Read Janaya Online

Authors: Shelley Munro

Tags: #contemporary romance, #sci-fi romance, #aliens, #small country town

Janaya (5 page)

BOOK: Janaya
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“Oh, boy!” Killer bounded off the bed and nearly head-butted the door in her haste to leave.

Luke shut the door and snapped the lock home. “Alone at last.”

A shiver of nervousness had her retreating. Janaya knew she could defend herself. She could throw the Earthman through the air using one hand. She could hurt him, yet she was the one who felt vulnerable.

Imprinting didn’t happen that much on Dalcon. Conditions had to be right. The trouble was that they varied from couple to couple. Janaya had never paid attention, not when she’d set her sights on joining with Santana and becoming a member of the Marachi family. When all she craved and wanted was her father to tell her he was proud of her, proud to call her daughter.

Janaya trod unfamiliar territory and she wasn’t enjoying the experience. According to her aunt, this was fate. Janaya studied Luke’s bare toes as a delaying tactic.

“Come here,” he said.

His feet were large but nicely formed like the rest of him.

“Don’t tell me I frighten you.”

Janaya finally risked a look. Yeah, he scared her. He made her feel like a raw recruit again.

“I want to strip that sorry excuse of a nightie off you, throw you down on my bed and blanket you with my body,” he drawled. “And that’s just for starters.”

Janaya swallowed, the words that she’d formed in her mind drying up in her throat. She tingled. Every inch of her body trembled with need and all he’d done so far was kiss her. Dampness soaked her G-thing at the thought of doing more.

“If you don’t want the same thing, then you’d better leave. If you stay, you won’t get a second chance. I intend to keep you in my bed for a long time.”

Janaya heard the anxious thud of his heart as he offered her a way out. It sounded like the slow pounding of waves on a rocky beach. Hypnotic. Her heart picked up the pace to beat in unison. Did she want to go?


The Earth word whispered through her mind, then repeated a little more forcefully. It sounded so much like her aunt lecturing her that Janaya glanced over her shoulder to check if Hinekiri stood in the doorway behind them.

“Your answer?” Luke’s need was clear, written in his face, his burgeoning erection and the taut stance of his body.

“Yes,” Janaya whispered. “Just until the ship is repaired.”

He froze on hearing her reply but his eyes glowed hot—dark and full of sensual promise. “Come here to me.”

She knew what he was doing. He was making her go to him so later she couldn’t cry duress. Janaya took half a step forward. This stupid bonding business felt like coercion, she thought grumpily. It was as if a powerful drug ruled her actions. She hungered for him. It felt as if she’d burn from the inside out if she didn’t act now. Heck, she’d probably burn for her sins anyway.

Chapter Four

Luke’s heart stuttered in protest as Janaya hesitated.

Hell! She wasn’t going to change her mind, was she?

Fighting the need to seize her, to haul her into his arms using brute force, made him tremble. His body ached and his erection jutted outward like a damn pointer dog scenting prey.

Oh yeah. He knew what he wanted. And he prayed like hell she desired him with the same compulsion that rippled through him. Because if she left, he’d have to drive into town and pick a fight at The Thirsty Cricket pub to handle the pent-up need that slammed his body. A feral grin stretched his lips at the idea. A guy could get arrested smacking another man for no apparent reason. But, on the other hand, he could hardly bash his father. A hole in the nearest wall wouldn’t help either since he’d have to fix the mess.

Luke’s eyes roved over her curvy body and settled on her breasts with their tight coral nipples that peeked through sheer silk. They cried out for attention.

He was the man for the job.

She took another baby step toward him. Luke clenched and unclenched his fists instead of acting as his lower brain ordered. He didn’t know why but he sensed it was important she came to him of her free will.

Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly.
Silently, he urged her to close the distance between them. His gaze traveled away from her breasts, downward past the trim waist he wanted to measure with his hands. The pink-colored confection that was her only covering ended mid-thigh, screening treasures he wanted to explore. Frustration burned his gut afresh and made his shaft twitch.
Come to me, baby. I need you.

Luke started to count backward from one hundred to pass the time and counteract the burn that pulsed like fizzy champagne through his lava-hot blood. One hundred. Ninety-nine. Anything to delay the impending explosion down south… Ninety-eight. Ninety-seven—

Janaya ran the final two steps and slammed into his chest, knocking him off balance. He closed his arms around her waist and savored her sandalwood scent.
. His eyes slid shut as he held her, just enjoying her closeness and holding the woman against his skin.

Thank God she’d stayed.

A sweet pain pierced Luke’s heart then the sensation dissolved, blindsided by the firm weight of her breasts pressing into his chest and the sensation of her lower body rubbing against his throbbing erection.

Luke gritted his teeth and smoothed his hand up her arm to her shoulder. He paused to tug on the shoestring strap of her silk nightie. “One of us has on too many clothes.” His voice emerged low and husky and full of need.

“I’m guessing that would be me.” A smile tugged at her lips. Janaya stepped away from him and grasped the hem of her nightgown. In one smooth move, she swept it over her head and stood proudly before him dressed in only a hot pink thong. Violet eyes met his unflinching, almost daring him to find fault.

But how could he? Luke’s breath held while he catalogued the smooth skin and supple curves. Sleek feminine strength delineated with grace and confidence. “You’re beautiful.”

Her lack of self-assurance, hesitation or whatever, that had slowed her decision seemed to have faded, sloughed off as easily as her nightgown. Luke wondered at the reason for her choice but didn’t voice his thoughts. Only an idiot would make her second-guess her decision. His Dad hadn’t raised no fool.

Full lips curved into a pout. She tossed long strands of blonde hair over one naked shoulder, thrusting firm, round tits into prominence. “You’re all talk.”

It was the sort of pout that goaded a red-blooded man to action. And his blood definitely rated as red. Luke reached for her, pulling her into a casual embrace.

Set the boundaries first, boy.

His father’s words of wisdom, uttered years ago when he was a teenager, floated through his mind. He didn’t want her to think he was committing to anything more than the next few weeks. “Are you sure about this?”

Bloody hell! Hadn’t he decided not to question her decision? God, where was his brain? His cock chose that moment to snuggle in the V of her thighs, cuddling up to the silk of her panties. The heady sensation that ripped through him answered the question. Engaged in a hormonal moment. That was where his brain had gone. He cleared his throat. “Are you sure?” he repeated.

“I’m here, aren’t I? Hinekiri and I are leaving as soon as the ship is repaired.”

Luke nodded. Good. Nothing long-term. They were both on the same page.

He grinned suddenly. “Okay. I’m done with the chit-chat.” He curled a hand around her nape and drew her to him. Luke intended to take this slow and draw out the enjoyment for both of them. He dipped his head to take a kiss, caressing her lips slow and easy, tasting and sipping in a get-to-know-you kind of way.

Janaya allowed the exploration, then without warning used her teeth.

Luke jerked back in surprise, his lip smarting from the sharp nip. “What was that for?” He fingered his bottom lip, probing for blood but his fingers came away clean.

Mischief lurked in her violet eyes. “I’ve done this before. I’m not fragile.”

Luke wanted to laugh. She did that—kept coming up with quips that tickled his amusement. “Glad you’ve made that clear.” Narrowing his eyes, he used his bulk to herd her to the bed.

Still smirking, she backed up until the bed stopped her retreat. She toppled back on to the mattress and Luke sprang, pinning her with his body in a move reminiscent of the wrestling shows of his boyhood. She wanted action.

So did he.

He took her mouth hard, nipping and tasting before thrusting his tongue into the warm sweet cavern beyond. The taste of spearmint delighted him. Man, she tasted good. A man could get used to this—a soft woman under him to fuck. Maybe this celibacy kick wasn’t such a shit-hot idea after all.

Janaya bucked beneath him even as their tongues dueled, rubbing, jolting body parts together with exquisite friction. She wasn’t passive like his ex. Luke pulled back to feather kisses across her jaw. The need to taste her breasts throbbed through him like the relentless pound of a waterfall but he wanted to do a little sightseeing on the way. Before he had time to blink and dive in for another kiss, she’d rolled them both over and lay on top of him, boobs jiggling in his face with each ragged breath. Her luscious, creamy curves, crowned with pebbled coral nipples taunted his willpower.

Bend down a bit farther, sweetheart.

Janaya stared down into his eyes with a triumphant grin on her flushed face.

An answering smirk ached to burst forth. He should have felt resentful of her superior physical power but it turned him on. Made him impossibly hot. Sort of like the boot was on the other foot, he thought as he let the smile loose and grinned back like a loon. Or maybe it was the novelty factor. He was doing it with an alien. Whatever. Janaya was with him because that was what she wanted and it made him feel like a Greek god.

“Now who’s stalling,” he whispered, ensnared by her feminine strength and her hot violet eyes that promised pleasure, extreme pleasure for both of them.

Janaya grabbed his hands and raised them above his head. Luke barely suppressed the shiver that shot the length of his body. His engorged shaft twitched again and his balls drew tighter. She studied his upper body, her gaze a soft caress, then slowly, she lowered her head to graze her teeth across one masculine nipple. The sharp sensation drew a rough gasp from deep in his throat and jerked his lower body inches off the mattress.

She froze, her gaze leaping to meet his. “Did that hurt?”

Luke cleared his throat, his eyes fixed on hers as he tried to anticipate what she’d do next. “No.”

“I wouldn’t want to maim you.”

He gaped at her in shock. Jesus! He didn’t want that either.

“You are not the same as San…the males from our planet.”

Luke felt his eyes widen. She looked the same, but he wasn’t sure he wanted to carry on with this…this…experiment. In fact, his male equipment had wilted dramatically, no longer interested in getting the job done. His brain scurried north while he pondered if he should panic and run.

“Small differences,” she murmured with a half-smile. “The most important parts seem the same.” She bent her head to kiss a path across his chest. Her long hair hid her expression and he stretched out a tentative hand to touch the soft, fragrant locks. Maybe he’d play wait and see before he hit panic mode.

“Keep your hands above your head,” she murmured throatily.

At least she hadn’t ordered him to poke his hands in his ears. Whenever he heard her say that weapons appeared next. Luke followed her breathless order while he wondered what she’d do to him next. The anticipation made his hips shift restlessly, his heart beat stronger, faster.

Her breath washed across his skin as she moved down his body. Her hair fanned out across his belly and abdomen while her warm, moist breath left a trail of goose bumps. Luke swallowed. No problems in the equipment department now. Yes, sir! Ready and rearing to go.

A hand trailed down his cock, sending his heart racing with expectation. He ached to hold her, to explore her in the same way. Before the thought half formed, he moved his hands.

“Don’t move. Not yet. I want this to last.”

Luke smothered a groan. It would be good if she actually started. His heart pounded against his rib cage like a crazy thing and begging words started to cram his mind. He closed his eyes and his world narrowed to one of pure sensation. Small featherlight strokes down his shaft made his body jerk off the bed again. Insistent hands gripped his hips, holding them firm. Luke felt as if he might explode. His balls ached for action. This was torture. Then her tongue replaced her fingers. And he really wanted to beg.

Satisfaction filtered through Janaya. Luke’s face showed open pleasure, so much so that she was actually enjoying herself. This was proving much more fun than when she’d serviced Santana.

“That’s it. I can’t take any more,” he gasped.

Janaya froze. Surely, he wasn’t complaining about her performance. “But you were enjoying it,” she blurted.

This time he stilled. He pushed up on his elbows to stare at her. “Of course, I’m enjoying it.” He gestured at his erection. “Does that indicate a lack of interest?”

Janaya wrinkled her brow in confusion. “Do you do things differently here on the blue planet?”

Luke stared, then his mouth kicked up in a cocky grin so infectious that she found herself smiling back. “How about letting me take things from here, and then you can tell me how the sex differs?”

Janaya hesitated. The few times she’d done it with Santana had been painful, but something inside drove her to nod in agreement. When she was near this man, her skin itched and the G-thing she wore became sodden and damp. Perhaps her aunt was right and she was missing a link. Perhaps Luke was that link.

“Okay?” Luke quirked one dark brow.


“If I do anything that you don’t like, tell me and I’ll stop,” he added.

Janaya noted he didn’t mention her superior strength but the knowledge shimmered in his dark eyes.

He kissed her, tasting her fully while one hand trailed across her breast, circling the nipple but never settling, never touching. Janaya arched toward his touch, aching for hard pressure. She wanted to purr and suspected Luke knew this. His mouth slid from hers and trailed kisses across her jaw, down her neck, exploring the dips and curves of her collarbone, finally ending at her breast. After teasing her for mindless minutes until she felt like grabbing him and giving pointed directions, he finally sucked her nipple into his mouth and drew hard. Arrows of sensation marched from her breast to her lower belly. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth to bite back a moan. That felt so good. Right now, the fabric of the G-thing seemed so wet it was a wonder the silky apparel didn’t slide right down her legs. She groaned as he sucked her other nipple and continued to taunt the first, applying pressure right where she needed it, pinching and tugging the pouting peak. His hand crept across her belly then lower, sending quivers running the length of her body. Luke slid his hand between her legs to encounter damp fabric.

BOOK: Janaya
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