Read Illusions of Love Online

Authors: Ella Price

Illusions of Love (4 page)

BOOK: Illusions of Love
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Uncle Mike growled as he came in the door. I straightened as he approached.

Cole muttered.

Mike we weren’t doing anything wrong,” I said defensively.

said you were trespassing and Cole had drugs on him. How is that not doing
anything?” my uncle growled.

sighed. I was guessing Cole had pot on him. It didn’t really surprise me. I was
sure that was why he didn’t want to be searched. “His parents called the cops
on us, we were in his family’s cabin.”

Mike looked at Cole then back at me. “Katie, we need to go,” he said sounding

about Cole?” I was slightly upset because he sounded like he wanted to leave
him behind.

have been nice enough to drop the charges against you, but Cole has to stay
until his parents bail him out or he sees the judge,” Mike said sounding

looked at Cole worried. “Go, I’ll see you when I get out,” Cole said softly.

leaned into him and kissed his lips. “Don’t get into any more trouble.”

smiled. “Me, never,” he said amused.

sighed then stood up and followed my uncle out.


ride home seemed like it was taking forever. My uncle was silent, but I could
tell he wanted to give me a lecture. I felt horrible leaving Cole behind, but
it wasn’t like I could bail him out.

is no good for you,” my uncle said softly.

wasn’t his fault,” I said defensively.

but his parents are obviously trying to stop your relationship. I would suggest
you heed the warnings and walk away while it is still early; before things get
serious,” he said firmly.

crossed my arms defiantly, but didn’t respond. He had to know I wasn’t going to
just walk away from Cole. I really liked Cole. It hadn’t been long, but I was
pretty sure I more than liked him.

Mike pulled into the driveway of his house and I climbed out. I hurried inside
and went up to my room before he could lecture me anymore. I went to bed early.
I didn’t want to think about the complications with Cole’s family. I just
wanted to be with Cole. 


woke up to a knocking noise. I sat up in bed and looked at the window. Cole
grinned at me and I hurried to the window. “How did you get out?” I asked as he
climbed in the window.

pressed his lips to mine. “I made bail. Let’s go get married,” he said sounding

looked at him confused. “That is insane,” I said watching him.

will be fun, come on. We will go to a chapel in the city. We will be back by
morning, your uncle will never know you are gone.” He looked sincere and I
wasn’t sure what to think.

your family would kill you and mine would probably kill me. We can’t get
married.” I was trying to reason with him, but he wasn’t listening.

he begged stepping closer to me. “I can take care of you. I can be your
husband. We can run away together after Christmas.”

smiled as he gently kissed my neck. It scared me, but I wanted to marry him. I
wanted to run away with him. I didn’t have any other plans so why not. “Ok,
let’s go,” I said quickly before I changed my mind.

grinned and took my hand. We went out the window and down the trellis that had
ivy growing up it in the summer. His truck was parked down the street. It had
started snowing again and it was cold, but I was excited.

drove out of town and toward the city. He smiled at me and placed his hand on
my knee. He seemed genuinely excited. It was so sudden, but I didn’t want to
say no. “There is a dress and shoes in the back seat, why don’t you change.”

was a little startled, but I nodded. I climbed in the back and looked at the
dress. It was a simple white long sleeve dress. It fit tight to my upper body
and had a flowing skirt that fell to my knee. He had bought white thigh highs,
a white garter, white panties, a white lace bra, and matching white shoes. Once
I was dressed I climbed back into the front seat.

smiled at me as he looked me over. “I can’t wait to take it off,” he said

pulled into the parking lot of a wedding chapel. It was obviously a tourist
attraction. He quickly dressed into slacks and a button up. Then he climbed out
and came to my side. He opened the door and offered me his hand. I felt my
heart race as I took his hand. I was excited and scared to death all at once.


obviously had it planned because the chapel was waiting for us. I was also
surprised to see he had two witnesses ready to sign for us. We walked down the
aisle together. I never did anything without thoroughly thinking about it.
Lately because of Cole I hadn’t been thinking at all. I was just doing and I
wasn’t sure if this was a good idea. He hadn’t even said he loved me yet. We
had known of each other all our lives, but we had only been together a few
days. I kept thinking about what my uncle would say. I knew he wouldn’t be

preacher was speaking, but I could barely hear the words. My mind was racing
and I was scared to death. I said I do when I was prompted to and so did Cole.
He was really going through with it. He wanted to marry me, and I didn’t
understand why. He pulled out a ring box and opened it. It had matching wedding
bands. He placed a beautiful thin platinum band on my finger. He had a matching
band that was a little thicker. I placed it on his hand. He was grinning from
ear to ear.

may kiss the bride,” the preacher said smiling and Cole leaned in and pressed
his lips to mine.

mine now,” he said playfully.

are we going to tell anyone?” I asked nervously.

shook his head. “Not right now, let’s just enjoy each other and forget about
them. We will tell them after Christmas.”

nodded and kissed him again. I was actually happy. I thought I would feel like
I made a mistake, but I didn’t. We signed the marriage certificate and the guy
that was his witness took it. I was guessing he worked for Cole’s family and
was a lawyer or something.

are we going now?” I asked as we walked arm and arm toward his truck.

smiled. “I am going to sneak you back in your uncle’s house and maybe make our
union official,” he said playfully.

giggled as he pinned me to the truck and kissed me. “I’m glad you married me,”
he said softly.

looked up at him I wondered if he loved me. He hadn’t said it and I wasn’t sure
if I should say it. I was pretty sure I did love him, then again I had never
been in love so I really didn’t know what it felt like. I knew he made my heart
race when he looked at me, or even just when I thought about him. I also knew
he could make me smile no matter what. “I’m glad too,” I said deciding not to
push him. I wanted him to say it when he meant it, not when I wanted him to.

opened my door for me and I climbed into his truck. He drove back toward my
uncle’s house. I had so many questions. I wanted to know what he planned to do,
where he wanted to go, where we would live. I stayed silent not sure what to
ask. It was kind of awkward. I knew very little about him.

parked down the street from my uncle and smiled at me. “Ready?” he asked

nodded and we walked back up toward the house. My uncle’s car was gone. He was
obviously called to work, so we went in the front door. I hurried up the stairs
and he followed. I laughed when he put his hand under my dress. I opened the
door to my bedroom and we stumbled in the room. He pinned me to the door and
kissed me aggressively. He locked the door and I yelped when he picked me up
and threw me over his shoulder. He set me back down in front of the bed. He sat
down on the bed and looked up at me as I stood in front of him.

the dress off,” he ordered.

smiled and slid the dress off. His eyes roamed my body. The lace lingerie was
beautiful, and it looked good on me. I leaned forward and pressed my mouth to
his. Our tongues touched and I felt my body heat up. He unbuttoned his slacks
and freed his hard cock. He didn’t have to speak, I knew what he wanted. I went
to my knees and covered his hard cock with my mouth. I sucked and teased
enjoying the groans escaping his lips. I tasted the salty beginnings of his
release. He pulled me off him and I smiled and kissed him. He reached around
and undid my bra then tossed it aside. His fingers traced my panty line. I
looked in his eyes and I could see how much he wanted me. He tore the little
scrap off lace right off me. I smiled and straddled his hips.

are a goddess Mrs. Davis,” he whispered as I slid down onto his hard cock.

smiled at the reference to my new name. I gently bit his lip. “You are a bad
influence Mr. Davis,” I countered.

grinned. “I try,” he said amused. I moved against him and his eyes widened in
surprise. He ran his hands along my garter and thigh highs. “I like this, the
shoes are hot,” he whispered. I giggled. I was still in my high heels too. He
shifted and pinned me to the bed. He moved against me as he laid kisses along
my leg. He looked down at me and the look in his eyes made my body heat up. My cheeks
reddened as the pleasure rushed over me.

I cried as I tried to move away from him and relieve the pressure. He held my
hips in place and moved more aggressively. I cried out hoping my uncle was
still gone. If he wasn’t he was going to hear me and he would probably shoot
Cole. Cole hardened even more in response to my cries. He closed his eyes and
moaned, but kept the same pace. After a few more seconds of relentless thrusts
he dug his fingers into my hips. He was close to losing it and I loved watching
him. A strangled cry escaped his lips and his thrusts became erratic. He dug
his fingers into me as he encouraged himself. His blue eyes blazed as he looked
at me, then his expression softened as pleasure flowed over him. He filled me
with the heat of his release and his tense expression turned into a lazy smile
as he softened inside me.

moaned as he moved to lay down beside me. He stretched out as he got
comfortable. “I swear Mrs. Davis, that gets better every time,” he murmured
against my neck.

smiled completely relaxed. I was in love with him. It had to be love. I
couldn’t imagine feeling like this if it wasn’t.


knock on my door woke me up. I sat up straight remembering the events of the
previous night. Cole was gone, but the white dress and lingerie was all over
the floor. “Just a sec!” I called as I pulled my robe on and kicked the dress
and lingerie under my bed. I opened the door and my Uncle Mike was standing
there. “What’s up Uncle Mike?”

looked at me and his expression was suspicious, but he didn’t comment. “Can you
start work today? Pam is short staffed at the diner.”

nodded. “I will be down in about twenty minutes.”

nodded and I went back into my room and shut the door. I looked around
wondering where Cole went. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed his number.

morning Mrs. Davis,” he said playfully.

smiled at his affectionate comment. “It would be better if you were here.”

had some things to take care of and I couldn’t bring myself to wake you,” he
said playfully.

have to go to work this morning, will I see you later?” I asked hoping he would
say yes.

course,” he said softly. “I will talk to you in a little bit Katie.”

I said quietly.

baby.” His voice was cheerful and it made me want to see him more. I loved the
sound of his voice.

I said and reluctantly hung up. I sighed and went to take a shower. I had
agreed to work so I had to get going.


Mike drove me to the diner. He stopped in front of the diner and looked at me.
“The ring is new,” he said in his most disapproving tone.

we have to talk about this? I know how you feel about him,” I said quietly.

sighed. “No we don’t as long as you know how I feel.”

nodded. “I do, I promise,” I said and smiled weakly. I climbed out before he
could question me anymore and before he figured out I was lying to him.

walked into the diner and Pam was waiting for me. “Hi honey, I am so glad you
can help out today. With Christmas so close there is a ton of tourists and a
lot of people off for vacation,” she said as I followed her.

handed me an apron and instructed me on what I was supposed to do. It was
pretty simple. I had waitressed before so I had an idea of what to do.


morning went by quickly. It was after lunch before I got a break. It wasn’t
really a break either, I was just rolling silverware. A girl named Judy sat
down across from me. She had been showing me how to do things all morning. She
was a big help considering the amount of people that came in and out of the

came in and the room quieted. I had my back to the door so I had to turn to see
what Judy was gawking at. It was Cole. He was dressed in a gray suit with a
blue long sleeve that matched his eyes. He looked rich and important. Looking
at him, I couldn’t believe he was my husband. He smiled at me when he spotted
me. He walked toward me and I hurried over to him.

missed you,” he said playfully as I hugged him. He smelled as good as he

missed you to. You look unbelievably hot, what is the occasion?” I asked

actually need to talk about that,” he said sounding a little worried.

wrong?” I asked apprehensively.

are some things that have happened that required me to disclose our marriage.
Some people are not very happy about the whole thing,” he said softly.

looked at him horrified. “Cole if this gets back to my uncle before I can tell
him then he will hate me! Why didn’t you tell me before you told anyone?”

had to be done a certain way because of who I am. If I told you everything then
some might assume I married you for reasons other than that I wanted to,” he
said quickly.

looked at him confused and I was suddenly not so sure of my decision. “What
does that mean?” I asked looking at him. He wasn’t telling me something and I
had a feeling it was something bad.

means he married you to get what he wanted; which would be fraud,” Cole’s
father said angrily as he came over to us.

isn’t fraud. She married me because she wanted to and I wanted to marry her,”
Cole countered glaring at him.

father scoffed. “Please Cole, you are my son I know how you work. You didn’t
want to marry her. I highly doubt you even love her.”

isn’t true,” Cole protested as he balled his hands into fists at his sides.

it was for the money and the money alone,” his father growled angrily.

what money?” I asked glaring at Cole. I had this horrible feeling his father
was right. If there was money than Cole probably would marry me for it. That
was why the wedding was so sudden and so secretive. Cole looked at me, but he
didn’t speak.

father laughed harshly. “You supposedly marry her for love and she has no idea
what you were planning does she? That certainly does one up me Cole.”

up father! I was going to tell her,” Cole snapped.

me Cole, whatever it is tell me!” I demanded feeling myself get angrier by the

sighed. “My grandfather’s will states I have to be married before I can claim
the money. There are no stipulations on the marriage,” he spat at his father
then he looked back at me. “But I swear that had no effect on me wanting to
marry you. I could have married any girl.”

stepped away from him horrified. He had lied about the whole thing. He married
me for money. Maybe our entire relationship was an act, maybe I never really
was anything to him, but a means to get his grandfather’s money. “I can’t
believe this,” I said softy then went to walk past him.

caught me by my hand. “Katelyn I swear this is a coincidence. The money had
nothing to do with our marriage.”

that is why he goes the very next day and claims his money and my company,” his
father said sounding like he was enjoying himself.

looked at Cole. I was so angry I couldn’t even speak. I yanked my hand out of
his and hurried out of the diner. I barely noticed the cold air. I was so angry
all I could do was think about how he had betrayed me. Uncle Mike was right,
Cole really was no good.

BOOK: Illusions of Love
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