Read Hunter (Sons of Rebellion Book 2) Online

Authors: Elsa Day

Tags: #love, #urban, #series, #wedding, #curves, #Fiction, #motorcycle club romance, #biker, #Bike, #college, #gang, #Action adventure, #serial, #chrome, #travel, #book, #bbw, #Suspense, #proposal, #New Adult, #alpha male, #plus size, #sons of, #outlaw rebel, #big, #women's, #Coming of Age, #kindle, #alpha, #thriller, #man, #mystery, #dark, #novel, #mc, #leather, #second chance, #curvy, #marriage, #Motorcycle, #action, #1%, #novella

Hunter (Sons of Rebellion Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Hunter (Sons of Rebellion Book 2)
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There's no turning back now. We have to finish the job. Before, we could have left, but now there was no way we were going to get out of here without waging a war.

That's what I should be doing. Moving on to the next name on the list. But instead I'm going to

Heading into town is not as safe, but there are still paths no one uses. The Midnight Stalkers got too lazy. They thought no one would ever come for them, so they don't patrol these little roads. Stupid.

The roads are rough, but they don't slow me down. Nothing can now.

What I
be doing is turning around. I should be heading back to Jase and Brent and finishing this mission. I should never see Nadia again. That would be the smart thing to do. But I guess I'm not that smart.

Slick was old, but he still could pack a punch. My muscles burn as I ride, but pain isn't anything new to me. A few bottles of beer and it'll be gone. There wasn't much that couldn't be fixed that way.

But what about Nadia, how do I fix that? The pain I can deal with, but for some reason I can't let her go. I want to see her. Take her.
Own her.
More than ever.

I want to lose myself in her, fuck until there are no more worries on my mind. But what am I supposed to tell her?
By the way, I just killed your Sergeant at Arms?

I turned the corner and finally made it to the address she sent me. What would I say? I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

A thin brown-skinned girl came out of the house. I recognized her immediately. Jona. The best friend. She didn't look too happy to see me.

I parked and cut the engine.

"So you're him, huh?" she said. Her arms were folded and her chin jutted out.

"I guess so," I said. "Depends on who you talking about."

"Look, this isn't a joke for me. Nadia is my best friend," Jona said.

"Then you probably know that she can take care of herself."

"You never should've come here," she said. "I know who you are."

Was this little girl threatening me? Of course Nadia's best friend would have balls, but I wasn't expecting this. What was she thinking? I could probably snap her arm in two without trying.

I ground my heel into the dirt.

"Then you should know not to fuck with me," I said.

should know not to fuck with her! You know who she is. If you do anything, if anyone finds out about you, the whole club will be on your ass!"

"Don't you think I know that?"

"Then –"

The front door of the house opened and Nadia came running out. She jumped up and threw her arms around my neck, locking her lips onto mine before anyone had a chance to say anything.

"Sorry!" she said. "I had to clean up a little bit. Were you waiting long?"

"No," I said.

Nadia looked at me and Jona. "What were you guys talking about while I was gone?"

"Nothing," Jona said. She stared at me like she dared me to say something else. Why would I?

That's when I noticed Nadia's face. It looked like she tried to cover it up with makeup, but it was still clear.

"Babe, is there something wrong? Your eyes are red."

Nadia's smile dropped, but came back in a flash.

"You got me!" she said. "It's my allergies. Freakin' pollen. Don't worry about it."

Something didn't sound right. Who had allergies this late in the year? There weren't even any flowers around.

"Let's get going!" Nadia said.

She hopped on my bike and waved at Jona. "See you later!"

I shot Jona a last look. She caught my eye, and it felt like we understood each other. We had a common goal. Don't let Nadia get hurt. If only I could keep up my end.

I swung my leg over my bike and settled into my seat. Nadia wrapped her arms around my stomach, and then we took off. Before long, Jona was just a dot in the distance.

We left the center of town and the roads got wider again. On the outskirts everything was quiet. The buildings around us were abandoned, with their paint peeling away from the sun.

Even though the wind was rushing past our ears, Nadia tried to talk.

"So where are we going?" she yelled.

"To another motel," I yelled back.


I could hear her disappointment. Sure, it wasn't romantic, but where the hell else was I supposed to take her? It wasn't like we could just go to a restaurant in town. She knew that, didn't she?

Nadia didn't have anything to say after that. It almost felt like she wasn't even there. As we drove down the desolate roads, silence surrounded us. What was on that girl's mind?

The motel was a little nicer than the last one, a little more expensive. The kid working the front desk barely even looked up as I slid the cash over to him. I gave him a fake name and he didn't bother asking for ID. Just the kind of place I liked.

The guests we passed on our way to our room seemed like the quiet type. Everybody was minding their own business. Just like they should be.

I opened the door to our room and let Nadia inside. It seemed clean enough. There was a bed, a couch, a table. Normal stuff.

Nadia perched on the edge of the chair and the first thing I did was pull off my jacket and shirt. I threw them on the couch and walked over to the mini fridge. Half of the bottles were empty or missing, but I pulled out what was left.

"How are you?" Nadia asked.

"Fine," I said.

"That text the other day, what was it about?"

"It was just business," I said, "don't worry about it. Was nothing important."

The lies fell out of my mouth easily. Too easily.

I held out a bottle for her, but she gasped and grabbed my hand.

"What happened?"


I looked down at my hand and saw the blood seeping from my knuckles. Oh yeah. That was from my fight with Slick. I had already forgotten.

"You're bleeding!" Nadia said. "What happened?"

I didn't answer. She stood up and tugged on my arms.

"What happened? Why won't you tell me?" she yelled.

I caught her face in my hands and held her still. She looked so worried that it made me smile. When was the last time someone was worried about me?

"Baby," I said, "I just need you so much right now."

It was true. I did. My lips crashed onto hers, and she struggled beneath me. I kissed her the way my body felt, like I needed her to live. Nadia dug her fingernails into my arms until they drew blood, but I didn't feel the pain. All I could feel was the perfect warmth of her body against me.

Nothing anyone did could ever make me give that up.

Nadia pulled her lips away.

"Hunter –"

I covered her lips with mine again, smothering her words. There wasn't anything to say now. There was nothing I could say that would explain everything. So we didn't need words.

Little by little, Nadia stopped struggling. Instead of fighting against me, her lips pressed back into mine. Her mouth opened and let my tongue slip in. She was hot. Burning.

I let go of Nadia's face and grabbed her legs. I picked her up and wrapped her thighs around me. Our lips were still locked together as I walked around the room and carried her to the large dining table. It was just the right height for what I wanted.

I broke our kiss and looked down at her. Her lip gloss was smeared, the shine only remained at the edges of her lips. They were pink and plump, but not from the gloss. Nadia's eyes were still red. I wanted to wipe that make up right off of her face. She didn't need it. She was

But who was I to say anything about it?

The straps of Nadia's dress had already fallen off of her shoulders. They were working their way down, and I decided to give them some help. The stretchy fabric was surprisingly easy to pull all the way down to her waist. Her breasts fell free and practically landed in my hands.

"Don't girls wear bras anymore these days?" I asked while rolling her nipples in-between my fingers.

Nadia sucked in a breath. "What's the point, if you're just going to take it off anyway?"

I grinned. Smart girl.

It was hard to keep myself from ripping the dress off of her. It was in the way. I wanted her to stay still. I felt drunk even though I hadn't even finished off one of those tiny bottles. No, I didn't need them. It was her.

Just a little further and I wouldn't have any control. I wouldn't be able to stop myself. From what? From hurting her, just like everyone else. I stepped back.

Nadia grabbed my hand. She pulled me close and buried her face in my neck. Her lips parted and she bit into the skin there deep enough to make me groan.

"Don't," I said in a low voice.

"Hunter, don't leave me," she said.

Nadia's hand slipped down. She pressed against my jeans and squeezed me through the rough fabric.

That was enough. My body started to move on its own.

I pushed Nadia's dress above her hips and spread her legs wide. She didn't resist. I pressed my fingers against her panties and rubbed. She started to buck her hips against me, grinding even harder into my fingers. Good girl.

When I felt her wetness seeping through her panties, I knew she was ready. I grabbed them, twisted them in my fist and ripped them off.

Nadia yelped, but I could barely hear it. All I could hear was blood rushing in my ears. I only had one thing on my mind: fuck her.
than ever before.
than ever before. Until nothing else mattered. Until I could keep doing what I came here to do.

I unbuckled my belt and my pants fell to the ground. My dick stood at attention once it was free from my underwear. I was so close.

Nadia closed her legs, and I pushed them back open. I would have kept going if I hadn't felt too small hands pressing against my shoulders. Somewhere through the haze, I heard her voice.

"Hunter! Hunter!"

She pulled me back to Earth. I blinked at her. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Weren't you
to me? I said put on a condom, for fucks sake!"

Her little body shook. Was I so out of it that I didn't even hear her?

I reached down to my jeans and pulled a wrapper out of my pocket. I opened it and slipped it on before turning back to Nadia.

"I'm sorry," I said.

I leaned in to kiss her, and gradually she relaxed. Nadia reached her hands up into my hair and whispered into my ears.

"Where is your mind at?" she asked.

I wished I could tell her.

"Hold on," I said.

That was the only warning I gave her before I plunged my dick deep into her pussy. Nadia's mouth dropped open and she moaned, falling forward onto my shoulder. Her whole body shook with her moans.

I paused a second, even though it was hard. I just wanted to ride her until she couldn't take it anymore, but I gave her a moment to adjust.

"Is that all?" she asked.

That's my girl. She was ready for some more all right. Nadia was so tight that it was hard to move, but I slipped out just enough to ram back into her again. Nadia's whole body jerked upward like a rag doll. Her tits bounced and she tried her best to hold on.

"Just wait until I get
," I said.

There was no more holding back. I used all of my strength to plunge into her with each stroke. Each time, she groaned and held on to me even tighter. It felt like she would never let go, like she would hold on to me forever.

The table wasn't as solid as I hoped it would be. It groaned under the pressure and squeaked every time I thrust into Nadia. If our neighbors are listening, it must've sounded pretty strange with the creaking wood synchronizing with Nadia's screams.

By the time sweat started to bead on her forehead, Nadia loosened up. Her pussy gripped me like it had remembered the first time. Good. It was

I bit my lip as Nadia gyrated her hips against me. Where had she learned
? She pulled my hair and panted into my ear. Her breath was hot and ragged.

I didn't think that I could want her more than I already did, but Nadia managed to make me even harder. We were both close to the edge. Any second now, we would fall over.

I picked up Nadia and spun her around so that I came into her from behind. She leaned on the table, grabbing the flimsy wood for support. She would need it.

"Open up wide, baby," I said.

I spread her legs further apart until they were as wide as they could go. Then I started to pound. I slammed into Nadia over and over again, making her scream with her cheek pressed against the table.

In this position, she couldn't struggle. My hands pinned her arms down and my feet kept her from moving her legs. I was totally in control. All she could do was lay there while I gave her a ride of her life.

Nadia's ass jiggled as I pumped in and out. With one hand, I slapped each cheek.

There was only so much that she could take. Before long, Nadia's body started to shake. Her pussy tightened around me, squeezing until I knew I would come too. I grabbed her face and pressed my lips against hers as I went in for a final thrust.

Time stopped. There was nothing else that mattered. Nadia was in my arms. What else did I need?

When time started up again, we were both in bed. I must've carried her over. She was curled up, staring at me with those big brown eyes. I almost couldn't look back.


BOOK: Hunter (Sons of Rebellion Book 2)
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