Read In the Moment: Part Two Online

Authors: Rachael Orman

In the Moment: Part Two (2 page)

BOOK: In the Moment: Part Two
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Chapter 3




I was starting to break down. Ace had hounded me at first when I’d run out, and then he’d simply stopped pounding on my door and at least once a day I would find a note with his name and number on it with something simple like “Call Me” or “Please.” I figured he would’ve given up after a week, but it had been two.

To my surprise, I saw a lot of Adam at the bar. He came in at least three nights a week or more. He never had anyone with him, never gave any of the women any attention. He simply sat there waiting for me to get a minute or two to chat with him. Every time I spotted him, I looked around to see if Ace was around. He had said he wanted to add a third in the bedroom and the man’s name was Adam. Knowing my luck, this guy who suddenly showed up would be the guy Ace had mentioned. While he was friendly, he wasn’t overly so, and he hadn’t tried anything sneaky like Ace always was.

I still couldn’t believe Ace had suggested such a thing. I wasn’t the type of girl he thought I was. It had been a mistake sleeping with him, letting him get past all my defenses. When I thought it would be okay, he went and threw a bomb on me about adding another man. I’d just broken my self-imposed celibacy for him and just like that he thought I’d sleep with someone else ‘cause he thought it was a good idea. What a dumb man! How dumb was I? Even as I said never again, I couldn’t help wonder why Ace was being so persistent if all he’d wanted was to fuck. He’d gotten what he wanted, but that didn’t seem to deter him.

Frowning, I pulled on jeans and my work tank after showering. It was Friday again. And another night when I was supposed to be closing meaning a late night. For once, I remembered to grab my jacket as I headed for the door. I’d pulled my hair back in a ponytail since it was still wet and it was too damn cold outside to go with it down. Popping my hood up, I locked the door and ran to my car that I had remote started before I got in the shower. It was worth every dime I wasted in gas to jump into the warm car. In fact, it was so warm, I squirmed out of my jacket before pulling out of the apartment complex. Plus, it was easier to drive without all the bulk in the way.

Once I parked near the bar, I managed to wiggle the heavy jacket on before getting out. I hated walking across the street to get to work, but I didn’t get much say in where the employees were allowed to park. As usual, when I pulled the door open, a blast of warm, stuffy air hit me right in the face. Allowing it to close behind me, it took my eyes a minute to adjust to the dimly lit room as I shrugged off my jacket.

After a quick trip into the tiny break room to off my belongings, I returned to the front. Busy night. Although not terribly so. It’d pick up as it got later. In the back near the pool table and dartboards were a few guys from Ace’s biker club. We didn’t have waitresses. If someone wanted a drink, they had to go to the counter and got it themselves. Every now and then one of the bartenders would go around picking up empties and wiping down tables. It worked well to keep the small space clean. Apparently during busy months, they’d hire a bus boy to help out, but normally it was easily managed by the few bartenders.

To my surprise, I spotted Ace among the bikers in his usual attire of jeans, boots and vest. How the man was able to walk outside with the freezing gusts of wind without a shirt on, I’d never know. In all the months I’d worked there, I’d only seen a shirt over his impressive chest and abdomen a handful of times. The fool probably did it to get the skanks attention. They could keep him warm. Rolling my eyes and scoffing under my breath, I turned to help the customers yet to be served.

A few hours passed before it was my turn to take a sweep of the bar for glasses and bottles. Grabbing a tub, I ducked under the counter. It usually took a trip or two into the back to dump them into either the sink or the trash before I could complete a trip all the way around. Not because there was so much, but because the damn plastic tub would get heavy.

“Need some help there pretty lady?” A voice asked, making me roll my eyes. So original.

“I got it,” I said moving along to another table where people sat talking and laughing. It was pretty common to simply shove the bottles or glasses that were done with to the center of the table. So I quickly collected the dirties and moved on. It wasn’t unusual to get hit on, but most men got the hint when I simply ignored them. Thankfully. Black eyes didn’t look good on anyone, me or them. As the tub got full, I went to empty it before coming back. Our dishwasher yelled out something just as I pushed through the door causing me to bump right into someone. Lifting my eyes, I saw it was Adam. I had splashed some of the nasty mixture from the bottom of the tub onto not only his shirt but mine as well. “Oh shit!”

“Well, that’s one way to greet someone.” He laughed even as he made a face and looked at the liquid soaking into and running down the front of his shirt.

“That’s what I was just saying! You should just leave that tub back here so I can clean it.” The dishwasher moved over to my side.

“I’m so sorry,” I mumbled and shook my head. “Here, let’s go clean up your shirt.”

“It’s okay. I’ll manage.” Adam gave me a reassuring smile.

“Please, it’ll make me feel better.”

I smiled back, and he gave me a nod. Berating myself the entire time, I walked to the cleaning room across from the bathrooms. There were clean, dry clothes in there I could use to help dry his shirt and some stuff I could use if it was stained. I unlocked the door with the keys I had in my pocket and held it open. Adam stepped in as I flipped the switch. When I followed, he carefully shut the door behind me. Giving him a pained smile, I reached for a rag on the top of a stack on the single shelf in the room.

“I’m so sorry, really.”

“Hey. It’s okay. Really. Accidents happen,” he grabbed my wrists to stop me as I tried to pat the wet spot on his stomach with the rag. “Stop. Stop.”

I tried to ignore the taut, firm muscles I felt under his thin t-shirt. Since my gaze was focused on the wetness on his shirt, it was hard to not notice the bulge only inches below where his shirt ended. His bulge twitched, making me understand exactly where and what I was staring at. My gaze instantly lifted to meet his. There was a sparkle to his brown eyes that hadn’t been there before that set my cheeks on fire. He’d caught me.

“As I was saying, don’t worry about it.” His fingers were still wrapped around my wrists.  Not breaking eye contact with me, his tongue flicked out to wet his bottom lip. My eyes dropped to his mouth. It was then that I realized just how close we were. “I am willing to let you make it up to me though.”

“Oh?” I squeaked. My damn voice betrayed me. I’d just realized what a situation I’d put myself into. A small room with a sexy man who’d been chatting me up only inches from me after I’d not only been rubbing his stomach, but staring at his cock then lips. It was then I understood I
this to be Ace’s Adam. I wanted to have an excuse to be with this man who was such the opposite of the rough edge Ace. He was the perfect gentleman, and the perfect counterbalance to Ace. When Adam dipped his head slightly, I knew what was coming before he breathed the word out loud.

“A kiss would make me completely forget it ever happened,” his voice was low and soft as he slowly closed the distance. Ever so gently, his lips pressed to mine for a brief moment. When he started to pull back, I couldn’t help the whimper that left me. It’d been too fast, too soft. Lifting myself up on my toes, I brought our bodies flush together. It was my turn to bring our mouths together. However, it wasn’t soft, it wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t quick.

Opening my mouth, I slid my tongue into his. Automatically his tongue swirled with mine, and he released my wrists to clasp his hands around my hips. My hands slid around his neck, forcing him closer, harder against me. I could feel his erection pressing into me through his jeans, and it set my entire body on fire.

The bathroom door slamming across the hall brought me back into my senses and I jumped back from him. Both of us were breathing hard and staring at each other. After a few gasps, I couldn’t stop myself from kissing him again. I didn’t care if I got caught. Who would care anyway? I’d claim it was my break. All I could think about was how good his lips felt on mine and that I didn’t want it to stop.

He didn’t seem to mind as he lifted me off the ground forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist. Rotating his hips, he slid his erection over me repeatedly. When he turned and set me on the edge of the counter, I gasped, but his hands worked at the button on my jeans.

“I’m not going to do anything but touch. I simply have to know if you feel as good as you kiss.” He pulled me off the counter and released my legs so I could stand before he turned me around. One of his hands cupped my breasts while the other one dipped under my jeans and panties. His lips nibbled along the side of my neck as a single finger pressed into me. “Oh yeah, you do. So wet and tight. Like a fucking dream.”

Hearing the cuss words slip from his mouth while he touched me so intimately and drove me crazy with the alternating kisses and teeth along the column of my neck had me so distracted I didn’t hear the door open, but I did hear it shut and the sound of the lock clicking.

I tried to turn, but Adam was bigger and stronger. A jolt of fear shot up my back, then I heard a familiar voice.

“I see you met Adam.”

Chapter 4




How Adam had managed to get her to take him into a room alone, I had no idea, but it was perfect. She wouldn’t... couldn’t suspect anything since Adam had been on his best behavior as he tried to get to know her and make her comfortable with him. When I’d walked into the room, I’d expected to find them at most kissing, but what I found was so much better. Seeing them together had my cock hard and throbbing.

As soon as I’d spoken and he’d smiled over his shoulder, I knew it was going to be good, but when I stepped to the side, I got more than I bargained for. His hand was in her pants and the look on her face was pure ecstasy. I’d kill to see what he was doing to her. It couldn’t be the way he was massaging one breast or kissing her neck. Maybe it was the combination, but it certainly looked good on her.

“Well, looks like you didn’t wait for me to get started,” I said, stepping closer. Although she hadn’t spoken, Alicia hadn’t let her eyes leave mine since I’d moved into her sight.

“I couldn’t help myself. Once her lips were on mine, I had to have more. She’s so incredibly responsive,” Adam licked a long line up her neck. “And she tastes incredible.”

“See why I was hooked from the first time?” I cupped her cheeks tenderly and kissed her. I didn’t know if she would allow me to or respond, but I had to try. Not only did she respond, but she fisted her hands in my cut, pulling me closer.

I was close enough I could feel Adam’s hand moving between her thighs. Lifting my head from hers, I bit down on her bottom lip before dropping to my knees. She was forced to let go of my leather cut, but her hands reached behind her and held onto Adam’s hips. While she was distracted with Adam, I slid my thumbs under either side of her jeans and panties then yanked them down as far as I could. What I had in mind wouldn’t work with her ankles tangled together so I tugged off one boot and freed one leg from the denim. I rested her bare thigh on my shoulder, which opened her up, and I watched as Adam plunged three fingers into her while his thumb rotated over her clit. Looking up, I met his gaze over her shoulder. Alicia’s head was tilted back against him as he continued to pleasure her.

Keeping my eyes on his, I flicked my tongue out to swipe across her slit. I was rewarded with a gasp from Alicia and a jerk of her hips toward my face. Not breaking eye contact, I reached between her legs and cupped his erection through his jeans. When he bit down on his lip, I had to look away, my own cock pulsing with the need to come. Wiggling my face side to side, I pushed between her pussy lips so I could suck on her clit and flick my tongue over it. My hand was sliding over Adam’s length in time to his fingers thrusting in her. Each thrust had his wrist sliding against my cheek, the roughness of my stubble scraping against his skin.

“Mmm,” I groaned when Alicia tensed. Then I was gifted with an increase of moisture as she wrapped her leg around my head and groaned. After lapping up as much of her release as I could, I pulled back to find Adam kissing her, probably to muffle whatever sounds escaped when she came.

Alicia actually jumped when she reached down to cup Adam and found my hand already massaging his cock. She moved her hand and took her leg from my shoulder before laughing awkwardly. “That was… unexpected.”

“Alicia?” a booming voice asked from outside as the knob jiggled.

“Yeah! I’m almost done drying my shirt. Do
open the door unless you want to see me topless. Wait, don’t open it even if you do,” Alicia yelled back without a moments hesitation.

“Hurry up. We are getting killed out here,” the voice said before loud footsteps stomped away.

“Shit. I have to go,” Alicia said fumbling to fix her jeans.

She stopped and looked from Adam to me then back before laughing loudly.

“Turns out I’m not as against it as I thought I was.”

She returned to her jeans. Once she got them back on and her boot retied, she turned to face us with her hands on her hips. She had a beautiful flush to her cheeks with kiss swollen lips. “I’m sorry for being so close minded,” she then gestured to Adam. “Guess I just needed some extra motivation.”

“Can we see you after work?” I asked as she moved toward the door. I couldn’t let her get away without an answer.

She paused for a full second then nodded once before opening it. “Sorry, but you two have to get out of here…” Her gaze dropped to both our groins as she smiled. “And figure out how to make those not so noticeable.”

“Follow me,” I told Adam and walked out.

Not waiting to see if he actually did or Alicia’s reaction, I walked straight through the bar. I didn’t want to ignore my cock. I wanted to do something about it and was going to. Knowing we were going to be meeting up with Alicia later, I had to take the edge off. As soon as I pushed out the front of the bar, the freezing breeze blew past me and I regretted not wearing a shirt, but I was determined to show of my hard earned muscles to Alicia as much as I needed to. Walking around the building, I glanced back and smiled wickedly at Adam. I stopped on the tree line and waited for him to catch up. “Now we can finish what we started.”

“Good cause my balls are killing me.” Adam cupped my dick and planted a hard kiss on my lips. Pulling back, I grabbed his hand and led him deeper into the trees where we were less likely to be seen or interrupted. Once we were far enough, I turned and shoved him roughly against a tree, my mouth automatically dropping to his throat as my hand worked at his jeans. His hands were doing this same to mine.

“Watching you work Alicia made me so damn hard,” I murmured between kisses neck. I was cold but refused to let it get to me.

“God, yeah. Seeing you between her thighs…” Adam trailed off when I pulled his erection out of his pants and wrapped my palm around him. “Fuck me. I am so going to fuck you while you fuck her later. I’m about to blow just thinking about it.”

“Mmm, not yet.” I released him to push his pants down farther before getting my own dick out. Thankfully I’d thought ahead and had a packet of lube and a condom in my pocket. After putting on the condom, I tore it open and squirted it over myself. Adam turned and presented his ass to me while bracing his hands against the tree. Lining myself up with his tight hole, I pushed the head of my cock past his tight ring. He yelled out in surprise and probably a little pain as I normally took more time to prepare him, but I couldn’t hold back. Taking my hand that was still slicked up from preparing myself, I reached around and grabbed his shaft.

Thrusting my hips quickly, I was all the way in him. My balls slapped against his as my hand slid up and down over him. Not wasting any time, I slammed deep over and over. The only thing keeping his face from plowing into the tree was the strength in his arms as he pushed off it. Knowing I could give it as hard as I wanted and he only pleased for more had my orgasm gathering in my balls. Never before had I met a man that was as much of a bottom as a top as Adam was. He fucked hard and took it hard. Seeing his muscles of his ass and thighs flex as he took my dick was so hot.

“I love your ass,” I bit out wanting him to know.

“I love your dick,” he said through gritted teeth. “You are going to make me come.”

“Me too.” I sped up the already fast rhythm, and the skin against skin sound slapped loudly in the deserted forest. Deciding I wanted more, I pulled out from him. “Turn around.”

As he slowly turned around, I knelt and took him into my mouth, sucking him deep as my hand jerked myself off after removing the condom. The lube tasted like shit, but I did my best to ignore it and enjoy the hard, hot flesh in my mouth and the gasp of pleasure that Adam released when I surprised him. Working up and down his shaft, I felt the sharp burst of pleasure only seconds before I felt my hot come shooting from my dick. Adam’s cock was deep in my throat so all I could do was moan around it as my release pulsed out of me in long, thick strands.

“Oh shit. Knowing you just came while my dick was down your throat… oh… shit…” Adam grunted as he too found his orgasm. I swallowed as much of it as I could while trying to regain my breath. Once he was done, I stood and used my non-lubed up hand to wipe the side of my lip where I hadn’t been able to swallow all of his come before shoving that finger into his mouth.

“Mmm, two mouthfuls of come in such a short time. Lucky me.” I smiled as I fixed my pants, and Adam did the same. He was leaning back against the tree, breathing hard still.

“Fuck yeah. I’ll just be happy to have been involved. You give such good head.” Adam gave me a kiss before pushing off the tree. “Guess we should go back inside. You look like you’re turning a bit blue.”

“Whatever. I forgot it was even cold.” I shrugged. It was the truth, but I did need to find a way to wash my hands and dick before we went to Alicia’s.




When Ace and I walked back into the bar, he went to the bathroom to clean himself up. My ass was tingling from the pounding he’d given me, but that made it all that much sweeter. I loved the reminder.

I sat at the far end of the bar, as far away from Ace’s biker buddies as I could. I still wasn’t happy about him hiding us, but over the last week, he’d tried to make it up in numerous ways. While he was still closed off about a lot of things, he was starting to warm up and share more with me about his rough youth. Not to mention he’d do things that straight up knocked my boots off, like surprising me with head even though he could have easily come while fucking me. Instead, he got to come in his hand and I came down his throat. I didn’t particularly mind coming on his or my own hand for that matter when he was there with me, but I certainly wouldn’t object to a blow job instead.

I still had a few hours to waste until Alicia would be off, so I decided to nurse a few beers to help pass the time. It would be worth finally getting another taste of Alicia.

The way she’d reacted to my kiss in the cleaning closet had be amazing. All I’d been hoping for was to be able to sneak a kiss to let her know I was interested in more than just chatting at the bar between customers. Then she’d stared at my dick, and I couldn’t help that he jumped at the surprise attention. After the first kiss, it had been all her that kissed me the second time and like a little hellcat too. The woman kiss, there was no doubt about it, but the way her body simply melted into mine. Her breasts crushed against my chest, her hips teasing my rapidly hardening cock.

I can’t say that I wasn’t a bit worried about Ace’s reaction when he found me with my hand down her pants. I’d never shared a woman with someone else before. Hell, I’d never shared a partner with anyone else before, man or woman. Every worry I had was completely erased when he knelt in front of her to taste her. My dick was rock hard, not just from having my fingers in a tight, wet pussy but from seeing this incredibly sexy man giving her pleasure with his mouth. I was jealous but not at the same time. I wanted her to experience as much pleasure as possible so she’d hopefully allow us another chance, one without the worry of being interrupted. And it had worked.

Sitting at the bar drinking my beer, I adjusted my cock as it once again grew hard with the thoughts going through my head. I had no idea what we would do when we got to her place, how we would get there or anything, but it didn’t matter. Some stuff was better to figure out as we went.

Finally it was time for the bar to close up. Most of the people had already left, but I settled my tab and Alicia passed me a napkin with a note on it before heading to make sure all the other customers were finishing up and making their way toward the door.

I flipped the napkin over to see “Can’t wait for tonight” written in black marker on it. Smiling, I shoved it in my pocket and walked out. I looked around for Ace, but he was no where in sight so I headed to my car. While he might not be bothered by the cold, I was. Once in my car, I turned the heater on and watched the door. Ace came out a few minutes later. Without a care in the world, he opened the passenger door and got in.

“Uh, I guess I’m giving you a ride.” I frowned since his bike was at the bar.

“Yeah, we can come back and get my bike later. Its fucking cold out there,” he said.

figured that out?” I shook my head.

“Whatever. Just drive. We’ll meet her at her apartment.” He pointed toward the road. Following his directions, I parked in a spot that was near her apartment, and we sat in the heat waiting for her to show. It felt like we sat there forever. Not a soul was around, not all that surprising considering it was after two in the morning.

Finally, though, her truck pulled up, and she hopped out. She glanced around the parking lot before frowning and heading toward her door. We both followed.

BOOK: In the Moment: Part Two
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