Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7) (10 page)

BOOK: Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7)
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As expected, their conversation quieted as she entered the billiards room. Although she was aware of both Finn’s and Jake’s eyes on her, Jax was the only one who commanded her attention. His black t-shirt hugged his contoured pecs, jeans hung low on his hips. Katrina noted how his typically Nordic blond hair had darkened to a light shade of brown. Unconsciously, she fingered her own locks, reminded of the power of the demons and how they’d changed her.

Her eyes went to his lips, which curled up in a sexy smile. Confident and casual, Jax was sex personified. The Alpha’s gaze upon her skin made her feel as if she wasn’t wearing any clothes. She brushed her palms over her white tank top, assuring herself that she was dressed. The memory of what he’d done to her in his office flashed in her mind. She struggled to thwart her arousal and crossed her arms over her chest, hoping to hide the hardened peaks that strained against her bra.

Jax approached, his expression serious and sensual. As he reached for her hand, his touch seared her flesh. He brushed his lips to her cheek, and she closed her eyes, inhaling his masculine scent. Acutely aware of the rush of his power, she accepted it, reveling in his strength.

“You ready to go see Quintus?” Katrina heard him ask, his breath on her ear. Her chest rose slowly and she attempted to focus, to shake the desire that Jax incited.

“I’m not convinced he can help us,” she responded, avoiding his question. As he stepped away from her, Katrina bit her lip, anxious about seeing the vampire.

“If there’s one thing I know, it’s that if Quintus was bested by these things, he’s going to want revenge. And I can sure as hell guarantee that he knows more than we do.” Jax brushed a hand over his hair, certitude in his eyes. “Stay with me. Understand? You belong to me in this place.”

“But I… it’s not true,” she refuted him.

“You’re under my protection, therefore you’re mine. Do not give him any indication otherwise.” Jax took out his cell phone and tapped against the glass. “Cael’s got the limo ready.”

Katrina’s face heated as he said the words, her emotions already turbulent. He hadn’t acknowledged her as his mate, but as his hand grazed the small of her back, she saw the smile on his lips and her heart caught. Jax Chandler was a force unto himself, one that, try as she might to control his influence on her, she was struggling to contain. Drawing on her inner strength, she steeled her nerves. Not convinced she belonged to the cunning Alpha, she’d hold her own in the presence of Quintus. If he truly held the keys to her freedom, she’d play the game to discover his secrets.

As they pulled into Central Park, Katrina struggled to see where they were going. Of all the places in the city, she couldn’t fathom how Quintus could remain undetected in one of the most vibrant sections of the park. The driver opened the door, and in silence they exited the car. Although it was nearly midnight, and the crowds had long since dissipated, she sensed a few stray humans roaming the grounds.

The limo’s headlights flashed off, and Katrina adjusted her vision. The Angel of the Waters stood majestically guarding Bethesda Terrace, the reflection of the moon in the rippling lake. Katrina peered down the stone staircase, its arches leading into tunnels through to the fountain. In the safety of daylight, she suspected not a soul would give the area a second glance except to marvel at the beauty of the attraction.

Jax held a finger to his lips, silencing their small party. He stilled as they came up to a large stone pillar. A carved owl had been etched into its center. The three-dimensional bird stood proudly as if it could come alive at any moment. Small bats on either side kept company, their ominous blank eyes staring out onto the trespassers.

“Remember what we discussed,” Jax told them, reaching his hand behind the chiseled figure.

As his fingers entered the recess, Katrina’s pulse raced in anticipation and she inhaled deeply, attempting to slow her heartbeat. Her eyes darted to Jake and back to Jax as a small glow the size of a firefly appeared. A grinding rumble commenced, the pillar cracking wide open, revealing a staircase.

Jax gestured for them to descend, and Katrina looked up to him, uncertainty registering in her expression. In her human form, as lupine, she could see in the darkness, but she’d never willingly step into a pitch black cavern, one that appeared as ancient as the vampire they were going to visit. Trusting the Alpha, she followed him into the confined space, startled as the exit sealed shut behind them. With her hands on Jax’s shirt, she blindly put one foot in front of the other.

The sound of the heavy bass alerted her that they were no longer alone. A splash of scarlet-red light appeared as they stepped into a vestibule. Katrina took in the sight of the black granite lobby. White silk fabric lined with strings of lights hung in columns from the ceiling. A clatter echoed in the foyer as a thin tall man passed through a waterfall of iridescent glass beads. Dressed only in black satin pants, his pale skin appeared translucent. He addressed Jax, but made no eye contact with Katrina. Black and silver flecks floated in his red irises. As he spoke, he licked at the crusted brown substance in the corners of his mouth. He shot her a vile smile, and she noted the black lines running down his teeth.

Katrina didn’t scare easily. Over the years she’d been exposed to many different creatures in her brother’s nightclub. From vampires to witches, she’d interacted with both good and evil. But as she watched the creature speak to Jax, the hair stood up on the back of her neck, chills rolling over her skin. Sensing an otherworldly vibe from the maître d, she wondered if he’d been possessed. Her hand found its way to Jax’s shirt. Seeking contact with her protector, she breathed out the dread that had crept over her. Comforted by the warmth of Jake at her back, she never took her sight off of the macabre greeter.

“He’s expecting you, Mr. Chandler.”

“Indeed,” Jax replied.

“This way.” The thin man granted Katrina a sinister stare before turning back through the beaded entryway.

“Stay close,” Jax whispered in her ear, taking her hand.

Katrina nodded, suspecting that whatever lay in the other room would be both dark and abominable. She caught a glimpse of Jake’s tense expression, but Finn remained impassive. With her curiosity piqued after Jax had easily gained them entry, Katrina resisted asking how well he knew Quintus.

Her questions faded as they pressed through the shimmering baubles and entered the bar. The pulsing bass of techno music resonated under the soles of her boots. Unshaken, Katrina scanned the club for the vampire. Brick walls adorned with rusty hooks and chains surrounded a triangular bar, its shiny tinned surface littered with glasses and ashtrays.

Patrons of various ages ignored their entrance. Katrina noted that most of the women wore little clothing, baring their breasts, and the men followed suit. Her attention went to a woman who stood spread eagled atop bar stools. With her hands bound to the ceiling, each high-heeled foot was set firmly onto a seat. Men took turns licking between her legs. A trickle of blood ran down her thigh, a vampire at her hips. Screaming in ecstasy, she writhed toward the waiting mouths.

They weaved their way throughout the sea of dancing bodies. As they approached the back of the club, a woman, perched on her hands and knees, grunted, her fangs solidly embedded into the arm of a waif who lay dazed on a red velvet sofa. From behind her, a man buried his cock into the vampire, his eyes glazed over in a hedonistic frenzy.

Katrina’s heart pounded against her ribs, her breath quickening. A firm stroke of Jax’s thumb to her palm told her he sensed her unease. He responded with a wave of power, reminding Katrina that he’d protect her. Whatever happened, Jax Chandler was every bit as deadly as the creatures that slithered in the night.

In an instant, the music rolled back into a quiet thump, and flaring lights blinded Katrina. Disoriented, she held tight to Jax, immediately detecting the vampire’s presence.

“Jax,” Katrina heard a distinctive male voice call. The familiar Italian accent caught her attention.

Jax released her hand, readying to approach the dark figure. He nodded to Finn and Jake, who immediately flanked Katrina, taking her hands.

As his face came into view, Katrina recognized the attractive vampire. Dressed in black leather, he appeared larger than life. His beard had been trimmed close, the penetrating gaze of his black eyes bored into her. She noted the brief glint of recognition that flashed right before he diverted his focus to Jax. Despite the tension, instinct told her he wouldn’t hurt her.

“Quintus,” Jax nodded, acknowledging his presence.

“Fucking with demons isn’t good for your health, my friend,” Quintus commented, his attention darting to Katrina and back to the Alpha.

“I hear they captured you as well,” Jax countered.

“It’s been a long time, Alpha.” A corner of his mouth ticked upward.

“That it has. Perhaps this time, we work together?” Jax glanced to Katrina, who tore her hand from Jake’s.

“Ah, Katrina, my lovely little savior.” Quintus smiled.

“She’s mine, Quint. These things…” Jax stepped in front of Katrina, blocking her view, “…they must be stopped.”

“You’ll get no argument from me. However, my existence is unaffected by their actions. It seems to me that you’re the one with the problem. You see,” Quintus gave Jax a slick grin, easing toward Katrina, “it’s the Alpha’s sister they want. She’s special.”

Katrina’s heart raced as he brushed his roughened finger over her cheek. Before she could respond, Jake had shoved her out of the way, clutching Quintus’ arm. She screamed as the vampire took Jake into his grip. With his arm around the wolf’s neck, he dragged his fangs over his throat, drawing a bubbling line of blood.

“No!” she screamed. Katrina attempted to rush to Jake’s aid, but was restrained by Finn. “Get off me.”

“Quintus, no,” Jax ordered.

“This wolf,” Quintus stated, licking the sanguine fluid over his lips. “He’s not yours. His Acadian blood…how I do love the taste of a virile wolf.”

“Leave him be,” Jax insisted. “He’s learning, testing his new role. It’s Katrina. He’s protective of her. Please, show mercy so we can continue.”

“Don’t hurt him,” Katrina cried. With a strength she didn’t realize she possessed, she elbowed Finn, breaking free of his hold. But as she went to run to Jake, Jax commanded her.

“Do. Not. Move.” Jax held his hand out to stop her.

The rush of his command slammed into Katrina, and she heaved for breath. She’d never experienced the negative energy that could be utilized by an Alpha. Clutching her gut, her eyes teared. Despite the passion she’d felt earlier for Jax, she hated him for attempting to force her submission. Refusing to lower her eyes, she glared at Jax in defiance.

“No, Jax.” Katrina stopped cold, her voice a shaken whisper. Although he’d overpowered her, she refused to submit when Jake’s life was at stake. “Maybe I was wrong about…”

“Don’t interfere,” Jax warned.

“Quintus.” Katrina’s scolding tone morphed into a soft plea, begging for mercy. “Please. Jake is my friend. He meant no harm.”

“Ah, bella, what they did. I could not let them have you.” Quintus’ hold on Jake loosened and the wolf gasped for breath.

“I never expected you to save me that day.” Katrina wiped the moisture from her cheek as she recalled what had happened. “I just knew I had to save you. One of us had to get out of there.”

“Cara mia, I was a fool. I should’ve known when I saw her…it was too good to be true.” Quintus shoved Jake to the floor, and took a seat in a large leather chair.

Katrina noted the change in the vampire’s demeanor and speculated that he spoke of someone he’d lost long ago. Slowly, she backed away, noting that Jake was unhurt. Jax’s eyes narrowed on her, his displeasure evident.

“I need your help, Quint,” Jax stated, his gaze remaining locked on Katrina. “
need your help. This thing, these demons, whatever the fuck they are…they’re trying to kill her.”

“I see, and your interest in her?” Quintus spread his legs open, lounging backward. He paused, contemplating his words, and stroked his beard. “What is she to you? Don’t fuck with me, Jax.”

“Why do you need to know? Katrina’s relationship to me is no concern of yours,” Jax growled.

“Interesting,” Quintus mused with a small smile. “Why does the great Alpha answer my question with a question?”

“All you need to know is that she’s mine. She belongs to me.”

Katrina seethed at his statement. After tonight, their future was uncertain. She would not mate with an Alpha who could not trust her, one who’d use his power to force her into submission.

“We’ve been friends a long time,” Quintus continued and barked a laugh. “Maybe that’s a stretch. Perhaps, we have a mutually beneficial relationship. Regardless of what you call it, I know you, Chandler…perhaps better than you think.”

“Then you’ll tell me everything you know?” he pressed.

“Sit.” Quintus pointed to the chair next to him. “These two,” he gestured to Jake and Finn, “we talk alone.”

BOOK: Jax (Immortals of New Orleans Book 7)
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