His Submissive: Body Worship (4 page)

BOOK: His Submissive: Body Worship
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Even after I am spent, a trembling heap against his chest, Kai keeps hammering my tender hole. Spurting thick streams of seed into my deepest, most intimate spaces. Groaning and growling my name over and over.

Then Kai flips us over and pins me beneath his perfect body, his panting mouth against mine again. He sucks my tongue and my lips, lightly scraping and nipping my tender flesh with his teeth. Only when we are breathless does he roll to one side, onto his back, sighing out raggedly.

Several heartbeats pass in silence before I twist away from Kai, onto my side. In seconds the haze of lust, the recklessness of the last hour, all of it dissipates, leaving the horrible realization that I not only humiliated myself for sex with this man but let him come inside me. I put my hand over my mouth, not wanting him to hear me cry.

Nothing prepares me to feel Kai turning toward me, curling around me.

His lips brush my bare shoulder as he whispers. “I was worried you’d crash after you came, and you were afraid of it, too, I think. Is that why you didn’t want me to make you come so soon?” When I don’t answer, he sweeps my hair back from my face. I can feel the weight of his gaze. “Did you assume I was playing with you, Julia? When I said I was the man who would own you? Was it less to you?”

“No,” I find myself blurting without intending to. My fists twist the pillow under my head. I can’t look at him. “I just didn’t think…”

“True,” he breathes against my neck, tightening his arms around me. “For once, you didn’t think your way out of the moment. You gave yourself to it. I thought you were giving yourself to me.” When I am at a loss for a response, Kai continues in a soft but flat voice, “I will let you take it back, if you need to, Julia. A trip to the doctor tomorrow will take care of anything…anything unwanted that could come of tonight. We will pretend we didn’t share this, didn’t have tonight, if that’s what you want.”

I shock myself with my question. “What do you want, really?” Surely he never intended this to be more than a night of wild, hard sex with the quiet, shy woman who blushes when he speaks to her. He didn’t mean he really intended to take me home, make me his, own me. For all I know, he’s still assigned to the Zurich office and this is just a short trip. And the talk of making me pregnant…

As though he is reading my mind, sounding almost offended, Kai growls, “I want what I said I was taking from you and what you agreed to give. Your body and the pleasure we can share with it. Your love and attention as my submissive. Everything.”

He props himself up on one elbow, staring down at me until I can’t ignore him. The look in his eyes, cool and calm but wounded under that, makes me regret all those assumptions. And the shame. All of which has so much more to do with me than with Kai.

“Any woman at this party could give me a night of sex. I chose you for what else you offered, Julia. With your eyes and your reactions. I’ve watched you for a long time, too. And I’ve known for a long time what you wanted, but now I wonder if you know.”

“You can’t,” I whisper, pausing to swallow the knot in my throat, threatening a breakdown. “I’m not…”

His caress along my hair is enough to break my heart. “You don’t have to be afraid to give yourself to someone who wants everything you are. The question is, do you want to give me what I want?”

The question settles over us in the next few moments of silence. Part of me wants to crawl away and hide in my apartment, but a larger part feels nothing but dread at the thought of an endless string of colorless days staring at a computer screen, avoiding people, dead inside. At the prospect of the occasional random missionary fuck with some guy I might meet at a non-profit. At the idea of seeing Kai at the next party, maybe pressed up close to someone else. Knowing what they are doing when they are alone. Knowing the rush of lust she must feel at the sound of his voice as he commands her to worship him. The agonizing bliss of his cock buried full-length in her trembling body. The warmth of his arms around her, his lips on hers, his cum in her cunt.

Instead of responding to his question directly, I ask, in a soft, almost apologetic tone, “Are you still working in Zurich?”

“No, I’m back in the city, long-term.”

There is a tangible pause between us, a moment of breathless waiting.

It is a conscious choice this time that guides my reaction, as I arch and rub so slightly back against Kai, as I shift to press my head against his shoulder.

He lets his breath out slowly and kisses my ear. “Is that your answer, Julia? I’ll only let you take it back once.”

I curl one leg back over his thigh and shudder as Kai’s hand immediately cups my pussy, his fingers prying me open. “I’m not taking anything back. Sir.”

“And if that means I want the ultimate act of commitment and worship from your body? If I want you pregnant with my child?”

He can’t really want that, I think again but not because the idea horrifies me. Kai has taken my every fantasy and pushed them beyond what I thought were my boundaries, not only ravaging but dominating me. Not only fucking but claiming me. I dreamed of a man who wanted everything from me, so badly that nothing could stop him from taking it. Kai wants more than everything, and for more than a few nights, more than a fling.

I close my eyes and slide my hand along his, urging his fingers deeper into my pussy as I rub my ass back against his hardening cock.

“Say it, Julia. Will you give that to me if it’s what I want?”

“Yes, sir.”

I gasp as he penetrates my sore pussy again in one deep stroke. He nuzzles and bites my neck as he rubs my clit furiously, all while fucking me from behind with mounting force and speed. I flail out for the headboard above us, to brace one arm against the thick wood for leverage as I press back into his determined thrusts. The other hand grasps and scratches at his hip.

“Beg to be my slave,” he growls, driving each word through my daze of lust and need with another violent thrust of his tool.

“Please, I want to be your slave, sir. Your bitch!” I rave. “I want to worship your body with mine. Oh, god, fuck me, sir. Take me. Breed me.”

He is panting and grunting, pounding me harder the more I plead. “That’s my girl,” he grates out with effort, so close to another climax, as close as I am. “My sweet Julia.”

Our orgasms crash over us in a single wave of sighs and pumping limbs, grasping fingers and tensing muscles. My pussy tightens and quivers around Kai’s massive cock as it pumps warm, thick seed into me again, as it fills up all the space inside me and then some. His savage thrusts become steady stokes, then erratic jabs and pulses. I tremble against him, sated, contented, sore and claimed and filled to overflowing with his cum.

When we’ve grown still, Kai chuckles, his cock still buried to the root inside me, his full lips pressed to the nape of my neck. “My shy Julia isn’t so shy when it comes to begging for her pleasure.”

“And yours,” I whisper, straining back for a kiss.

He nips my soft lips. “You should dress me,” he mutters against my mouth. “Time to get you home. I promised you multiple orgasms, and I’m a man of my word. If we don’t leave soon, Donna will find us still in her guest bed in the morning.”

Feeling weak, boneless, unsteady on my knees, I collect Kai’s clothing from the bathroom and begin to dress him. It’s…naughty in a very pleasant way, tending to him, serving him, worshiping him with my gaze, my touch, my every thought. I pause after reluctantly fastening his snug jeans and tucking away that gorgeous cock, impressive even at rest. I can’t help wrapping my arms around him from behind, pressing my cheek to his firm back, against those exotic swirls of ink.

Kai strokes my arms as they tremble with the effort of holding him so tight. “Don’t be afraid, Julia. Wherever I go, you’re coming with me. As difficult and frightening as it is to give yourself to me as I demand, it’s harder for me to take what you offer. It is my responsibility to give you whatever you need, to keep you safe and loved, to make sure I never hurt you after you make yourself so vulnerable to me.”

He turns around in my arms and lays his forehead against mine. “You serve my body. I safeguard your soul. And I take that very seriously.”








Melanie has come home to Bitter Creek to find a wealthy neighbor trying to push her family off their land and her two childhood crushes home from the Marines, serving as local sheriffs now. And who should come calling but sexy deputies Zach Garwood and Quinn Blakely when Mel lets her temper get the better of her as she defends her ranch. Instead of pushing her off her land, they pull her into their arms and a torrid domination ménage intended to bind Mel to the two men who want to own and protect her.





Between Zach grinding against my ass and whispering to me and Quinn licking and flicking my rigid nipples, I don’t know what to concentrate on.

“Quinn and I shared a beautiful submissive girl in Japan while we were stationed there,” Zach croons low into my ear. “We’ll consider her practice for making you our good little girl. Would you like that?”

“Yes, sir,” I mew, even as I wonder in the back of my mind how this could possibly be happening. The two men who have always been the measure of what has attracted me to guys…and they are both touching me,
me? And what’s more, while I am tied up, defenseless, submissive to their hungers and direction? Making me hotter and wetter than I’ve ever imagined, even in my wildest fantasies of being taken, compelled, claimed. Dominated. I never realized it was more than an occasional fancy or that it could feel so good, so overwhelming.

Just before Quinn lifts his head, I catch a glimpse of his velvety, wet tongue swirling around and around one of my nipples. The sight, coupled with the tingling pleasure radiating through my chest, makes me lightheaded. He pinches both my nipples while tugging upward on them, clearing my mind with the sharp contrast of sensation. God but the ache is good as he slacks off on the pressure.

“The games we play get intense, Mel,” he warns me. I relish the quickening of his breath, the husky quality of his voice, the focused desire gleaming in his sea green eyes. “I’ve been thinking about you for a long time. I’ll be playing for keeps.”

Blinking up at Quinn, I only have a couple of seconds to process all the implications of what he just said—that maybe he missed me as much as I missed him, that this isn’t necessarily just a quick and dirty groping based on a momentary lapse of judgment, that it gets
intense than this. Then Zach is digging his thumbs into the cheeks of my round ass, prying them apart so he can wedge his threateningly, enticingly huge erection up against my throbbing anus through our clothing. I’ve had anal sex before, and I liked it, but I’ve never taken a dick as big as his feels through his jeans. I shudder when I realize I hope he’s intending to put that massive cock up my ass.

“I’ll see that bet and raise you one sexy, spitfire,
submissive,” Zach says, nuzzling my neck while staring at Quinn. “You’re not the only one who had a crush on her in school. I said it would be just like when we were stationed in Japan, and I meant it. Only this time, we keep her.” His tongue slides up my neck to trace the curve of my ear. “You like that idea, sunshine?”

Drifting and drowning in my own lust, I nod slowly, almost drunkenly. “Yes, sir,” I sigh.

Quinn pinches and rolls my nipples, jerking me up out of my daze and making me fix my gaze on his. “Have you been dominated before, Mel?” he demands. “Do you know what to expect?”

I have to gasp for breath and swallow hard before I can answer, and even then I can only force out words in rough, clipped breaths. “A little. One boyfriend.”

Zach’s hand returns to my mound, resting possessively there as he rocks his hips forward. If I could, I would bend forward and rub shamelessly back on his bulging hard-on.

“What did he do to you?” the blond deputy asks.

There’s a split-second of hesitation, embarrassment, but I let it go as Zach’s fingers trace my slit again under the crotch of my shorts and Quinn’s breath warms my temple. He lays gentle kisses high on one cheekbone while lightly flicking my rigid nipples with his thumbs.

“Tied me to the bed. Belted me. Cropped me once. A couple of times he made me stay naked for him all weekend, wait on him, give myself to him however he wanted.”

Quinn cups my face in one large hand and grazes my lips with his again before he asks, “Did you like it?” Straining up for a kiss, I nod. “Good,” he breathes. “That’s how I want you—naked and waiting for me.” He pauses and glances at Zach, adding, “For us. I remember how eager and responsive you were that night right after we graduated. That’s how I want you all the time. Always wet, always willing, eager and crawling and begging to please us. Begging us to push you to feel more than you think you can.”


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A weekend of passion and domination with Jay left Emma terrified at the depth of her feelings, sexual and emotional. When he sweeps aside her rejection and gives her one more chance, contingent upon surrendering to his every desire, can she handle his conditions?





We linger beside his king-sized bed, and Jay lowers his mouth to mine again. I only realize how turned on he is when he pulls my hair and grabs one of my thighs, to curl my leg around his hip and open my pussy. He wedges his bulging hard-on against my wet cunt lips and rocks against me, while sucking and nipping at my tongue. I grind against him in return, until he untangles himself from me with a reluctant groan.

BOOK: His Submissive: Body Worship
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