layla asks. We usually take a cab, so we can both drink.

“Not drinking tonight, I have a presentation tomorrow that I cannot be hung over for.” I glance over at her. “See how mature I’m getting?” We giggle simultaneously.

“No, but seriously, I got offered an internship, Layla! So, we are going out to celebrate!” I say cheerfully.

“Oh my god! Congrats, Nikki, you must be so happy. I knew your hard work would pay off. I’m so proud of you!” Layla beams.

I blush. “Thanks, Layla.”

“So what’s the deal with Chase?” I ask nosily, changing the subject.

“What’s the deal with Kade?” she asks back, just as nosey. I want to tell her, I really do, but for some reason I can’t.

“Stalemate, bitch,” I say.

She laughs.

“Tonight we are just going to enjoy ourselves, no hot headed sexy alpha men are gonna be on our minds, okay?” I drive over a curb. “Oops.” That seems to happen a lot when I’m driving. They seriously need to make these roads wider.

We’ve been dancing for over an hour, when 'Rude Boy' by Rihanna comes on. This is our song! I see Layla staring at someone and follow her line of vision. Chase. I roll my eyes; the man can’t leave her alone for more than five seconds. Layla goes off to see her man and I gulp when Kade takes her place. He looks sexy as hell dressed in all black; his shirt showcasing a hint of a chest that is perfectly chiseled. I know from experience, his body is to die for. He pulls me closer to dance with him and I find myself grinding against him. It’s just one dance, right? That can’t possibly harm anyone. When I feel his soft lips at my neck, I can’t help the shudder of pleasure that incites through my body. I turn around and put a little space between us.

“Stop, Kade.” My voice comes out breathy, instead of demanding. My body and my head are fighting with each other. He glances down at my chest, and notices my nipples, which are currently standing at attention. He instantly pulls my chest against his, so no one can get a view.

“The way you move, fuck, so sexy, Nikki. I think you should give me a private show,” he rumbles into my ear.

“Kade. We had a one night stand. That's all, we are not a couple. You should just find someone else!”

“Oh, I’ve had others after you, Nikki.” I can’t help the pang of hurt I feel with that comment. My stomach drops, and my nails bite into my palms. “But none of them felt like you did. They didn’t moan like you did, or taste like you did.” He licks my neck and I quiver. “We could be so good together. If you would stop fighting this so hard, you'd see.”

“Yeah, we’re good in bed, but that’s it. I fuck men like you, I don’t date them,” I hiss, trying to put some distance between us, physically and emotionally.

“I don’t date either, but fuck, I want you. The thought of anyone else having you...” His hands tighten on my hips.“The thought makes me see red, Nikki.”

Chase and Layla walk towards us and I can see where this is heading. When Layla mouths to me asking me if it’s okay, what the hell am I supposed to say? I’m sure as fuck not going to cock block my friend. I nod, a little reluctantly, but Layla is so hot for Chase she doesn’t even notice. Not that I blame her.

They both leave in a rush, and with them goes my lifeline. Ignoring Kade, I walk over to the bar to get a drink. Surely one drink will be okay.





I have no clue how many drinks or shots I ended up having last night, but here I am, waking up in Kade’s bed.


I do a quick check of myself and notice I’m still fully dressed. I exhale in relief. I turn over and see that Kade is fast asleep on his stomach beside me.
I need to get out of here
I think to myself as I quietly sneak out of his bed, tip toe across the floor, and make a quick exit out the front door to my waiting car. Kade drove us home last night, that much I do remember, so I only hope I put the keys back in my purse. I do a quick check, and there they are. Good. As I’m pulling out I see Kade open the door, staring at me. My phone rings instantly. When I don’t pick up, it beeps with a text message.


K : Why the fuck did you run out of here like that?


I sigh, but ignore the text.


K : Would you fucking answer?

K : We just slept, Nikki, nothing more.

K : What, you going to go back to ignoring me now?


He rings again.


K : Fuck, Nikki, text me back, or fucking answer.

K: Please.


I don’t bother calling or texting back. I have nothing to say to him. He’s a player, and I need to protect myself. It can be said that I have trust issues with men. It all started with Ben. I gave that ass-hole everything and I got less than nothing in return. I want to let Kade in, I do.

But sometimes things are easier said than done.

I just don’t know if I can survive Kade.

Chapter Five




I haven’t heard back from Nikki in a few days. Doesn’t mean I’m giving up just yet. I just need to figure out how the hell to get her to finally agree to go out with me. Look at me, fucking begging a woman to go out with me. I need my head examined. I had plans to go out tonight, see if I could catch Nikki out somewhere, but Layla begged me to play scrabble with her, and I found myself giving in. I can’t pretend I don’t enjoy her company. She's smart, witty, and nice to look at. I also love messing with her. I don’t know how we became close so fast, but I know Layla trusts me. I think it’s that trust that makes me feel protective of her; I don’t ever want to let her down. She is so innocent and angelic; she has a heart of pure gold. You can tell it by the way everyone acts around her. Even Nikki is protective as hell over Layla, and you can see why the girl incites such loyalty. It’s because she herself is loyal to a fault. She takes care of those around her and has no hidden motivation. I also know for a fact she isn’t materialist or cares about money. In the words of J. Holiday, the girl has ‘a body of a call girl and the mind of a teacher’, and trust me
girls like that are hard to find. Yesterday I watched as she cleaned the entire house so Jillian, the lady that comes to clean, wouldn’t have much work to do. I chuckle at the thought, earning a glare from Layla.

“What’s so funny, Kade? Besides the fact that you're losing,” she says smugly. My lips curl up into a half grin. I look at her latest word on the board, ‘intrigue’, and then my last word, ‘breasts’. I laugh again. Man, I’m funny.

“Where’s James?” she asks curiously.

Here we go again; Layla should work for the FBI. I’d love to tell her where my baby brother is, only I’m not too sure myself.

“Out,” I say tonelessly, earning me a grunt from Layla. I pick up one of Chase’s Twix bars and take a huge bite. Forbidden chocolate tastes a million times better than regular chocolate. It really does. I choke on my chocolate when she spells out the word ‘cock’ on the board.

“Is that in the dictionary?” I tease, eyebrows lifted.

“Get your mind out of the gutter, I meant the bird!” she splutters indignantly.

“Besides, are you going to question me after I let you use ‘LMAO'?" she retorts with a sly grin.

Well, I guess not.


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