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Authors: Annalisa Nicole

I'll Take a Chance (9 page)

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“Thank you,” s
he says.

I take my seat across the table from her
, and we both look at the menus. I order the filet and mashed potatoes, she orders chicken and shrimp with a salad. We each order a glass of wine then I reach across the table and thread my fingers with hers. Looking deep in her eyes, I am lost in a trance. I could look into those beautiful blue eyes for the rest of the night.

Dinner was amazing and everything I had hoped it would be. After getting the car from valet
, I don’t want the evening to be over.

“It’s not too late. I was wondering if you would like to
go back to my place for a drink,” I ask hopeful.

“I’d like that,
” she nods and turns the sweetest shade of pink.

I make the short drive to my house in
a quiet subdivision not far from the hospital. I pull in the driveway and quickly go to her side and open the door for her. We walk hand in hand to the door, and the motion sensor lights turn on. I unlock the door and flip on the light just inside and throw my keys on the table in the hall.

“I’ll show you around if you like. It’s not much
, but I fell in love with this house the first time I saw it.”

“It’s beautiful
, Kyle.”

“There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. I have been slowly doing renovations to every room. It’s been a slow process
, but so far I have the kitchen and the downstairs bath done.”

She looks around and her eyes light up when she sees the kitchen. She runs her fingers on the granite counter tops
, and I could swear her eyes were twinkling.

“I love this kitchen. I love to cook and bake. I don’t have much time to do it anymore
, but this kitchen is amazing.”

She walks into the family roo
m and stops in front of the fireplace mantle. She takes a photo down and studies it for a few minutes.

“Is this Chloe?” s
he asks turning around, showing me the photo.

“Yes, that’s her and I
, that’s the day we graduated from medical school. It was one of the happiest days of my life.”

s the necklace you two have on?” she asks.

“Those were given to us by our parents
as a graduation gift. It’s the caduceus. It’s the symbol of the medical profession. I never take mine off. Chloe never did either,” I tell her sadly as I feel for the necklace under my shirt.

“I’m sorry
, Kyle, I didn’t mean to bring up something painful.”

“No, it’s OK. Let’s get us that drink. I think I have a bottle of wi
ne in the refrigerator chilling.” I head back into the kitchen and grab the bottle of white wine from the refrigerator.

She places the photo back on the mantle and sits on the stool at the breakfast bar. I retrieve two
wine glasses and pour us each a glass.

She finishes her wine in record time
. I take the empty glass out of her hand and set it down in front of her. I lightly touch her face then thread my fingers through her hair. Pulling her mouth to mine, I take everything she has to offer. Her lips are soft and taste like wine. I stand in front of her and wrap her legs around my thighs.

The kiss turns heated
, and she runs her hands under my shirt. She breaks off the kiss only long enough to rip my shirt off over my head. I lift her off the chair and she wraps her legs around my waist. Her dress rides up her thighs and I run my hands on her ass and pull her dress off over her head. I slowly walk to the stairs, never breaking our kiss and stop on the second step.

I press her back against the wall and kiss down
her neck to the top of her red lace bra. Her hands are fisted in my hair almost to the point of pain, but fuck does it feel good. I pull her off the wall and carry her up the stairs, kissing her the whole way. Once in the bedroom, I unhook her bra and toss it on the floor. I lay her down on the bed and she wraps her legs around my back and crosses her ankles locking me in.

I take a nipple in my mouth and suck hard. She gasps and fumbles with
the zipper of my pants. She lets me up, and I stand to remove my pants and socks. I pull her panties slowly down her legs.

“Leave the shoes on honey,
” I whisper.

I am so ready to just sink into her
, but I am fully aware that I need to see to her needs first. And that is something I can do willingly. I have been thinking about the first time nonstop. She was so responsive, and it is something I can quickly become addicted to.

I make my way down and she smells so damn good. She’s breathing heavy, anticipating my next
move. Just like last time she’s on fire. Her legs start twitching as she writhes beneath me. It doesn’t take her long and she’s coming in my mouth, screaming my name. She digs those amazing heels in my back and I need to be inside her now. While she rides her orgasm back down, I reach in the night stand for a condom. I’m so turned on by just the noises she was making I don’t think it will take me long to find my own release. Rolling the condom on, I take my position over top of her. I can see the look of want in her eyes. She grabs my neck and pulls me down for a fierce kiss. I know she can taste herself on my lips and it’s beyond fucking hot. I slowly enter her and she makes whimpering noises.

, that feels so good,” she says.

I sink all the way in and start to move slowly. She’s so verbal and it feels so good I can feel myself quickly at the brink. She bucks her hips and flips me over on my back. In one swift movement she is riding me hard and
deep. She bends her knees up and plants her feet on either side of my hips. She then leans back placing her hands on my knees. She moves slowly as her head falls back, the ends of her long blonde hair brush my upper thighs.

That is the finishing mov
e. I sit up and grab her close, chest to chest and come with a deep groan.  We’re both panting heavily. She pulls away slightly and kisses me softly on the lips. We lay back down and she places her cheek on my chest. I run my fingers through her hair and smooth it off to the side of her neck. We lay that way for some time, I love that her beautiful naked body is pressed to mine.

“I coul
d totally fall asleep like this,” I tell her.

“I better get up and use the bathroom before I do fall asleep
,” she whispers.

She gets up and sashays across the room
, turning her head slightly to catch me staring at her glorious ass. She smiles and disappears down the hallway.

Chapter 9


I close the bathroom door behind me and then remember I have no clothes in here, and I am wearing only my stilettos and that my clothes are scattered all over his house. Then there is a knock on the door.

“Amelia, I have your dress here, although I like you out of it much better than in it,” he says from the other side of the door.

I crack the door open and he hands me my clothes.
I take them and he doesn’t let go right away. He peers over to look at me naked. With a devilish grin, he lets go and winks at me.

“I’ll wait downstairs for you,” h
e says.

I quickly dress and find him in the family room sitting on the couch. I sit next to him and put my head on his shoulder and wrap my arm around his waist.
I flip off my shoes and draw my knees into his side. He pulls me close with his arm around my back and then kisses my hair.

“I was thinking, maybe you would like to stay the night. I have plans to play basketball with Spence in the morning
. I could drive you home then, and pick you back up when I’m done, and then we can go on our hike.”

d like that,” I say sleepily.

We stay close on the couch for
a long while just holding each other. Then out of nowhere he lifts me up, and we head back upstairs to his bedroom. He tosses me gently on the bed and grabs me by the ankles. He looks from one foot to the other foot then grabs my right foot and kisses my big toe.

A promise is a promise. I told you I would kiss it later.”

He walks to his dresser and pulls out a t-shirt and hands it to me
. It’s old and soft. I move to kneel on the bed to take my dress off again. He kneels on the bed behind me and runs both hands down my arms. I get chills through my whole body. My happy place starts to get happy again. He pulls my dress up and off my body laying it at the foot of the bed. He kisses my bare shoulder over to my spine. He sweeps my hair to one side, tossing it in front of me. My head falls forward as he kisses down the center of my spine. When he reaches the small of my back, he trails around to my waist sending wild goose bumps up and down my body. He turns me so I’m facing him then kisses up my stomach and between my breasts. He lays me down on the pillow and we wrap each other in a comfortable tangle of limbs. My head is on his chest and soon I hear him breathing easy. I never did put that t-shirt on and I too am soon fast asleep.

In the morning I wake up still wrapped in his arms. Sure
, I have woken up with a man in bed with me before, but this time is different. Roger would be rolled over facing away from me as far away as he could get. Kyle still has a firm hold on me even while he sleeps. I start to draw lazy circles on his abs. His breathing changes and I know he is waking up. He squeezes me and kisses the top of my head.

“Good morning
, honey. Did you sleep well?” he asks in a sexy gravely morning voice.

“I did. How about you
, how did you sleep?” I ask him.

“I haven
’t slept this well in two years,” he says with a sigh.

“That’s good,
” I say as I kiss the side of his chest.

He loosens his grip on me a
s I slide farther down his body. He grabs my hair in a loose pony tail in his hand. I kiss down his ever so sexy chiseled lower abs. I run my hand down his upper thigh and massage my way back up. I grab a hold of him in my hand and stroke ever so softly up and down. I slip him in my mouth and he moans with pleasure. I take it slow and sink to the root then back up to the tip again. I fist his balls ever so gently in my hand as I run my tongue deep down the underside of his shaft deep into his balls, making him gasp. I take all of him back in my mouth as far down as I can go and continue to move up and down slowly. I know he’s close. I can feel and hear him losing all control. He whispers my name.

“I’m coming,
” he says.

I take it
all. I take all he has to offer, and I love it. When he’s done I sit up and smile at him.

“Amelia you didn’t have to do that. I’m not complaining one bit, trust me.
My God that was phenomenal, but I don’t want you to think I expect that.”

“I don’t
. I wanted to. I love making you lose control. I love the way you say my name when you’re coming.”

“Come up here,” h
e pulls me up to his mouth and kisses me. I lay my head on his chest and listen to the beating of his heart.

“How about if I make us
some coffee and some breakfast then I can drive you home? I’m supposed to meet Spence in an hour. Did you have anything planned this morning?” he asks while gently stroking my hair.

“Coffee sounds good
. I was thinking I could make us dinner tonight. I know we have our hike planned, but I make a mean pot roast. I can throw everything in the crock pot when I get home and it will be perfect when we get back from our hike.”

“A mean pot roast, you say?”
he says, tucking his chin into his chest to look at me.

“I make it for my family all the time. It’s one of their nu
mber one requests. It’s called, to die for pot roast, and once you’ve had it, you’ll agree. It doesn’t take long at all to throw together. Then after our hike we can go back to my apartment and have a nice quiet dinner.”

“That soun
ds like a good plan,” he pulls my mouth up for another kiss and pulls me on top of him. He kisses me then tickles me. I scream and jump off the bed.

We both go downstairs
, and I put on a pot of coffee while he makes breakfast. His kitchen is so amazing. I let my thoughts turn to me cooking and baking for him in this kitchen, living in this house. I quickly shake those thoughts though. We eat breakfast quickly, and I offer to clean up the dishes while he runs upstairs and get’s ready. He comes back down in basketball shorts and a t-shirt.

“I shouldn’t be too long. I’ll come back home to shower and
change real quick then I’ll come by your place then we can drive out to Mt. Rainer for our hike.”

He pulls up to the front entrance of my building
, and I lean in and give him a kiss.

“Are you sure you don’t want
me to walk you up? I don’t mind,” he says close to my lips.

“No, don’t be silly. Have fun playing basketball. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

“Alright, honey. I’ll see you soon,” I give him one last quick kiss and get out of the car.

He stays at the curb until I am all the way inside the building. I turn around
just inside the doorway and wave to him. He drives off and then I see that silver car again. The one I thought was following me to Asher’s house. It’s on the other side of the street, and I can see that there’s someone sitting in the driver’s seat, but it’s too far away to make anyone out clearly. I frantically push the up button and feel safe once inside in elevator.

Once inside my apartment
, I forget all about the car. I grab everything for the pot roast and put it all together. I jump in the shower and get ready for the hike. I get a call from Willow asking if I can dog sit for the night. Her and Asher and Abbey want to go to their beach house and didn’t want to take Lucy. It all works out perfect because Kyle and I intend to stay in for the evening anyway. I tell her my plans and tell her to let herself in if I’m not home yet from my hike with Kyle.

I spend
about an hour returning work e-mails, and I’m just getting everything wrapped up when Kyle buzzes up. I buzz him in and open the door slightly for him. I grab my hiking gear as Kyle softly knocks on the door.

“Amelia?” h
e calls.

“Come on in. I’m ready to go.
We’re going to dog sit tonight,” I tell him.

sit, for whose dog?” he asks confused.

Asher and Willow’s little Yorkshire Terrier, Lucy. She’s such a cutie. You’ll just love her,” I say as I grab my backpack then kiss him on the lips.

We walk out hand in hand and I lock the door behind us. It’s about a fifty mile drive to Mt. Rainer
, but its well worth it. We stop on the way at this cute train car restaurant called, Mt. Rainer Railroad Train Co., we ate our lunch in an actual train car. It was way cool. We pick one of the shorter trails that should only take us a few hours to complete round trip. The surroundings and scenery are just breathtaking. I love being out in nature and breathing in the fresh mountain air. I couldn’t have thought of a better way to spend my Saturday if you asked me to.



The hike was amazing. The scenery was beautiful. The company was even better. Spending ti
me with Amelia just keeps getting better and better. We both seem to love the same things, we seem to complete each other. We make it back to her apartment rather late, but she assures me that dinner will be just fine. She unlocks the door and a brown little dog jumps up and down on her pant legs.

Lucy girl, how’s my pretty girl?” Amelia says happily, bending down to pick her up. The dog licks her all over her face and Amelia giggles.

Her apartment smells amazing. If the pot roast tastes half as good as it smells
, I will be in heaven. Amelia walks over to the coffee table and picks up a note. She looks at it confused. She flips it over to look at the other side, and then flips it back again.

“That’s a strange
thing for Willow to say,” she says and carries it to the trash and throws it away.

’s strange, what was that?” I ask her.

a typed note from Willow, but it doesn’t make any sense. It says, ‘mistakes are often stepping stones to others misfortune’. I’m sure it’s something philosophical about Roger. I think it’s a riddle or something, but I’m terrible at solving them.”

t is strange,” I tell her.

moves about her kitchen, digs out a large pot, and fills it with water.

“Is there anything I can help you with?”
I ask her, walking into her kitchen.

“No, I’m only making some egg noodles for the pot roast
, it won’t take me that long. Would you like a glass of wine?”

“Sure, I’ll open it for us.”

I open a bottle of red she has on the counter and pour us each a glass. In less than twenty minutes, she has two bowls of steaming pot roast placed at the breakfast bar. She sits next to me and eyes me while I take the first bite. My eyeballs roll in the back of my head, oh my, this
good. This is the best meal I think I have ever had.

“This truly is to die for pot r
oast. It just melts in your mouth,” I tell her while licking my lips.

She looks pleased and digs into her own meal. Spending a night in, with my girl, after an amazing hike, with good food and good wine
, does a body good. I can definitely see myself easily spending the rest of my life with Amelia. She gets up and takes our dishes to the sink. I follow close behind and stand behind her at the sink. She pauses and sighs. It didn’t sound like a good sigh either.

“Is everything alright?” I ask her concern

, it is, but I did want to talk to you about something,” she says and turns slightly to look me in the eyes.

“You can
tell me anything, you know that,” I assure her.

“First I wanted to ask you if y
ou would like to stay tonight.”

“I was hoping you would ask, but I didn’t want to pressure you.”

“The second thing is a little harder to say,” she says almost in a whisper.

I turn her all the way around and wrap my arms around her. I need her to feel safe and comfortable with me at all times.

“You can tell me anything, Amelia. I will never judge you, I’ve told you that and I meant it.”

“Alright, here it goes. You’
re already aware that I have issues with, well you know? I wanted to tell you that I don’t want you to feel obligated to have to do that every time. I like being with you, and I want you to know that’s enough for me.” She says this then looks down at her feet. I lift her chin up to look her in her eyes.

“First, let me say
again that you do not have issues. It is completely one hundred percent natural, and I know Willow has told you the same thing. Second, it is not an obligation. I don’t feel like I have to do it. I want to do it. I like to do it. Going down on you, to me is as much of a turn on as it is for you. A real man sees to the needs of his woman. I love seeing to your needs. I almost feel guilty about it because it’s something I enjoy probably even a little more than you. So you get that out of your head right now. To a man, watching your woman lose all control and come in your mouth is a huge turn on.”

She has such a look of shock on her face. I know I drove my point home.
She turns back around and finishes the dishes. I still have her locked in and I turn her back around to face me again.

“We’re straight on this
, right?” I ask her in all seriousness.

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