Read Hudson Online

Authors: Shayne McClendon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Hudson (6 page)

BOOK: Hudson
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”  It was all he could manage. 

Her muscles trembled, her breathing was erratic, and she
to come.  Reaching beneath her body, he stroked her folds twice before slapping
the sensitive flesh sharply. 
Two strokes…slap
.  By the third slap, she
exploded and screamed his name. 

It rattled her entire frame but nothing could have shaken
him loose before he was ready.  He held her through it, lightly stroking her
swollen clit to drag her pleasure out.  He could feel and hear their combined
fluids dripping to the marble and it sent chills up his spine. 

“I want to take your ass with you flat on the floor.”

Her voice was weak.  “God, yes.”  

Slowly, he slipped from her pussy and removed the plug.  Natalia
made a small mewling sound as he lowered her gently to the floor.  He stretched
out beside her and stroked his hand through her damp hair.  Her cheeks were
flushed and he knew the cool marble felt fantastic against her skin. 

Rolling her to her back, he sucked and bit at her sensitive nipples
until she panted with need.  Only when she begged, thrusting her hips off the
floor, did he roll her back to her stomach.  Standing, he stripped out of his
clothes and coated his cock with lube before returning to straddle her hips. 

“I can see my come easing from your pussy.”

“More.  Please, Hudson.” 

With a growl, he pressed into the tiny opening and groaned
as he made it past the tight ring of muscle just inside.  A shiver worked its
way through her torso and he stroked his palm from the base of her spine to the
nape of her neck. 

He planted his hand beside her head and wasted no time
taking her ass as hard as he’d taken her pussy.  Each thrust was designed to deliver
the pleasure/pain both of them wanted and needed.  Though she was bound, he
watched her fingers grip her elbows until her knuckles were white. 

“Once I let go and fill your tight ass with my come, I’m
going to carry you upstairs.  You’re going to soak in the tub while I watch you
wash every inch of your skin.  Then I’m going to take my time eating you,
Natalia.  I’m going to get you slick and ready for me to fuck again and again

“Tear my ass up then.  Fuck it like you own it, Hudson.” 

Jerking her hips higher, Hudson tunneled deep and hard for a
long time.  His initial pressure was relieved so he fucked her ass until the
tight heat made it impossible to hold back anymore.  He didn’t stop thrusting –
stop – until Natalia drained him dry. 

Once he was sure his legs would hold him, he carried her
upstairs and kept his promise.


Hudson felt her leave the bed the next morning.  Natalia
always watched him for a few minutes and despite their mutual insistence at
remaining friends who fucked, he knew she could be foolishly sentimental about

He heard her shower down the hall and listened as she moved
around getting dressed to leave.  He sat up on the side of the bed and ran his
hands over his face.  Staring down at his semi-hard cock, he smirked. 

you chill the hell out.”

When she left the bathroom, he was waiting for her.  The way
she was walking told him she was sore and likely bruised in several places.  A
small kernel of shame curled in his gut as he questioned the dark needs he
couldn’t completely live without. 

“Are you alright?”

Stepping close, she kissed both his cheeks and smoothed his
hair.  “I’m better than alright.  Thank you.  I feel like I spent a week at the

The woman had
survival instinct when it came to
how he used her body.  It made the need to hug her imperative.  She and his
mother were the only people he encouraged casual physical contact with. 
Pulling her to him, he squeezed her tight. 

“Thank you for being my friend, Natalia.  I know I can be a
hard man.”

Hugging him back just as hard, he felt her inhale deeply at
his neck.  “You are such a
man, Hudson.  You’re too hard on
yourself.”  A small kiss just under his ear and she leaned back, her palm on
his cheek.  “If I
it would work between us romantically, I

He doubted that but gave her a crooked grin.  “You’d be done
with my bullshit in a month.” 

That was probably very much the truth.

Laughing, she kissed him and whispered, “I’ll never, ever be
done with you.  Not in any capacity, not for any reason, Hudson.”  She turned
quickly and headed for the stairs.  “Call me.  About anything, anytime.” 

At the elevator, she blew him a kiss as he watched her from
the landing. 

He steeled himself against the usual regret he felt when
they parted ways.  He wasn’t in love with his best friend but she was the only
person who knew every sordid detail about the man he was…and let him in her
life anyway.

He wasn’t normal. 

As sated as he was from appeasing his almost violent sexual
needs with Natalia, he wondered if Gabriella would accept an offer of

“You’re a fucking lunatic.” 

He went to shower and put the curvy woman out of his mind. 
He was soaping his chest when the unexpected image of sinking his cock into her
bubble-shaped ass slammed into his brain.  He fought it, ashamed of his greed.

Why wasn’t the satisfaction he’d found in Natalia’s
submission enough?

This was the one area of his life where he felt out of
control.  As he stroked himself to release, he watched streams of semen pump
from the head of his cock and swirl down the drain. 

He wondered if he’d ever find a way to be fucking happy that
didn’t require suppressing portions of his sexuality for years at a time.  He
hadn’t been Natalia’s first, nor had she been his.  Until now, she’d been the
only person able to sate him, to give him peace for a little while.

What the fuck was he was going to do now?

Chapter Five


Two weeks later, Hudson left the building for work wearing his
usual dark suit and power tie.  Nothing from the top of his smoothed black hair
to the tips of his thousand-dollar shoes was out of place.  Appearance was
important to him as a man.  Even more so as a businessman. 

Henry held the door with a quiet, “Good morning, sir.” 

He inclined his head and stepped into a day that was
noticeably cooler.  From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of
Gabriella.  She was buying a pretzel from a vendor down the block.  Without a
word to the driver who waited for him, he turned with his Burberry over his

He’d watched her often over the past week. 

At first, he thought she hadn’t taken the job.  A few days
ago, he asked Carlo casually what happened with her taking the position.  The
concierge told him she was training during the graveyard shift.  Later that
night, he asked
she was currently working. 

Within minutes, he walked down the hall to the open door of the
temporary suite she was currently cleaning.  Two voices came from inside.

“Brie, they vomited all over the bathroom floor.  I don’t
understand these kids who come here on vacation and spend it wasted.”

Peering around the door, Hudson saw Gabriella on her hands
and knees.  She backed from under the bed with a used condom in her gloved
hand.  “I know but they’ll probably grow out of it.  If they don’t, think of
the millions rehab facilities will make from their parents.”

The other woman laughed.  “Give me just a minute.  How many
fucking condoms have you found so far?”

Brie tilted the trashcan and did a quick count.  “I think
that was fourteen but it might be fifteen.  Impressive, actually.  They were
only here for two days.” 

She tilted her head and looked at the other woman.  “The
morning sickness is bad today, Pica.  You’re positively green.  Why don’t you
do the next room and I’ll finish up in here?”

am I leaving you to this alone.  It’s

Stripping off her gloves and tossing them in the trash, Brie
stood.  “Don’t be silly.  You’ll get two rooms done by the time I finish in
here.  That’s a huge help.”

“You’re a
liar, Brie.”

She laughed.  “Maybe but no way am I having you add to that
mess in there.  I’ve got it.”  Gripping her shoulders, she turned her toward
the door.  “Get some water and sit for five minutes.”

“Does anyone ever tell you that you’re too nice?”

“All the time but I don’t have a toddler at home, still working
full-time while seven months pregnant.  It’s easy to be nice.  Seriously, you
need to get off your feet for a few minutes.”

“Once I have this baby and get back, I promise to make all
this up to you.”

“Damn right.  You’ll get the next two-box condom room.”  When
the other woman left, she didn’t notice Hudson standing at the bend in the hall
in the opposite direction of her cart.  She entered a room several doors down
and he glanced around the frame. 

Gabriella put in a Bluetooth headset and made a call.  “Hey,
Izzy.”  She pulled on fresh gloves.  “Well, since you asked…I’m about to scrub
a bathroom splattered in puke.  I know you’re jealous.”  There was a long pause
and Brie snickered. 

“I completely forgot about that tour.  The wine tasting
after an unfortunate lunch at that new diner in town.  Food poisoning and
alcohol…what a combination.  Oh girl, you know I’m fine.  Iron stomach.  I just
wanted to take a quick second to call and check in.  How’s your ankle?” 

Hudson heard water running and the distinct smell of cleaning

“Baby it.  You keep hurting the same damn ankle.  Maybe…dare
I even
it…flats for a little while?”  Another hearty laugh then,
“I will
bite my tongue!”  She returned to the cart for brushes and
disposable towels.  “I love you, too.  I’ll buzz you tomorrow when I grab
breakfast.  Yeah, I
talking about food while I scrub vomit.  Later,

He stood in the hall for another ten minutes, listening to
Brie clean with occasional murmurs of disgust.  He made a mental note of the
room number and headed upstairs. 

A quick detour the next morning and he called security to
remotely unlock the door.  Inside, there wasn’t the slightest trace of what the
room had looked like a few hours ago.  He took special care inspecting the

He made one more stop to see Eleanor in housekeeping. 

The elderly woman looked at him strangely when he
specifically asked about Brie’s overall performance.  “She’s real good. 
Dependable.  The others like her.  Why?”

Hudson shook his head.  “Under the circumstances, I wasn’t
sure.  I wanted to confirm I hadn’t caused you any problems.”

“None.  She works hard, has a good attitude, and is always
willing to pick up extra hours if we need her.  Naturally, she’s strongest in
the business center.  Eventually, we’ll move her there.  She asked to work in
each department so she can learn.”

“Excellent.  Glad she’s working out.  Thank you, Eleanor.”

“You’re welcome, sir.”


Now he took his time observing Gabriella as he walked toward
her.  She was laughing with the vendor and once again, he couldn’t figure out

She was relaxed around others; a skill he had never
developed.  As a boy, he’d hidden his inability to connect to other people
behind silence.  When he was grown, he used intimidation.  It was one of the
many reasons Natalia was his only friend.

Laughter lit this woman up like a beacon. 

Brie’s hair was pulled snugly to her head.  Judging from the
size of the bun, there was a lot of it.  She wore jeans and a loose top.  It irritated
him that she hid her curves.  Heavy boots covered her feet and the backpack she
carried everywhere was over her shoulder. 

“You’re kidding me?  She already plays Brahms at

That is incredible.  It makes me so happy that you’re encouraging her musical
abilities.  I was in band as a kid but never showed much interest or talent.  I’d
love to hear her play.” 

Hudson knew the moment she spotted him from the corner of
her eye.  He watched the blush spread over her face.  She probably thought no
one could see it under the rich golden hue of her skin. 

“Good morning, Mr. Winters.”  Smiling at the vendor, she
said, “I hope I see you again, Mr. Tabai.  Have a wonderful day.”

“You as well, miss.” 

She stepped back from the cart and seemed unsure what to do
with herself. 

Gruffly, he asked, “Where are you going?” 

He hated that they’d gotten off to such a bad start and
simultaneously didn’t know why he cared.  This woman glowed with happiness until
she saw him.  Hudson knew he had that effect on many people but an unfamiliar
part of him wanted her to see him differently. 

“I…I’m going to my apartment.  Running a few errands.”

“I’ll walk with you.”  He watched for it and saw her blush
again as they began to walk.  He shortened his steps to her stride. 

“Alright.  Are you going to work?”

“Yes.  Carlo mentioned you work in the building now.”

“I do.  I hope that doesn’t…I mean to say…I’m sorry about how
I spoke to you.”  Narrowing her eyes, she added, “Not for
I said
I said it.  I was extremely upset.  I’m normally nicer.” 

With a sigh, she tore a small piece off her pretzel and
popped it between her pillowy soft lips.  He could picture himself sucking her
full mouth while he fucked her. 

Man, you need serious help.

When she licked a grain of salt off her lower lip, he was
riveted to the movement. 

“Thank you for clarifying.  I don’t know how you could be
nicer.  You appear to charm everyone in your path.”

“Not even close.  Obviously.”  It was impossible to miss the
sadness in her voice.

He stopped and turned to her, looking down into a face that
was both sweet and pretty.  Her eyes went wide and he worked to gentle his

“Criminals have no interest in emotions other than how they
can use them to fleece you.  The more good and pure of intentions
are, the bigger the dollar signs they see.  What happened doesn’t reflect on
you in any way.  Nor does it mean that you are unattractive.” 

Hudson started walking again and she fell into step next to
him.  “Thank you for that.  I hope you aren’t uncomfortable with me working in
the building.  I don’t know anyone else in the city.”

“Did you find an apartment?”

He watched her face light up.  “I did.  You know, I lived in
an apartment above my mom and dad’s garage.  It wasn’t mine and I couldn’t put
out a statue that featured nudity because my poor mother would be scandalized. 
Now, I can decorate to my tastes and no one will judge me.  I like that.” 

Brie smiled to herself as she chewed small pieces of her

The simplicity of her thought processes fascinated him.  She
came from means but her outlook was almost innocent.  He was unfamiliar with
such a character trait but it was refreshing to meet someone who wasn’t jaded
or cold. 

“There are original moldings, crystal doorknobs, wood floors,
and the
…”  She waxed poetic about built-in bookshelves and he
listened with an internal smile.  “The landlady is wonderful.  She has that timeless
look about her – she’ll still be stunning when she’s eighty.  Do you know she
found me
?”  Brie gazed off into the park.  “I’ll have to do
something to thank her.”

Shaking herself, she smiled up at him.  “I talk a lot.  I
apologize.  I’ve gone on and on. 
.”  Looking around with a small
wrinkle between her eyes.  “What direction were you headed?  I think my chatter
distracted you.” 

He gestured to the Rolls pulling along the curb.  “That’s my
car.  I wanted to take a few minutes to see how you were adjusting to the city. 
Allow me to drive you.”

“I wouldn’t dream of taking you out of your way.  Thank you

“I insist.  You aren’t inconveniencing me.”

“Well, alright.  Thank you.”  The driver held the door and
she smiled before getting in.  “Hello.  I’m Brie.  I’ll be hijacking your
services for a little.”  She gave him the address and Hudson was proud that
Leonard didn’t so much as twitch at the familiar location.  “Thank you in

“You’re welcome, miss.” 

As she grinned and got in the car, Hudson watched his stuffy
driver’s eyes widen.  Hudson slid in beside her.  She traced her fingers over
the leather between them. 

“I’ve rambled about me.  What do
do for a

“You never looked me up?”

She shrugged.  “I never even
about it.  Where
I come from – a town with about three thousand people – everyone knows
everyone.  If you say you’re who you say you are, suspecting you’re lying to me
isn’t my first response.” 

Looking out the window, she sighed.  “Which made me the
perfect mark, I realize.”  The self-mocking laugh sounded
from her.  “I can’t
I never thought to Google you.  If there
were photos of you online, that would have blown his whole deal.  You look

my impersonator look like?”

“A couple of inches shorter than you; in general, very
much…um…smaller than you are, blonde hair, and blue eyes.”  She tapped her
cheek.  “He had an interesting scar right here but he never told me where he
got it. 

Hudson went very still and Gabriella noticed. 

“What’s wrong?”  Her head tilted away from him slightly.  “Oh
…you know who it is.  I…I shouldn’t have said anything.  I’m

“Why the devil are

“You’re not very friendly.  If you know who it is, that
means it’s probably close to you in some way.  Either through your family or
your work.”

This woman was very dangerous to his self-control. 

He schooled his features and gave her a small smile.  “That
description fits many people I know.  It just crossed my mind that it would
likely be someone I come into contact with regularly since I don’t make it a
habit of leaving my identification lying around for someone to steal.”

Brie looked out the window.  “I did.  Some days, I’m rather
naïve.”  She met his eyes and shrugged gently.  “I still don’t want to be
jaded.  I don’t want to suspect everyone of foul play.  I know it’s not very
smart to be like me.  Not in the real world.”

Hudson stared at this woman with the fuckable lips and the perfect
ass and realized she was a creature unlike anyone else he’d ever met before. 

She was decent and kind.  Not because she had to be but
because she wanted the world to be a place where good things happened.  Where
men didn’t pretend to love you while they stole all your money.  Where men with
money and power didn’t insult an employee just because they could.

“I’m sorry about the day we met.  For what I said to Henry.”

She gave him a smile but it wasn’t a radiant one.  “You’re a
successful person and I guess it’s easy to forget people – even doormen – can
be hurt by things you say.  Thank you, Mr. Winters.”

“Call me Hudson.”  He took her hand and squeezed slightly. 
“I’ve been abrupt all my life.  Most people would call me cold.  I don’t
remember a time when I wasn’t.  I’ve always been this way.  Everything is a
competition to me and there is always an end game.  I don’t know any other way
to be.  Kindness isn’t something that comes naturally to me.”

Turning her hand, she squeezed back.  “Then I hope you meet
someone who can teach you how to be kind.”  Gathering her backpack and checking
for traffic, she opened the door and got out at the next light.  “I’ll walk
from here, Hudson.  Thank you.”

BOOK: Hudson
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