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Authors: Amy Armstrong

Hot for Him (2 page)

BOOK: Hot for Him
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“Unc—” Elena’s words cut off quickly when she regarded the man sitting behind the large mahogany desk who was most definitely not her uncle.

“Hello, Elena. It’s good to see you again.” When Henry’s business partner, the enigmatic Charles Hunt, rose from his seat and rounded the desk, Elena hated the effect he had on her. Instantly her nipples hardened and a tingling sensation erupted in her groin. It had been at least a year since she had last seen him in London, but he looked as good as ever. Well over six feet tall, Charles towered above her, but his raw magnetism didn’t come from his height or muscular build. Charles exuded power—it oozed out of his every pore.

The American billionaire was undoubtedly a catch. Women on every continent wanted to bed him and many of them had succeeded—
the gossip about him was to be believed. Charles had tried to seduce Elena on more than one occasion, but by his own admission he was highly dominant and Elena had never been good with people telling her what to do, in bed or out of it. She just wasn’t wired that way. But even as the thought came to her she knew if she were ever to submit—to give herself to someone so completely—it would be to him.

Elena had been no saint over the years. She’d had her share of fun and short-term relationships, but something had always held her back, stopped her from becoming too involved. When the men she dated began to get impatient, demanding more of her time and a deeper commitment, Elena was quick to cut ties. She always told herself it was because she was too young and not ready for a serious relationship, but the truth was that from the moment she’d first met Charles, she hadn’t wanted anyone else. He was her ideal. Strong, confident and powerful, Charles was exactly the type of man she needed in her life. He excited her. But she didn’t know if she could give him what he needed, particularly in bed, so she’d always shied away and feigned indifference. She had a feeling Charles could see through the barriers she had constructed and knew the real effect he had on her, even though he’d never said as much.

Charles’ dark brown hair was longer on top than he used to wear it and there was a light dusting of stubble on his chin which only added to his appeal. His eyes were the same as she remembered—a sparkling deep azure blue that reminded her of the ocean on a sunny day. They were mesmerising.

Elena cleared her throat. “I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

Charles raked his eyes over every inch of her body before finally meeting her gaze. His lips curved into a sensual smile, revealing perfectly straight, white teeth. “Surprise.”

His expression reminded Elena of a predator, sizing up its prey before it pounced. She shivered, her thoughts wandering into dangerous territory. “Where is Henry?”

“Ah, he had to return to New York this morning, I’m afraid. He had some unexpected business to attend to, but he did ask me to convey his apologies. He was looking forward to spending time with you this week. I guess you’re stuck with me.”

“You’re staying here for the entire week?”

“Sure am.” Another grin. Wider this time and full of promise. Flames of lust threatened to consume Elena, but she fought for control and met his gaze with ease.

“Uh, that’s…” She was at a loss. Elena couldn’t decide if she was happy at the thought of spending a whole week with the sexy American she’d love to know better or completely mortified. Probably a little of both.

Chapter Three




Charles chuckled as he watched Elena stumble over her words the way she’d done years ago when they’d first met. He loved the effect he had on her. The faint blush on her cheeks went straight to his cock and he had to bite down on his lip to stop the groan that was threatening to escape. Christ, she was beautiful. He couldn’t wait to see her naked and spread out on his bed. He’d made it clear he wanted her, but he’d held off making any serious overtures because he hadn’t thought she’d been ready, not for the things he wanted to do to her body and mind. But he was done waiting.

There was no doubt in his mind that Elena was hot for him. She constantly checked him out when she thought he wasn’t looking and the lust in her eyes that was ever-present fuelled his own. Add in the blushes and how she was always so tongue-tied around him and yeah…she wanted him. Charles had to have Elena, but it was more than just a fleeting desire or the need to scratch an itch. He wouldn’t be satisfied until she belonged to him in every sense of the word. He wanted her not only in his bed, but in his life and this week he was going to make it happen—sooner rather than later.

He stalked over to her, amused when she backed away until she was nearly touching the wall.

“When are you going to admit you want me, Elena? Don’t you think it’s time to stop playing games?”

She sucked in a sharp breath and folded her arms across her chest. “You arrogant son of a…”

Elena cut off the rest of the sentence and scowled at him and damn if that didn’t turn him on more. His cock was about ready to explode. God how he loved her feisty nature. It would make it all the sweeter when she finally submitted to him.

“We’ve been dancing around this thing between us for far too long. What exactly are you afraid of?”

“I am most definitely not afraid of
!” she responded hotly.

“Really?” Charles moved closer, getting right up in her personal space then leaned in and put his mouth to her ear. “Prove it.”

He pulled back a little so that they were eye to eye, his lips a hairsbreadth from hers, but he didn’t close the distance. He wouldn’t kiss her. Elena would come to him when she was ready. Before the week was out she was going to beg him not only to kiss her but to fuck her, to make her come. And that was going to be the best damn day of his life.

Screw waiting the week, he was going to make it happen tonight. Why drag it out any longer than necessary?

When Elena dropped that stunning pale blue gaze to his mouth Charles very nearly lost it. He had to fight with himself not to reach down, unzip his pants and do himself right. The thought of jacking off while she watched him sent another zing of pleasure through his already throbbing dick.

“Do it, Elena,” he ordered, his voice about an octave lower than usual. “Kiss me.”

She shivered visibly and the tip of her tongue appeared through her lips. Charles had to curl his hands into fists, pressing them against his thighs to prevent himself from reaching for her and plundering that goddamn perfect mouth. When her eyes lifted once again to his, they were hooded with desire. She was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Elena moved in closer, but then a gasp left her mouth and she shook her head as though to clear it. She pushed him away.

“It isn’t going to happen. I’m sorry, but I’m not into…”


Elena frowned. “Pain.”

. “I would never hurt you,” Charles promised. “That isn’t what this is about.”

“Oh? Then what is this about? What do you want from me?”

Charles took a few steps back, putting more distance between them and willing his erection away. “We could be good together, Elena. You and I, we’re a perfect fit. I would take your mind and body to places it has never been before. I guess the best way to describe it is as a kind of power exchange.”

When Elena stayed silent, Charles continued, his eyebrows raised. “It’s about exploring each other, testing our emotional and physical limits, but you can be sure that I would never harm you, neither am I into humiliation. Dom/sub relationships are all about trust. You just need to let go of your fears and put yourself in my care. If you allow me control of your sexual and emotional needs, I assure you the results will be satisfying for us both. I want to pleasure you, Elena, to drive you insane with desire.”

Elena folded her arms across her chest and a range of emotions passed over her face. Doubt, confusion, disbelief. When she finally met his gaze she looked resigned. Charles wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. But he had needed to be honest with her. There was no point sugar-coating what he wanted from her.

“I’d be lying if I said that didn’t sound great, but I don’t know how to give up control. I don’t know if I can.”

Charles was surprised by how small and exposed Elena’s voice became when she’d replied. He had never heard her sound so vulnerable. He took another step closer.

“Look inside yourself, Elena. Wouldn’t it feel good to submit to me? Don’t you want to let go? Just think how freeing it would be. I can teach you, if you’ll let me.”

Elena shook her head and put more distance between them. “I need to think about this.” She turned to leave and said over her shoulder, “I’ll be in my room if you need me.”

Charles couldn’t keep in the chuckle that bubbled up in his chest. “Now that’s one hell of an invitation.”

Elena spun on her heel and stared at Charles, her eyes wide. “I didn’t mean…”

“I know what you meant,” he interjected, unable to keep the grin from his face. “Couldn’t resist. Take your time to think about my proposal and think long and hard. I’d treat you right, I’d treasure you.
about it.”

Charles’ words seemed to have a calming effect. Elena’s shoulders relaxed and she let out the breath she must have been holding.

Her mouth curved into a genuine smile. “Thank you,” she said. “I think that’s just what I needed to hear.”

Charles returned her smile. “Be down here at six. I’m taking you to dinner on the Croisette.”

Charles could practically see the inner debate raging inside Elena. He realised his words must have seemed contradictory, but just because he thought she should take her time to decide on embarking on a relationship with him didn’t mean he wasn’t going to do his damnedest to try to persuade her how good they could be together. Finally, she straightened her shoulders and nodded. “Guess I’ll see you at six.”

“Oh and, Elena? Wear something sexy for me. Don’t even think about covering up those beautiful legs of yours.”

His request was met with a look of incredulity, but Elena said nothing further before marching to her room. Charles would bet his last billion that she would adhere to it. She was going to look sexy all right, but how in the hell was that going to help him? He already had a hard enough time keeping his hands to himself whenever he was within touching distance of her. If she had those gorgeous pins on display, his hands were going to be all over her, stroking up her smooth thighs, inching higher until he reached the ultimate prize.

Now there was an idea. Charles smiled to himself as he went to make a call. It was certainly going to be an interesting dinner, but food was the last thing on his mind. Tonight was going to be a good test of how well Elena could take a command, how easily she could submit to him. He suspected she was going to love every goddamn minute of it.

Chapter Four




When Elena walked through the hall a few hours later, she knew she looked good. Damned good. Her silky blonde hair hung loose over her shoulders and the sexy, black Vivienne Westwood dress sat just above her knees, clinging luxuriously to her every curve. When she’d been deciding what to wear, she’d sworn to herself that she wasn’t choosing the slinky dress to please Charles, but that had been a lie. She’d wanted to look good for him, had wanted to make him happy, even though she couldn’t understand where the need originated or why she was suddenly so comfortable with it. What had changed?

Elena had never done things to please others before, especially not men. Since her parents had died, with no brothers or sisters or anyone she was close to other than her uncle Henry, she’d looked out for number one. The burning desire to give Charles what he wanted—to satisfy him and to please him—was a revelation. She recognised it might be partly because Charles hadn’t demanded anything. He’d made his intentions clear, but he hadn’t been forceful. He’d put the decision in her hands. He’d essentially handed her all the power and that had been unexpected. Elena didn’t know a great deal about Dom/sub relationships, but she hadn’t expected Charles to be so thoughtful or understanding of her needs. She’d wrongly assumed he was selfish and that it would all be about what he wanted.

When she met Charles at the front door, Elena knew she had made the right choice about her outfit. Charles looked immaculate. He was wearing a dark grey suit, with a lighter-hued shirt and matching tie. But it was impossible to pay too much attention to the way he was dressed when she saw the heat in his eyes as he took in every inch of her body. It caused a deep pull in her stomach and a glorious sense of satisfaction. His low growl sealed the deal. Clearly he approved of her attire. Elena gasped as he pulled her to him, his body tight and hard against her own. He slid his fingers into her hair as he tilted her head and trailed passionate kisses along her throat.

“You look ravishing,” he rasped. He took her earlobe into his mouth and nibbled it before trailing his tongue over the sensitive juncture below.

Elena’s senses came alive as though awoken abruptly from a deep slumber. The feel of his hard body pressed against hers, the low, gravelly tone to his voice and the wet glide of his tongue sent her into orbit. And that was without the heady scent of his aftershave lotion—a rich woodsy odour with leathery undertones—the perfect aphrodisiac. Elena was practically panting. She was tempted to tell Charles to forget the dinner and head straight to the bedroom, but all too soon, he pulled away with a satisfied smirk.

“Come, or we’ll be late for our reservation.” Much to Elena’s disappointment, Charles took hold of her hand and led her outside to the waiting limo.

The tension between them sizzled on the ride down to the Promenade de la Croisette. Though she could barely lift her eyes to look at him, Elena sensed that Charles was watching her for the entire journey. She’d never been more grateful for the tinted windows so that he couldn’t see her blush. Just what was it about this man that made Elena revert to a fifteen-year-old with her first crush? When she finally chanced a look at him her arousal ratcheted up a notch and she was powerless to look away. Charles’ long legs were stretched out in front of him—lean and powerful. Elena had no doubt they would be corded with muscle, just like the rest of him. Wide shoulders led down to a broad chest and tight, flat stomach. But when she looked down his long arms, the fingers of his right hand were tapping a hasty beat against his leg. His left hand, the hand closest to Elena was clenched into a tight fist, his knuckles white from the pressure.

BOOK: Hot for Him
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