Indulging the Professor (3 page)

BOOK: Indulging the Professor
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“I’m Logan Cole.” He turned his attention to her. “We’re
thrilled you could be our first guests.”

“Thank you.” Jacqueline smiled at her host.

“The storm is
threatening to wreak havoc on us tonight and most of the day tomorrow. We’re
hoping it won’t make too much of a problem for you guys.” Logan moved to stand
next to his wife, putting his arm around her and grinning at the two of them.
“You might be stuck inside most of the weekend.”

“I have some great meals planned, so you won’t starve,”
Elyse added. “Logan has been battening down the hatches all afternoon around
the property so you’ll be safe.”

“We also have a fantastic wine cellar, so if you’re looking
for a relaxing few days, the storm might be just what you need.” Logan winked
at Marcus.

“Actually, that sounds really nice.” Jacqueline looked at
Marcus. “We’ve been so busy lately that a whole weekend to unwind sounds like

“You guys sound like the perfect patrons.” Logan pulled
Elyse close to him and kissed the back of her neck. “We probably won’t even
know you’re here.”

Elyse leaned her head back and whispered, “We have guests.”

“Guests who want to try those blueberry scones,” Marcus
said. “You can fondle your wife later.”

Elyse giggled as she turned in Logan’s arms and gave him a
quick kiss. “Come inside,” she said. “I made a fresh pitcher of iced tea too.”

“I’ll grab your bags,” Logan said.

“I’ll go with you.” Marcus kissed Jacqueline’s cheek. “Go on
inside. It looks like it’s going to pour. I’ll be there in a minute.”

She watched as he turned and followed Logan to the car.

“He’ll be back.” Elyse laughed, as she pulled Jacqueline
into the foyer. “New love is so much fun.”

“Uh no, it’s not like that,” Jacqueline explained. “Marcus
and I aren’t in love.”

“Not yet,” Elyse said. “It’s coming. I can see it. Marcus is
so taken with you and you can’t take your eyes off him.”

“He is easy on the eyes.”

“I’ll say.” Elyse walked over to the foyer table and poured
Jacqueline a tall glass of iced tea from a beautiful crystal pitcher. She
garnished the glass with a lemon wedge. “Are you looking forward to spending
two whole days with him?” She handed her the drink. “I know he’s really into
this weekend.”

“Thank you.” She took the glass from her. “How do you know?”

“He wanted to make sure everything was perfect. He wanted
your graduation present to be special.”

“I was surprised he asked me to go away with him.” She
sipped the tea. “We’ve been taking things slow.”

“Logan and I tried to explain to him that technically you
weren’t a student. He’s so set in his ways that he had to do what he thought
was right.”

“Well, I’m glad I’ve graduated. Now maybe he’ll change his

“You want more.”

“Yeah, a lot more.” Jacqueline glanced out the window and
watched as Logan and Marcus talked.

“You’re in the right place. What do you want out of this

“I’m just happy to be spending time with him. He’s been
under a tight deadline. He’s such an intense man, you know? I’m looking forward
to seeing him relax.”

“Again, you’re in the right place. You could spend the whole
weekend getting to know one another. No interruptions, no deadlines, and no
business talk. How does that sound?”


“Welcome to Pleasure Inn.” Elyse held out a plate of the
beautiful, fragrant scones. “This is just the beginning.”

Jacqueline took one off the plate and smiled. She hoped
Elyse’s words were about to prove true as she watched Marcus come through the

He smiled at her as he stepped into the foyer and looked
around. “Wow! This place looks fantastic.” He put their bags at the bottom of
the elaborate wood staircase. “It’s really spectacular.”

“You haven’t been here since I inherited the old place.”
Logan picked up both of the glasses of tea Elyse had poured for the guys and
handed one to Marcus. “Remember how pissed I was?”

“You didn’t think you’d ever get this place going.” Marcus
moved to stand next to Jacqueline. “He was miserable.”

“What changed?” she asked. “Because this place is

“A beautiful executive chef with big dreams of running this
thing landed on my doorstep one night.” He pulled Elyse against his chest. “I
convinced her to stay.”

“True story.” Elyse looked up at him. “I was the inspiration
he needed to finish the renovation.”

“That and her cooking.” Logan laughed. “Wait until you taste
what she comes up with.”

“If this blueberry scone is any indication, I’m already
hooked.” Jacqueline broke a piece of the pastry off. “You have to try this.”

“I’d love to.” Marcus opened his mouth and met her eyes as
she brought it to his lips. The heat of his breath caressed her fingers for
just a second. She couldn’t stop staring at his lips as he chewed.

“Would you two like to see your room?” Logan asked as he
retrieved the bags from the bottom of the stairs. “I think you’ll be happy with
the accommodations.”

“I’m sure we will,” Marcus said, as he continued to stare
into Jacqueline’s eyes.



Marcus closed the door behind Logan and Elyse. He watched as
Jacqueline looked around the large suite. Her beauty stoked his fire every time
they were together. He took a calming breath to steady his impatient mind.
Tonight the longing would end. He would finally allow himself to give in and
take what he’d wanted for months. She would be his.

“What do you think, darling?”

“This place is beautiful. I didn’t expect the room to be so…

“It’s two suites.” He motioned toward a large archway that
separated the spaces. “There’s another bedroom and bathroom down that hall.”

Marcus hadn’t wanted to assume they’d be sharing a bed. As
much as he hoped that was how things would end, he wanted the choice to be
hers. When he made the reservations, the idea of sleeping in separate rooms
didn’t seem that hard but now that they were here, he wanted nothing more than
to hold her all night. He didn’t want to be the reserved educator he had
morphed into so many years ago. He wanted to be a man who could fully commit to
this stunning woman who had taken over his entire world.

“I don’t think we’ll need that much space.” She turned and
looked out over the pristine grounds.

“I like the way you think.” At least they were on the same
page. Now he had to control himself just a few hours more.

She stood at the large picture window. Coming up behind her,
he wrapped his arms around her waist and took in the sweet aroma of her hair.
He loved the way her fragrance lingered in his car or office hours after they
had parted. Her signature smell was a constant reminder of her and the memory
of it had gotten him through some long, sleepless nights these past couple of

“You smell so good.” He moved her hair to the side and
trailed his lips along her neck. He’d always been so careful with her. He never
wanted to overstep or make her feel uncomfortable. Her decision to spend the
weekend with him had changed things. He couldn’t seem to keep his hands off

“I can’t tell you how
many times I’ve wanted to touch you like this.” Their casual dates and late
night research sessions were getting harder to deal with. Each time he took her
back to her apartment he’d prayed for her to invite him in. He often wondered
if he would accept. She seemed to quietly respect his position on the subject
of dating students. Always letting him take the lead, she never pushed him
further than he was willing to go. He appreciated that, but he had to find a
way to make her see just how much she meant to him.

“What took you so long, Professor?” She leaned her head back
offering him more of her neck. “I was beginning to think it was me.”

“Never.” He gripped her hips before slipping his hands under
the thin material of her t-shirt. “I have rules. At least, I did before I met
you.” He circled his fingertips along the soft skin of her stomach. “I don’t
like to create chaos.”

“Is that what I am?” She placed her hands over his and
guided them to her breasts. His palms grazed her hardened nipples. “Chaotic?”

Her boldness surprised him but didn’t stop him from cupping
her full breasts in his hands. “Now that you’re no longer my student…” He
swirled his thumbs over her aroused nipples. “I’ll create as much chaos with
you as you can handle.”

She turned to face him, his hands still caressing her
nipples through the lace of her bra. Leaning closer to him, she brushed her
lips along his jaw as she threaded her fingers through his hair. “I want more.”

“You’ll have it.” He removed his hands from underneath her
shirt. “I promise.”

He kissed her lips softly before stepping back – putting
some much needed thinking space between them. If he didn’t slow down they’d be
tangled in the sheets within minutes. As much as he hoped that’s where the
night would end, he wanted to have the romance too. Their first time should be
memorable. He respected this stunning, intelligent woman. He needed her to know
how special she was to him.

“Would you like to unwind a bit before dinner?” He tucked an
errant strand of hair behind her ear. “It’s been a long day.”

“What did you have in mind?”

“When Logan gave us the tour of the suite I noticed a rather
large tub.”
enough for two.
“Perhaps you’d like to take a bath?”

“That does sound nice.”

“Why don’t you relax and get ready while I go down to the
wine cellar with Logan and pick out something for our evening. I’ll shower in
the adjoining suite so you can take your time.”

“I believe that tub is big enough for two.” She looked up at
him with an innocence he knew was an act. “I don’t mind sharing.”

“That’s very kind of you.” He pulled her against him wanting
to kiss her again. “Maybe we can entertain that idea later. We have all
weekend.” He kissed her harder than he had before, because the thought of
pleasuring her in the tub drove him insane with need. “Dinner is in an hour.”

“I’ll be ready.”


As Jacqueline soaked in the oversized tub, she thought about
Marcus joining her.
is he waiting for?
While his proper professionalism had been part of
what drew her to him initially, she wanted to see who else he could be. When
he’d touched her by the window she almost lost her balance. Her limbs had
become weak as her flesh heated up. The only other time she’d experienced him
abandoning his impeccable control was on the evening of their first kiss.


He’d opened the car door for her and offered her his hand.
She’d accepted the offered chivalrous gesture and they’d walked up the path to
her apartment. It was a particularly warm May evening. One month to the day
since she’d bumped into him at the bar. They’d eaten together four times and he
had yet to make a move. Either he had to be the most patient man she’d ever met
or he just wasn’t into her. Maybe it was her intellect he was after. He often
told her how smart she was.

“I had another lovely meal with you. I find you quite

“Do you?” She let go of his hand and moved to stand on the
bottom step.
else attracts you to me?

He leaned against the post of the porch taking in her every
move. He’d had a full day of teaching, a faculty meeting and dinner with her,
but he still managed to look as if he’d just left the house. There wasn’t a
wrinkle in his Armani suit or a hair out of place in that thick, dark overgrown
mane. The only indication that he’d put in a long day was the hint of stubble
along his jaw but even the unshaven look worked for him. Everything worked for

“Are you available tomorrow afternoon to give the book one
last read through before I send it to my editor? I’d like your final opinion.”

“Sure.” It wasn’t as if she had anything else to do. The
three days a week they spent together weren’t enough. She wanted to spend more
time with him; but not in such a professional capacity.

“Perfect.” He stepped toward her. “I was wondering if I
could kiss you goodnight.”

“You’re asking?”

“Yeah.” He laughed. “I suppose I am. Not very spontaneous.”

“You’re very polite. It’s sexy.” She sucked in a breath,
hoping she hadn’t overstepped his boundaries but she couldn’t help it.

“You’re new territory for me.” He brushed her hair back over
her shoulder and ran his fingers down her neck. “I’m not sure what I’m doing
with you.”

“Why don’t you just do what feels right?”

“I want to kiss you.” The warmth of his breath fluttered
across her lips. “That seems right to me.”

“Then do it.” Her bottom lip trembled in anticipation. “I
want you to kiss me, Marcus.”

He closed his eyes in thought for a moment.

She knew he struggled with their relationship. His proper
gestures and maintained composure came from years of experience. He’d never
gotten this close to a student before. But she hoped she was more than a
student to him and that was why he resisted. That belief was the only thing
that kept her hoping for more. “I’m graduating in two weeks,” she reminded him.
“I haven’t been in one of your courses in over a year. You’re not doing
anything wrong.”

“You continue to surprise me.” He opened his eyes, tilted
her chin and brushed his lips across her mouth. “You know me so well.”

“You’re a complicated man, but I’m learning.”

She sighed against his mouth as he touched his tongue
against her lips eagerly seeking entrance. The kiss wasn’t as careful as she’d
always imagined it. Tangling his fingers in her hair, he pulled her closer
until the hard muscles of his chest pressed against her. He nipped at her
bottom lip before attacking her mouth again. She liked the rough flavor of his
approach. He’d always been so reserved with her.

BOOK: Indulging the Professor
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