Read In His Cuffs Online

Authors: Sierra Cartwright

In His Cuffs (2 page)

BOOK: In His Cuffs
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Maggie rolled her eyes. Ever since her breakup with Samuel, she’d been in a sexual drought. Then again, it had been all but barren while they were together. He’d tried, at least at first. But after several months, he’d got angry with her.

During one of their arguments, he’d shouted that she was insatiable. That wasn’t true. She would have been fine if he’d ever tied her to the bed and used her vibrator on her. A spanking once a week would have satisfied her needs. Well…at least she thought it would have. If it was hard enough, the after-effects would remind her of the pain, then the anticipation would have carried her through the remaining days.

Then again, perhaps the more she got, the more she’d want.

But she might not ever know.

She’d never had a relationship that had made it past six months. If she found a man who was demanding in the bedroom, he tended to be an arrogant son of a bitch outside it. If he was considerate about sharing chores, he tended to bore her once the lights were turned down. And two men had insisted it wasn’t right to hit a woman. More than once she’d tried to explain the difference between a consensual spanking and striking out in anger. Her words had fallen on deaf ears.

Recently, she’d cancelled all her dating site memberships. She’d given up searching for Mr Right and decided to settle for Mr Right Now.

Because of that, she lived for her forays to the Den, where her desires were encouraged.

She’d learnt to embrace her single status. She didn’t have to answer to anyone if she worked late. If she didn’t feel like getting out of her pyjamas on a Saturday morning she didn’t have to. She could eat ice cream for dinner or skip vacuuming for so long that dust bunnies threatened to strangle her.

And she could play with different Doms all the time. The exhilaration of not knowing what to expect added to her delirium.

“Targets acquired,” Vanessa said over her shoulder as she headed towards a group of men in the great room.

Maggie snagged a virgin pina colada from the granite island in the kitchen then joined the crowd on the patio.

She stood to one side and watched a few couples dance in front of the stage. Off to the left, a tall, broad male knelt in front of a woman who wore a red wristband. The image was erotic, but it didn’t do much for her. When she was here, she preferred giving up control. At work, she engaged in constant battles with her self-appointed boss and had to be on guard all the time. Letting go and surrendering to her submissive tendencies was critical to her mental health.

“Would you like to dance?”

She turned and smiled at the man who’d approached her. He was tall and lanky, wearing a plaid shirt. At least he’d skipped the pocket protector.

Part of her knew she was being unfair. He had an earnest smile, and she was sure he was a nice man. He had on a red band, but somehow, she didn’t see him as a Dom. There was something lacking in his tone, a certain confidence. And his expression was more hopeful than assertive.

She smiled back and waited a few seconds. He continued to look at her, but she had no compulsion to cast her gaze at the ground. She felt no spark of attraction for him. If she was going to bare her body—or at least parts of it—to a stranger, she would choose a man who had a razor-edge of danger about him. For some reason, this guy reminded her of her of Samuel. She couldn’t imagine a greater turn-off. “Thanks,” she said. “Perhaps another time.”

“It was worth a try,” he said easily before moving onto the next possibility, a woman who was swaying as she listened to Evan C.

In some ways, Maggie realised, this wasn’t much different than a singles’ bar. But there were far fewer pretensions. At least sexually.

Maggie took a sip from the cool drink, loving the blend of pineapple, coconut and whipped cream on her tongue. Since it had juice in it, she told herself the beverage was at least somewhat healthy.

She was ready to take a second sip when she saw him.

David Tomlinson.

Her nemesis.

What the hell was he doing here?

Slowly, she lowered her trembling hand.


The main reason she’d come to the Den was to escape him.

He stood near a speaker, arms folded across his bare chest, a black band on his upper arm, short hair spiked, and he was wearing a pair of jeans.

David Tomlinson was a House Monitor? Crap. It wasn’t enough that he was here, but he had to have a role of authority.

Then she noticed the handcuffs.

She gawked at the sight.

Was David Tomlinson the man Vanessa had noticed?

If Maggie didn’t know him so well, she might agree that he was sexy. But she knew him too well. He manipulated people to his own ends. Sure, he was one of the smartest people she’d ever met, but she’d seen him use that intelligence for nefarious purposes.

She stood there, uncertain what to do. Confront him? Ignore him and hope he didn’t see her? Catch the shuttle back to Winter Park?

Immediately, she dismissed the last idea.

She was here to have a good time, and by God, she would enjoy herself.

Ignoring him wasn’t her normal style. No way would she spend the entire night skulking around and looking over her shoulder.

That left a confrontation, and really, the only thing that suited her personality.

As if sensing her gaze, he looked at her.

He scowled—a ferocious expression that was all-too familiar. Obviously he was as surprised and as unhappy to see her as she was to see him. Then a sub walked up to him, and he turned his attention to the blonde.

Maggie exhaled a breath she hadn’t realised she’d sucked in.

She took another sip of her drink, trying to regroup. She told herself they were both adults. They were both here for their own reasons. They could deal with this.

Determinedly, she went inside and wandered around the living room. A small group was gathered near the fireplace, and the topic of conversation was the Denver Broncos’ upcoming preseason schedule.

Near the window, a Dom rested his shoulders on the wall.

Though he wasn’t overly tall, he was broad. He had on a T-shirt, revealing his beefy biceps. He could probably wield a flogger for a good long time.

He glanced pointedly at her wrist then back at her.

Her heart rate increased and she tightened her grip on her virgin pina colada. She cast her gaze at the ground, silently signalling both her submissiveness and willingness.

When she raised her head, she was shocked to see him striding away from her, out of the room.

“If you want someone to scene with, I’ll take care of you.”

The voice froze her from the inside out. Since she heard it all day, every day, she recognised it instantly. Rich and deep, as controlled as it was reviled.

When her heart started to beat again, she swung to face her adversary. She looked a long way up into his deep, dark blue, unfathomable eyes.

His jaw was set, and his arms were folded across his chest.

“Damn you.” She scowled. “Did you make him go away?”


“What the hell is wrong with you? Isn’t it enough that you ruin every one of my days?”

“I’ve always wanted to have you over my lap for the good spanking you deserve.”

She blinked, for once shocked into silence by his words. Since they’d met, he’d been standoffish. Business was the only thing they’d ever discussed. And he’d harboured thoughts of having his hand on her ass?

“Maybe we should satisfy our mutual desires.”

“Not in this lifetime, David.”

“Tonight even,” he countered.

She laughed, hoping it didn’t sound as brittle as it felt. “Even for you, that’s an arrogant statement.”

“I spent the last few minutes watching your reflection in the glass, Margaret—”

“Maggie,” she corrected through gritted teeth.

“Not only do you have on a white wristband,” he continued as if she hadn’t spoken, “but you lowered your gaze for that Dom.”

Her stomach executed a somersault. “Do you know how to mind your own business? Ever?”

“I pay attention to detail.”

“There’s an understatement.” During the first three weeks that he’d taken control of her family’s firm, he’d looked at every piece of paper, analysed spreadsheets, sat down with each employee in private, insisted on meeting all of their vendors and reviewed all current customer files. At this point, it seemed he knew as much about World Wide Now as she did.

“For example, I know you’re flustered,” he continued.

“So you’re a psychic in addition to having superior business acumen?” If sarcasm were arsenic, he’d be dead.

“You’re thinking about lifting your skirt for me and lowering yourself over my lap. You’re wondering if I’ll hit you as hard as you need.”

“That’s insane,” she insisted, but now that he’d mentioned it, she couldn’t help picturing that very thing.

“You’re hoping I’ll let you keep your underwear on. And yes, you are wearing panties.”

She blinked, stunned. How the hell could he know that?

“If you were as calm as you’d like me to believe, you wouldn’t be stabbing the bottom of your glass with your straw.”

She froze, not realising she had been betraying her inner turmoil.

This David confounded her.

In typical fashion, his dark hair was spiked and brushed severely back from his broad forehead. His eyebrows were drawn together in an arrogant, masculine slash.

As she’d noticed earlier, he wore a pair of dark denim jeans, but she hadn’t seen the scuffed, black motorcycle boots.

Except for his trademark arrogance, he didn’t resemble the man she knew from work.

Normally he wore expensive power suits with crisp button-down shirts. The only concession to an occasional casual look was a loosened knot in his requisite red or blue tie.

She’d spent so much time being irritated by him that she’d never really noticed him as a man.

But now…

His shoulders were broad and his waist trim. The black HM band emphasised the size of his arms. Clearly he had a gym membership, and he used it.

David’s jeans showed off the size of his thighs in a way dress slacks never could. Heaven help her, she couldn’t help but stare at the thick black belt encircling his waist. Add in the cuffs that refracted the overhead light… He made breathing difficult.

“How about it, Maggie?”

She looked up at him. His use of Maggie rather than Margaret had been intentional, as if he knew exactly the effect it would have on her. She would never scene with a man who didn’t respect her wishes, and he was proving he would. “What happened to your no fraternising policy?”

Several more people entered the room, and the noise level increased. He took hold of her shoulders and moved her backwards. She didn’t protest. How could she with the way oxygen deprivation was suddenly making it impossible to think?

He released his grip, but he’d effectively trapped her in a corner, her back to the wall. The act seemed symbolic of their entire relationship. He was adept at manoeuvring her to suit his wishes.

Six months ago, when he’d decided to acquire World Wide Now for far less money than Maggie believed it was worth, she’d put up a fiery verbal protest. Rather than deal with her directly, David had taken her mother aside.

He’d told Gloria that Maggie’s retention was critical to the success of the firm.

In a brilliant strategic move, he’d then called Maggie back into a private meeting and presented a deal that gave him everything he wanted.

If they met his lofty goals, meaning Maggie worked her ass off and brought in sales, her mother would be rewarded with half a million dollars at the end of two years. He hadn’t promised Maggie a penny beyond her regular wages, but he’d somehow figured that taking care of her mother was the biggest incentive of all for Maggie.

Her mother had told Maggie she didn’t have to accept his terms. Another deal, perhaps a better one, would come along. Together, they’d figure it out.

But once David had shown her the reality of World Wide Now’s fiscal picture due to her mother’s mismanagement, Maggie had seen no other option. She loved her mother and wanted her to have freedom from the financial struggles she’d always endured.

If he had simply waltzed in as lord and master, Maggie would have flipped him the bird on the way out of the door. But he was far too smart for that. Still, that didn’t mean she liked or appreciated his manipulation.

Once she’d nodded, he’d pulled out an employment contract. The bastard had prepared it ahead of time. She had signed her name with short, angry strokes. In corporate speak, she was shackled in golden handcuffs.

And that wasn’t much different from the metal pair dangling from his belt loop. Despite her resolve, she kept glancing at them.

He took the glass from her hand and gave it to a passing waiter.

She felt no fear as he leaned towards her, crowding her space. They breathed the same air, and his scent intoxicated her—power, spiced with raw masculine confidence.

“I think we can both agree this is an exception. You wouldn’t be doing this to get ahead at work. I wouldn’t be forcing you to do it to keep your job. At the office, we’ll have the same arrangement we have now,” he told her.

“Meaning you’ll set my schedule, tell me what to do, organise my life, prioritise my tasks and I’ll agree with you.”

“Much the same way as it’ll be tonight, yes.” His smile was predatory.

She shuddered then regretted she’d allowed him the glimpse of her vulnerability. “I have no intention of sceneing with you,” she said.

“The choice is always yours. Do you know the club’s safe word?” he asked her.

She blinked. “We’re not having this conversation.”

“Do you know the safe word?” he repeated.

“Of course.”

“Then tell me what it is.”

She felt as if she was involved in a game whose rules she didn’t understand. “Halt.”

“If you want me to walk away, say it.”

Awareness of him simmered in her, its effects causing a slow heating of her blood. One word would end their discussion. That’s what she should want. So why was she still here, feeling tempted? “You don’t play fair.”

BOOK: In His Cuffs
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