Read Incubus Hunter Online

Authors: Kenya Wright

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Incubus Hunter (3 page)

BOOK: Incubus Hunter
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His nostrils flared and he targeted my

You can do it, Carmen.

I quickly snatched a needle.

He smacked my hand away. The needle flew past
his arm. His eyes followed it as it twisted in the air and dropped
to the ground. He shook his head and stomped on it.

“Once again. You’ve come closer to getting me
than any other hunter.” He ripped the garter belt from my thigh,
held it to the side, and shook it.

Other needles fell, cracking as they crashed
into the floor. White venom seeped out of them, pooling around his

His nostrils flared. “Even your poison is
deliciously intoxicating.”

He stuffed my garter belt into his

“Goodnight, sweet Carmen.” Blaze disappeared
right before my eyes.

Chapter Two

I clutched my throbbing cock in my hand,
trying to regulate my breathing.

Need hummed within it.

I tightened my grip and craved release. I had
to stroke that sensual elf’s luscious breasts and devour those pink


The club’s music boomed at an erratic pace,
banging in my ears. My chest rose and fell as if I’d run a
marathon. Honey coated my tongue.

Get a hold of yourself, man!

I pulled my hand out of my leather pants and
punched the club’s wall, busting a hole through it. Dust and pieces
of plaster exploded and rained down around me. Those violet eyes
entered my mind.

Two guys stumbled out the bathroom I stood
by, high-fiving each other, not noticing the hole in the wall or
the dust hovering in the air.


I’d almost risked the elf’s venomous bite and
put my tongue between those hungry lips.


That damn name will haunt me all night.

It had been centuries since I’d experienced a
rush like that, so long ago back when I was reckless and human.

Touching her flesh was an adrenaline rush
like diving off a cliff several hundred feet in the air and not
knowing if you’ll survive as you plunged into the rocky ocean.

I brought her satin garter belt to my nose,
sniffing her sweet smell, that ripe honey fragrance. I drowned in
it, unable to come up for air, falling steadily into a hypnotic

Struggling to breathe, I battled with the
urge that sparked within me.

Can I stay away from her?

I groaned, clenching my teeth.

Against simple common sense, I peeked around
the corner and looked across the club to where I had spirited into
thin air. The move had drained a lot of my energy, but it was worth
it. I had to get away from her.

I spotted Carmen’s creamy hands lifting the
dress over her breasts. A blue hue bathed that soft skin. She
turned her head from side to side, searching for me. Those ginger
curls bounced around her shoulders with each turn. I wanted to
feast on her flesh. I could taste the honey on my tongue.

Go, Carmen, before I make you regret it.

She combed her fingers through her hair with
both hands. Those perky nipples were visible from here.

I growled as the ache in my cock deepened.
The head swelled, sending pain and arousal up my shaft. I shoved my
hands back into my pants and gripped the traitor.

Leave, Carmen.

She checked the area around her again and
raced toward the club’s front door, bumping into the bouncer.

Relief filled me as I leaned back on the
damaged wall and rubbed my temples. A stinging pain spasmed across
my head.

It was the cost of using a complicated spell
so quickly. Beads of sweat formed around my forehead while I rode
the treacherous wave out, until it lessoned into nothing.

Now what do I do?

I could feed.

A new emptiness expanded inside of me as my
eyes rummaged through the available women. All shapes and sizes
with unique histories and sexual wants, but none of them promised
anything more than an interesting few seconds of a meal, a tidbit,
only crumbs.

Uncloaking myself, I observed a woman wobble
out of the restroom with tears running down her eyes. She wiped her
face with her arms, smearing tan and pink makeup onto her ivory
silk sleeve. Her midnight colored hair spread over her shoulders in
disarray. She glanced up at me weakly, studying my body’s outline,
probably wondering if I’d be her hero tonight and save her from the
desperation that lurked in the shadows around her.

This scenario had happened for me many times
before. I knew the ending well. When it was all done, she’d be more

I was no hero, just the guy to make her

“Go home,” I commanded.

She stumbled away, her perfume drifting past
me. It was something expensive, crushed flowers or herbs maybe. But
what it wasn’t, was a scent powerful enough to make me forget
Carmen’s honey fragrance.

I sighed, checking out more women.

None of them will do.

I closed my eyes and Carmen’s warm bare
breasts flashed through my mind, rosy pink nipples floating on
creamy pillows, hardening at my touch.

I slammed the back of my hand against the
wall. A crack formed and expanded up to the ceiling. A demanding
desire coursed through me.

How could one moment change it all?

In all of my two hundred years, I’d never
been so alive.

Fuck it.

I mentally called my jacket. Leather
materialized and formed around my skin. A short, chubby guy in a
velvet shirt stepped out of the bathroom, froze when he witnessed
the leather move around my biceps, and ran back in. No doubt
wondering if what he saw was real or not.

My mind rushed back to Carmen. Excitement
pulsed through my veins.

I’ll just taste her.

I nodded my head as the leather finished
shaping into a trench coat that stopped at my knees.

Just one taste.

I blurred to the front door, so fast no human
eyes could comprehend my image. My nose tracked her scent as I
snatched the door open.

Wind rushed past. The noise of the club was
silenced once the door slammed behind me.

A rusty car drove by, emitting smoke into the
night sky. I stepped back as the male driver honked and sped away.
Bad pop music trailed behind. I’d forgotten the singer’s name, but
she was horrific. Not that it mattered. All the names merged after
so many years.

Where are you, Carmen?

I remained in the shadows, searched the
parking lot, and spotted her at the far end.

She jumped in a white car and slammed the

An electric charge of adrenaline jolted me. I
cloaked myself within the darkness, leaped into the air, and
hovered over her car, following it as she sped out into the

Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at a three
level hotel.

Lime green and ocean blue cracked paint
covered the outer walls. Drugged up prostitutes staggered back and
forth in front of it. I hoped Carmen hadn’t been staying here

Was I the sole reason for your visit? Or are
there other incubi here?

The neon sign proclaimed ‘Paradise Inn: Cheap
Hourly Rates.

A wino pissed on the right section of the
sign. The stench of liquor and urine floated from his wrinkled

Wavering above him, I pulled some money out
of my pocket and dropped it down his way.

“Holy Mother Mary! It’s raining money!” he
shouted and held his hands in the air.

I held in my laughter. I’d completely
forgotten that I was invisible—not that a flying man would have
been better.

“For the tenth time. No. I did not see Blaze
in the club,” Carmen said and stepped out of the car, holding a
cell phone to her ear and wearing that ridiculous wig again.
“Enough! I’m going after the Boto brothers. My flight leaves for
Brazil in the morning.”

The Boto brothers?

I shook my head. They would tear that sweet
flesh apart in seconds.

My rage at Adae soared to a new level, which
was saying a lot since the wizard had bound me to years of slavery
several times.

My favorite dream was watching the breath
escape his dark lips as I choked the life out of him.

“No. I don’t need another hunter with me.”
She strolled over to the wino, handed him a few dollars, and
crossed the parking lot.

“Thank you.” He flashed a huge grin and
scurried away. “Tonight is my lucky night.”

“Hell, no.” She spat the words out into the
phone. “I do this by myself. I’m not splitting the money.”

She is stubborn as well as gorgeous.

I grinned, knowing she’d probably made Adae’s
life a living hell.

“Well, I’ll go whether you give me your
permission or not.” She rolled those violet eyes. She must have
taken the contacts off when she first got in the car. “Let’s face
it. We both know you’ll take the brothers if I bring them to

I shifted in the sky. My excitement in seeing
her darkened. She couldn’t go after the brothers by herself.

Years ago, Adae had sent three hunters to
capture them. A day had barely passed when the hunters’ heads were
delivered to the wizard’s castle in a purple gift-wrapped box.

“Not that again.” She shifted the phone to
her other ear. Those sexy heels clicked across the pavement.

I could make out the outline of her perfect
ass, remembering how soft it felt against me. Her dress’s candy
apple red fabric clung to each curve. My erection returned, pushing
against my leather pants. I grinned at the effect she had on

I probably should turn around now.

She headed to the outer stairs and raced up
to the second level, her ass wiggling under the dress. “I don’t
care about your sources. Blaze was gone.”

I flew in toward her and stood barely a foot
behind. The night breeze rushed past me.

She stopped in front of a gray door and
glanced over her shoulder, unable to see me under my cloaking, but
I’m sure she sensed something.

I boldly took a strand of her ginger colored
hair as it peeked out of the wig.

Her eyes darted from side to side. She
quickly turned around and pulled out her keys from a small black
purse. “Adae, that wasn’t the deal. I erase my husband’s debt, and
you let my daughter go.”

My body stiffened.

She has a daughter and a husband?

She opened the door. A creak sounded from the

I dived into the room behind her, blocking
the door with my foot so it wouldn’t close.

The door stayed open.

She hadn’t noticed, still talking into the
phone with her back to me.

“Fuck you, Adae.” She walked toward a bed
with lime green sheets and slung her keys on it.

“No. You listen. The Boto brothers should
satisfy the debt. Together they’re worth three million, right?
Fine.” She closed the phone.

In a flash, she turned around. A needle flew
out of her hand.

I jumped into the air, twisting out of its

It almost grazed my shoulder. My magical
cloak broke away. I landed on my feet and slammed the door shut.
“So you knew I was behind you?”

She charged for me, fangs extended. Her
creamy breasts jiggled. She threw another needle.

I knocked it away with my left hand.

It hit the wall and cracked into pieces.

“Is this how you greet all of your friends?”
I grabbed her arm with my right hand, pulling her against the front
door and pressing my body into hers.

Damn, she feels good.

I forced myself not to act on my heightened
desires, not to rip that dress off and shove my cock into that
sweet pussy. “Could you see through my magic?”

“I assumed something or someone was behind me
when I didn’t hear the door close.” Her heart thumped against her
chest. Her eyes searched the room for some sort of escape. She was

God damn it.

I hadn’t meant to let things get out of
control. Loosening my grip, I inhaled her scent. That honey aroma
calmed me.

“What’s up with the needles?” I gently
touched her chin and guided her to face me. “I thought we were

“Why did you follow me?” She bared those
pearly fangs at me.

I attempted to smother a laugh, but it came
out anyway.

“So, I’m funny to you?” Her almond shaped
eyes gleamed violet.

“No, I take you very seriously.” I caressed
her neck with my fingers, enjoying its creamy texture. That
unfamiliar urge returned, making my dick push against my pants.

Soon, my friend.

Those delectable and creamy mounds stretched
her red dress, begging me to taste, lick, and fuck them.

“Where’s your husband?” I asked.

If he gets in my way I’ll kill him.

Her mouth dropped open. Her fangs disappeared
back into her gums.

“Why?” She searched my face. “Do you know

“No.” I snatched off the ugly wig and threw
it across the room. “But I wonder what kind of man would have his
wife pay off his debt and do it in such a dangerous way.”

“He’s not a man. He’s a vampire and not a
very nice one either.” She sighed. “Let go of me. Please.”

I loosened my hand around her neck and
reluctantly backed away.

She remained at the door, watching me as I
sat on the bed.

The springs creaked. My jacket disappeared
into thin air, exposing my bare chest. I leaned all the way back
and balanced myself on my elbows.

Maybe my being farther away will calm

“Why did you lie to Adae?” I asked. “You told
him that I wasn’t in the club.”

“He would want me to chase you forever.” She
strolled over to the hotel room’s desk, and leaned on it. The
dress’s bottom rose and revealed the curve of her thighs.

I should have ripped that dress off of her
when I had the chance.

My mouth watered.

Her fingers toyed with the turquoise pen on
her desk, rolling it back and forth. “I don’t have the time to
chase you, Blaze.”

BOOK: Incubus Hunter
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