Jordan's Quest: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Jordan's Quest: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 1)
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When the woman mentioned her brother, Ashley was able to recognize the traits that revealed the kinship between this woman and Jordan.

"So, you're my brother's new toy." Alexandra said, in a scornful tone, crossing one of her legs over her knee.

"Am I? Well, yes, I guess you could say that." Ashley answered, in a lazy tone, trying not to let the woman get to her. She slowly got up from the long chaise she had been using, and took a seat on a chair in front of the other woman.

"Don’t get too comfortable though. Jordan usually gets tired quite fast." She warned her in an obviously fake worried tone.

"So I've been told." Ashley replied, with a sarcastic smile. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit? Assuming you're here to visit me, and not Maria, of course." She could almost hear the other woman gritting her teeth. She really had no desire of antagonizing Jordan's sister, but she wasn’t going to let her steamroll her.

"Oh, I was in the neighborhood and I decided to take a look at Jordan's new toy." Alexandra answered, disdainful.

"Why? Do you feel a… let's say, moral duty, to warn all of your brother's toys?" Ashley asked, her eyes locked on the woman's grey eyes. Despite her toughness, Ashley was surprised to see on Alexandra's eyes pain and bitterness. It was clear money hadn’t brought happiness to her life.

"You could say that. The poor souls tend to fall in love with him." She mocked, with a dry laugh.

In that moment, Maria approached carrying a tray with ice tea and orange juice, setting it on the table, the ice tea for Ashley and the juice for the other woman.

"I can't imagine why, but I'll take your word for it." Ashley answered, showing a carelessness she wished she was feeling.

Of course, the woman didn’t like her answer and she seemed to be about to rant about it when Jordan showed up. "Lexie, this is a surprise." He greeted her, kissing her cheek, before turning to Ashley and kissing her lips. He took a seat next to her and faced his sister.

"I was nearby, and decided to pay you a visit." She said, with a faint smile.

"I see. Have you met Ashley?"

"Yes, we were starting to get to know each other. Not your usual type, I must say, darling."

"Variety is the spice of life, don’t you agree?" Jordan replied, in a cold tone.

For Ashley it was clear they weren't very close, and there was some stiffness between them. She had always wished she had had a sibling, someone to share her life with, but these two didn’t seem to share much.

"Yes, of course."

"Are you staying for dinner?" Jordan asked.

"No, I can't. Mom's expecting me tonight. She has asked me to remind you, you haven’t been home lately."

"Yes, I've been busy."

"I can see that. But mom is more important, don’t you think?"

"Yes, of course. I'll go by as soon as possible." Jordan promised.

"Good." She finished her juice, and stood up. "I better get going, now."

"I'll walk you to the door." Jordan offered, getting up as well.

"It was… interesting… meeting you, Ashley." The woman said turning to look at Ashley, with a sarcastic smile.

"Yes, I could say the same." Ashley replied, with a faint smile.

Everybody seemed to have a special interest in reminding her Jordan would soon lose interest in her, and that made her wonder why.

Jordan returned only a few minutes later.

"So, you have a sister." She said with a thoughtful look.

"Did she give you a hard time? Lexie can be a pain in the ass, when she wants to." He asked, taking a seat next to her.

"No, not really. I'm not that easy to steamroll." She answered, with a grimace.

"Oh, I know that. But my sister has a special gift at getting on everybody's nerves."

"Maybe it's a family thing." She suggested, with a devious smile.

He grinned at her, before he picked her up in his arms and threw them both into the pool. Good thing they didn’t have nearby neighbors or they would have had quite a show that afternoon.


A few days after, Jordan received the news they had been expecting. Part of the drugs had gone missing. The Marquez gave a sloppy excuse as always, but this time, they had someone tracking down the missing drugs, and Jordan was sure the drugs would show up soon in the market.

"I want your best men watching these guys. I don’t want them to escape this time, no matter what." Jordan warned Wilson and Garcia.

"Of course, boss." They said before they left the house to see to it, leaving Jordan sitting at his desk in his office.

"Bad news?" Ashley asked, standing on the doorway.

"No, not really. The Marquez fell into our trap." He informed her sighing, asking her to enter, with his finger.

"That's a good thing, right?" she closed the distance between them and took his hands.

"I guess… maybe I just wanted to be wrong." He pulled her closer, sitting her on the edge of his desk, in front of him.

"It's always dreadful to find out that someone is betraying you." She said, with a sad smile.

"Yes, it is." He pulled her legs apart, making her skirt go up her thighs, to her waist, exposing her tiny pink thong. "Nice panties…"

"You chose them, so you better like them." She said with a grin.

"The good thing about a pink thong is that you can tell when your woman is wet…" he said with a devious smile, his fingers trailing the inner side of the legs, always going to the edge of her panties but never actually getting there.

"Oh, really? " she answered, guessing her own wetness was now visible on her panties.

"Yes… the wet spots become visible, just like this one." He explained grazing the wet spot on her panties, sending shivers down her spine.

Instinctively, she tried to close her legs, but he didn’t allow her, spreading her legs even more.

"Oh… I see…" she moaned, biting her lips.

"Shall we prove my theory? Do you think that if I slip my finger through here I'll find you wet?" he asked, pointing at the edge of her panties.

"I don’t think so…" she teased him.

"Let's see." He slipped his finger underneath her panties making her gasp, as he lapped her entrance a few times before he removed his finger and showed it to her. "Yes, my theory is proven." His finger was obviously coated with her fluids, and slowly he took it to his mouth and sucked it, relishing in her flavor. "God, nena, you taste so delicious."

Seeing him made her feel even more aroused, and her breathing became a bit faster.

He grabbed her panties and tore them apart, pulling them off of her body, making her drenched pussy available for him.

He pulled her knees up and spread her legs even more and with a naughty smile he buried his face in her pussy, going straight to her aching clit, kissing it, pressing his tongue over it, before taking it between his teeth and pulling it just a bit to make her squirm.

He moved his mouth over all of her, licking, kissing and nibbling, enjoying her flavor as if it was the best delicacy on earth, arousing her more and more.

He could feel her legs tremble under his grip, as his lips and tongue sweetly tortured her, once, twice, so many times, until she was panting hard, whimpering in need.

Only then he stopped, and standing between her thighs he dropped his pants and shoved his hard cock deep inside her. Still holding her knees, burying his cock as deep as it would go, before taking it out almost completely, just to shove it back in, smiling at the way she bit down her lips, in a vain attempt to keep her moans low.

He repeated it a few more times, taking her closer and closer to the edge, feeling her walls starting to clench hard around him.

Ashley closed her eyes, leaning her head back, her arms over his desk supporting her, as she relished in the sweet torture he was giving her. Each time he slid his cock back inside her, blasts of pleasure ripped through her whole body, as an orgasm started building deep in her core.

"Please…" she begged, ready to explode.

Grabbing her even harder, he hastened his pace, his breath now as labored as hers, as he started to thrust in and out of her, pushing her all the way over the edge, his grunts meeting her whimpers as the waves of a powerful orgasm rolled over them.

Ashley collapsed over his desk and he fell over her, both panting hard, overwhelmed by pleasure.

He kissed her, sweetly, before he slid out of her, helping her to sit, smiling when their mixed fluids oozed out of her. "Oh… what a mess." She protested and he handed her a tissue to clean herself with.

"My favorite kind…" he said, kissing her again, making her smile.

She cleaned herself as best as she could and cleaned his desk. "I better take a shower before dinner."

"That's a good idea. I'll use the guests' room."

She laughed amused, but appreciating it. Shower’s together always ended up in more sex. They didn’t seem to get tired of each other. "Thank you."

He kissed her once more, deep, passionately, before they went upstairs to change for dinner.

The rest of the night went by smoothly. But Ashley could tell Jordan was still a bit anxious, and she knew the wait would be long.

On the following day, she was resting by the pool when Maria brought her the phone. "For me? Is it Jordan?" she asked, puzzled.

"No, señorita, they said it was on behalf of your mother."

Ashley almost ripped the phone from Maria's hands. "Hello, who's this?"

"Miss Perez, I'm a friend of your mother. I'm calling you to let you know your mother had a small accident and that she was taken to the university hospital." The man on the other side of the phone said.

"Oh, my god, is it serious?" she asked jumping out of her chair.

"I'm afraid so, you should come as fast as you can."

"I'm on my way."

"Very well." And the man ended the call.

She dropped the phone and ran to her room to change clothes. She had to warn Jordan. But, after she was sure her mother was alright. She ran downstairs almost tumbling down with Maria. "Maria, my mother had an accident, I have to go, I'll warn Jordan as soon as I can."

"But, señorita, please wait…" Maria tried to stop her.

But she kept running, not even stopping when the guards tried to call her back. All she could think of was her mother, so she stopped the first taxi that passed by and ordered the driver to take her to the hospital as fast as he could. She was trembling so much she couldn’t steady her hands.

They were halfway there when she noticed a black SUV following the taxi. She shook her head, sure she was a bit paranoid, but she kept looking back and the SUV was always there. "Sir, am I imagining things or is the SUV following us?" she asked the driver.

"I don’t think it's your imagination, miss. But, I'll change course and we'll find out." The man said, as worried as she was. Kidnappings and robberies were very common in Caracas these days. She picked up her cell phone from her purse and tried to call Jordan. But the call didn’t go through. She tried a few more times and nothing.

The driver took a sudden turn to his left and to their chagrin the SUV turned after them. "Oh god, this isn’t good." She said, starting to regret not having asked one of Jordan's men to take her to the hospital. "Can you get to a place with a lot of people?" she asked the driver.

"Yes, I was thinking of that, but there isn’t one nearby. Let's hope they don’t try to stop us." The man said, obviously scared, as he speeded up the car.

But his prayers weren’t answered. Only a couple of minutes later the SUV passed them and closed the road forcing the driver to step on the breaks.

She tried to call once more and still nothing. She even called the police and no call was possible. Two men carrying rifles got out of the SUV and ran to the car. One of them was Sergeant Hernandez.

"Please, don’t put up any resistance." She begged the driver. By now, she knew they were after her, and the last thing she wanted was for the poor man to get hurt for her lack of judgment.

Hernandez opened up the back door and pulled her out of the car, wordlessly, dragging her to the SUV. Out of the corner of her eye she was able to see the other man knocking out the taxi driver. 


Excerpts from Bound Discipline

She shouldn’t have accepted joining Mark that night at the club. The look in his eyes, when he asked her to, had sent a shudder down her spine, and ever since that moment she had felt nervous and jumpy. What could he possibly have in mind for that night?

So far he had made her experience so much that sometimes, her mind seemed to need time to process it all.

But nothing could keep her from going and she knew it.

She arrived at the club and Sally informed her that he was already there. She looked around the reception room and to her surprise, she found Emily there.

She felt the blood rushing to her face as she approached her friend.

"Emily!" she stammered. "What are you doing here?"

BOOK: Jordan's Quest: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 1)
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