Read Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1) Online

Authors: Joanne Wadsworth

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #Ancient World, #Medieval, #Scottish, #Historical Romance

Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1) (9 page)

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Tell him I’m in your mind, have seen and heard all he’s said.

You are persistent, my mate.

And I always shall be. Give Hamish your trust. He willnae have you tossed into the dungeons.

With a deep breath, he nodded at Hamish. “What if I told you Kyla speaks to me now? Has formed a merged link of the mind?”

“Then that would mean she’s told you of her fae blood, and if that’s the case then it appears you’ve garnered far more than just her trust.”

“Aye, that is true.” A seagull soared overhead, cackled then dove into the tumbling waters of the loch before heaving back up out of the white-capped surf with a fish flapping from its beak.

“I—” Hamish’s gaze clouded over. He squeezed his eyes shut then moments later opened them again. “Aye, there is no doubt in my mind now of your identity. You’re Ronan Matheson, Niall’s son, and since your father has recently completed the bond with my sister, that makes you and I very close kin. This is beyond interesting.” He pushed off the doorway, paced back and forth. “I see more. You long to visit your father, to ensure all is truly well with him even though your sister has made contact with him through her fae skill.”

“My father has chosen to remain with Muirin instead of returning to the village and that I cannae fault him for. They are soul bound.”

“Two horses saddled, sir.” The lad led two black destriers out, handed the reins of one to Hamish and the other to him.

As Hamish strapped his bag onto his horse, he thanked the lad then bounded into his saddle and eyed Ronan. “We must travel swiftly since Duncan will wish to speak to you, just as you wish to speak to him. Although I shall pave the way in making your coming meeting easier. What your father has learnt of recently, so too will you.”

“Whatever aid you can offer me will be greatly appreciated.” He fastened his satchel to his horse’s saddle, checked the cinch and mounted. Reins slapped against his beast’s neck, he galloped out of the yard right alongside Hamish. They rode up the cliff side trail, the waves crashing in on his left and the forest rising high on his right. Leaving Kyla behind hurt, each stride his horse took making his gut gnaw in the most vicious way. ’Twas pure agony when his emotions battled so strongly against each other. All he wanted to do right now was turn his mount back around and return to her. “
How do you fare?

Better now Hamish is aware of who you are.
” Softly spoken words that curled around his senses.

“Tell me exactly what Kyla means to you.” Lying low in his saddle, Hamish jumped over trailing tree roots, the higher branches skimming his head.

“She’s the woman I’ve been searching for my entire life, the woman I intend to wed, or at least I shall once I’ve spoken to Duncan and explained to him the intricacies of the mated bond, that I’ll never allow him to speak vows with her. She is my chosen one.” He rode hard as the skies darkened overhead.

“And now I have my answer for why she championed you so strongly.” Approval flickered in Hamish’s eyes. “In all honesty, I never did see her marrying Duncan even though word of their betrothal made its way to me this morn.”

“Speaking of her betrothal. Kyla fears Colin MacKenzie’s wrath and his threat to harm her parents should she ever go against his demand to wed one of his sons. I intend to make certain her parents learn of what’s occurred, that they take every precaution to guard and protect themselves against any possible attack, action I’ll need to take as soon as I’ve spoken to Duncan.” He tucked himself lower and tighter against his horse’s neck as they weaved up the winding trail. Stones scattered along the gravelly track, flew over the cliff’s verge and rapped down the rock face before disappearing into the churning, watery depths below.

“I’ll aid you as you need.” Knees tight to his horse’s flanks, Hamish nudged his mount on. “It truly is time for the fae to live. Past time. I’m also well aware Duncan wants you fighting on our side, had even intended on offering you a lucrative incentive to sway you, that’s afore our fae princess arrived and rescued you from Carron’s dungeons. Cherub has no knowledge of exactly why Muirin and I are here, but she soon will. All happens as it should, in its own time and even we fae cannae fight against that.”

“You said you would pave the way in making my coming meeting with Duncan easier. What is it my father has learnt of recently, that so too will I?”

“Aye, I shall speak of that now. Prepare yourself.” Hamish breathed deep, as if he too prepared himself. “Coll and Duncan hold fae blood.”


“’Tis past time you were made aware, just as your father has been.”

“Tell me all.” Shock rippled through him.

“Your father had a younger sister by the name of Beth. Are you aware of her, of how she came to pass away?”

“Aye. She died the year I was born. My father spoke of her often during my childhood, his love for her strong. She held the skill of death-warning and during a time of peace between clan Matheson and clan MacKenzie, she handfasted with a MacKenzie warrior. She conceived and after a difficult labor gave birth to twins, both of whom passed away. My father’s sister perished along with them. A tragedy for certain.”

“’Twas no’ one of the MacKenzie’s warriors whom Beth handfasted with, but Colin MacKenzie himself, and the two babes she carried survived, didnae perish as she did.”

Surely not. His father had never heard that truth. “Are you certain?”

“Beyond certain. Colin MacKenzie kept Beth locked within her chamber, although a few days afore Beth’s death she saw a vision through her skill. Beth saw her own demise and she pleaded with Colin to send a message to Grace, her childhood friend who held the same skill as her.”

“Grace? As in Kyla’s mother?” More shock.

“Aye, and after Grace arrived at Beth’s bedside, she gave Beth her word she’d watch over her newborn babes. Grace kept her promise, even remained at the MacKenzie’s stronghold for the first three years of Coll and Duncan’s lives, until the day when war once again broke out between the clans and she was forced to return to her village or else become a pawn in the war.”

Hell, Coll and Duncan were Beth’s sons, which meant they were his cousins. Along with shock, anger and frustration coursed fiercely through him. Damn the MacKenzie. Now he understood why Coll and Duncan had never raised a hand in battle against a Matheson. They couldn’t slay one of their own fae kind any more than he could. “I wish I’d known sooner. Why did Grace keep the knowledge of their true parentage to herself? She has never spoken a word in all these years, could so easily have done so.”

“Grace had no choice, just as Coll and Duncan never have. Kyla either. Coll and Duncan only learnt the truth about their birth at the age of eight when Grace had a vision of them and returned to the MacKenzie’s keep to warn the boys, just as Beth had asked her to do should such a thing occur.”

Mama took me with her that night. ’Twas only a few days afore the MacKenzie returned to the village and abducted me.
” Solemn words, heavy and filled with such pain and heartache. “
At the time
Mama needed to ensure the boys understood exactly what must be done to safeguard their future.
She told them to never raise a hand against a Matheson, for to do so would be to harm their own kind. Only a handful of people have ever known the truth about their fae heritage, and you now are amongst that small number.

They are my aunt’s sons, close kin through and through.
” To Hamish, he gritted out, “Do Coll and Duncan hold a fae skill?”

“Aye, the battle skill, just as you and your father do.”

“Why did the MacKenzie keep this all a secret?”

“If he’d allowed the truth to be known, then he’d have lost not only the lucrative lands he came by with his marriage to Cait MacLennan, but also would have incurred the wrath of the MacLennan chief himself. They are close allies and that bond would’ve been severed once he’d learnt the truth of the MacKenzie’s deceit.”

I’m sorry you’ve had to keep this secret as well, Kyla. That cannae have been easy.

Coll and Duncan might be the Chief of MacKenzie’s sons, but they are naught like him and never have been. Their hearts are loyal to their fae kind.

“There is more,” Hamish added. “Grace has never spoken the truth for fear of Colin’s reprisal. He threatened her, said should she ever disclose the truth then he’d attack her village and slaughter one and all. Through her death-warning skill, she saw that he would do so, and through my seer ability, so have I.”

My mama continues to remain quiet because that threat remains in place. She would have spoken up otherwise.

I agree. She’s a nurturer and protector, would never have allowed the death of another to occur at her hand.
” Another new fierce level of respect and admiration for his mate roared through him, for Grace too. These two women had done what was best for their clan for the past two decades, and regardless of the pain it had caused them both, they’d accepted their fate. He rode on in silence, Hamish right at his side, the skies darkening further as night loomed, his own heart heaving at the loss they’d all suffered because of one man. Colin MacKenzie. In time, he’d make certain the man paid for all he’d done. He’d ensure it.


Chapter 4


Sitting in the corner blue padded chair next to the crackling fire with its bubbling pot of water, Kyla opened her eyes, her mind still deeply entrenched within Ronan’s. “
I truly wish I could be there when you speak to Duncan.

You will be, through our connection. It still holds, even across the miles I’ve now ridden.
” His deep and husky words shimmered through her mind. “
Because of your skill, we’ll never be far apart.

Aye, you’re right. I love my skill, more so now than ever afore.
” Beyond the window, an owl hooted as the dark of the night rolled in. This morning she’d begun the day so lost and alone out on the cliffs, and now she’d not only been reunited with her chosen one, but her entire future had changed, or at least she would hold the firm hope that it had.

She pushed up and plucked another log from the wood pile next to the hearth and tossed it on the fire. The flames sizzled and spread a golden-red glow throughout the chamber. She closed the shutters over the window and crossed to Gordon.

His breath continued to move with a steady flow in and out, no further blood loss dampening his bandages, although his forehead was bruised black and blue, the lump protruding high. He’d sleep without issue for what remained of the night, the belladonna ensuring that, and in the morn when he awoke, she’d examine him once more.

Assured all was well, she closed the door behind her and tramped upstairs to her room on the third floor. A maid had built a roaring fire for her, as well as closed the thick red drapes over her window overlooking the inner courtyard. She passed the crackling blaze of peat and wood, foraged for her nightgown in the trunk at the end of her four-poster bed then stepped behind her silk dressing screen hand-painted with pink and purple heather. Front stays unlaced and her gown’s bodice scrunched in her hands, she snuggled deeper within Ronan’s mind.

Kyla, wait.
” His croaky voice stayed her hands.

Is something wrong?

As you can see through my eyes, so too I can see through yours.

I’m well aware.
” With a mischievous giggle, she dropped her gown. The rich midnight-blue fabric slithered to the polished floorboards and she stepped out of the pool of velvet, scooped it up and tossed it over top of the screen. In just her shift, she gripped the hem. “
Would you like for me to continue? I wish to ready myself for bed.

Aye, nay, aye. I mean halt.

I dinnae wish for there to be any more secrets between us.

Thank heavens you’ve never created this link with another man.
” A fierce growl. “
Leave your shift on. You can sleep in that.

Are you certain?
” She dropped the hem, palmed the undersides of her breasts through the cotton and scooped them higher, rubbed her thumbs over her nipples and gasped at the delicious tingles that raced across her skin. Never had she touched herself in such a brazen way before and ’twas most, ah, interesting.

Do you want me to fall off my horse? I have no’ done that since I was a lad.

Nay, I dinnae wish to have to tend any more injuries this night.
” She sashayed out from behind the screen. “
What a shame you’re so far away.

More than a shame.

She nabbed her brush from her side table and combed her hair, washed her teeth with a mint and salt paste, splashed her face with cool water from the basin then dived into bed and snuggled between the crisp white sheets, her red and gold patterned bedcover tucked under her chin. ’Twas a quilt she’d made herself. As a child Mama had taught her how to sew squares of beautifully colored fabric together to create a pattern and she’d done so with this red and gold silk, the design reflecting a rainbow of the two striking hues. Mama’s favorite colors and Papa’s too. Each night when she fell asleep, ’twas with thoughts of her parents close to her heart.

Eyes closed, she tracked Ronan’s movements, followed him as he galloped through the dark and down the winding cliff top trail until he came out next to the secluded bay near Duncan’s stronghold. The fortified walls of Ardan House rose out of the dark and the guardsman standing on duty at the gatehouse bellowed the warning of their arrival.

Both men slowed their horses as they passed the sea-gate where a powerful war galley bobbed from its mooring at the end of the landing. Duncan’s vessel. He adored the sea, sailing along Scotland’s western coastline and in and about the isles. Through the main gate, Ronan and Hamish rode under the high arch, their horses heaving misty air as they brought them to a stop within the inner courtyard.

Torches mounted on the curtain wall spread their flickering glow across the stony ground and up toward the battlements where Duncan’s warriors patrolled in battle attire, their weapons holstered at their sides and stance strong. ’Twas a heavily fortified keep, even more so than Carron Castle.

Hamish jumped from his horse and landed with a clomp on the gravel, handed his reins to a stable lad who rushed forward to take them then marched across the yard to the front door and halted on the step underneath the eaves. He eyed Ronan who still sat atop his horse surveying the bailey and all within it. “Are you coming?”

“Aye, I’m coming.” He dismounted, handed his reins to the lad who waited and followed Hamish inside. “
Stay with me.

” This coming meeting was one she’d never miss out on. She remained embedded deeply within Ronan’s mind as he prepared himself for the conversation to come, for this night he’d not only speak to Duncan, but also be close once again to his father after being parted for nigh on a month. “
I’m sorry you were kept separated from your father during your imprisonment. If there had been any other way, Duncan would have taken it, but Hamish had seen that both yours and your father’s capture was needed in order for Muirin to have the chance to convince Niall of their mated bond. Your father wouldnae have come willingly to her otherwise, no’ while she remained on MacKenzie land and our clans so fiercely at war.
Neither could we have told you the truth until the time was right. Our fae princess might have intervened and changed things.

* * * *

I’ve accepted all that happened, have no issue since my capture brought me to you.
” With one hand firm on the hilt of his side belted sword, he strode into the great hall with its vaulted ceiling and high wooden beamed rafters. Large tapestries of the countryside covered the walls, and a dozen or more trestle tables had been pushed to one side with a good fifty sleeping pallets laid down before the roaring fire. Warriors had already bedded down for the night, men wearing both the MacKenzie plaid as he did, and the MacRae tartan. “
Why are there so many warriors from clan MacRae here?

One of the MacRae chief’s sons now possesses a large parcel of land to the south of us and has forged an alliance with Coll and Duncan. The younger MacRae has wed a lass who holds a touch of fae blood and wishes only to ensure her protection and that of their son. His eldest is only four and holds the ‘power of thought.’ He can levitate, move objects and people, and all with only a thought from his mind alone.
” Kyla sent a wave of warmth and love down their link, wrapped him fully in it. “
Muirin aids the young lad in his training and Coll and Duncan have moved swiftly to ensure she can without issue. Certainly should Colin ever get his hands on the lad, I shudder to think what would become of him.

At the village, we have two who hold the same skill. They could aid the lad in his training as well if required.
” He’d make the offer to whomever he must another time. For now, he followed Hamish around the perimeter of the hall and into a side antechamber holding a large table and chairs.

Hamish crossed to the other side of the room and knocked on a partially opened door. “’Tis Hamish.”

“Come in.”

That voice Ronan would never mistake, not when it belonged to his most beloved parent. Grinning, he jogged past Hamish and rushed inside. Behind a chunky oak desk in the chief’s solar, Father sat, his blond hair holding a streak of silver on one side. “Father.”

“Ronan?” With his sword sheathed at his side, Father shoved to his feet in gray pants and a thick fur vest. Face awash with astonishment, he swept around the desk. “I realize ’tis been a month since I last saw you, but you’ve changed a great deal in that time.” Father grasped his arms. “What is with those lips of yours? Did a bee sting you?”

“Several bees, and so much has happened since our joint capture.” He hauled Father into his arms and held him close, such relief at seeing him flowing through him. “Are you well?”

“Very, and how on earth are you here with Hamish?” Shaking his head, Father stared at him with such bewilderment. Not surprising. The same emotion still consumed him with all he’d learnt this day.

“I needed to sneak back into Carron Castle and claim my chosen one, and preferably without alerting the guards as to whom I was. Kyla holds fae blood and the mind-walker skill, is Grace and Isaiah’s lost daughter, Christina.”

“Kyla has accepted you and your bond?”

“She will, as soon as I clear up a matter of who she is currently betrothed to.”

“What betrothal do you speak of?”

“Duncan has no’ told you?”

“I havenae seen Duncan since he rode in.”

“I heard visitors have arrived.” With a great plaid belted at his waist and looped over one shoulder, a claymore glinting at his side, Duncan strode in and cast his gaze from Hamish to Father then him. “Coll?” A deep frown. “What are you doing back?”

“This isnae Coll.” Father clapped Ronan on the shoulder. “Duncan, meet Ronan, my son.”

“Hell, your resemblance to my brother is so strong, yet you look naught as you did the last time we met.” Duncan stepped closer. “Your hair is dark, your beard gone and that mouth...”

“Aye, my mouth is fuller.” He rubbed his plump lips. “I had need to disguise my appearance to begin with in order to get into Carron, had no idea though that in doing so I’d end up looking exactly like Coll, my cousin.”

“You’re aware Coll and I are your cousins?”

“Hamish explained the details surrounding your birth, ‘saw’ that he could speak to me of it, and glad I am that he did.” No matter Duncan had captured him and Father, separated them afterward and had him contained within Carron’s cells while he’d brought Father here, he’d still done so in order to give Muirin the chance to meet his parent and accept their bond. That he couldn’t fault Duncan for. “I only wish I’d known of your fae blood sooner. It would have made all the difference.”

“Coll and I take great care with whom we tell.” Duncan glanced at Hamish. “What else might you have seen?”

“Ronan’s loyalty belongs to Kyla, his father and his closest kin, which now includes you and Coll.” Hamish leaned one hip against the wall, his black leather vest pulled tight across his shoulders. “I saw all would be well should I tell him the truth, and he needed to learn of it, just as Niall has.”

“Then it appears I owe you an apology, Ronan.” Duncan extended his hand to him. “My guardsmen mistreated you during your imprisonment, and after I’d given them explicit instructions no’ to. Their orders were to keep you contained within the cells due to your battle skill, but never to lay a hand upon you as they did. They were punished for their transgression then sent away.”

“Apology accepted.” He shook Duncan’s hand.

“That easily, that quickly?”

“I’ve no need to hold a grudge, and in all honesty, I intend to ask a request of you, one you’re no’ permitted to turn down. I’ve returned for Kyla. Your foster sister holds the other half of my soul, has formed a merged link of the mind with me and right now sees all I see and hears all I hear. She is the one my soul hungers for, the only woman I’ll ever desire. I ask that you break your betrothal with her, immediately.”

“Coll and I brought Kyla here for a reprieve from our father.” Duncan grasped his shoulder. “I’ve no wish to lose her. I love her, have since the day she came to live at my father’s keep. Coll and I have ensured her protection and she’ll always be ours to love and protect. Provided you can accept Coll and I in her life, that you treat her with all the respect she deserves, then I’ll gladly step aside.”

“I will guard her life with mine, and certainly never allow Colin MacKenzie near her again.”

As I would guard your life with mine too, my stubborn mate.
” Sweetly sensual words, ones he clasped ahold of and kept close to his heart.

Will you marry me, Kyla?

You’re mine, Ronan Matheson, always mine.
Give Duncan my thanks, and tell him I love him too, but I surely am relieved I’ll never have to suffer through another one of his slobbery kisses.

BOOK: Highlander's Bride: Medieval Romance (The Fae Book 1)
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