Ice Cold (An MMA Stepbrother Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Ice Cold (An MMA Stepbrother Romance)
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My cheeks flushed when his eyes found me again as the referee took his hand and put it in the air to declare him the victor. I clapped and cheered for him. This time, when he winked at me, I couldn’t help myself. I smiled back at him.





The crowd dispersed as Stacey and I waited. I thought we should go too, but Stacey convinced me to order another drink and enjoy the VIP seats as we let everyone else leave first. We chatted about the moves we had seen in the ring, and I could tell that Stacey was amused at my sudden change of heart about the sport.


When Marcus appeared in front of us a few minutes later, Stacey didn’t seem surprised.


“Ladies, Mr. Malone has invited you backstage. Would you like to follow me?”


I faltered in my response, but Stacey elbowed me in the rib. “You know, Marcus, I have a previous appointment that I have to get to, but I know Alexa would love to accept Mr. Malone’s invite.”


Marcus nodded as I gaped at Stacey. “Come with me, and I’ll make sure you both get where you need to go.”


“Thank you, Marcus,” Stacey said in a low voice that made me roll my eyes.


She grabbed my arm and pushed me behind Marcus as he made his way around the ring. “What are you doing?” I hissed to her under my breath.


“Getting you laid, girlfriend,” she said confidently.


“I’m not…getting laid,” I said.


“Are you kidding me? You’re a liar if you tell me you aren’t a whole lot of hot and bothered right now. Every girl in this arena would kill to be you. Why do you think so many of them are hanging around? You actually have a shot with Ice. You could ride the stallion that made a million girls’ panties wet tonight. Don’t be an idiot, Alexa.”


Was she serious? I didn’t say anything else as we made our way through the tunnel and into another part of the arena that was sectioned off from the general area. We approached a door, and Marcus tapped on it.


“Mr. Malone? Your guests are here.”


The door opened, and I felt my insides quiver. There he was, appearing freshly showered with his hair still wet, standing in the doorway in nothing but a towel. He saw me and grinned. “Ladies, I’m so glad you could come tonight.”


“Great fight, Ice. Really,” Stacey said. “But I’ve got somewhere else I need to be. So you and Alexa will have to occupy each other without me.” She couldn’t even say the words without starting to giggle.


“Oh, that’s too bad,” Shayne said in a tone that told me he wasn’t sorry at all. He leaned across the doorframe and swept his hand inside. “Alexa, please, come in.”


It was now or never. I could be Stacey for just one night. I could have some fun before I went back to the real world. When would I ever have a shot with a guy like this again? Probably not. It would be a nice memory of the one time I did something completely reckless and out of character. I took a deep breath and nodded. As I moved past him into the room, the hair on the back of my neck stood up at his closeness. I could feel the heat radiating from his body.


“See you later, Alexa. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Stacey called out behind me. That didn’t leave much at all. I started to wave, but Shayne closed the door with a nod.


With my exit blocked, and it was just the two of, I found that it was hard to breathe if I looked at him too long. I averted my gaze and spun around to take in the room. There was a long bench in front of a row of lockers. A few metal fold-up chairs set off to the side in the corner. A stuffed couch that appeared to have seen better days was shoved up against the wall to my left, and a small hallway that probably led to the showers. A floor to ceiling mirror dominated the wall to my right. The room had a well-used but barren look about it.


“Lots of room for just one guy,” I said. It was a stupid comment, but I was nervous. I didn’t know how this whole thing worked. Did we chit-chat first or just get to it?


“It’s ten times better than most of the locker rooms I end up in,” Shayne said as he moved around me. His hand settled on the small of my back, and he gently pushed me further into the room toward the corner with the seats. I felt the burning sensation of each individual finger through the material of my top. “I’m glad you and your friend came tonight. I wasn’t sure that you would.”


I doubted that. He struck me as the kind of guy who was used to getting what he wanted. “Stacey’s so into this kind of thing that I couldn’t have kept her away if I tried,” I said. My voice sounded strange. Light. Airy. “It was a good fight.”


He settled me onto one of the couch cushions before grabbing one of the fold-up chairs and placing it directly across from me. He dropped into it with a shrug. “He wasn’t that good, and I wanted to give the crowd a decent show. A knock-out in the first round isn’t always the best play, but everyone seemed to like it. It’s been awhile since I was able to do that.”


I was in awe of this man. To be so confident that he could knock someone unconscious with barely a blink seemed surreal. His world was so different than mine.


“I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it, though,” he said as he leaned forward in his chair. He took one of my hands and began to knead my palm. “It’s a rush knowing a gorgeous woman is watching me and cheering for me. Really gets me going.”


I gulped. I didn’t think he was talking about the fight anymore. He was being entirely too forward with his invasion of my space just like the night before and touching me so casually when he barely knew my name. But my body was on high-alert with a rush of desire. My nipples were hard, and I knew he could tell as he glanced down toward my chest several times with a knowing smirk.


“Well, those weren’t in short supply in the arena tonight,” I said. Why was this man so intently interested in me? I was so boring and bland. He should have been turning his charms on Stacey. It wasn’t as if I had never slept with a guy before; I just wasn’t nearly as experienced as I assumed he was. “So am I supposed to call you Ice? Or Shayne?”


“In the ring, I’m Ice. Out of the ring, I’m just Shayne,” he said. He hadn’t stopped kneading my palm. I was painfully aware of how the towel opened on the side exposing one of his muscular thighs. This close, he seemed larger than life.


“Okay,” I said.


“And you are Alexa,” he said.


“Right,” I said exhaling a long breath as he tugged on my hand pulling me closer to him. I sat on the edge of the couch just inside the perimeter of his knees which settled against my outer thighs. My eyes were drawn up to his. My brain was short-circuiting. Was I really going to do this? I wasn’t so naïve not to understand what it meant to be called back to his locker room. This was probably his standard routine after a fight. But that didn’t even bother me; mostly because I felt quivers rolling through my body at his proximity and the intimacy of his touch.


If I was going to be Stacey for just one night, there were far worse things I could do. Hooking up with the sexiest guy I had ever met couldn’t be that bad. That’s what I told myself anyway, and that’s why I let him draw me even closer.


“You don’t usually do this kind of thing, do you Alexa?” he asked. He flattened my hand so that my palm faced toward him. Then he placed a simple kiss against my skin. It awakened a million nerve endings, and I felt a flush of heat at the sensation his warms lips caused there. I suddenly wanted to know what those lips would feel like on other places of my body.


I shook my head because I didn’t trust my voice. I wasn’t surprised that he had pegged me. I didn’t give off the same vibe that Stacey did. Not by a long shot. Prim. Proper. Uptight. All words that could be used to regularly describe me and my life.


“Well, this outfit of yours is doing all sorts of things to me right now. But if I’m honest, I’m picturing what you would look like without it on, though,” he said. The smile had slipped from his face now, and his gaze was intent.


I was feeling bold. If I was Stacey, I wouldn’t be the slightest bit offended by his forward compliment. In fact, it would have just the opposite effect. It made me feel sexy in a way that I had never been made to feel sexy before.


Standing up, I saw the look of surprise on his face. Then I moved my legs so that I straddled his legs as I sat back down on his thighs. My skirt rode up to expose an indecent amount of skin, but I found that I didn’t care. I let my hands fall on his shoulders, and I felt those toned muscles jump beneath my fingertips. His hands immediately clenched my ass, pressing me closer to him, and I felt his hard cock pressing against the soft, sensitive area between my legs.


He smelled clean and fresh, but there was an undertone of sweaty spiciness that was most assuredly his smell. I closed my eyes, and the scent invaded my nose even as I felt his hands slip down to rest on the bare skin of my thighs. I felt the movement as Shayne’s hands slid up my back and then pressed me against his hard chest. His lips were next to my earlobe, and I felt the quivers inside of me again as his teeth nibbled on the very tip.


“I want these legs wrapped around my waist tight when I’m inside of you,” he growled.


I lost all sense of who I was and where I was. I knew only that the waves of desire building inside of me needed a release. He could do whatever he wanted with me. I wanted this as badly as I could tell that he did. Two strangers. One night. I could deal with that.


His hands gripped my hips, and he lifted me up as if I weighed nothing. I was on my feet staring up into his eyes. The towel slipped to the floor as we stood there, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see our image reflected in the mirror. Shayne loomed over me. The rather impressive member of his lower anatomy pressed against my belly.


His hands pressed against the side of my head; fingers digging deep into my hair. I felt drunk even as his lips first tasted mine. He groaned deep in his throat as I wound my arms around his waist. I was free to touch him wherever I wanted, and I found that I wanted to feel every hard inch of him. I couldn’t have kept my hands to myself even if I tried. I was feeling up Ice Malone, and he was returning the favor.


What I found was that every inch of him was hard. My hands roamed his body feeling each one of his muscles in his arms and shoulders. His warm breath heated the skin of my collarbone as he explored the curve of my neck, which sent a fresh round of shivers down my spine. He tugged on the bottom of my tank, and I brought my hands up as he swept it up over my head. He made short work of my bra, and then my skin tingled as my breasts were exposed to the cool air and heat of his stare.  Warm hands covered my breasts and gave my nipples a not so gentle squeeze.


I arched my back even as Shayne’s lips found my hardened nub, and he lifted one of my legs up high against his hip to touch the sensitive skin of my inner thigh even as his mouth attended to my nipples. It should have been an awkward position, but I felt the strength of his arms as he held me tightly against him. His cock rubbed against my clit through my underwear, and I almost came right there. I was ready for him.


Shayne pivoted so that his back was against the couch. When his lips and arms left me, I immediately felt their loss. My eyes opened as he sat down on the couch and spread his arms across the back. I couldn’t help be see his large cock jutting at me from its bed of curls that matched the ones on his head. Every part of him was larger than life.


“Take off the rest, baby. Show me that gorgeous body of yours,” Shayne said as he licked his lips.


I would normally be self-conscious in this kind of situation, but I saw the heat in his eyes. He made me feel like I was the most desirable woman in the world, and I found that I wanted to give him a show, just like he had given me a show earlier. I was starting to understand the appeal of the fight now. It truly was foreplay before the main event.


I unzipped the back of my skirt noting that as I did, it caused my breasts to pop forward as I had to arch my back. Both nipples were hard and ached for his lips again. Shayne nodded his approval even as his eyes flicked back and forth from my face to my breasts. There was an intense heat in his expression even as he casually reached between his legs and gave his cock a long stroke.


“I love your tits,” he said in a low growl. “Show me more.” It wasn’t a question but a demand. But I wasn’t going to go through with it so quickly. If the man wanted a show, I was damn well going to give him one.


Pivoting on my heel, I turned away from him. I jostled my head so that my waves of hair fell down my back. I knew that it hit the midpoint of my back, and I turned my cheek to smile at him even as I wiggled my ass with my hands frozen on my zipper. Shayne was stroking his cock again and nodding that he wanted me to continue.

BOOK: Ice Cold (An MMA Stepbrother Romance)
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