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Authors: Cassandra Carr

Tags: #Erotica

Impact (2 page)

BOOK: Impact
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“Please, Sir, I need your cock,” she began immediately. “I’ve been thinking about it for days. Thinking about the taste of you in my mouth, on my tongue. I want your cum, I want to make you happy. Please, Sir, please let me suck you some more.”

As soon as she finished speaking he plunged into her mouth and swallowed her gasp of surprise. Immediately he began a rough cadence of in-and-out thrusting, holding the bench with one hand and her hair with the other. “Take me deep,” he commanded her. “You know how I like it.” He thrust again. “Open wider…that’s a good girl, suck my whole cock, yeah, that’s it…”

His thrusts became jerkier and he knew his control was slipping fast. “Swallow my cum, Maria, every damn drop,” he snarled right before pulling out just enough so his seed spilled onto her tongue and coated her teeth. He stayed motionless, grunting while the jets of cum continued to spurt out of his dick, his eyes shut tight as the sensations bombarded him. He never came this hard unless he was dominating a woman. He tried not to think about that as his body swayed with pleasure and his lungs screamed for oxygen. All he wanted was to concentrate on how good it felt to do what came naturally to him. Take charge of a woman and her pleasure.

* * * * *


Jessica Talbot sat, mesmerized by the sight not twenty feet in front of her. She couldn’t believe it. This was her fourth visit to Decadence, and each time she’d come, she’d had a drink at the bar—not alcohol, of course—and then put one foot in front of the other until she’d made her way into the common play room. There she’d plopped on the same couch and watched. Just watched.

But tonight she’d seen something that had shaken her to the core. She’d been checking out a new scene about to unfold when the Dom had cocked his head and turned, heading for another Dom. The two spoke and then a scuffle ensued. Jessica had half-risen from her seat to see what was happening, and when the first Dom made to return to his area the other lunged at him, knocking off his half-hood.

Jessica knew the man. She’d recognized his black hair, full lips and lean, tall appearance right away. After all, he’d starred in her fantasies since she’d become a liaison between the stock contractors and the National Bullriders Tour in the middle of last season. He didn’t know she existed, but she sure as hell knew him. Conner Raub, one of the top-ranked bull riders and a man she’d been attracted to from day one but was too scared to talk to.

Now she was watching in fascination as the sub he was with gave him a blowjob. Shifting in her seat, she tried in vain to assuage the ache between her thighs. She knew if she got up from her spot on the couch there would be a wet spot, but as mortifying as the thought was, she couldn’t spare it too much effort when there was a sight like the one in front of her to command her attention. Jessica’s pulse sped up as her heart pounded beneath her breast.

Conner Raub was a Dom.

BDSM fascinated her. She devoured erotic romances with a BDSM theme as if they were candy and found herself being pulled further and further into the world of domination and submission with each one. Jessica was no Domme, though—that much she knew. No, she was a sub, and now she knew what she wanted—for Conner Raub to dominate her.

A man sat down next to her on the couch. “Like what you see?” he asked, his voice husky.

She glanced at him. If she wasn’t so hung up on Conner she might consider letting him become her first foray into D/s. He had clear, green eyes and blond, close-cropped hair. He wore faded jeans and a black tank top, which made it obvious he took care of himself. She sighed. There was no way she was going to be happy with him though. Not while knowing Conner occupied the same space, even if he had his own sub to play with.

The man continued. “I’ve noticed you here a couple of times. I take it you’re new to the scene?”

“Yes,” she murmured, her gaze riveted on Conner, whose eyes were closed as the woman continued to work him.

“Would you like to try something out? Does anything interest you?”

Looking at the man again, Jessica bit her lip. She knew she was a million times an idiot for turning down the first guy who’d actually made an effort to talk to her, especially since he seemed like a nice man, but he wasn’t doing it for her.

“I’m not sure,” she lied. Something, or rather someone, definitely interested her, but it wasn’t him. “I think I’d like to keep observing. Thank you, though.” She threw him a quick smile.

He held out his hand. “My name is Master Tom if you change your mind. I’m here most weekends.”

She shook his hand and felt a twinge of genuine regret. Brushing him off might be a stupid mistake, but she couldn’t bring herself to play with him. It wouldn’t feel right. “Thank you, Master Tom. It was nice to meet you. Maybe some other time.”

He rose. “Yes, maybe.” He looked over at Conner. “Or maybe not.” He walked away and her gaze returned to Conner yet again. He’d locked his jaw and had a tight hold on the woman’s hair. He said something and then Jessica heard a series of guttural grunts. He pulled out of the woman’s mouth a short time later and Jessica was astounded. He’d obviously just had an orgasm but his dick was still hard. It was also long and thick and Jessica wanted it for herself. A flash of jealousy at the woman he was with tore through her. Who was she? His sub? She’d die if she found out he had a full-time sub.

A woman sank down next to Jessica and jerked her head toward Conner. “Pretty hot, huh?”

“Yeah,” Jessica replied. “Is that his sub?”

“No,” the woman answered, laughing. “He doesn’t have his own. He only comes in occasionally. Always plays with the same girls. Lucky bitches. I’ve tried to talk to him, but he’s real quiet. I heard his hood got knocked off in a scuffle earlier. Wish I could’ve seen what he looks like. Those lips of his were made for sin, I can tell ya that much. I bet the rest of his face lives up to his lips.”

“Oh, I’m sure it does.”

“Did you see him?”

“No,” Jessica lied for the second time that night. Instinctively she knew there was a reason Conner wore a hood here and she wasn’t about to blow his cover.

“Too bad.” They both watched as Conner took up position behind the woman and checked his aim with a flogger. “He’s exquisite with that flogger. Knows exactly how much to build ’em up. I’d kill to feel that on my ass.”

“Uh-huh…” Jessica hoped the other woman couldn’t smell how wet she was. Images of herself over the bench, panties down, her mouth tasting of Conner’s seed, assaulted her. Then he began a quick figure-eight pattern across the woman’s ass and thighs and Jessica sighed, slumping against the back of the couch. It looked as if it was going to be another night with her vibrators and her fantasies.

Chapter Two


Conner packed up the last of his stuff and threw it into the duffel bag. The first event of the new season was starting in a few days and he was flying out to New York City later tonight. He was looking forward to meeting up with his best friend Brady Parrish. His mind flashed back to the previous evening at Decadence. He wished he could tell Brady about the BDSM lifestyle he wanted. Brady was a great guy and wouldn’t judge him, so maybe he would someday, but how do you bring something like that up?

Hey, dude, pass me the rosin. By the way, I like to tie women up, spank their asses red, and then have them suck my cock to thank me for it.

He rolled his eyes.

Yeah right. No big deal.

He couldn’t tell anyone on the tour about his lifestyle preferences. The NBT wasn’t exactly the most liberal-minded organization around. After all, many of the riders as well as the officials and executives were from the Bible-beltin’ South. It was bad enough evidently many of the riders had been aware he and Brady sometimes shared women—he didn’t need word of this getting out. It could ruin his career. The NBT was all about family and hardworking values, not Doms and whips and spreader bars.

His cell phone rang, jolting him back to the present. “Yeah?”

“Yeah? Nice greeting,” Brady replied.

“Sorry,” Conner answered. “My mind was a million miles away. What’s up, dude?”

“Just wanted to find out what time you’re getting in tomorrow. I’ve got a rental, so I can swing by and pick you up.”

“You don’t have to do that. I was gonna take a cab.”

“Not necessary. Besides, then you can buy me dinner. What time does your flight get in?”

“Hold on.” He rummaged through his stuff until he produced his ticket. “Nine fifteen. US Air, Kennedy.”

“Cool. See you then.”

* * * * *


Jessica loaded her computer into her messenger bag and headed out onto the event floor. She still had four stock contractors to find before she could relax and watch the competition. Her co-liaison had said the first event was always crazy and this one was certainly living up to its hype. Between the new contractors, new bulls and the new her—well, not exactly new, but new to this “first event” stuff, she was about to blow a gasket.

Jessica had known when she’d taken the position she might encounter some old-fashioned attitudes regarding her ability to do her job, but she was still astounded at how often it happened. She knew bulls—her daddy was a cattle rancher. She knew all about the different breeds, and why one breed was preferred for one job over another. She understood which made a good bull-riding bull, and how to pick one in a draft based on what you needed to get out of the ride. But it didn’t matter. Some of these assholes saw her big boobs and figured she was here as eye candy.

Spotting Jack Tucker, she hurried after him. “Mr. Tucker,” she called. She was gaining on him but he appeared to be ignoring her. “Mr. Tucker. I’m Jessica, the liaison from the NBT. We met last season? I need to go over a couple of things with you.” She’d just caught up with him by this time and she glanced over to see if he was listening at all.

“I turned in my paperwork,” he replied as he kept walking. “Now get outta my way, girlie. I’ve got stuff to do.” He spit a stream of tobacco right in front of her and Jessica had to consciously try not to flinch. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen tobacco being spit, but to know he’d purposely done it right where she’d be walking—ick. He’d done a similar thing last year and was obviously trying to intimidate her, but was barking up the wrong tree if he thought she was going to slink away like some chastised dog.

“Mr. Tucker,” she began, trying to keep her voice down and even. “You left a few pieces of your paperwork blank and I need to have those parts filled in.”

“I’ve been doin’ paperwork for the tour for longer ’n you’ve been alive, girlie,” he said. “I’ve never had a problem.”

Jessica took a deep breath and tried again. “We’re putting the bulls into a database. Without information like year of birth, weight, etcetera, our database will be incomplete. If you just take a few moments of your time to look at your records I’ll leave you alone.”

He stopped and turned to her. “This tour’s gettin’ to be more of a pain in the ass every year.” He stabbed a finger in her general direction. “People like you comin’ in and tryin’ to change everything. Modernize, you say. Well, I say if the system ain’t broke, don’t fuck with it.” Jessica decided she’d had enough after she saw his pompous expression.

“Mr. Tucker, you have one hour to have this information to my colleague, Rick O’Meara, in the Official’s Room. If you don’t, I will disqualify your bulls.” Spinning on her heel, she began to walk away, forcing herself not to run. Before she got ten feet, though, a rough hand gripped her arm.

“What did you say, you little bitch?” He squeezed and she gasped from the pain.

Before she could process anything further Conner was there, prying the man’s fingers off her arm. “Get your fuckin’ hands off her.”

She looked up at him. His lips were set in a thin line and his eyes were as dark and stormy as one of the Texas tornadoes she’d seen dozens of times living on the panhandle.

Tucker released her. “I’d suggest you go find the information the lady requested,” Conner growled, getting in the other man’s personal space. Since Conner had a good eight inches and at least seventy pounds on the man, he backed down immediately.

“This isn’t over,” he told her, then turned and stalked away.

Conner lifted her arm. “He hurt you.” It wasn’t a question.

“It’s not a big deal,” she answered. A profound sense of gratitude swept through her body and as she stared up at his eyes, which had darkened even further as he looked back at her, she felt as if she could drown in them. Normally she’d prefer to fight her own battles, but she didn’t know what Tucker would have done to her if Conner hadn’t intervened. She shivered.

Her skin felt searing hot where his fingers touched it, and whether from the leftover adrenaline of the situation or from her reaction to him she didn’t know, but her breath was coming fast and furious, making her look like a panting fool. His gaze flickered down to her breasts and then slowly returned to her face.

“I saw the whole thing. You have to report him. He can’t be treating you like that. You were just doing your job and he
doing his.”

She was mortified he’d witnessed such an embarrassing situation. Jessica was afraid he would go tell the tour she couldn’t handle herself and she’d be out of a job. Even with all the crap she had to take, she loved this job. If she could’ve been a bull rider she would’ve, but she’d been cursed with the wrong DNA, so she did what she could to be close to the sport. She looked down, sighing. “Don’t worry about it,” she mumbled, dropping her eyes.

BOOK: Impact
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